Test I, Outline

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Life in the Middle Ages

A. Feudalism
a) Since they were religious though, I bet they were protected by the church because they had to keep re-writing the bible, and they are the simplest of religious folk b) the serfs got protection from the nobility by working on their manors c) the nobles served the kings by giving them knights, and in exchange, they got protection from the royal guards d) Feudalism was also needed to divide the land up evenly to those who had money (Nobles and Royal Family) against those who did not have much money (Monks and Serfs)

B. Last Page of Curse of Disputed Succession
1. Answer Questions on Last Page

C. Strengths and Weaknesses of Monarchy (sort of common sense)

The 100 Years War

D. Causes
1. but the original cause was the fact that Philip VI and Edward III (I think those were the two, you might have to check that, though) both claimed France as theirs. 2. 3. 4. well it was kind of the main cause that was more of a justification

5. The English wanted control of Flanders for wool production.


Major Players
1. 2. 3. Edward III Henry V Joan of Arc


1. Ease of raising money (parliament), Strong Leadership, Longbow-tactics-Chevavche, small population


Wealth, Big Population, National Unity, Military Experience, Control of Pope (at the time), Power/spending done by king was not limited by Frances' version of parliament,


Role of Leadership

War of the Roses

I. J. Role of Monarchy Major Players
1. Henry VI Timeline 2. 3. Edward IV Richard III SEE War of the Roses -


1. York a) b) 2. Rival royal family Heirs to thrown until birth of Edward

Lancaster a) b) Royal family Henry VI Mentally unstable, pious, pawn

c) Margaret of Anjou fought for sons right to thrown with Louis XI. 3. Beaufort

a) b) c) 4.

Illegitimate line Corrupt advisers to Henry VI Unpopular for loss of 100 years war.

Neville a) b) Led by Warwich Kingmaker. Sides with winner by marriage.


Tudor a) b) Illegitimate, Side of Lancasters.


Woodvilles a) Lesser nobles that married into York line.

Renaissance in Italy
L. Values (Middle Age vs. Renaissance)
1. Individualism a) Ren- focus on self-int

b) MA Collective security for survival. One works as part as a whole. 2. Humanism a) Ren-Interest in humanity and study of human interactions b) 3. MA people are less important than religion

Well Rounded

a) b) 4.

Ren- interest in many things. Broad education MA- Skills for one job

Secularism a) b) Seperation between daily life and religion. MA- religion is life. Focus on afterlife


Skepticism a) b) Question authority MA- Accept and dont question.


Reasons for Beginning in IT.

1. one crucial detail though, they had all the history and culture from the ancient times right at the tip of their feet. 2. they were also the center of religion


1. Sforza a) b) c) Origins as a farming family Francisco Sforza Duke of Milan Milan was center for trade with Europe (1) 2. Medici a) Florentine (1) (2) Wealthy merchant class Wool trade to gain wealth Agriculture Industrial Centre Textiles/Armor

(3) b)

Pope relaxes usury laws, Medeci enter banking

Cosimo (1434-64) (1) (2) (3) (4) Dynasty Peace and security Simple life with charity and arts Florence cultural center


Lorenzo Magnifico (1) (2) Tyrant Height of Florentine renaissance

d) Lorenzos weak son takes over. French invade and drive out Medeci e) Savanarola religious / political reformer who s installed by French after Medeci. Against sinful Florence. Burnt sinful stuff. Built Christian commonwealth. Excommunicated. Executed Similar criticisms as Martin Luther f) 3. Medeci return.

Borgia a) Spanish merchant family which branched into Rome with Vatican connection. b) Callistus III (1) Compromise candidate who called crusade to free Constantinople (2) Sold indulgences, annulled convict. Of Joan of Arc. Banned communication with Jews. c) Rodrigo Borgia (Alex VI) (1) Bad pope with 7 children who bought office through simony. (2) Made Cesare a Cardinal, banned simony, executed Savanarolla. d) Cesare Borgia

(1) Leaves religion to be prince. (Machiavelli) Does not survive his fathers death.

Renaissance Trends
O. Trends
1. 2. 3. 4. Population Growth Rural to Urban Shift Economic Shift -> Mediterranean to Atlantic Inflation = Price revolution


1. Growth a) b) c) 2. Large increase from 1500 to 1700 Recovery from Plague Spain and Germany stagnant

Social Norms a) b) c) d) Married in 20s Nuclear families High infant mortality Poor urban sanitation, high disease


Population Shifts a) b) 70 % in rural areas 80% growth in cities




Stimulus a) b) Warfare- Iron, Textiles, Mining, Agriculture Growth of Banking and Finance


Climate a) b) Textiles for warmth Shipping of food


Jobs a) b) c) Growth of craftsmen Early Mechanization Most were farmers


Inflation a) b) c) Growing population increased demand Food prices way up Price rises from New World Wealth

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