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Metacognition Strategies Activity

Please share your plan that outlines how you can implement two
metacognitive strategies into your learning here.
The strategies that I used are Comprehension Monitoring and Evaluation. As mentioned before, I tend to
re-assess myself if I’m meeting my goals and considered a lot of options when faced with problems or
difficulties. I plan to continuously nurture these strategies as this are mostly effective for me. For the
Comprehension Monitoring, this is vital for me because I need to ensure that I understand what I’m
reading. To do this, my style will be to read or skim thru words then after reading it again, but this time
slowly and thoroughly. I read it fast because I want to test how well can I comprehend the knowledge
and know how long I have to read. Because honestly, if the topic is not interesting, I get sleepy or take
me a long time to understand and remember the information. That’s why I read it again slowly so I can
comprehend what does it mean. It allows me to improve my critical and analytical thinking.

Next is Evaluation, I liked it and I’ve been doing it ever since. What I did during my early school days is I
ask my friends to have a group study. We did questions and answers. Like, one student will ask what are
the six learning strategies based on cognitive science. The other student will answer spaced practice,
retrieval practice, elaboration, interleaving, concrete examples and dual coding. It is effective because
you can compare and ask for feedback from others if you’re learning or the way you understand a
particular knowledge is the same with them. I can also assess my learning and know how much I have

Regardless, I also used Planning, Information Management and Debugging Strategies depending on the
conditions. Our mind is very complex and subconsciously adapting to ever changing situation.
Thus, whatever strategies we use doesn’t necessary important, but what matters the most is our desire
to learn and adopt a growth mindset.

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