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• Anything made by man, language, customs, values, norms, mores, rules, tools,
technologies, products, organizations and institutions
• Serves as a foundation of man’s continuing interaction with his surroundings
• Culture is the systems of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people.
• Culture is communication, communication is culture.
• Culture in its broadest sense is cultivated behavior; that is the totality of a person's learned,
accumulated experience which is socially transmitted, or more briefly, behavior through social
• A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols
that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by
communication and imitation from one generation to the next.
• Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of behavior acquired and transmitted by
symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiments
in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached
values; culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action, on the
other hand, as conditioning influences upon further action.
• Culture is the sum of total of the learned behavior of a group of people that are generally
considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation.
• Culture is a collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group
or category of people from another
Culture creates the identities of individual which are distinct from one another.
Geographical and territorial boundaries contribute to cultural diversities of human society.
Cultures differ depending on the needs of the individual. Culture of any society represents an
adaptation or adjustment to the various conditions of life, including their physical, social, and
supernatural environment. People develop a culture of their own out of their learnings and
experiences from their environmental exposure.

• It is a product of human social processes intended to meet basic needs for survival
• Organized by rules of conduct, customs, traditions, folkways and mores and expectations that
ensures appropriate behavior
• Society is an important product of human interaction and interconnectedness
• Studying society provides us an idea of its importance in creating an equal, just and humane

Man’s social behavior is greatly shape by society where he belongs. To identify and explain
well man’s social behavior, it is necessary to deal on wide variety of social dimensions.

Characteristics of a Society
1. Society is a complex whole.
2. Society is relatively large.
3. Society socializes its members.
4. Society endures, produces and restrains its members for generation.
5. Society holds its members through a common culture.
6. Society has a defined geographical territory

• Politics is the activities of the government, members of law-making organizations, or people
who try to influence the way a country is being governed.
• Refers to a set of activities associated with the governance of a country, or an area. It
involves making decisions that apply to members of a group.
• Politics talk about collective decision of individuals based on defined rules of society. These
rules bind people together in order to preserve culture and improve human life.

The Four Important Points of Politics

• Politics is a collective activity, involving people who accept a common membership or at least
acknowledge a shared fate
• Politics presumes an initial diversity of views
• Politics involves reconciling differences through discussion and persuasion
• Political decisions became authoritative policy for a group, binding members to decisions that
are implemented by force if necessary


To understand man’s social experiences, it is necessary to make a wider analysis of man’s
relationship to his natural environment. However, we need to identify the significance of
culture, society and politics in order to appreciate the different components that are essential
to the total development of a human person.
According to Mark Banaag, culture functions in the following ways and from which we can realize
the significance of culture as well:
1. Culture make it possible for man to adapt and integrate himself to his environment by
being creative and resourceful in coming up with ways and means of survival.
2. Culture establishes pattern of acceptable social behavior such as etiquette, protocols,
good manners, and right conduct, roles and duties, etc. as established by folkways, mores
and laws.
3. Culture conveys and facilitate meanings through verbal and non-verbal communication,
written and non-written language, forms of expression and symbolism.
4. Culture produces man-made things such as clothing tools, instruments, machines,
equipment, structures, etc. made possible by technological know-how.
5. Culture contributes to overall human satisfaction as well develop ways to make life more
enjoyable, more comfortable, easier, and more rewarding such as recreational activities,
leisure, entertainment and arts.

Society symbolizes the group within which human beings can live a total common life-the peer
groups; social organization like the family, the kinship groups; economic, political, religious and
educational groups and community.
Society is specifically significant because: (1) it provides a system of stratification; (2) it
provides basic needs of its members; (3) it regulates and controls people’s behavior; (4)
it provides means of social participation; (5) and it provides mutual support to the
Significance of Studying Society
1. Representation of our identity
2. Characterize the totality of a territory
3. Avenue for economic interdependence
4. Symbol political independence
Significance of Studying Politics
Since human being are political animals, politics is with us since time immemorial.
1. Politics can enhance personal happiness. By studying politics students become more
aware of their dependence on political system. Student may be better equipped in determining
when to favor and when to oppose political change.
2. Politics can enrich human freedom and well-being. Human freedom, such as freedom of
speech, assembly, press, religion, travel as well as social and economic advancement and
opportunities are relative in the sense that there is no place where there prevails complete and
absolute freedom.
3. Politics affects human lives. Distribution and allocation of funds and resources on different
projects affects human lives.
4. Politics foster moral and intellectual growth. In politics, there is always competing claims,
and differences in opinion and views. Students must learn how to be skeptical and critical on
analyzing news and views in regards to politics.
5. Politics foster self-knowledge. Every citizen must know who they are in terms of moral
character and conduct. Moral character and conduct are reflected on every decisions and
choices. And person’s decision and choice are greatly influenced by his/her political views.


• A behavioral science that deals with the study of culture. The components, characteristics,
functions, modes of adaptation of culture as well as cultural values and practice are studied in
• The branch of knowledge which deals to the scientific study of man, his works, his body, his
behavior and values within a specific time and space. Also, it includes man’s physical, social
and cultural development that describe and explain the phenomenon of human life.
• Etymological Definition
“Anthropos” (Greek) = MAN
“Logos” (Greek) = STUDY
• Anthropology gives us information concerning man’s behavior in relation to his environment
• Study of mankind
• Science that treats the origin, development, and especially the cultural development, customs,
beliefs of man

• A behavioral science that deals with the study of society. The origin, evolution, characteristic
and functions, dimensions and basic social institutions are studied in Sociology.
• The scientific study of patterned, shared human behavior
• Analyzes human’s interaction. Social interactions: social arts, social relationships, social
organization, social structures and social processes.
• Studies how societies are established and change
• Examines the influence of social relationship on people’s attitude and behavior

• Etymological Definition
“Logos” (Greek) = STUDY

• Study of the politics and the government. It also deals with the foundation of the state and the
principles of the government.
• Political Science is a social science regarding the practice and theory of politics, the analysis of
political systems and the study of political behavior
• Emphasizes the use of power, interest, influence and diplomacy
• Analyze how people attain political position, maintain their position, and the outcomes of their
policy implementation
• Etymological Definition
“Polis” (Greek) = CITY
“Scire” (Latin) = TO KNOW

The diagram that follows shows the relativity of the three multi-disciplines.


1. Anthropology broadens your horizon and changes your perspective. The study of
anthropology improves our specific knowledge of a variety of cultures and social groups. It
encourages the development of world-view which open to the possibilities of different ways of
2. Anthropology is relevant. Anthropology deals with a number of contemporary issues;
globalization, migration, refugees, human rights, minorities, indigenous people, religion, etc.
3. Anthropology is useful. Anthropology has numerous practical applications, such as dealing
with cultural differences or cross-cultural situation, etc.
4. Anthropology helps us deal with complexity. Anthropology helps to understand, appreciate
and deal with life complexities such as, social situations, differences in beliefs, practices, etc.
5. Anthropology is interesting. Studying anthropology provides opportunity to learn about a
wide range of social and cultural practices, beliefs, attitudes, events and institutions.


1. Sociology makes you a different person. This enables you to become an informed, responsible,
ethnically-sensitive citizen.
2. Sociology helps us understand that individuality is highly valued in our society.
3. Sociology involves the description and explanation of social structure and practices.
4. Sociology reveals multifaceted nature of social reality, its causes and effects. It provides
methods to deal with complexities of social life.
5. Students can become aware of the underlying social dimensions in political, economic and
legal system.
6. Understanding social behavior and social processes.
7. Sociology tells us that health is a human right
8. sociology tells us that religion and technology are also human forms of expression
9. Sociology tells us that education contributes to the development of the individuals’ capacities
for active participation in community life.
10. Sociology provides valuable information about race and its impact to the present society.


1. Political Science deepens knowledge and understanding in the field of government and politics.
2. Political Science trains students to develop critical skills.
3. Political Science helps students to obtain practical knowledge and insights on political issues.
4. Political Science helps the students to understand why the people behave the way they do
A. References
Ederlinda D. Balena, Dolores M. Lucero and Arnel M. Peralta, Understanding Culture, Society
and Politics, 2016, Page 3-14
Mariano M. Ariola, Understanding Culture, Society and Politics, 2016 Page 29-41

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