FS Reflection

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Ellen Grace T.

Dela Pena B SED- Science 4


I am an education student who strives to learn more about the techniques of the

teacher and educator that can be utilized for more classroom engagement. My journey

for teaching profession started as an interest which blooms into a curiosity because as I

grew up watching my mother taught different kinds of students, I also want to

experience what she experienced. My journey is not that easy but as I rediscovered

myself, I think God put me in B SED- Science because he trusts me with my abilities.

And I think this is a kind of destiny because no matter how much I avoided being a

teacher look at me now, taking up a bachelor’s degree for education. I wasn't sure if I

wanted to be a teacher before attending the class. I was curious about the career

possibilities, but I decided to attend the program with the best intentions of succeeding

and getting my foot in the door into the teaching profession.

This year, I started my field study observation in the class of Mrs. Rosario C.

Maramba, a very eloquent, dignified, and knowledgeable science educator in her prime

years. Throughout our class lectures and discussions, Mrs. Maramba emphasized the

importance of teachers being flexible in their schedules and adapting to the changes

that come with the job. When I first heard this, I didn't believe the information she was

giving me and had never associated the terms "teacher" and "flexible" before.

Nonetheless, I understand why you need to be adaptable in the teaching profession

after my four observations in the classroom. Each class I watched was distinct from the

others. Some classes had kids who understood the material better, were racially

diverse, had special education pupils, and were both driven and lazy. There were
certain events that I had expected to happen and others that shocked me each time I

witnessed. It was fascinating to witness how the instructor reacted when things went

wrong in the classroom and then how they tried not to let it affect their teaching plan for

the day. Following my observations, I am confident and enthusiastic that I want to be a

teacher and that I will be a good one.

I believe that as a teacher, you must set the tone of the classroom and

demonstrate that you are in command. The classroom medium or atmosphere must be

receptive and ready to learn. The classroom atmospheres in all the classes I observed

were excellent. When I say, "excellent classroom atmospheres," I mean that all the kids

were paying attention to the teacher, eager to learn, and asking questions, and that no

one in the class was left out of the conversation or the day's learning. As the "student

observer," I was interested to see how the students would react to me and treat me in

class. My biggest obstacle as a future educator, I believe, will be attempting to become

more flexible with my schedule (changing lesson plans, etc.) and motivating each kid to

learn and participate in class. Much of this is dependent on whether I will be teaching in

an urban, rural, or city setting. I'll solve these issues by being more organized and

participating in projects that are assessed and require involvement, so that each student

learns and is not left out.

Through this observation, I have discovered that being a teacher is very hard

because there might be changes in the routines and plans you make for the class. But

this does not dishearten me to teach more and disseminate knowledgeable facts to the

students because I know in myself that I enjoy teaching students despite of their

differences and diverse way of learning. Therefore, teaching might be hard but striving
to give facts and credible ideas was more of a fun for me. This observation is very

interesting and helped me acknowledge and appreciate the teaching profession.



9- SCB This was the first class I observed in my field study. The
students are very active and participative. I am happy and excited
to be a part of this class because all the students are very eager to
learn and asks questions frequently to the teacher. The teacher is
very good, eloquent, and knowledgeable because she tends to
answer when the students need clarification on the instructions.
The interaction between student and teacher is good and very
communicative to each other.
9- FAB This class is very fun to observe because some students tend
tease each other. They seemed laid back in a sense, but they are
very serious about their studies. They ask questions frequently to
clarify some of the instructions that were given to the teacher. I feel
good to be a part of this class also because they are very
interesting to observe. They have different personalities but are
active when it comes to the class.
9- SJF This class is very interesting because the students have diverse
way of learning. As I continue to observe this class, I found the
students to be very serious to their studies. They did not ask
questions frequently but if they ever misunderstood some of the
concepts in the lesson, they ask about it. The educator is also very
engaging to the class because she encourages the students to
raise their hand virtually for any clarifications. The educator is very
considerate to her students as what I have observed.
9- BJHS It's a total blast in this class because some students like to
tease each other. They appeared to be unconcerned in some
ways, but they are serious about their academics. As I continue to
observe this class, I've noticed that the students are really focused
on their academics. They did not ask many questions, but if they
ever misunderstood a point in the class, they would inquire about it.
Because she tends to answer when the pupils require clarification
on the instructions, the teacher is very good, eloquent, and
knowledgeable. The interaction between the student and the
teacher is positive and extremely conversational. As far as I can
tell, the educator is highly thoughtful to her kids.

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