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The Dying Earth

The neighboring planets were saddened when they saw that the precious earth is now
gradually dying. Mercury said, I can endure the heat of the sun but I cannot bear the abusive
nature of the humans. Your beauty oh precious earth is now gradually fading. You provide them
resources to live, a fresh air to inhale and a clear sparkling water to drink, but they failed to
reflect and think that you’re dying in ache.

Then Venus said, oh earth I wish I could draw near to comfort you from your affliction,
but sharing your pain to me is just an imagination. Our distance may be light years but I can
sense your tears. My sincerest empathy to you oh earth I hope humans will realize what they
did before it’s too late.

Mars said, I am trembling honestly, when humans found a discovery that my soil is a
possible ground to build a city. I am afraid that they will hurt me as they did to you oh earth. I
wish I could move in this solar system where I revolve to avoid the abusive destruction where
humanity is involved.

Jupiter said. My gigantic ring cannot reach to protect you oh earth. I am saddened that
they treat you not as a mother but a slave. Why was that they cannot repay you for all the
sustenance you provide, you deserve to be love not to destroy and take advantage.

Saturn, Neptune and Uranus said. Our distance indeed separates us from one another
but we can feel your agony the disaster that caused by the humanity.

Air and water pollution are the consequence of the human action, abuse and
exploitation. Deforestation is now rampant just to built a city for the pleasure of the humans.
Birds have no home. All are taken by the humans. Fish are suffocated by the trash undersea.
Glacier is now melting. All wants a shade but no one dare to plant a tree. Horrific typhoons,
hurricane, sandstorm and blizzard are indication that our earth need our care and attention.

It is not to late to hospitalize our patient mother earth. Why we need to invest millions
for Mars when we can repair our very own planet.

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