2004 - The Role of Altered Impedance in The Pathophysiology of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, Alzheimer's Disease and Syringomyelia

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Medical Hypotheses (2004) 63, 980–985


The role of altered impedance in the

pathophysiology of normal pressure
hydrocephalus, Alzheimer’s disease
and syringomyelia
Grant A. Bateman*

Department of Medical Imaging, John Hunter Hospital, Locked Bag 1, Newcastle Region Mail Center,
Newcastle NSW2310, Australia
University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia

Received 13 April 2004; accepted 20 April 2004

Summary Normal pressure hydrocephalus, Alzheimer’s disease and syringomyelia appear to be completely unrelated
diseases, however, they share a reduction in subarachnoid space compliance as part of their pathophysiology. This
paper discusses the physiology of pulsatile fluid flow and its relationship to compliance/impedance. Unlike continuous
or non-pulsatile flow where the vessel resistance and pressure gradient are the major determinants of the volume of
fluid flowing, when the fluid flow in a vessel pulsates then the vessel compliance/impedance becomes important. A
reduction in compliance in the craniospinal cavity in each of the three diseases discussed, leads to a limitation of the
outflow vessel compliance. Therefore, there is an increase in outflow vessel impedance. The venous blood, CSF and
interstitial brain/spinal cord fluid all have significantly pulsatile flow and an increase in the impedance of the fluid
outflow in each disease would limit the volume of these fluids as they attempt to cross the subarachnoid space. It is
hypothesised that a reduction in the efficiency of the outflow of venous blood, CSF and interstitial brain/spinal cord
fluid would lead to the accumulation of CSF in NPH, cord fluid in syringomyelia and delay the excretion of beta amyloid
via the interstitial drainage pathways in AD.
c 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction cortical venous return [1]. The effect of this is a

decrease in vein compliance or, conversely, an in-
The dementia of normal pressure hydrocephalus crease in venous impedance. Traditionally, only
(NPH) has been shown to be related to larger than mean fluid pressure and resistance have been
normal pulse pressure waves interacting within a considered in the physiology of blood flow and CSF
craniospinal cavity of significantly reduced com- resorption in the brain but both blood and CSF flow
pliance, producing compression of the superficial are pulsatile in vivo. Therefore, pulse pressure,
pulsatile flow and impedance may be important in
Tel.: +61-2-49213414; fax: +61-2-49213428. both the physiology of fluid flow in the brain and
E-mail address: grant.bateman@hunter.health.nsw.gov.au. pathophysiology of disease. There is poor resorp-

0306-9877/$ - see front matter c 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The role of altered impedance 981

tion of CSF in NPH [2], reduced transport of Beta mentally on the compliance or the viscoelastic
amyloid (b amyloid) in Alzheimer’s disease [3] and properties of the vessel wall that allow it to expand
accumulation of CSF in the cord in syringomyelia and contract [7]. A change in wall compliance will
[4]. A recent paper discussed the possible associ- not affect the mean cross-sectional area of the
ation between compliance and dementia [5]. This vessel, therefore, it will not affect the resistance
paper builds on this work and discusses the possible but can still significantly affect total flow [7]. Fig. 2
role of impedance changes in the craniospinal schematically illustrates this point. The arterial
cavity and the expected changes that would occur and venous blood flow pulsate in the brain as does
in the flow of fluids in and around the neuraxis. the CSF and an understanding of impedance to flow
will shed light on many of the apparent paradoxes
Vascular impedance associated with brain hydrodynamics to be dis-
Resistance and its close relation impedance both
measure the physical properties of vessels that Measuring impedance in the craniospinal
tend to inhibit the flow of fluid. In the vascular tree cavity
total flow can be shown to be the sum of two
components: non-pulsatile flow and pulsatile flow To accurately measure impedance in the cranio-
[6]. This is illustrated in Fig. 1 where a normal spinal cavity and brain would require the simulta-
blood flow wave form (Fig. 1(a)) can be broken neous measurement of the pulse pressure and flow
down into non-pulsatile flow (all the blood volume pulsatility. Flow pulsatility can be measured non-
which is represented below the diastolic minimum, invasively using MR or Doppler ultrasound but pulse
Fig. 1(b)) and a pulsatile flow component, repre- pressure requires invasive catheterisation. Relative
senting the volume of flowing blood between the impedance could be measured provided a vessel
diastolic minimum and systolic maximum could be found which changed its pulsatility ap-
(Fig. 1(c)). The reason that this is important is that propriately with changes in craniospinal compli-
it can be shown that a change in vascular resistance ance and an internal reference existed which
alters non-pulsatile blood flow but does not change reflected only the input pulse pressure and was
the pulsatile component of flow [6]. Similarly, an relatively resistant to changes in compliance. It is
increase in impedance affects pulsatile flow but known that when an increase in the intracranial
not non-pulsatile flow [6]. Impedance for the sake pressure occurs there is an increase in the imped-
of simplicity is often lumped together with “total ance on the venous side of the capillary bed [8].
resistance”, however; this maybe a grave error Thus, the cortical veins, which are surrounded by
in the brain. From Poiseuille’s law, the resistance the subarachnoid space and are thin walled, are
to flow depends only on the viscosity of the fluid, most likely to represent an accurate manometer of
the length of the vessel (both are usually constants craniospinal compliance [1]. Shunting patients with
in vivo) and the fourth power of the radius of the (NPH) represents a unique opportunity to study
vessel, whilst the impedance also depends funda- changes in compliance and therefore impedance. It

Figure 1 (a) A normal arterial wave form. (b) The non-pulsatile flow from 1(a) representing all flow below the di-
astolic minimum. (c) The pulsatile flow from 1(a) representing the flow between the diastolic minimum and the systolic
982 Bateman

Figure 2 (a) The same pulsatile total flow previously seen in (Fig. 1). (b) The change in 2(a) following a selective
increase in resistance but with impedance held constant, note the non-pulsatile flow is reduced but the pulsatile flow is
unchanged. The mean or average (incorporating pulsatile and non-pulsatile) blood flow decreases from 5.3 to 3.3 ml/s
and if a Doppler ultrasound were preformed the resistive index (peak systolic flow minus the diastolic flow divided by
the systolic flow) would have increased from 0.53 to 0.73 correctly indicating an increase in resistance. (c) The change
in 2(a) following a selective increase in impedance but with resistance held constant, note the pulsatile flow is reduced
but the non-pulsatile flow is not. The mean blood flow decreases from 5.3 to 4.1 ml/s, increased impedance therefore
decreases total flow, however paradoxically the resistive index decreases from 0.53 to 0.28. Thus, a Doppler exami-
nation would misinterpret an elevation in impedance as a reduction in resistance.

is known that there is a higher than normal CSF deep venous system (the straight sinus) shows a
pulse pressure in NPH [9] and that the CSF pulse high pulsatility (0.68) [11]. Following ventriculo-
pressure correlates inversely with craniospinal peritoneal shunting cortical vein pulsatility in-
compliance [10]. Therefore, NPH represents a very creased (0.80), whilst the straight sinus pulsatility
low compliance and high impedance state. Pro- remained unchanged (0.68) [11]. An example of the
viding an alternative route for the dissipation of change in cortical venous waveform following
the CSF pulse pressure wave and reducing the mean shunting in an actual patient with NPH is shown in
CSF pressure by using CSF diversion would be pre- Fig. 3. The difference between the pre-shunt wave
dicted to increase the compliance and lower im- form (Fig. 3(a)) and the post shunt wave form
pedance. A comparison of the vascular pulsatility (Fig. 3(b)) is very similar to the changes between
before and after ventriculo-peritoneal shunting in Figs. 2(a) and (c) , only in reverse, i.e. the shunt
NPH supports this concept [11]. In NPH, cortical tube has not changed the non-pulsatile flow to any
veins have been shown to have a low mean pulsa- great degree but the pulsatile flow has increased
tility (0.28), whilst the internal reference from the greatly. Thus, the change is purely one of de-

Figure 3 (a) Measurement of the flow in a cortical vein in a patient with NPH. (b) Measurement of the flow in the
same cortical vein as in 3(a) five days latter following shunt insertion.
The role of altered impedance 983

creased impedance. Note that this is associated Impedance and CSF flow in NPH
with a significant increase in mean (or average)
flow for this vein and also that shunting pa- A reduction in the flow of CSF out of the cranio-
tients with NPH increases sagittal sinus flow by spinal cavity in NPH has been implicated in the
28% [12]. Therefore, an increase in vascular im- pathophysiology of this disease [2]. CSF is resorbed
pedance by limiting the ability of the cortical veins across the arachnoid granulations and this resorp-
to allow pulse waves to pass, also limits total blood tion is dependant on the “resistance to flow”
flow. across the granulations and the sagittal sinus
pressure. It has already been noted that the sinus
Impedance and blood flow in dementia pressure rises in NPH. From the figures published by
Portnoy et al. [17] using dogs with a naturally oc-
A large pulsation in the venous outflow is inherently curring form of hydrocephalus as a model, there
inefficient. It can be shown that blood flow is op- was an elevated CSF pressure of 5.31 mm Hg in the
timised i.e. the greatest flow for the lowest pres- hydrocephalic compared to the normal animals. Of
sure gradient across the vascular tree occurs when this rise, 2.63 mm Hg (45%) was due to a rise in the
the CSF impedance is at its lowest and the cranio- pressure gradient across the arachnoid granulations
spinal compliance its highest [13]. This situation and 3.28 mm Hg (55%) was due to the elevation in
maximises the dampening of pulsations. Egnor sagittal sinus pressure. Thus, the majority of the
et al. [13] have noted, using modelling, that in- CSF circulatory failure in NPH may be due to venous
creasing the venous pulsations in the venous sinuses pressure and not the arachnoid granulations per se.
should give an increase in the sinus pressure purely The apparent change in the “resistance” to CSF
due to the impedance effect with the increased reabsorption across the arachnoid granulations has
pressure required to maintain blood flow until auto remained an enigma. The resistance to CSF out
regulation fails. Czosnyka et al. [14] found that flow increases by 5 mm Hg/ml/min in a healthy 80
with aging there is an “increase in the elastic co- yr old compared with young patients, adding to the
efficient of the brain and a reduction in the cere- delay in CSF flow noted over the convexities in
brospinal compensation reserve indicating the aging [18]. This suggests there may be a correlation
brain becomes stiffer and the CSF space less com- between the age related increases in impedance
pliant with age”. Given that with ageing there is an and CSF outflow “resistance”. It has been found
increase in venous pulsations, a prediction of an that the effect of the skull and dura on the CSF
increase in the sagittal sinus pressure with aging hydrodynamics is such that the “resistance” to CSF
would be assumed purely due to the impedance outflow after craniectomy decreases two fold and
effect. An elevation in sinus pressure has been di- that brain compliance (the pressure volume index)
rectly measured in normal ageing [15]. The data in increases. Therefore, it has been said that the
NPH suggest increased venous sinus pulsation over “resistance” to CSF outflow multiplied by the
and above the ageing effect discussed [12], so compliance of the cerebrospinal space tends to
there should be an elevation in the sagittal sinus remain constant [19]. This last statement is by
pressure in NPH. In clinical and experimental hy- definition a contradiction in terms. If craniospinal
drocephalus the sagittal venous pressures have compliance is the greatest determinant of the CSF
been shown to rise [16]. If one were to ignore the out flow then the arachnoid granulations should
impedance effect, then a prediction of a reduction have high impedance and not high resistance. It
in venous sinus pressure would be expected in NPH. would be expected that they should consist of rigid
This is because the resistance of the sinuses is walled fluid channels and that any reduction in
relatively fixed and the sagittal sinus mean blood craniospinal compliance by increasing the pulse
flow in NPH is reduced by one third [12]. The pressure of the CSF outflow should reduce the ef-
pressure gradient in a vessel equals the resistance ficiency of this drainage and therefore increase the
times the flow. A one third reduction in sinus flow in apparent granulation “resistance”. The ultrastruc-
NPH would be expected to give a low sinus pres- ture of the arachnoid granulation consists of bun-
sure, not the increased pressure actually found. As dles of thick collagen defining spaces, which form
impedance and pulsations increase there should be channels in direct communication with the
a stepwise reduction in blood flow efficiency periphery of the granulation [20] i.e. rigid tubes
through the entire vascular tree from normal age- defining the CSF flow pathways. Thus, changes in
ing to NPH. Ischemia and metabolic derangement is compliance by affecting the CSF pulse pressure can
a major component of NPH, thus implicating im- directly alter the efficiency of CSF resorption in
pedance in its pathophysiology. NPH.
984 Bateman

Impedance and interstitial fluid flow in inferior motion of the cerebellar tonsils which
Alzheimer’s disease pluged the subarachnoid space posteriorly and
caused a partial isolation of the spinal subarach-
The third, and perhaps the most important fluid noid space. There was also minimal movement of
leaving the brain is the interstitial brain fluid. Ten CSF across the foramen magnum during systole or
percent of CSF is made up of interstitial brain diastole [23]. Heiss et al. [24] found that, although
fluid with the remainder draining via the perivas- there was an increase in the CSF velocity at the
cular spaces [21]. Interstitial cerebral fluid foramen magnum, there was a reduction in flow
drainage occurs as a consequence of the pulsation volume across this space. These findings caused
of the arteries with regular dilatation and recoil the spinal CSF compliance to be reduced with an
driving the interstitial fluid and proteins in the elevation in cervical CSF pressure and pulse pres-
opposite direction to the flow of blood. Rennels sure [24]. The findings of a reduction in compli-
et al. [22] have found that the periarterial and per- ance and an elevation in CSF pulse pressure are
iarteriolar spaces were rapidly penetrated with reminiscent of the changes previously discussed
horseradish peroxidase injected into the sub- for NPH. Could development of a syrinx cavity be
arachnoid space, in preference to the perivenular caused by an alteration in the venous and inter-
spaces and that the passage of the tracer was stitial fluid outflow impedance analogous to NPH?
dependent on the presence of arterial pulsations. In a Kaolin-induced model of syringomyelia, mi-
Most theories of the progression of dementia im- croangiograms showed venous engorgement [25]
plicate beta amyloid (AbÞ deposition as the likely and laser Doppler flowmetry has shown a signifi-
cause. Weller et al. [3] have suggested that the cant increase in regional spinal cord blood flow
defect lies in the transport of Ab out of the brain. after decompression of a syrinx [26]. Both of these
The beta amyloid appears to accumulate in the findings suggest a selective venous outflow ob-
perivascular interstitial fluid drainage pathways of struction. A cat model of subarachnoid space
the brain [3]. The drainage pathway for intersti- scarring caused significant dilatation of the peri-
tial fluid extends along the leptomeningeal arter- vascular spaces in the central grey matter and the
ies bounded by the very thin and compliant pia central white matter in the lower cervical cord,
matter and their passage through the subarach- consistent with interstitial oedema [27]. This ap-
noid space means that they will come under the pears similar to the presyrinx state; this is a re-
same craniospinal compliance conditions as the versible increase in interstitial water content of
cortical veins experience. The mean flow rates in the cord [28]. Both of these latter findings suggest
the perivascular spaces are undoubtedly low and obstruction of the interstitial fluid outflow of the
because of the close proximity to the arterial cord. As discussed above, the optimum drainage of
walls the pulsatile components would be the ma- blood and interstitial fluid from the cord would
jor contributor to mean flow. As the arterial pul- require optimum compliance of the walls of the
sations with aging are larger than normal, the flow draining vessels because the flow in these tubes is
in these spaces would be almost all pulsation and likely to be pulsitile. Partial isolation of and/or
therefore exquisitely dependant on impedance but obstruction to the flow of CSF in the thecal sac
not resistance. From the findings in the cortical decreases the compliance of the canal and of the
veins in NPH it would be expected that high cra- walls of the vessels, which pass through it. In a dog
niospinal impedance, as occurs in aging, should model of hydrocephalus, the highest pressures
lead to a significant reduction in perivascular developed within the cortical veins passing
systolic fluid flow causing a delay in Ab excretion through the subarachnoid space [17] and in a cat
[5]. The maximal Ab accumulation would be ex- model of arachnoid scarring, the intramedullary
pected to be at the site of maximal impedance pressure was consistently higher than the adjacent
i.e. in the walls of the small leptomeningeal ar- subarachnoid space pressure. Therefore, the
teries as they pass through the subarachnoid pathophysiology of syringomyelia appears analo-
space. gous to NPH. The primary abnormality in syringo-
myelia must be a block to the fluid drainage
pathways at the level of the subarachnoid space. If
the cat model, as discussed above, is correct and
Impedance and syringomyelia secondary to medullary pressure is higher than subarachnoid
Chiari I malformation pressure in syringomyelia, then an increase in
fluid inflow from the subarachnoid space into the
In syringomyelia secondary to Chiari I malforma- cord due to subarachnoid pressure alone is not
tions, Oldfield et al. [23] found there was a rapid sustainable.
The role of altered impedance 985

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