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The Adventures of Buckles

By: Angelo Dickerson III

Once upon a time there was a dog named Buckles. Buckles was born with one
blind eye, no hearing , stinky breath, he was ugly but the most fabulous dog
you would ever nd. Little did anyone know he had magic powers.

He was found running around at the park. Buckles did not have a collar
with his owner's phone number or address on it so the people at the park
called animal patrol.

When the animal patrol got there they found buckles in a tree but they got him
down. They took buckles, put him in the van, and drove to the pound. There he
met another dog named pebbles. Pebbles was a missing dog that was found and
was at the pound waiting for his owners to come pick him up

He had never been taken care of the right way before. He was
abused and treated poorly. If his original owners took him on his
vet visits, washed him, and played with him he wouldn't be like

The second day in NYC Buckles almost gets caught by animal services to be
taken back to the pound again but this time they couldn't put him in the van. He
did not want to go back.

Buckles got a check up as he was now up for adoption at the pound. Pebbles,
who was another dog at the Pound, tries to convince Buckles to escape the
pound to be free. He said "no it's impossible to get out of this thing”. Then he
rethought it and Buckles agreed. Weeks had past and still nobody would adopt
him because he was ugly, had a stinky breath, blind in one eye, and deaf.

One day Buckles went for a walk while at the pound he broke loose from the
leash. He ran away so fast and far that nobody could catch or find him. Buckles
was now roaming around in NYC hoping someone would welcome him to their

The first day in NYC he goes to a person's house but he yells at him saying “get
off my property you ugly dog”.

Then he goes into a store but the owner picks him up and throws him in the trash.
Buckles was tired so he just took a nap.

After he gets kicked and tossed in a garbage can he feels like he wants to give up
and just end it all. In the morning the trash trucks come to get the trash. It picks up
the trash and throws it in the back of the truck while Buckles is still in there.

“Ruff Ruff!! (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!)” Buckles said

RUFF RUFF!! (helppp meee)

While he's being thrown in the truck he is trying to escape so that he would not be
squashed or shredded by the blade in the back of the truck. Buckles barks again
calling for help.

The driver heard the bark and ran to the back to help Buckles. He gets him out of
the back and then Buckles gets adopted by the trash man that found him. The
trash man is nice and has a family who will care for him no matter his disabilities
or problems.

He takes care of him for a week and earns Buckles trust. Buckles then magically
make 1 million dollars appear for the owner, a new car, a new house, and can
give the Trash man whatever he wants. After that they live happily ever after.


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