Commencement Intro

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“That which does not kill us, makes us stronger,’ a famous philosopher once said.
This aphorism literally tells us how we feel during the heights of the pandemic until we
survived its waves of fatality and use this as foregrounds of our success. When the COVID-
19 strike, everything seems uncertain. We feel so many emotions. We feared- feared to be
infected, feared that we may lose our lives, feared that we may lose our loved ones’ lives,
feared that we may lose our dreams. Yet through it all, with God’s graciousness and the
spirit of resiliency we overcome the adversities and continued to journey with a fervour hope
blazing in our hearts.
As we journey back to normal, the effects of the COVID -19 Pandemic become a
real-life coach on telling us to put into perspectives what is really important in life. Which is
through hard times, coming together as a community – as one – will be a great weapon to
overpower anything that would come along the way.
The Gerasimo Silva Villegas Sr. National High School embraces every dreamer and
drives them towards the goals they wanted to achieve. GSVSNHS honed, developed and
motivated learners despite the odds encountered during the modular distance learning
modality. Each advisers cultured and empowered their learners to grow from a crawling
caterpillars to beautiful butterflies who spread their wings towards the real world.
With so much pride and honor, the school is overwhelmed to present the learners
that in their humble endeavours and will power they have come to the real-world journey.
Their successes were not an overnight achievement, the learners sum up their experiences
and learnings form the 4 and 6 years in Junior and Senior High School. Along with the
struggle they encountered during the 2-year lack of physical teaching. They learnt from their
own, they studied and reviewed exams on their own, they visualize and materialize lessons
on their own. It never was and never will be an easy cope, but because of the resiliency and
perseverance these learners established throughout the difficulties in this changing times, at
last the goal is done!
With this another year of challenges and successes close, let GSVSNHS show to the
world and the universe the sets of proud Completers and Graduates of the SY 2021-2022.

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