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T1: Work

These models show systems in equilibrium.

The forces are balanced. The gas exerts pressure on the walls.


1 1
atm atm i ii
Ideal gas 1

Ideal gas 1
atm atm Ideal gas 2/3 L

If you remove a weight (1 atm), Does the gas do work on

what will happen? the piston in process
A) Volume goes up A) i
B) Volume goes down B) ii
C) Nothing happens. C) Neither
Model 1: A Piston-Cylinder containing a
Gaseous system is in equilibrium with Pex

Work done on the system (gas) is considered to be positive;

work done by the system on the surroundings is negative.
Answer T1, CTQ 1-4
(to earn “participation” credit)

1. If the gas in the system expands, is the work positive or

negative? Explain.

2. If the gaseous system is compressed, is the work positive

or negative? Explain.

3. Provide an expression relating the infinitesimal work, dw,

to the force, f, and the infinitesimal distance, dl. Make
sure the sign convention described above is followed.

4. Use equation (2) to modify the expression from CTQ 3

above to express the infinitesimal work, dw, in terms of
external pressure, Pex, and the infinitesimal change
involume, dV. Is the sign convention described above
followed in your expression?
Model 2: Work Associated With Moving a Piston

)$ When the piston moves from li to lf,

work = 9 = : ;9 there is a change in volume from
)# Vi to Vf.

CTQ 5-8
The amount of work done depends on P, V, & T
and if equilibrium is preserved.
Name Description Work Reversible?
Isobaric constant Pex PDV No
Free Expansion P=0
Isochoric Constant V
Isothermal Constant T Yes

)$ +$
work = 9 = − : 1*# <;= = − : 1*# ;3
)# +#

CTQ 5-8
Model 3: Work associated with moving a Piston
when Pex=Pint, a reversible process.
9 = − : 1*# ;3

Answer T1, CTQ 9 &10 for participation credit.

9. Use equations to compare the temperature in State A vs. State B.
10. What is the relationship at all times between Pex and Pint for a
reversible process?
Model 3: Work associated with moving a Piston
when Pex=Pint, a reversible process.
9 = − : 1*# ;3

CTQ 11-15
T2: The Law of 1st

Energy is conserved.

Energy is additive: the total energy is the sum of the

energies of it’s parts. (Hess’s Law)

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