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JL. Prof. DR.Ir. Bisuk Siahaan kode Pos 22384



I. Pilihplah B jika Pernyataan di bawah ini benar dan S jika pernyataan salah!
1. B-S Boring, tiring, great are adjectives.
2. B-S Mouse, monkey, and cheetah are not wild animals.
3. B-S We can see different kinds of animals in the zoo.
4. B-S Avocados, melon, and cucumber are green fruits.
5. B-S Trains, cars, and bikes are vehicles.

II. Berilah tanda silang (x)untuk jawaban yang benar pada huruf a b c dan d
6. Max : How's your holiday?
Jane: it was…( menyenangkan )
a. Boring b. Fun c. Awesome d. Tiring
7. The porridge…very hot.
a. Is b. Am c. Are d. Were
8. These following are wild animals, except…
a. Dove b.Rhino c. Cheetah d. Rabbit
9. An… is a bird but cannot fly.
a. Squirrel b. Ostrich c. Zebra d. Monkey
10. A lion has … ( cakar)
a. Paws b. Ears c. Tails d. Teeth
11. The ladies… smart
a. Am b. Are c. Is d. Was
12. We usually have a holiday on… ( akhir pekan)
a. Sunday b. Monday c. Thursday d. Weekend
13. The following are red fruits, except…
a. Apple b. Rambutans c. Strawberry d. Snake fruit
14. She eats… chocolate. ( sebatang)
a. A bar b. A piece c. A slice d. A box
15. The color of the Indonesian flag is…
a. White and red b.Blue and red c. Red and white d. White and black
16. My mother eats a… of noodles for breakfast
a. Glass b. Plate c. Bottle d. Cup
17. Mata uang in English is…
a. Currency b. Money c. Value d. Rupiah
18. Buyer : I need a kilo of Oranges.
: ……
Seller : it's 18.000
The correct answer to complete the conversation above is…
a. How is it? b.How much is it? c. How many is it? d. How far is it?
19. Secarik kertas in English is…
a. A Piece of paper b. A bunch of paper c. A dozen of paper d. A folder of paper
100.000 + 50. 000
The amount of money above is…
a. One hundred five thousand b. One hundred fifteen thousand
c. One hundred fifty thousand d. One hundred fifty five thousand
21. The man is smart. The negative form of the sentence is…
a.The man is not smart b. The man not is smart.
c. Is the man smart. d. Smart the man is.
22. Are the examinations difficult? The positive form of the Sentence is…
a. The examinations are difficult b. The examinations aren't difficult
c. The examinations difficult are d. The examinations difficult.
23. The students are classmates. The Interrogative form of the sentence is…
a. The students aren't classmates b.The students not are classmates
c. Are the students classmates? d. Are classmates the students?
24. The biggest currency of Indonesia is…
a. One hundred thousand. b. One hundred c. One thousand d. One million
25. There is a… toothpaste.
a. Tube b. Cup c. Plate d. Bottle
26. The following are food, except…
a. Fried chicken b. Sandwich c. French fries d.Orange juice
That is a ...... of milk.

a. Cartoon b. Can c. Glass d. Pocket

28. A bowl of soup in Indonesian is…
a. Semangkuk bubur. b. Semangkuk sup.
c. Semangkuk puding d. Semangkuk sayuran.
29. Tika : what do you want to eat?
Nisa : I want to eat a piece of cake
A piece of cake means…
a. Seloyang roti. b.Sepotong roti c. Sekotak roti d. Sebungkus roti
30. The sauce is spicy. Spicy in Indonesian is…
a. Panas b. Pedas c. Lezat d. Asin

III. Jodohkan pertanyaan berikut dengan jawaban yang tersedia!

31. Cats, dogs, hen, are…
32. Lions, tigers, and snakes are.. a. A box of marbels.
33. Sekotak kelereng in English is… b. Pets
34. One hundred thousand. c. Wild animals
35. The negative form of The baby is cute . d. The baby is not cute
e. 100.000,00

IV. Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!

36. My family holiday is… ( melelahkan)
37. A glass of milk in Indonesian is…
38. Selusin telur in English is…
39. Twenty five thousand rupiah in Indonesian is…
40. Sejumput garam in English is…

V. Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan tepat!

41. Mention 2 examples of adjectives! ( kata sifat)
42. Mention 5 examples of junk food! ( makanan siap saji)
43. Write down 5 examples of drinks! ( minum)
44. write down 5 examples of fruits! ( buah)
45. Write down 3 examples of vegetables!( sayuran)

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