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1. Retention in a stainless steel crown is achieved

primarily by:
A. Chamfer
B. Cement
C. Parallel distal and mesial walls
D. Crimping


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2. The term “atraumatic restorative treatment

(ART)” was introduced by:
A. McClean
B. McDonald
C. McKay
D. Mclevan


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3. One hour after injury of a 9-year-old child who

came with class 3 fracture and small pulp
exposure, mode of treatment is (an hour-old Ellis
class 3 injury to 21 in a 9-year-old boy is treated
A. Pulpotomy
B. Pulpectomy
C. Apexification
D. Pulp capping

4. The commonly used filling material in

deciduous teeth for RCT
A. Gutta-percha
B. Calcium hydroxide
C. Zinc oxide eugenol
D. Amalgam

5. A definite method to determine the vitality of

primary tooth after trauma is
A. Electric pulp testing
B. Transillumination
C. Temperature pulp testing
D. None of the above

6. Which of the following is not a space

A. Distal shoe
B. Lingual holding arch
C. Transpalatal arch
D. E-arch

7. Which of the following is false about

A. Done in a nonvital tooth
B. More physiologic process
C. Pulp tissue with mild inflammation
D. Root development continues

8. “Chicken-wire” appearance of enlarged bone

marrow spaces is seen in
A. Fetal alcohol syndrome
B. Sickle cell anemia
C. Hemophilia A
D. Beta thalassemia major

9. Cvek pulpotomy refers to

A. Partial pulpotomy
B. Cervical pulpotomy
C. Glutaraldehyde pulpotomy
D. Formocresol pulpotomy

10. Primary alveolar grafting done in

A. 6 months–1 year
B. <2 years
C. 2–4 years
D. 4–15 years

11. With all the factors present in the mouth,

caries progression is
A. Slow
B. Intermittent
C. Continuous
D. Rapid

12. A patient comes with history of trauma to

anterior teeth. There is metallic sound on
percussion of the affected tooth. The diagnosis
based on clinical examination is:
A. Lateral luxation
B. Subluxation
C. Concussion
D. Extrusive luxation

13. Which of the following is not a consideration

while selecting stainless steel crown for
deciduous teeth?
A. Occlusal morphology
B. MD width
C. Occlusogingival height
D. Minimal resistance fit

14. All are true for Bruxism, except

A. It is forceful grinding of teeth
B. Child is aware of it
C. Flattened molars and lingual wear of max
D. Also known as night grinding

15. N2O/O2 sedation can be effectively used in all,

A. Mild-to-moderately anxious patient
B. Patients not having medical contraindications
C. Patients with gag reflex
D. Patients with severe emotional disturbance

16. The term “canker” sore refers to

A. Herpes ulcers
B. Vincent infection
C. Recurrent aphthous ulcer
D. Candida patch

17. The first sign of root resorption seen in

deciduous central incisor and first primary molar
is by the age of:
A. 2–3 years
B. 1–2 years
C. 4–5 years
D. 6 years

18. In a mouth breather, tonicity of upper lip

A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remain same
D. There is no relation between them

19. In glutaraldehyde pulpotomy procedure,

cotton pellet is kept on pulp stumps for
A. 2 minutes
B. 30 seconds
C. 4 minutes
D. 5 seconds

20. Fluoride absorption takes place through

A. Stomach and small intestine
B. Large intestine
C. Duodenum
D. Small intestine

21. Dental fluorosis takes place when

A. >1 mg/l
B. >1.5 mg/l
C. >2.5 mg/l
D. >3 mg/l

22. The most susceptible area of caries in primary

teeth is
A. Mesial surface of 2nd primary molar
B. Distal surface of 1st primary molar
C. Distal surface of 2nd primary molar
D. Mesial surface of 1st primary molar

23. Full mouth radiographic survey for a child 6–

12 years, recommended number of radiographs is
A. 12
B. 14
C. 16
D. 18

24. Fissure eradication in tooth was advocated by

A. Hyatt
B. Bunocore
C. Bodecker
D. Bowen

25. BIS GMA was advocated by

A. Bowen
B. Hyatt
C. Newman
D. Dean

26. SnF was advocated by

A. Knutson
B. Bibby
C. Muhler
D. Dean

27. Yellowish discolorations due to trauma to

primary teeth indicates
A. Degeneration of pulp
B. Calcific reaction of pulp
C. Necrotic pulp
D. Infected pulp

28. Mechanical retention of sealants is the direct

result of resin penetration into the porous etched
enamel forming tags of
A. 8 microns
B. 40 microns
C. 1,000 microns
D. 30 microns

29. In a 9-year-old child, permanent tooth surface

with highest prevalence of caries is
A. Labial surface of the canines
B. Mesial surface of the central incisors
C. Occlusal surface of the first molars
D. Lingual surface of the lateral incisors

30. A more accurate method of determining

delayed or accelerated eruption of permanent
teeth is by
A. Arch length analysis
B. Measuring mesial–distal width and cervico-
occlusal height of primary teeth
C. Measuring amount of root development and
alveolar bone overlying the unerupted permanent
D. Chronologic age of the patient

31. An avulsed immature tooth with open apex

with extra oral dry time less than 60 minutes
should be
A. Replanted after the root is rinsed off debris with
water or saline
B. Replanted after soaking the tooth in
doxycycline for 5 minutes
C. Discarded because the success is poor after
D. Replanted after root canal treatment and apical

32. Which among the following is referred to as

“Fluoride Bombs”?
A. Nursing caries
B. Rampant caries
C. Occult caries
D. Radiation caries

33. Prophylactic odontotomy was proposed by

A. Bunocore
B. Hyatt
C. Newbrun
D. Bowen

34. Which of the pulp vitality tests measures

velocity of red blood cells in capillaries? (Repeat)
A. Odontometer
B. Dual wavelength spectrometer
C. Hughes Probeye camera
D. Laser Doppler flowmetry

35. Simian crease is a characteristic feature of

child with
A. Cerebral palsy
B. Down’s syndrome
C. Mental retardation
D. Epilepsy

36. Before the application of pit and fissure

sealants to primary teeth, the enamel etched with
a 30–50% phosphoric acid for:
A. 30 seconds
B. 60 seconds
C. 90 seconds
D. 120 seconds

37. “Nursing bottle caries” is an example for

A. Caries of the primary molar teeth
B. Rampant caries
C. Interproximal caries
D. Caries affecting only the primary incisors

38. Calcium hydroxide is supplied in

A. Catalyst paste
B. Base paste
C. Both A and B
D. Gel form

39. The first step in the traditional preparation of a

class II cavity in a primary tooth involves
A. Placing the mesio-occlusal depth cut
B. Placing the disto-occlusal depth cut
C. Opening the marginal ridge area
D. Removing any unsupported enamel

40. The incidence of dental caries in individuals

with cerebral palsy, compared to the general
population is:
A. Controversial
B. No difference
C. Always decreased
D. Always increased

41. The maximum allowable dosage of 2%

lidocaine for a 20-pound child is
A. 4 mg/lb body weight
B. 3 mg/lb body weight
C. 2 mg/lb body weight
D. 1 mg/lb body weight

42. The last sensation to be lost following local

anesthesia administration is
A. Pain
B. Touch
C. Temperature sense
D. Deep pressure

43. Which is the best medium to transport an

avulsed tooth, which is not to be reimplanted
A. Milk
B. Coconut water
D. Viaspan

44. Syncope in a child during dental treatment

A. Situational syncope
B. Cerebral syncope
C. Cardioneural syncope
D. Chronic fatigue syncope

45. One of the following is a reliable means of

quantifying the extent of mouth breathing
A. Cephalometry
B. Butterfly or cotton test
C. Water holding test
D. Rhinomanometry

46. A simple method of motivating a child patient

to control dental caries is
A. Snyder’s test
B. Enamel solubility test
C. The use of a disclosing agent
D. Using the phase contrast microscope to examine

47. Which of the following type of matrices is

frequently used on pediatric patients?
A. Tofflemire
B. Graimferential
C. Custom-F band
D. Ivory

48. After how many days following concussion

should the tooth be checked again for pulpal
vitality tests?
A. 24 hours
B. 10–12 days
C. 1 month
D. 3–6 months

49. The major consideration involved in

performing pulpectomy in primary teeth is
A. Root resorption
B. Large pulp chamber
C. Tortuous course of the pulp canal
D. All of the above

50. Best material for pulp capping is

A. Calcium hydroxide
B. Zinc phosphate cement
D. Glass ionomer cement

51. The term “Anaesthesia by copper” was used to

A. Indicate extraction where copper was used as LA
B. Indicate the extraction done by Dr. Copper
C. Indicate the incentive of a penny for good
D. Indicated surgical instrument made of Copper

52. Rubber dam was introduced by

A. Tomy Hanks
B. SC Barnum
C. Hedstorm
D. GC Black

53. S-ECC in a child 2, 3, or 4 years of age is

characterized by
A. Early involvement of maxillary and the
mandibular canines
B. Involvement of mandibular incisors only
C. Early involvement of mandibular incisors and
maxillary incisors
D. Mandibular and maxillary molars only

54. Foolproof method to know the efficiency of

diet counseling is
A. Lactobacillus test
B. Albans test
C. Vinegar test
D. None

55. The ratio of formalin to cresol in Buckley’s

formaldehyde is
A. 3:2
B. 2:3
C. 1:2
D. 2:1

56. Restoration of choice for obturation in

deciduous tooth
A. Zinc oxide eugenol
B. Reinforced zinc oxide eugenol
C. Gutta-percha
D. Silver point

57. Apexogenesis is
A. Physiological process of root development
B. Inducing the root development
C. Arresting the root development
D. It is a type of pulpectomy procedure

58. Use of pit and fissure sealants in deciduous

teeth is
A. Never indicated
B. Limited to buccal pits
C. Indicated even though retention is limited
D. Indicated only in rampant caries

59. When a dentist suspects a case of child abuse

or neglect attending his dental office, his first step
should be oriented toward
A. Referral
B. Reporting
C. Documentation
D. Treatment

60. The range of time for the crowns of primary

dentition to fully erupt after piercing the gum pads
A. 2–20 months
B. 2 years
C. 7–30 months
D. 6–13 years

61. Cariogram is given by

A. Avery
B. Brathall
C. Mc Donald
D. Klevin Allen

62. Partial pulpotomy technique is given by

A. Bowen in 1974
B. Clark in 1976
C. Cvek in 1978
D. Willet in 1980

63. A 7-year-old child comes to your clinic with

ulcers with indurated gingiva in the oral cavity and
fever with crusting of lips. Your line of treatment
A. No active treatment. Symptomatic relief and 
B.    antibiotic
Prescribe broad-spectrum  and mouth-

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