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The Measure Of Quality Services And Excellence Through Innovation

Community Empowerment Projects

1.0 Introduction
Zimbabwe is endowed with a lot of natural resources in the form of minerals, traditional
fruits and vegetables.The nation needs to take advantage of its human capital and
excellent bilateral relations with nations like China,India,Pakistani,Indonesia whose
economies are booking.We need to capacitate our farmers to venture into growing crops
that these markets are interested in.This model of empowerment will capacitate our
youths who do make 65% of the populace.The agro projects we can embark on are
piggery,avocado growing ,canning and drying of wild fruits and vegetables.
The government recently introduced SI 5 of 2023 whose aim is to drive the value addition
mantra given that it outlaws the export of raw base metals.There is need to make a follow
up on the SI by having the party coming up with a drive to own some of these value
addition centres thus creating employment and having control over the most mineral
beneficiation process. The involvement of community will enable their participation as
enunciated by the mantra "Nyika Inovakwa Nevene Vayo" as everyone will be participating
in the process.Community based initiatives have seen many nations develop and good
examples of where it has been implemented are China,India,Germany, Singapore etc.
2.0 Implementation Process
Agro Empowerment Projects
There is need to set up Agro Projects throughout the entire nation depending
on the agro regions.These projects will be used to empower the youths thus
reducing Rural to urban migration.
(a) Traditional Fruits and Vegetables Canning and Drying Centres
There is great need to tap into the availability of traditional fruits many which
are seasonal,these have to be dried or canned so they can be eaten off season
or exported given that we have majority of our people in the Diaspora thus
presenting a huge market.The members of the community will sell these
traditional fruits and vegetables to the community cannng and drying centres
thus empowering them in the long run.The centre will be linked with the buyers
to reduce bureaucracy associated with having the process go through many
channels.The community will benefit from the proceeds through a sinking fund
which be used to develop the community through drilling of boreholes,solar
installations at clinics and school administration blocks.
(b) Piggery Projects
Directors: S. Zvina, F.G. Chisadza
There is a huge demand of pork in the Chinese market,we need to set up
Community Piggery Projects run by youth nationwide.The community will own
projects through moulding bricks for the construction of the stalls,they will be
in groups and having the Chinese market will enable them to develop given the
populace.These projects besides exporting to China can even the Chinese
community locally as it's growing.
(a) Beneficiation Centres
The recently enacted SI 5/2023 compels everyone not to sell raw base metals
and there is an opportunity for the party to engage CPC to set up value
addition centres at all mining districts on a BOOT arrangement so that they
become national assets.The beneficiation centres should be for both Base
Metals and Semi Precious Stones.The idea of having the party involved will
help in the proper implementation of the value addition processes and mitigate
loopholes that private players might exploit.The party will be providing a
platform to engage with artisanal and small scale miners who cannot afford to
set up and implement value addition processes.The majority of the players in
the sector are not capable to finance value addition centres thus will be at the
mercy of the big players leading to depressed earnings for them,having a qausi
government entity being part of the value chain will enable monitoring of
prices ,prevailing market rates and conditions.There is need to be involved in
the value chain of the mining sector at micro level.
3.0 Benefits
There will be increased employment creation and revenue inflows.
Empowerment will cascade to the right people given that the projects will be
implemented at community level and the revenue invested there.
The global demand for organic food will increase revenue inflows as majority
of the agro produce will be exported.
The value addition of Base Metals and Semi Precious will unlock value in the
sector as profit margins will improve thus expanding the sector.
The projects will dovetail the these mantras"Nyika Inovakwa Nevene Vayo" and
"Leaving no one and No place behind" as the projects will be implemented at
micro level whose impact will be felt along the entire economic chain.

Concept written by Saxon Zvina representing Skyworld Consultancy Services

Directors: S. Zvina, F.G. Chisadza

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