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Increased screen time as a cause of declining Physical, Psychological, Health, and Sleep Patterns

 Effects on Sleep
o Displace other activities, like physical activities, which are beneficial for sleep
o Prevent Melatonin from being produced, alter its timing of production and retention and
thus disturbing the circadian rhythm. Prolongued texting may shorten sleep cycles,
resulting in daily drousiness and subpar academic performance.
o Cellphones may send audible notifications during sleep time, delaying or preventing
sufficient sleep. 18% of teenagers report being awakened by their cellphones at leat a
few times during the night
o Accessing Social Networks at night may produce teenagers to sleep poorly, because it
can enhance psychophysiological arousal, disturbing sleep.
o 86% sleep with their phones nearby, near their hands or under their pillow
o FOMO is exacerbated by continual notifications. Feeling pressured to respond and
feeling guilty if they cannot do it.
 Causes anxiety.
o LED is interpreted as light, thus the pineal gland does not produce Melatonin, because
the “biological night” has not initiate.
Access to Electric Light is Associated with Shorter Sleep Duration in a Traditionally Hunter
Gatherer Community
 The pattern of Activity is related to the pattern of light exposure.
 Access to Electricity is associated with shorter sleep duration regardless of the season.
o Those with no Electricity slept more in winter and in summer than those with electricity.
 Brighter light intensities can be the cause of later sleep onset and shorter sleep duration, caused
by electric light.
o Affects sleep by 2 mecanisms
 Light affects our ability yo stay awake and active. Enabling us to stay alert and
engage in activities. Inhibiting the release of Melatonin
 Reset the phase od the circadian rhythm, that is sensible to environmental light.
o Daily sleep duration in industrialized groups is generally believed to have decreased
relative to non-industrialized groups, whether we have shortened our sleep and how
much is still controversial (Bin et al., 2012; Matricciani et al., 2011). Nevertheless,
several recent studies have found strong evidence for reduced sleep in modern societies
o (Carskadon, 2011; Klerman and Dijk, 2005; Matricciani et al., 2012). Daily sleep
duration has lately received particular attention because of its clear link to both mental
and physical health, safety, and performance (Czeisler, 2015)
Adverse impacto of Excessive smartphone screen time on sleep quality among young adults
(Pakistan, 2019)
 Excessive Screen time deteriorates sleep quality and hence has numerous adverse physical and
psychological manifestations
 Usaron el PSQI – 65% con poor sleep quality. (mayor a 5). Mediana de 6,68 +-2.3. Prevalencia
de hombres sobre mujeres
 Mediana de horas en 30 días – 150 +- 51 hs.
 Short wavelength blue light – Affect melatonin production – Sleep disruption – Poor academic
performance/Increased risk of HTA in younger than 65 yo/Affects attention, working memory
and other cognitive functions
Activity and High Screen time can increase risks of mental health problems and poor sleep quality
among Chinese college students
 Poor sleep quality (10%) es muy prevalente en college students
 Asociación entre Low PA and Poor sleep quality
Adverse physiological and psychological effects of screen time on children and adolescents:
Literature review and case study
 Sleep may affect the regulations of circadian rhythm, by affecting the pineal hormone
 Inverse association between sleep duration and screen time.
 Displace other activities, like PA
 Time of use: Evening and nighttime exposure to bright light and blue emitted light by self-
luminous devices may suppress melatonin production. Circadian disruption
 Over 4hs of digital media use is associated with extended sleep onset latency
Sleep and use of electronic devices in adolescence: Result from a large population-based study
(Hysing et al, 2017)
 Sleep: Late bedtime, long Sleep onset latency and short sleep duration of 6.5 hs on weekdays,
contributing to daily sleep deficiency of about 2hs.
 Inverse relation between screen time and sleep duration
 Increased psychological arousal, delay of the circadian rhythm
Daily touchscreen use In infants and toddlers is associated with reduced sleep and delayed sleep
onset (Cheung et Al, 2017)
 Relation between the frequency of touch screen and sleep quality (reduced total duration,
reduced duration of night time and increased daytime sleep), longer sleep onset.
 Evert minute of tablet use was associated with 15,6 minutes less of sleep.
 Displace time of other activities, elevate psycho arousal, melatonin supression due to alteration
of the circadian rhythm.
 Specifically, in toddlers, the parents regulate the sleep schedule, so the family´s environment
dictates their schedule. If parents are inconsistent, children will also be.
 Increased daytime sleep
Digital media use and sleep in late adolescence and young adultohood: A systematic review
 Media use and sleep outcomes
o Delayed bedtimes, daytime tiredness, early awakening, shorter sleep duration and poor
sleep quality.
o Hyperarousal and blue light.
o Cell phones are smaller, tend to be held closer to the face with more risk of blue light
 Call and text interactions, nighttime notifications or availability – Women
o Depende más de la sociabilidad del invidiuo. Más amigos en línea, menos sleep quality.
o Women tiene más interacciones a la noche que los hombres
Insufficient sleep duration is associated with dieatery habits, screen time and obesity in children
 Más males que females y niños que adolescentes reportaron insufficient sleep duration
 Less sleep = Worse lifestyle
 40% school children had insufficient sleep duration, worse lifestyle and poor dietary habits,
increased screen time and overweight/obesity
Uso excesivo del celular, calidad de sueño y soledad en jóvenes de la ciudad de Arequipa
 Uso excesivo del celular y calidad de sueño están relacionadas. A mayor uso, menor calidad de
sueño. Su uso cerca de las horas de dormir se relaciona con peor calidad de sueño
 Mayor tiempo para quedarse dormido y peor calidad de sueño por la noche
 La luz azul suprime la producción de melatonina, que induce el sueño y la sincronización de los
ciclos de sueño y vigilia.

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