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Part 7

The character is independent.

There are many pros to being independent. If you are independent, you are
probably able to save and depend on yourself instead of expecting
someone who just could advise you.
For example, If I fall seriously in the process of riding a bike, maybe I will
seek help first, but when I find that I can still barely walk, everyone
pretends not to see it. This is a real thing. I didn't bring my mobile phone
that day, so I had to lock my car to a tree. Finally, I walked home slowly.
If I am independent, I can be more responsible, then I will make the
choices that depend on my faith and will.
This can make you a confident person.
Being too independent may not be a good thing.
If I think it's a shame to ask for help from others, so that I think I'm
independent, I'm just avoiding the truth. For example, when I forgot to
bring my pen with me in the exam, I struggled with myself, finally there
was a blank paper in the exam. This kind of independence does not belong
to independence, just don’t want to admit the fact that people will make

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