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Name: Owen Hitchcock

Science and Engineering Practices

Your Topic - Obtaining, Evaluating and Communicating
Notes on your Topic
- All notes written at the bottom of page on number
8’s (my groups) answers.

1 – Asking Questions and Defining Problems

Questions are the engine that drives science and

What is it?
engineering. Finding solutions.

How does Science use it? They ask what, why and how things happen.

How does Engineering use it? They ask how and what happens.

By clarifying what we are looking for and what the problem

How will we (students) use it?
is before an investigation.
2 – Developing and using Models

What is it? It’s what is planning and carrying out investigations.

Uses models to represent how they currently understand

How does Science use it?
the question.

Uses models to learn more about existing objects or

How does Engineering use it?

Uses it to explain and show our understanding through

How will we (students) use it?

3 – Planning and Carrying out Investigations

What is it? Investigate and observe

To develop test theories and explanations of how the world

How does Science use it?

To test explanatory models supported by data. This begins

How does Engineering use it?
by identifying relevant variables, etc.

In labs we can decide control variables and treated

How will we (students) use it?

4 – Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Data must be presented in a way that can reveal any
What is it? patterns that allow information to be communicated to

How does Science use it? Interpret data through statistical analysis.

How does Engineering use it? Make decisions based on evidence.

How will we (students) use it? Analyze extensive data and identify correlations.

5 – Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking

What is it? Tools that are central to engineering and science.

Provides powerful models essential to Describing and

How does Science use it?
predicting science topics.

How does Engineering use it? Creating mathematical building designs.

Can be used to create structurally stable things and

How will we (students) use it?
calculate stability.

6 – Constructing and Designing Solutions

Make our own explanations using knowledge of science and

What is it?
linking it to models.
How does Science use it? Evidence and past theories to find new ones.

How does Engineering use it? To find and solve problems in building

How will we (students) use it? To solve problems in everyday lives.

7 – Engaging in Argument from Evidence

What is it? Using valid sources and information to make a point

How does Science use it? Scientists use to prove their hypothesis

How does Engineering use it? Help find solutions for problems

How will we (students) use it? Validate their reasoning and answers

8 – Obtaining, Evaluating and Communicating

Knowing what is being said through words, charts, graphs,
images, etc. Being able to extract information accurately.
What is it?
Being able to describe observations, justify thinking, and
justify arguments.
Charts, Words, Graphs, Images, Symbols, Mathematics, and
How does Science use it?
through Reading, Producing, and Interpreting Texts.

How does Engineering use it? Through Sketches, Diagrams, Graphs, Models, and Products.

How will we (students) use it? Projects, Labs, Presentations, Reports, and Graphs.

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