History U2 - P1 - 2020

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FORM TP 2020275




UNIT 2 - Paper 01

1 hour 30 minute.\·

( 02 JUNE 2020 (p.m.))


I. Thi s test consists of 45 items. You wi 11 have I hour and 30 minutes to answe r them.

2. In additi on to thi s test booklet, yo u should ha ve an answer sheet.

3. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides fo r more answers than th ere are items in th is

4. Eac h item in this test has fou r suggested answers lettered (A) , (B), (C) , (D). Read each item you
are abo ut to answer and decide which choice is best.

5. On yo ur answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space hav in g
the same letter as the answe r yo u have chosen. Look at the samp le item below.

Sampl e Item

One important result of the Fre nch Revol uti on was Sa mpl e Answer

(A) the pet itioning of the Crown

(B) that political power shifted to the bourgeoisi e
(C) that the French enjoyed a lengt hy period of pea ce and prosperity
(D) that the church was restored to its fo rm er role and power in the Frenc h govern ment

The best answe r to this item is "that political power shi ned to the bourgeoisie", so (B) has bee n

6. If you want to change yo ur answe r, erase it comp lete ly befo re you fi ll in yo ur new choice.

7. When yo u are told_to begin , turn the page and work as qui ck ly and as careful ly as yo u can. If you
ca nnot answer an item , go on to the next one. Yo u may return to that item later.


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All rights reserved .
022270 I 0/ MJ /C AP E 2020

1. The economic concept of ·111erc::inti lis111 ' 5. \V h1.cl1 t11· 11ic' lc1 ll oll' ill c" uid
. ,,
lh c.: t\ 1n c.: r1 c<l ll
is BEST reOected in ·
Rcvo I.ut 10 11 "1
·~il lu ·1t:co111pli ~h ·

(A) lhe British laissez-faire policy (/\)

Development or ;:i c(1n,tituLiun lur
(B) Spa in's granting of the asie111u to th e nati on
Britain Permitti ng rcli g io u~ lr eed,,n1
(C) the passing of the British Navigation within th e socie ty
Laws (C)
Stimu lation of Republi ca n id c:a , in
(D) the estab li shment or Briti sh and other countries
French trade with the Dutch (D)
Freedom fo r enslave d perso ns in
So uthern stales

2. Which o f the followi ng stat e ment s

regardin g the American Revolution is true? 6. Which of th e fo llow in g events 11 as a res ul t
ofthe European Enli ghtenm ent ?
(A) Britain and France became allies.
(B) Its influe nce was felt least in Latin (A) Pay ment of the 1aille
America. (8) Establishment of le/I res de rnchc1
(C) The Whig Government in Britain (C) Deve lopm ent of the encyclopedi a
opposed the independence of the (D) Emergence of th e concept of the
United States. divin e ri ght of kings
{D) The United States was the first
territory in the Atlantic World to
gain independence. 7. Which of the fo llowi ng LEAST describt>s
the Age of Enlightenment in Europe '.l

3. The MOST important consequence of the (A) Period of reasoning

Boston Tea Party of 1773 was that (B) Pe riod of human progress
(C) Time of enqui ry and criticism
(A) the Coercive Acts were passed (D) Re birth ofkno\\ ledge in techno log~
(B) numerous colonists were killed
(C) anti-British propaganda spread
(D) the British Parliament passed the 8. The influence of the Enlighten ment on the
Tea Act Fre nch Revolutio n,, as l'v1AINLY re, ea led
in the

4. The MOST impo1tant consequence of the (A) Declarati on of the Rights of Man
Intolerable Acts of 1774 was that and the Citizen
(8) " ork of the Re, olutionaf) Tribunal
(A) the port of Boston was closed (C) execution of Lo ui s XVI in 1793
(B) the tri als of coloni al officials were (D) Declaration of Pillnitz
relocated to England
(C ) a limi t was placed on the number
of to wn meet in gs th at cou ld be
(D) t he rig ht of co loni sts to e lect
members to the M::i ssac hu setls
Coun cil wa s rev oked

GO O'l\i TO T H[ '\EXT P.\G[

0222 70 I 0/lvl.1 /C A PE 2020

9. Which oi'the following was NOT a traditional 12. Which or the following facturs contributed
institution of the old French regime? to the ou tbreak of the French Revo lution')

(A) The church Propaganda of the e111ign:,,

(B) The 1T1onarchy (B) Frustration of the hourgeo isic
(C) The aristocracy ( C) Impleme ntation o f th e Rights or
(D) The House of Commo ns Man
(D) Estab lishment of the Revoluti onary
10. The French Revolution was caused by the

I. exc lusion of the bourgeoisie from 13. The concept of Manifest Destiny can BEST
the governm ent be exp lained as a belief that
11. influen ce of the ideas of the
En Iightenm ent (A) lands should be acquired by the
111. privileg es assumed by the nobles most qualified person s
and clergy (B) natural bounda ries were o nl y
tempor ary obstacl es for the
(A) I only Anglo-S axons
(B) I and II only (C) the United State s was destine d
(C) ll and 111 only to conque r the A meric as and
(D) I. II and Ill beyond
(D) the United State s · territ o rial
sovere ignty shou ld be protecte d
Item 11 refers to the following statement. by annexi ng nei ghbou rin g
"The French Revolution was born during
an era of bankrup tcy:·
14. Which of the followin g factors undenni ned
11. One immedi ate cause of the bankrup tcy in the convict ion s on w hich the polic y of
eighteen th-centu ry France was the Manifes t Destiny v,,as based?

(A) debt incurre d b y Fra n ce 's (A) The rapid populati on growth
involve ment in the Americ an (B) The sectional division s in American
War of Indepen dence politics
(B) tax system which was fraught w ith (C) The success ful a bs o rption of
inefficiency and inequali ty Louisian a
(C) number of restrictions presented by (D) T he advance s in transpor tation and
the internal customs barriers commu nicati on
(D) w idespre ad resentm ent of th e
vingtiem e

, . ll ow in o statement s re lating
By 1799. the French suppo11ed Napoleon ·s 19. Which of the lo . _r= e')
I 5. to World War I ,s NO r tru .
rise to power because
.d th e 1·obs le ft by men.
(A) Women d 1 - • • •
I. they felt he would bring long -k ·
(8) The wo1 n g· cond1t1 ons o l wom en
desired stability to the nation
were poor. .
11 . he had led France to victory against
the second coalition (C) 7_he nun·, ber of women 111 t he
workforce increased .
111. he had promised to adopt the ideas
of the Protestant Reformation (D) Women 1·eceived high er wages than
their male counterpa rts.
(A) land II only
(B) I and Ill only
1 reorganiz ation. of Russia
. .
(C) II and III only 20. The po I 1t1ca
(D) 1.11 and Ill only after the Communi st Revolutio n of I 91 7
resulted in

16. Which of the following was the MAIN (A) a federation of socialist republic s
factor which would ha ve led Otto von (B) increased political power for ethnic
Bismarck to think that ·'the Great War" was minorities
imminent') (C) a limited monarch y with the czar
as a figurehead
(A) German y"s in vasion of Belgium (D) the establishm ent of a two -pa rty
( B) The imperial and economic rivalries political system
in Europe
(C) The rapid decline of the Serbian
army after Jul y 191 4 21. Nazism may be described as a
(D) The abi I ity to manu facture arms as
a resu It of industri alization (A) national communi st move ment
(B) right wing anti-parl iamentar y
movemen t
17. During World War I, the central powers (C) national associatio n against state
were terrorism
(D) movemen t w hich espoused mass
(A ) Russia. Germany, France
ownership of property
(B) Great Britain , France, Russia
(C) Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia
(D) A ustria-Hu ngary, Russia , Great 22. The declaration of war by the A ll ies was
the result of Ado lf Hit ler 's invasion of

(A) Italy
18. Wor ld War 11 was fought from (B) Russia
(C) Po land
(A) I 914 to I 9 17
(D) Holland
(B) 1929 to 1934
(C ) 1939 to 1945
(D) 195 1 to 195 5

02.2::!70 I 0/M.I/CA PE 10~0 CO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE

' "

26. During Wo rl d War 11 . Euro pean ,-vo m en

23. rhe principal allied powers during World
made eco no mi c gains l'v1A INl~Y beca use
War II were

(A ) ;.1 shortage or tradit io na l labou r

(A) C hina , Britain, Ital y, United States
created new o ppo rtunitic ~ in the
(B) Germany. Ita ly. Ja pan. Russ ia
(C) Britain, France, Germany. United workplace
(B) more ed ucat io n al o rpo rtu n iti es
(D) Britain, France . Russia . United increased th e number o f sk illed
States fema le workers
(C) new ci vil rights legisl ati o n fo rc ed
bu sinesses to change their hi ring
1-t. Which o f the fo llow ing strategies was NOT pract ices
used by Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi in (D) labou r uni o n s s ucc essfu l ! )
the mo ve ment for the independence of dema nded equal o ppo rwn iti e s
India? for wom en

(A) Dise nfranchi s ing the M uslim s

(B) Reforming the Congress Party 27. Gandi 's successor in the strugg le fo r Indi an
(C) Introducing communal e lectorates independence ,,v as
(D) B oyco ttin g sa lt imp o rt s from
Britain (A) Moha mm ad A li Jinn a h
(B) Jawarha rl a l Nehru
(C) Arch ibald Wavel l
25. W hi ch of the fo l lowi ng statements are true (D) Louis Montbatten
of the German econo m y under Hi t ler ' s
re ign?
28. Which of the fo li o,, ing inc idents B EST
I. Unempl oyment rose . describes the relationship betw e e n World
11 . Germa n y · s national incom e War land the Indian push for independence?
111. G ermany·s military expenditu re (A) T he jai Iing of M ohandas ( Mahatma)
increased. Gandh i and hi s foli o ,, e rs
(B) Tension s between M usi in1s a n d
(A ) I a nd II only Hindus
(B) l a nd Ill only (C) The Tragedy a t A mri star
(C) II a nd Ill o nl y (D) The Salt March
(D) I. II and 111

29. M o handa s (Mahatma) Gandh i was forc ed

lo ca ll · harta l' in 1919 as a result of th e

(A) Row lett A ct

(B) s truggle fo r swara_j
(C) anti-discriminati on c a m paign
(D) disenfranchi sem ent o r lndian s ,n
S outh A fric a
JO. 1\11 i111 po rt a 11t pro 11 o u11cc111 c 11 t i 11 thL· JJ. I11 tht.: I lJ (1 ll " tli1.: l'l'l't1s 1t1c111 Ill i..1part h-- 1J
I 9SQ speech by So uth /\ frica n Prcs iJL:11 l bcc;_in1c ' io lc 11I 1\ 1/\ IN I -~ [1 CC '' l ll '-l'
F. W. J e K lcrk wns t li e
( /\)
b lc1ck ~LHJl h ;\l r1 Ldl b 11 1LiL1 rcd
, io knl rc ~i-, 1c1 11cc U):'. d l1ht ili L
(A ) enlo rce1111:: 11t o r apan hc id laws
1w l in : ILrc l'
(B) adopti on o r A frikaa n as the offic ial
language ( L3) i\-landc la a nd o thL' r ( .\l'\l l IL ,1Lkr-..
lC') lega l recogniti o n of the A fr ica n ,, :in t cd a llll)I C 1111 l1i dr1 .., l1 L
Natio na l Congress (A NC) re" i sta ncc
(0) arrest and dete ntion o rrnembe rs or (C) peace ful r,rot L·~b :.i g::1 111 .._1 ...1p.1nhe 1d
th e (AN C ) we re met " ith , i olt.!llCL' h, tl1L
po li ce
(D) the Pan-Afric an Co ngrl!~s ( I'\(_ l
31. The Pass Laws in South Africa was n o\\ 111 co ntr ol 0I thL·
o ppos iti o n
(A) made it co mpul so ry fo r blacks to
ca rry pass books
(8) e nsured that South Afr ican whites 3 4. T he South African go\ emment ·.., b,lll t) n
co uld not enter black areas the (ANC) caused
( C) restricted the movement of black
South African males onl y ( A) t he repea l of the Bantu Educa uon
(D) mad e it illegal for bl ack South Act
Africans to enter white areas (B) increased intern ational support fn r
the end of aparthei d
(C) the governmen t to effect reform'>
32. The MAIN purpose of the Bantu Education (D) e n th us i a st i c I ob b ~ i n g for th c
Act of 1953 was to rreedom of Nelson l\tandela

(A) prepare Bantu wo men for manu al

labo ur 35. Independent African states shO\\ed tlwir
(8) prevent a ' brain d rain ' amo ng the s uppo,1 for anti -A partheid resisrnnce ti~
Afr ikaan s
(C ) prov ide educationa l opportuni ties (A) for min g th e Organ 1sat1 o n ol
for Afr ikaan men A frican Unit) (O AU)
(D) prepa r e Ba n t u c hildr en for (8) donatin g funds w the A'\.C a nd
tradit io na l roles
PAC res istance effort,,,
(C) es tabli shing training ca111p" lor
South .\frican rerugees
(0) d i ~co n t i nuing all econ o mi c
1nteract1on "ith So uth Atnc J

36. In whi ch o r the lo ll owing countri es did the 40. r he co ncept or reparat ion deab with
Intern ati onal Anti- Aparth eid Move ment
begin '7 (A) prov idin g ed ucati on fort he chil dren
of the enslaved ancestor~
(A) Indi a (B) co mpensati on ror th e explo itati on
(B) Britain s uffe red un der s la ve ry a nd
(C ) Austra li a co loni ali sm
(D) United States of Americ a (C ) the ret urn lo and rese tt lement o r
A fri ca by peop le of A rrican
descent in th e diaspora
37. Wh ich of th e fo ll ow in g BEST ex pl ains (D) a n a po log y by E uro pea ns !'o r
Winni e Ma ndel a·s rol e in th e stru t,t,
oo le enslavi ng Afri cans
aga inst apartheid 0

(A) She was arres ted ma ny tim es 41. Whi ch of the fo ll ow ing is the fo rm o f
du e to her acti ve oppos iti on to reparati ons for slave ry and th e slave trade
aparth eid . th at Bri tian has bee n willin g to iss ue''
(B) S h e vo c a ll y c riti c ize d th e
gove rnment of So uth Africa to (A) A state ment of regret
ga in intern ati onal suppo1t . (B) An apology for th ese cr imes
(C) She -.vas responsible fo r the release (C) Compensati on to the descenda nts
of Mandel a from prison. (D) A lega l acceptance of res ponsibi lit)
( D) She was so lely responsibl e fo r the
Soweto uprisin g.
42. One of the key ethic al iss ues raised bJ the
re parati ons for slavery debate is
38. Which of the fo llowin g groups of men were
leaders of the res istance against apartheid? (A) that none of the ens la\ ed Africa ns
are alive todav
(A) Steve Biko, Desmond Tutu, Olive r (8) whet her money ca n re pa ir th e
Ta mbu damage and hea l the sufferi ng
(B) Alan Boesak , Ne lso n Ma nd ela, caused by slave!")
Jan Smuts (C) that it is di ffic ult to assess hO\\
(C) Steve Biko , Beye rs Na ude , Nelson monetary compensation will be
Mand ela di vid ed among the Afric ans in
(D) O li vier Ta mbu , Thabo Mb eki , the diaspora toda~
Ne lson Mand ela (D) that some Europea n co un tries are
fac ing fi nancial constra ints and
do not have the Fun ds to pay fo r
39. Nelson Ma nde la was attracted to the ideas re paration s

(A) fa scism
(B) Marxism, Gand hi
(C) fa scism, com muni sm
( D) native Afr ica n leadership

02:2:270 I 0/MJ /C APE 2010



The belier that ··All pel1p lc sha ll share: in the

-B. The prima ry objecti ve or the Ca ribbean ~5. nation 's wea Ith.. is rd'lec tecl in '.:,outh A 1·ric·d
repara tory c;.1 se aga inst Brita in is
by the
(A ) reconcili ati on
( B) comp ensati o n Gro up Area Act ( i 950 )
(A )
(C) rec laimin g the truth Freedo m Cha rter ( 19 5 5)
(B l
(D) politic a l confro ntatio n Se parate Amen ities Act ( 195 3 )
(C )
Popu lati on Registration Act ( I CJ50 )

H . Which o f the fo llow ing was NOT a pa11

of the CA RI COM te n point pl a n for
repara tory justice?

(A) Recovery of lands lost/not given to

the indige nous peopl es
(B) Ca llin g upon Europ e to he lp
alleviate the chron ic diseas es
plaguing African descendants
(C) Esta bli shme nt of a repatr iati o n
programme for those who wish
to go back to Africa
(D) Seekin g the transfer of techn ology
and sc ience fo r deve lo pm ent
from the Europeans




..•:, 0~2 "2 7fl l r1 1 ,11

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