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Syllabus Search - View Syllabus Information 13/09/2023, 10:38 PM

View Syllabus Information

Course Information

Year School School of Creative Science and Engine


Course Title SHIP Research Planning and Skill B

English-based Undergraduate Program

Instructor KATO, Yoichi/YOSHIDA, Atsumasa/WANG, Hailong

Term/Day/Period winter quarter Sat.1-2

Category Compulsory Subjects Eligible Year 2nd year and above Credits 2

Classroom Campus Nishi-Waseda(Former: Okubo)

Course Key 27M0012003 Course Class Code 01

Main Language English

Class Modality
[On-campus] Hybrid (over 50% of classes on-campus)

Course Code BSPX10ZS

Academic Basic Study Practice

Academic Basic Study Practice

Academic Basic Study Practice

Level Beginner, initial or introductory Types of lesson Seminar

Syllabus Information Latest Update:2023/02/16 19:56:31

Course Outline The objective of SHIP (Social and Human Innovation by PracticalSc
ience and Engineering) Research Planning and Skill B is that stude
nts acquire practical skills related to the expertise" in mechanical
engineering or civil and environment engineering, and rapid proto
typing, evaluation and iterative improvement skills .
"SHIP Research Planning and Skill B is a winter quarter course desi
gned to provide students an opportunity to learn how to realize a
solution idea through prototyping, evaluate the created prototype
and improve the design iteratively. In parallel, group work and con
structive discussion skills will be cultivated.
Depending on the nature of the project that a team of students as
signed to, the members design a prototype and/or plan an experi
ment, conduct simulations using software tools to improve the des
ign, prepare materials necessary for prototyping or experiment, cr
eate a prototype or perform an experiment, and evaluate the resul
t toword the next improvement cycle.

Objectives The goal of SHIP Research Planning and Skill B is that students acquire practical skills related to the expertis
e in mechanical engineering or civil and environment engineering, and rapid prototyping, evaluation and iter
ative improvement skills .

Prototyping, experiment and evaluation:

To understand methods of rapid and low-fidelity prototyping, quick and effective experiments and evaluation
of the created product. Page 1 of 2
Syllabus Search - View Syllabus Information 13/09/2023, 10:38 PM

To understand efficient ways of collaboration to work on a project and to get good outcome.

before/after Assigned work before class: Carefully read and understand documents on the course Moodle site. Assigned
course of study work before class will take around 90 minutes.

Assigned work after class: Examine the materials and results of the previous class to clarify everything you s
hould understand. Prepare reports if assigned in the previous class. Assigned work after class will take aroun
d 120 minutes.

Course Schedule Classes are real-time online, hybrid or face-to-face, depending on t

he situation. Install Zoom on your desktop or laptop. For more det
ails, download a file titled Introduction to SHIP Research Planning
and Skill B on Waseda Moodle.
December 2, 2023 8:50-12:20 (Kato, Wang, Yang, Yoshida)
(Class1) General Introduction to the Course and Group formation
December 9, 2023 8:50-12:20 (Kato, Wang, Yang, Yoshida)
(Class2) Ideation
December 16, 2023 8:50-12:20 (Kato, Wang, Yang, Yoshida)
(Class3) Digital Prototyping
December 23, 2023 8:50-12:20 (Kato, Wang, Yang, Yoshida)
(Class4) Intermediate Demonstration and Group Discussion
January 13, 2024 8:50-12:20 (Kato, Wang, Yang, Yoshida)
(Class5) Prototyping
January 20, 2024 8:50-12:20 (Kato, Wang, Yang, Yoshida)
(Class6) Prototyping
January 27, 2024 8:50-12:20 (Kato, Wang, Yang, Yoshida)
(Class7) Final Demonstration and Reflection

Textbooks Learning materials will be provided in the course.

Evaluation The goal of this course, practical skills related to the expertise in mechanical engineering or civil and enviro
nment engineering, and rapid prototyping, evaluation and iterative improvement skills are evaluated by the f
ollowing methods: group presentation (30%), individual final report (30%) and in-class contribution (40%). Stu
dents are requested to attend more than 5 classes. If students do not attend this number of classes, they will
receive a failing (F) grade.

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