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1. Jawaban Soal 1

1. Salution and Name

2. Body/Isi
3. Signature


2. Jawaban Soal 2

1. Kesalahan penulisan tanggal dan penggunaan huruf kapital pada bulan: Surat
tersebut ditulis pada tanggal 21 Juli 2021, tetapi tertulis "4 july" yang seharusnya
"4 July".
2. Kesalahan penggunaan singkatan pada surat resmi, yaitu pada kata "thank you":
Dalam surat tersebut, kata "thank u" digunakan sebagai pengganti "thank you"
yang seharusnya ditulis dengan benar.
3. Kesalahan penulisan kata "and": Dalam kalimat "We are pleased to enclose our
latest catalog, price list, and terms of payment together with samples of our
promotional gifts", kata "and" seharusnya ditulis dengan benar.
4. Kesalahan penulisan kata "n": Dalam kalimat "We hope you will find our prices
n terms satisfactory", kata "n" digunakan sebagai pengganti "and" yang
seharusnya ditulis dengan benar.
5. Kesalahan penulisan jabatan: Dalam kalimat "Robert Brown Sales Manage", kata
"Manage" seharusnya ditulis sebagai "Manager".

3. Jawaban Soal 3

Subject: Thank You for Being a Guest Speaker at Our International Seminar

Dear Prof. Allen Smith,

I hope this email finds you well. On behalf of the committee for the international
seminar, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your valuable contribution as a
guest speaker at our event. Your expertise and insights on “Changing The Mindset Of
English” were truly enlightening and greatly appreciated by all the participants.
Your engaging presentation not only provided valuable knowledge mbut also inspired
the audience to delve deeper into the subject matter. The positive feedback we received
from the attendees is a testament to the impact of your speech.
We are truly honored to have had the opportunity to host such a distinguished expert like
yourself. Your presence added immense value to the seminar and made it a resounding
success. The knowledge and experiences you shared will undoubtedly have a lasting
impact on the participants' professional growth.
Once again, thank you for your time, dedication, and willingness to share your expertise
with us. We sincerely hope that we will have the pleasure of welcoming you as a guest
speaker in our future events.
Wishing you continued success in your endeavors.

Best regards,
Mohammad Bayu Saksono
Chairman of the commite “Changing The Mindset Of English”

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