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A Case Study presented to

Dean Desire G. Estrada, JD, PhD Professor

In Partial Fulfillment
of the requirements for the Degree



September 2023
A Juvenile delinquent refers to a young person, typically under the age of
18 in many legal systems, who has committed an act that would be considered a
crime if committed by an adult. These acts can range from minor offenses to
more serious crimes. Juvenile delinquency is often addressed through the
juvenile justice system, which aims to rehabilitate and provide support to young
offenders rather than solely focusing on punishment. The approach to handling
juvenile delinquents can vary by jurisdiction, with an emphasis on education,
counseling, and invention programs to help them avoid further criminal behavior.
Young people may become involved in juvenile delinquency for a variety of
Peer Pressure is often influenced by their peers. If their friends are engaged in
delinquent behavior, they may feel pressure to join in.
Family Environment can contribute to delinquency. This includes factors like
parental neglect, abuse, or parents who themselves have a criminal history.
Substance Abuse, Drugs, and alcohol abuse can impair judgment and lead to
impulsive and illegal behavior among young people.
Mental Health Issues, undiagnosed or untreated mental health disorders can
lead to behavioral problems and criminal activity if not addressed.
Lack of Education, lack of opportunities, or engagement in school can lead to a
sense of hopelessness and increase the risk of delinquency.
Media and Pop Culture exposure to violence and criminal behavior in media and
entertainment can influence young people’s perceptions and choices.
According to LawExplores (2013), children in conflict with law or child offenders
are commonly referred to as juvenile delinquents. Parenting is often considered
the root cause of juvenile delinquency by educationalists, theorists, social
workers, mental health professionals, and criminologists.
It is important to note that each case is unique, and multiple factors can interact
to contribute to juvenile delinquency. Early intervention, support, and access to
positive role models and opportunities for personal growth can help steer young
people away from a path of delinquency.
In this study, we will explore the life and experiences of a juvenile
delinquent, examining the factors that may have led to their involvement in
delinquent activities, and the impact on their life. This case study aims to shed
light on the multifaceted nature of juvenile delinquency and the challenges faced
in addressing this issue.

 What is the crime you committed?

The crime I committed when I was 17 years old was that I fought with
someone who tried to ruin my relationship with my partner during that time.
He became the third party in our relationship. Someone is sending me proof
like pictures and videos that is why I got triggered and attacked that person.
 Why did you commit the crime?
I did this crime because of anger and jealousy, after what happened there was
an invitation letter from the Police that they are inviting me to go to the Police
Station to settle the crime I committed. The victim, his parents, and I decided
to settle the case by paying the Physical damages I did. And we had an
agreement that if anything happens to him, I am out.
 Did you learn anything from the crime you were involved in?
What I have learned in this crime is that in every situation you need to think
first about what will be the result or the consequences that will happen to you.
You need to control your emotions and feelings, because in that way you can
think what is the right thing to do.
In this case study, we are presented with an incident involving a victim who
has sustained serious physical injuries as a result of an assault.
Severity of Injuries, the extent of the victim’s injuries is a critical factor in this
case. The fact that he sustained internal bleeding and a broken nose
suggests the gravity of the assault.
In this case, a study involving a crime of serious physical injury, a thorough
analysis of evidence, intent, and circumstances is essential for determining
the liability and potential legal consequences.
As a criminology student with an eidetic insight, I would approach the case of
serious physical injuries due to jealousy by considering various factors that
may contribute to such incidents. Jealousy can be a powerful motivator for
criminal behavior, often rooted in emotions like insecurity, envy, and
possessiveness. In analyzing this case, examining the psychological aspects
of jealousy is crucial, as it can provide valuable insights into the offender's
We would delve into the individual backgrounds of both the perpetrator and
the victim, looking for any prior incidents or patterns of behavior that might
have led to this outburst of violence. Understanding the personal history of
both parties can shed light on the underlying triggers for jealousy and
What causes him to be a juvenile delinquent?
In this case of serious physical injuries resulting from jealousy and anger,
several criminological theories can be applied to better understand the
 Social Learning Theory (Albert Bandura) This theory posits that
individuals learn behavior, including violent tendencies, through
observation and modeling. In this case, it might be valuable to explore
whether the perpetrator was exposed to violent behaviors in their past,
either within their family or through media, which could have influenced
their actions.
 Control Theory (Travis Hirschi) Individuals are less likely to engage in
criminal behavior when they have strong social bonds and attachments. In
this case of jealousy and anger, the strength of the relationship and the
presence of protective factors, such as family and friends, can be
examined to understand their impact on violent outcomes.
In this case, a criminologist might use a combination of these theories to
conduct a comprehensive analysis, considering the individual, social, and
situational factors at play. By doing so, they can better understand the motives
behind the violent act and develop strategies for prevention and intervention.
What is your recommendation to avoid the occurrence of the same act
in another juvenile?
As a criminology student offering advice to a juvenile delinquent, it is crucial to
emphasize the potential for positive change and rehabilitation. First and
foremost, seek out a trusted mentor or counselor who can provide guidance
and support. They can help you understand the underlying causes of your
behavior and develop coping strategies. Education is a powerful tool for
transformation, so prioritize your studies and consider vocational training to
enhance your prospects. Surround yourself with a supportive network of
friends and family who encourage your rehabilitation efforts. Engage in pro-
social activities and avoid negative influences. Finally, remember that change
takes time and effort; stay committed to your personal growth and legal
compliance to build a brighter future.

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