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NAME OF LECTURER: .............................................................................................
Circle the letter that corresponds with the appropriate answer
1. One common segmentation approach divides the market according to the owners’ race,
occupation, income, and family life cycle. This segmentation approach uses .
a. benefits
b. end-uses
c. demographics
d. psychographics
2. Today, marketing must be understood in terms ofnot just making a sale but also .
a. satisfying customers’ needs
b. understanding customers’ value
· c. understanding customers’ self-images
d. advertising brilliantly
e. successfully remaining in the market
3. A company’s channel decisions not only impact distribution, but also directly affect every
other .
a. channel member
b. marketing decision
c. customer’s choices
d. employee in the chamiel
e. competitor’s actions h
4. Companies may set prices low for all of the following reasons except .
a. to prevent competition from entering the market
b. to stabilize the market
c. to create excitement for a product
d. to prepare for an easy exit from a market
e. to match a competitor
5. Patronizing fast foods is an example of .
a. Pure tangible good
b. Pure intangible good
c. A mixture of the tangible and intangible
d. None of the above
Examiners: Prof. Bedman Narteh; Dr. E. Y. Tweneboah-Koduah; Dr. Raphael Odoom
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V 6. The marketing mix tool that cannot be modified in the short run is U
a. Product
b. Price _
c. Place ·
d. Promotion
e. Packaging i
7. The environment consists of factors that affect consumer purchasing power and
spending patterns.
a. social-cultural
b. political-legal
c. technological
d. economic
e. natural
8. Products may fail because .
a. the market size may have been overestimated
b. the product’s design did not meet consumer expectations
c. they were priced too high
d. they were advertised poorly
e. any of the above
9. Press release, sponsorship and lobbying are all forms of.....
a. Public relations
b. Direct marketing
c. Sales promotion
d. Advertising
lO. The communication tools a company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing
i objectives is often referred to as the company’s .
a. direct marketing
b. integrated marketing
c. promotion mix
d. competitive marketing
e. target marketing
ll. Companies use all of the following methods to set their advertising budget except the
a. objective-and-task method
b. expert-opinion method
c. competitive·parity method _
d. percentage-of—sales method
e. affordable method
12. Marketers must be careful to guard against when using age and life cycle
a. underestimating
b. stereotyping
c. traditional marketing
d. cultural bias
e. discrimination

Examiners: Prof. Bedman Narteh; Dr. E. Y. Tweneboah-Koduah; Dr. Raphael Odoom

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· 13. Needs and wants are being satisfied through exchange. Which ofthe following is occurring _
at this point?
a. selling
b. customer service
c. marketing
d. transaction pricing ”
14. An advantage of a vertical marketing system (VMS) is that it acts as a system.
a. unified
b. more efficient
c. modern
d. customer-driven
e. task-driven
‘ 15. Test marketing can be sabotaged by competition that may alter accurate results. All of the
following are ways to do this except .
a. cut prices in test cities
b. increase their promotion
c. run counter ads in the media
d. buy up the product being tested
e. A and B
16. The relationship between the price charged and the resulting demand level can be shown
as the .
a. demand curve
b. variable cost
c. target cost
d. break-even pricing
i e. experience curve
17. means that services cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard or smelled before they are
a. Service inseparability
b. Service variability
c. Service intangibility
d. Service perishability
18. Product line refers to the number of versions offered of each product in the line.
Cowbell comes in varieties, ranging from Cowbell chocolate to Cowbell mocha
a. Length .
b. Depth
c. Height
d. Width
19. With regard to the natural environment, the major trend of interest to marketers is the
a. number of protestors against misuse
b. shortages of raw materials
c. increases in recycling
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Examiners: Prof. Bedman Narteh; Dr. E. Y. Tweneboah—Koduah; Dr. Raphael Odoom

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· 20. The purpose of idea generation is to create a large number of ideas. The purpose of the l
succeeding stages is to that number.
a. refine g
b. reduce ·
c. evaluate
d. expand "
e. none of the above
21. When most people think of marketing, they think first of the common form of paid, non-
personal, presentation or promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor
that is called .
a. sales promotion
b. advertising
· c. direct marketing
d. personal selling
e. none of the above
22. Advertising is related to all of the following except .
a. paid for
b. non-personal
c. must have an identified sponsor
d. word of mouth
e. C and D
23. Markets can be segmented into groups of nonusers, ex-users, potential users, first-time
users, and regular users of a product. This method of segmentation is called ................
a. user status
b. usage rate
in c. benefit
d. behavior
e. product frequency
24. Most firrns practice the selling concept when they face .
a. a crisis
b. a recession
c. fierce competition
d. the sale of unsought goods
e. marketing myopia
25. Consumer perceptions of the product’s value set the .
a. demand curve .
b. floor
c. ceiling
d. variable cost
e. image
26. Services consist all of the following dimensions EXCEPT .
a. reliability
b. assurance
c. tangibility
d. intangibility
e. responsiveness

Examiners: Prof. Bedman Narteh; Dr. E. Y. Tweneboah-Koduah; Dr. Raphael Odoom

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27. If the
a. Push
strategy is effective, the customers will demand the product from channel l
b. Slide
c. Pull
d. Grab ”
e. None of the above
28. Marketers are aware of laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence or
limit various organizations and individuals in a given society. We call this the
a. socio-legal
b. legal-cultural
‘ c. political
d. legal—technological
e. economic
29. The next step, after concept testing, in the development and marketing a new product is
a. idea screening
b. marketing strategy development
c. business analysis
d. product development
e. test marketing
30. A company’s most expensive promotional tool is
a. Advertising
b. Personal selling
E c. Sales promotion
d. Direct mail
e. Public relation
31. The marketing communication process should start with .
a. advertising
b. public relations
c. identifying the target audience
d. publicity
32. After determining its advertising objectives, the company’s next step is to .
a. set its advertising budget
b. use advertising specialty _
c. use cash refund offers
d. use coupons
e. B or C
33. When using test marketing, consumer products companies usually choose one of three
approaches: standard test markets, controlled test markets, or .
a. blind tests
b. random sample test markets
c. simulated test markets
d. nonstandard test markets
e. multiple-city test markets

Examiners: Prof. Bedman Narteh; Dr. E. Y. Tweneboah-Koduah; Dr. Raphael Odoom

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· 34. When the size, purchasing power, and profiles of business market segments can be ”
determined, they are said to possess the requirement of being .
a.b. measurabl e _
accessible ·
c. substantial
d. actionable · ‘
35. is one of the best ways to increase share of customer.
a. Targeting new customers
b. Using bait and switch
c. Cross-selling
d. Relationship selling
e. Partnership marketing
36. All ofthe following are criteria that should be used when evaluating the major alternatives
for char1r1el members except .
a. economic factors
b. control
c. adaptive criteria
d. channel leadership
e. none of the above
37. General pricing objectives might include all of the following except .
a. survival
b. current profit maximization
c. market share leadership
d. competitor actions
e. customer retention
E 38. is an approach in which all the company’s people are involved in constantly
improving the products, services, and business processes.
a. Product quality
b. Brand equity
c. Total quality management
d. Specialty product
e. Positioning
39. Business legislation has been created for three basic reasons: to protect companies from
each other, to protect the interests of society, and to .
a. protect consumers
b. regulate prices _
c. increase world trade
d. regulate monopolies
e. promote social responsibility
40. During product development which group or department develops the product into a
physical product?
. a. research and development
b. engineering
c. production
d. none of the above
e. A or B

Examiners: Prof. Bedman Narteh; Dr. E. Y. Tweneboah—Koduah; Dr. Raphael Odoom

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41. This step in the sales process is necessary if the salesperson wants to ensure customer l
satisfaction and repeat business
a. Proper approach
b. Professional presentation
c. Handling objections well
d. Follow — up
42. In addition to message content and message structure the marketing communicator needs
a strong for the message.
a. appeal
b. method
c. format
d. objective
· e. subtitle
f 43. One way to measure the effect of advertising is to past sales and past
advertising expenditures.
a. sales; compare
b. promotion; disregard
c. copy; disregard
d. sales; disregard
e. none of the above
44. On the Internet, it is possible to purchase denim jeans manufactured to perfectly fit you.
This practice is known as .
a. niche marketing
b. micromarketing
c. differentiated marketing
5 d. mass marketing
e. none of the above
45. Wants become demands when .
a. marketers understand consumer needs
b. they are backed by buying power
c. they become less desired than needs
d. the benefits from buying them equal the cost
e. needs camiot be fulfilled
46. includes all the activities involved in selling products or services directly to final
consumers for their personal, non-business use.
a. Franchising _
b. Retailing
c. Brokering
d. Wholesaling
e. Disintermediation
47. Consumers usually perceive lower-priced products as .
a. not within reach of most people
b. having low quality
c. having high profit margins
d. popular brands
e. being in the introductory stage of the product life cycle

Examiners: Prof. Bedman Narteh; Dr. E. Y. Tweneboah-Koduah; Dr. Raphael Odoom

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e. line xtension ‘
48. A company’s consists of all the product lines and items that a particular seller ”
offers for sale.
a. product mix _
b. brand line
c. consumer mix
d. packaging mix
49. At some point between maturity and decline, a company or store may lift the PLC by doing
which ofthe following?
a. expand the product’s usefulness
b. expand the product’s safety
c. expand the product’s convenience 9
d. enhance the product’s packaging
e. all ofthe above
50. Companies must be especially careful when selecting to represent their brands.
a. delivery personnel
b. celebrities
c. food retailers
d. intermediaries
51. Marketers must understand that a society’s core beliefs and values have a high degree of
a. persistence
b. rigidity
c. similarity
d. ethnocentrism
e. conformity
52. The marketing task necessary to make positioning effective requires that the brand’ s unique
benefits and must be implanted in customers’ minds.
a. uniqueness
b. differentiation
c. equity
d. price
e. image
53. According to the production concept, consumers will favour products that are
and .
a. satisfying; quality focused _
b. high-performing; affordable
c. in high demand; hard to find
d. segmented; convenient
e. available; affordable
54. Wholesalers add value by performing channel functions. Which is a channel function?
a. selling and promoting
b. buying and assortment building
c. bulking-breaking
d. all ofthe above
e. A and C

Examiners: Prof. Bedman Narteh; Dr. E. Y. Tweneboah—Koduah; Dr. Raphael Odoom

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55. When a firm improves the quality, and increases the price of a product in reaction to a l
competitor making a price reduction, the firm in essence is .
a. moving its brand into a more competitive position
· b. adversely positioning its product
c. moving its brand into a higher price-value position
d. wasting its time '
e. change its target market
56. strategy is when a producer promotes a product to channel members who
in turn promote it to final consumers.
a. Push
b. Slide
c. Pull
· d. Grab
. e. None of the above
57. All of the following are ways to attempt to change a product’s position in the PLC except
a. modify the package
b. find new users
c. find new uses
d. change the price
e. none of the above
58. Non-personal communication channels include major media, , and events.
a. sales calls
b. buzz marketing
c. atmospheres
“ d. word of mouth
e. none of the above
59. The PLC concept can be applied by marketers as a useful framework for describing how
a. to forecast product performance
b. to develop marketing strategies
c. products and markets work
d. the PLC curve will shape up
e. trends fade away
60. Marketers can take by taking aggressive action to affect the publics and forces
in their marketing environments. _
a. an environmental perspective
b. a proactive stance
c. a natural perspective
d. a natural management perspective
e. a relationship-building perspective

Examiners: Prof. Bedman Narteh; Dr. E. Y. Tweneboah—Koduah; Dr. Raphael Odoom

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Briefly explain what is meant by sealed-bid pricing (3 marks) V

2. State any five reasons why sales promotions are on the ascendancy. (5 marks)

3. List any four economic factors affecting firms within their marketing enviromnent. (4

4. Mention any four characteristics of specialty consumer products. (4 marks)

5. Outline four chamiel design decisions faced by managers in distribution management. (4


Examiners: Prof. Bedman Narteh; Dr. E. Y. Tweneboah—Koduah; Dr. Raphael Odoom

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1. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning are interactive marketing concepts. Using any
industry of your choice, explain how these concepts could be integrated to deliver value to
customers (20 marks).

2. As a sales executive of Brinnomark, discuss the processes involved in utilizing the personal
selling approach in clinching a deal for a high-end product. (20 marks)

Examiners: Prof. Bedman Narteh; Dr. E. Y. Tweneboah-Koduah; Dr. Raphael Odoom

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Examiners: Prof. Bedman Narteh; Dr. E. Y. Tweneboah-Koduah; Dr. Raphael Odoom

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