Jewish Places and Forms of Worship Worksheet

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Jewish Places and Form of Worship

1. Describe 3 functions of a synagogue. - There is arvit (evening prayer),

shacharit (morning prayer) and minchah (afternoon prayer). According
to the Talmud, the three daily services are intended to correspond with
the times when sacrifices were offered at the Temple in Jerusalem.

2. What is the role of a rabbi? - primary role of a rabbi is to teach Torah. In

addition, rabbis often act as the religious leader of a Jewish community.

3. What is a tallit? Explain the significance of the 613 twists and knots. -
create a sense of personal space during prayer. ... The mitzvah
(commandment) is to remember God, to further holiness in our lives,
and to keep the commandments; the tzitzit are the visual reminder.

4. What are tefillin? Explain its significance / symbolism. - are cubic black
leather boxes with leather straps that Orthodox Jewish men wear on
their head and their arm during weekday morning prayer. Jewish faith as
a symbol of communal solidarity and devotion to their god.

5. What is a kippah? Explain its significance / symbolism. - Women also

cover their heads by wearing a scarf or a hat. The most common reason
(for covering the head) is a sign of respect and fear of God and
"honoring God".

6. Describe these features of a synagogue. For each explain its

significance / symbolism.

- The ark
- The ner tamid
- The menorah
- The bimah
- Seating in the synagogue

7. Should men and women sit separately during religious services? Explain
your reasons. - seating in a synagogue is that it helps ensure that the
focus is on the prayers and not on the opposite gender. There is no
question that we do not act the same in a mixed crowd as we do in a
same-gender one.

8. Do religious symbols and ritual keep faith alive? Explain your reasons. As
a symbolic activity, it is no longer confined to religion, but is
distinguished from technical action.

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