What Is The Motivation

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Central Bank

of Kenya (CBK)


Motivation and Team work STARBUCKS

Mai Khaled Ali 20100532

Nada Khaled lbrahim


Mina George Attia


Ibrahim Ahmed

Ahmed Mohamed
1. Motivation
 What is the motivation? …………………………………………….………………………………3
 Importance of motivation ……………………………….………….……………………………..3
 Four reasons why motivation is important in our life ………….……………….……4
 Types of motivation ……………………………………………………….………………………….5
 Extrinsic motivation…………………………………………….…………….…...……….5
 Intrinsic motivation …………………………………………………………….……………6
 Achievement Motivation …………………………………………………………………6
 Power Motivation ……………………………………………………………………………6
 Fear Motivation ……………………………………….………………………………………6
 Extrinsic vs. intrinsic: What's the difference ….…………………………………7
 Are the most famous motivation types being effective? ….…………………..……7
 Theory of Motivation ………………………………………………………………………………...8
 Is Maslow's Hierarchy ………………………………………………….……….…….8
 Teamwork ………………………………………………………………………………………………….9
 Importance of teamwork ………………………………………….……….……..……………….9
 Reasons why motivation is important in life ………….……………………….………11
 Theory of team work ……………………………….……………….……….……..…………….14
 Tuckman's Teamwork Theory ….……………….……………………..…………….14
 STARBUCKS …………………………………………………………….....……………………………15
 Toyota ………………………………………………..….………………………………..………………
 Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) …………………………………….……………..………………17
 Summarization of 3 cases ………………………………………………………………………..18
 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………….20
 References ……………………………………………………………………………………………..21

What is the motivation?

- Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented
behaviors. It is what causes you to act, whether it is getting a glass of water
to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge.
- In everyday usage, the term "motivation" is frequently used to describe
why a person does something. It is the driving force behind human actions.

- Importance of motivation
- If you want to achieve greatness, you need to stop asking for permission. This is
why motivation is important in life because it stops asking questions and aligns you
to work towards your goals.

Goals are the stepping stones toward what you want to achieve and you need
motivation to achieve to keep you chugging along towards them.

- Motivation is the defining factor that turns a good thought into immediate action.
It turns a good idea into a business and can positively impact the world around you.

- Without motivation, you can't achieve anything. There are no goal posts to aim for
and no purpose to strive towards.

-Motivation is an important life skill. The reason it's important is because every
person on this earth is unique and has a purpose. To steward your purpose well,
you have to be motivated to work towards your goals which helps your dreams
become a reality.

- If Steve Jobs wasn't motivated to start Apple, you wouldn't have a MacBook air,
iPhone or iPad. Another example, Thomas Edison, a scientist who invented
lightbulbs, made 1000 trials. 999 trails failed while the last trial succeeded through
motivation. If Thomas Edison wouldn't be motivated to make a large number of
trials, we wouldn't have electricity by now.

-You wouldn't be holding that designer handbag or be wearing those clothes if a

designer wasn't motivated to turn their visualization into a realization.

-You live in a world where motivation has solved problems and produced products
and services you never knew you needed.

-Motivation can also help you personally to be the best you can be. This can have a
positive effect on your confidence, relationships and the community you live in.

-If you're still not convinced about building up your motivation, here are eight
reasons why motivation is important in life.

 Four reasons why motivation is important in our life:


When you're motivated, you have a desire to change your life. Motivation
pushes you towards your goal because of a desire for change. Motivation
helps you clarify your goal so you know exactly what you're working


Every road to success will have a setback. There is no such thing as a dream
route to reach your dreams. Setbacks will have you doubt whether your goal
is worth the effort, but motivation steps in and gives you the strength and
courage to try again.


Fear of failure is so common it can literally stop you from taking action.
Motivation kicks fear in the butt because it tells it, no matter what I'm
feeling, I'm going to do it anyway. Motivated people see beyond their fear
and can visualize the outcome. Motivation will always help you see the
bigger picture.


When you're motivated to achieve your goal, confidence is a by-product of
the little steps taken to see that goal achieved. When you've pushed through
setbacks and fear, there is a sense of accomplishment and this builds an
inner confidence to try something new. Motivated people will have a few
projects on the go because they have pushed through barriers and seen

positive results, which gives them motivation to start new projects and try
new things.

- Types of motivation:

1) Extrinsic motivation:

Extrinsic motivation is a form of operant conditioning. This is when a new behavior is

learned by the consequence of another behavior or external factors to encourage

As such, extrinsic motivation is a learning tool to help people achieve desired behaviors.
Similar to classical conditioning, you can use operant conditioning to teach someone
how to avoid negative consequences.

(Classical conditioning is a type of learning that happens unconsciously. And it learns

and creates behavior
example for that: In an experiment on canine digestion, it found
that over time dogs were salivating not only when their food was
presented to them, but when the people who fed them arrived.
To test this theory that dogs drool because they associate people with food, he rings a
bell and then serves the food until he associates the sound with the food.
These dogs have learned to associate the ringing of a bell with food, causing saliva to secrete in
their mouths whenever the bell rings - not just when they encounter food.)

 Some examples of extrinsic motivation:

• A young child who eats vegetables is rewarded with dessert.

• A college student who earns good grades can keep their athletic scholarship.

• A professional adult who goes above and beyond what's required for their job
receives a promotion.

2) Intrinsic motivation:
It is reward-driven, but it's based on internal gratification versus external recognition.

Example for Intrinsic (opposite examples of extrinsic motivation)

- A young child who eat vegetables, want to be strong or healthy.

- A college student who earn good grades, study hard to improve his/her GPA.

- A professional adult who receive promotion work hard to increase his experience.
3) Achievement Motivation:
It is the drive to pursue and attain goals. An individual with
achievement motivation wishes to achieve goals and
advance up on the ladder of success.

4) Power Motivation:
It is the drive to influence people and change situations. Power motivated people create an
impact on their organization and are willing to take risk to do so.

5) Fear Motivation:

Fear motivation coercions a person to act against will. It is instantaneous and gets the job
done quickly. It is helpful in the short run. Managers following theory x come into this
category. In Indian army, this kind of motivation is very popular.

Extrinsic vs. intrinsic: What's the difference?

Extrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation

Depend on external factors. Depend on internal factors.

Example: Example:

If you cook because you typically receive On the flip side, if cooking provides you
praise from others about how great your with a deep sense of satisfaction, you're
cooking is, you could be extrinsically intrinsically rewarded by your desire to
motivated to cook, since cook your own meals. Intrinsic motivation
acknowledgment from others makes you is driving your impulse to cook because
feel good about yourself and gives you a you find the activity of personally cooking
self-esteem boost. fulfilling.

Pros and Cons of Extrinsic motivation:

- pros: Extrinsic motivation can lead to positive behavioral changes and help boost
productivity in the classroom and workplace.

- cons: Whether an individual is motivated by rewards such as an extended curfew,

their first smartphone, or money, it could mean they’re engaging in certain positive
behaviors and activities only to reap their desired rewards.

-Are the most famous motivation types being effective?

(especially Extrinsic and Intrinsic)
A review study from 2014 indicates that extrinsic motivation can be an effective tool in
many everyday situations. Researchers suggest that while extrinsic motivation can lead
to a negative outcome in some very specific situations, rewards themselves are
generally not considered harmful.

Everyone is motivated differently, which means that extrinsic motivation may not always
be the best method of persuasion for every individual.
 Theory of Motivation:
Abraham Maslow a well-known American psychologist, has said that a person will be
motivated when the following needs are fulfilled, by saying people don't just work
for only security or money, but they work to contribute their skills together. So, he
has created a pyramid to show how people are motivated, starting from the
lowest level is the basic needs unless if they are satisfying people then it wouldn't
work by going up at a higher level.

 What Is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory of motivation
which states that five categories of human needs dictate
an individual's behavior. Those needs are physiological
needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem
needs, and self-actualization needs.

 The Hierarchy of needs:

1. Physiological needs: are basic needs for survival for
example air, sleep, food, water, clothing, and shelter.

2. Safety needs: Protection from

threats, deprivation, and other
dangers for example good
health, property, financial aid,

3. Social needs: The need for

association, affiliation,
friendship, and so on. As a
relationship with family, friends, colleagues, and team
4. Self-esteem needs: The need for respect and

5. Self-actualization needs: It’s an opportunity for

personal development, learning, and challenging
work. Self-actualization is the highest-level need to which
a human being can be desired to.


What is teamwork?
- Teamwork is selfless, it is the co-operating
effort of a group to achieve a goal or a task in
the most effective, by doing the right thing, and
efficient, the least input with the most output
way. Teamwork is an organization task where individuals work together by using
their individual skills providing useful feedback.
- Andrew Carnegie, the father of modern philanthropy said that “the ability to
work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual
accomplishment to achieve organizational goal. It is the fuel that allows common
people to attain uncommon results.”

- Importance of teamwork
-Team isn’t a real one without teamwork, it is an
important role for business, especially now with
this high technology
-Studies show that an organization that has a great teamwork they discover the
problems quickly as well it also helps them find solutions faster.
-Teamwork increases the productivity and the performance if you work in good
conditions and with good people sure you can work better it brings some
enjoyable environment, and strong relationships that an organization needs.
-The more you work with people the more you learn from people, not all will give
you knowledge but at least will show you their type of personality. When each
one knows about other personality, they can naturally become more collaborative
as they understand what each other are thinking about or feeling.

-Working in a team helps us to learn from each other mistakes, observable

learning. As well you can avoid mistakes, gain insight from different perspectives,
and as well get more experience from colleagues.

-Teamwork in an organization reduce toxic work culture. A toxic work culture is

known by drama, fighting, lack of communication, and the boss’s fear.
-Removal of toxicity can reduce employee turnover, when you feel you are
working in bad environment with no motivation, within a non-friendly
environment. So, you will choose to go and try to change your workplace but if
you have a good teamwork and a good environment.

-Teamwork helps employees remain focused on the organization’s goal, during

Covid-19 it has affected businesses, individuals, and teams, but with teamwork
things go better and they can rely on each other in hard times, and it helps to stay
focused on an organization goal.

-Group thinking, is a psychological phenomenon and that is a part of teamwork,

and is important, by avoiding conflicts between members, like they don’t have to
disagree or reject anything and so they will discuss and take the decision together
and it will make the best outcomes for all.
- Reasons why motivation is important in our life:

1. Efficient work
It allows you do your work faster and easier with
least in put that can be time, effort, money and get
the most output and get your goal easier.

2.New Ideas
Teamwork allows different people from different background so they give each
other new ideas and new skills and experience so they can get new ideas and new
ways to think.

3.Higher morale
They need to feel better about themselves and their job, they can boost each
other and receive highlights for each other’s
Sense of accomplishment
The support you get from working together as a team make it much better, it is
self-fulfilling cycle where success breeds success.

4.Healthy competition
Teamwork create healthy competitions between groups without bad feeling, it
gives you inspire to do your work better and feel responsible.

 Some types of teams:

1- Functional work team

In this work team, all the members belong to the same department and respond
to the same manager.

It is the most common type in the companies for each department.

2- Inter-working team
In this work team, the work team is made up of members from different
department, but in same level.

This type of work team is usually formed to develop work, in which each
department represented by team member and can be more than one fro same
department to give the knowledge to each other, be more creative in their

3- Troubleshooting team
In this work team, Organizations employee teams usually try to improve ways to
find how to solve the problems that are harming them.
When finding the solution for solving the causes of problems, they are sent to the
manager or the responsible, as this kind of work team does not implement the
solutions it suggests.

4- Self-managed teams
In this work team, Groups of employees who work in an extremely integrated and
collaborative way because they don’t have a formal leader.

Members define the division of labor, responsibilities and the distribution of

tasks, as well as make decisions and even control and supervise themselves.

5- Project team
In this work team, these are work groups an organization creates to implement a
specific project until completion. Afterward, the group dissolves as it achieved its

Typically, members come from different areas of the company and perform other
tasks related to their home department.

But, as far as the project is concerned, they answer to the project leader.

6- Task Force team

In this work team, this is one of the most interesting types of work teams. They
form only when emergency situations emerge which the organization needs to

Its members are usually the best of the company in the area. During the
resolution of the emergency, they will dedicate themselves exclusively to this
task. Their goal is to do this in the best way and in the shortest possible time.

Now that you’ve seen what the different types of work teams are, understand
how they form their dynamics.
 Theory of team work:

 Tuckman's Teamwork Theory:

• This theory was first created in 1965 and has been applied in many
organizations for best results.
 Tuckman's theory is the most famous teamwork theory because
he studied the behavior of small groups in the society from
different perspectives. In this theory, the teamwork is analyzed
with the help of four stages. These four stages are:

1. Forming
The initial stage of team development during which individuals have not yet gelled
together. Everybody is busy finding their place in the team, sizing each other up,
and asking themselves why they are here!

1. Storming
In this stage people begin to see themselves as part of a team. However at this
stage they may challenge each other, and the team leader, about such things as
what the team is doing, and how things should be done. Therefore there is some
loss of performance or focus on the task.
1. Norming
This is the phase where team members start to come together, developing
processes, establishing ground rules, clarifying who does what, and how things
will be done.
1. Performing
This is the final stage where increased focus on both the task, and on
team relationships, combine to provide synergy. Performance is
delivered through people working effectively together.

Starbucks was founded in 1971 at Seattle's Pike Place Market.

The owners: Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker at Seattle's Pike Place
Starbucks Corporation is an American multinational chain of coffeehouses and
roastery reserves based in Seattle, Washington.
From 1986 to 2000, Schultz tenure made a great increase in the number of franchises, first in
Seattle, then throughout the West Coast of the United States. Last studies in November 2021,
the organisation had 33,833 shops in 80 countries.
in addition to drinks and food, many shops have Starbucks' official merchandise, such as mugs,
tumblers, scoops, and espresso presses. There also many select "Starbucks Evenings" stores
that provide beer, wine, and appetizers. Starbucks-brand coffee, ice cream, and bottled cold
coffee drinks are in grocery shops in different countries.

Toyota is a Japanese multinational automotive manufacture opened and

incorporated on August 28, 1937, at Toyota City, Aichi, Japan opened.
Owner: Kiichiro Toyoda
TMS oversees the sales of Toyota and Lexus products in 49 states within the community of
more than 1,200 Toyota dealers and more than 200 Lexus dealers.
Toyota is one of the largest automobile manufacturers in the world that produce more than 10
million vehicles every year.
In the 1960s, Toyota took the benefit of the growing of Japanese economy to make sells to a
growing middle-class, making the Toyota Corolla the world’s all-time best-selling automobile by
increasing its sales.
Central Bank of Kenya (CBK)
It is the monetary authority of Kenya. Its head office is in
CBK was founded in 1966 after the dissolution of East African
Currency Board (EACB).
Dr. Patrick Ngugi Njoroge is current Governor of CBK and
Sheila M’Mbijjewe is the Deputy Governor.
It responsible for formulating monetary policy to achieve and maintain price
stability, also promotes financial stability; an effective and efficient payment,
clearing and settlement system.
Summarization of 3 cases:

The Kanya bank has become successful due to that they go with a main factor that is
motivating employees that helps benefit them as well other factors are like job security,
training, development opportunities, respect, fair treatment, and possibly having chance of
promotional opportunities which all these factors can be motivating toward Kanya’s
employees and boosting their self esteem as well. All of this has led Kanya bank to
achieving 33 branches countrywide, ICPSK champions of government award, as well being
known for the best foreign bank in Kenya EMEA awards, also was the first ever bank to
receive ISO 9002 certification in Kenya, and finally it’s the best foreign exchange bank in
Kenya. By looking at all these achievements it shows how successful Kenya is at managing
their employees to be motivated to keep pushing through, but one problem that Kenya is
facing that there is a high turnover in some of it’s the banks and due to this the bank
struggle in competition because there is some insufficiency of motivation.

Meanwhile for Toyota it’s a highly successful company due to the intense teamwork they
have within their employees, where each employee has the responsibility to work
together, communicate honestly, share ideas, and ensure team members understanding.
First Toyota doesn’t allow individualism in their company even though it’s prominent in
western culture, but Toyota deemphasizes it. Second, Toyota checks their candidates
before hiring them to not just see if they are technically and competent talented but as
well have the skill of being team oriented. Finally, Toyota views the team to be the
organization's power center. Not the other way around, the leader serves the team. This
shows how Toyota is a competitive company since not every other company has that set of

Now looking at Starbucks they are well known and successful due to the fact they have two
important skills motivation and teamwork. As for teamwork they have a good strategy,
they can establish their well-developed system to keep their bond between all levels of
workers, they use the phrase partners not workers, they say it helps to make the gap
between level narrows. The number of employees they prefer to make small groups like
from 3-6 to contact each other easily. They treat each other equally and this is important
for them and gives them the chance to give their opinion and get engaged to feel they are
important and have a great role. We can connect this type of teamwork by linking it to how
Toyota as well is good by the set of skill of teamwork that they work together,
communicate, and ensure that every other employee is understanding. The second
important skill that Starbucks share is motivation, motivation is a known vital factor for a
business to become successful in the production process, the reason they succeed in
motivation is that they share equal treatment where each employee is treated equally, and
In order to narrow the gap between managers and employees, they also co-work with the
basic level staff in the front line, this doesn’t only just shows that employees enjoy their job
but as well the customers are affected by their enthusiasm. Secondly, Starbucks listen to
their employees for example the managers plan the working hours per worker and as well
arrange a schedule for time off, and there are as well weekly interviews to see what the
employee’s needs are. Finally, Starbucks shares a good welfare where the employees are
offered a great deal of welfare policies for example, they get commodities discounts and
medical insurance that includes health, vision, and dental insurance, they as well receive
vacations. This all motivates the employees to have the same goal meaning that they are
motivated to increase the sales of the company to earn more profits. In all Starbucks
employees are their most important asset. We can as well link Starbucks’s motivation with
Kanya’s motivation whereas they get to be treated equally and respect.
 Conclusion:
 Motivation
It is considering the reason for success is the employee and that make
employee feels honorable about the value of organization’s employees.
Motivation can be:
1. Equally treatment: Each employee treated equally and all of the staff are
called partners.
2. Listen to employees: Managers arrange schedule of time off, according to
workers’ wants in order to meet their requirements.
3. Good welfare: Employees have a great deal of welfare policies such
commodities discounts for employees, medical insurance, and vacations.

 Teamwork
It’s one of the reasons of success to keep good relationship between
managers and employees.
Teamwork can be:
1. Usage of title of partners regardless the level of the worker, which narrow
the gap of bureaucracy.
2. Eliminate distance between different status. For example, Manager and
worker are treated in the same manner.
3. Increase productivity and creativity. For example, gathering ideas can
increase creativity.
4. Enhance relationship between manager and employees.
5. Sharing ideas with partners. For example, gathering ideas let you share
ideas with partners and choosing accurately.
6. Giving employee sense of being related to managers.
 References:
1. https://the-happy-manager.com/article/teamwork-theory/
2. https://bohatala.com/theories-on-teamwork-and-role-of-group-
3. https://www.verywellmind.com/theories-of-motivation-2795720
4. https://bohatala.com/theories-on-teamwork-and-role-of-group-
5. https://psychcentral.com/health/extrinsic-motivation#what-it-is
6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motivation
7. https://www.healthline.com/health/classical-conditioning#definition
8. https://www.academia.edu/14130505/
9. https://www.academia.edu/11450408/

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