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Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________________

Teacher: __________________________________ Section: _______________

I. Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheets.

1. What do you call the part of the form wherein the person fills-in his/her religious preference?
A. age C. father’s name
B. sex D. religion

2. When do you need to fill out a form?

A. at school C. when you get money
B. when you send money D. all of the above

3. What is the difference between middle initial/M.I. and middle name?

A. M.I. is the father’s name while middle name is the mother’s name.
B. M.I. is the first letter of your mother’s maiden name while middle name is the mother’s complete
maiden name.
C. M.I. is the first letter of your father’s family name while middle name is the mother’s complete
maiden name.
D. M.I is the mother’s name while middle name is the family name of the father.

4. It is a unique set of numbers used to identify the account at a bank.

A. Priority Number C. Account Number
B. Cell phone Number D. Plate Number

5. Which of the given information in a school form tells the gender of the person filling out the form?
A. 11 yrs. Old C. Philippines
B. Male D. August 18, 2012

6. A part of a form that tells where a person lives.

A. Address C. Gender
B. Contact Numbers D. Name

7. Is the date of birth the same as today’s date?

A. Yes C. Maybe
B. No D. None of the above

8. What information might you need when filling out a bank withdrawal slip?
A. your first name and last name C. amount to be withdrawn
B. your current address D. all of the above

9. Why should you sign the Bank Deposit Slip before getting money from the bank?
A. to certify that you are the owner of the account
B. because the Bank told you to do so
C. for decoration purposes
D. none of the above

10. Should you write down all of your information like birthday, mothers name, age, sex; when
depositing money in the bank?
A. Yes C. Maybe
B. No D. None of the above
11. The process by which an individual needs to fill out and supply requested information correctly and
accurately on the space provided.
A. Predicting outcome C. Filling-out forms
B. Nothing details D. identifications

12. To fill out forms accurately, the following are things to remember except one:
A. See whether to write using capital letters or not.
B. Look whether you have to write first your last name or your first name.
C. See whether you need to write only your middle initial or your middle name.
D. No need to write N/A or “not applicable” if it does not apply to you.
13. It refers to your surname or family name.
A. first name C. last name
B. given name D. middle name

14. What is the meaning of the word unfriendly?

A. in a friendly way C. not with friends
B. not in a friendly way D. always with friends

15. What is the prefix that will make the underlined word correct?
Mario eats too much candy and junk foods, so he is not healthy. He is ____nourished.
A. mal- B. dis- C. un- D. im-

16. The young lady kept the souvenir program as a remember___.

What suffix makes the word complete?
A. -ism B. -ation C. -ance D. -ship

17. If you lead an orchestra, you are its ____________.

A. conductor B. conduction C. conducting D. conduct

18. A store where books are sold is a _________.

A. drugstore B. bookstore C. bookshelf D. bookmark

19. Famela used her ________to protect her eyes from the sun’s glare.
A. sunshield B. sun visor C. sunglasses D. eyeglasses
20. The word motorbike comes from the two words ______________ .
A. motorcycle + cycle C. motor + bicycle
B. motor + tricycle D. motor + unicycle

21. Which word completes the sentence?

The polluted skyline of most industrial cities is covered with _________
A. fog B. air C. smog D. smoke

22. My class will be having a practical test in science lab later today.
A. an academic period C. a place for experimentation
B. a collection of books D. a place for meeting

23. The Black Pink group has a lot of fans that each time they will have a concert the tickets will be sold
A. supporters B. detractors C. critics D. enemies

24. A store where books are sold is a_________________.

A. drugstore B. bookstore C. bookshelf D. bookmark
25. Ryan used his_________to protect his eyes from the sun’s glare.
A. sunshield B. sun visor C. sunglasses D. eyeglasses

26. The following sentences are examples of a cause-effect relationship, EXCEPT.

A. Maria loves to eat fruits and vegetables.
B. The boy is watering the plants daily, so it grows healthy.
C. You will be healthy if you will eat the right amount of food.
D. The plants withered because John did not water them at all.

27. It was raining hard, so I stayed home all morning. What is the connector used in the sentence?
A. it C. and
B. so D. was
28. Which of the following sentences is an example of a compound sentence?
A. Sheena is a good daughter.
B. What is the first thing you do when you get at home?
C. You could do a lot better if you were a little more obedient.
D. Sheena bought garlic and onions, but she forgot to buy tomatoes.
29. What is the subordinate clause in the sentence below?
Because the honey was of good quality, Mia was so pleased.
A. Was so pleased
B. Was of good quality
C. Mia was so pleased
D. Because the honey was of good quality

30. What could be the probable solution of the given problem below? Problem: Jino has a dry cough.
A. Mother will cook food for him.
B. Jino should drink medicine right away.
C. Jino should have a check-up with his doctor.
D. Mother should buy medicine without the doctor’s prescription.

31. It is a kind of sentence that has one subject and one predicate.
A. Simple C. Complex
B. Compound D. Compound-Complex

32. The following connectors are used for compound sentences, EXCEPT.
A. and B. but C. while D. or

33. Ana and Liza have been good friends. The sentence is an example of a simple sentence that has a
A. simple subject and simple predicate
B. compound subject and simple predicate
C. simple subject and compound predicate
D. compound subject and compound predicate

34. What is the independent clause in the sentence?

Mary finds it hard to lose weight because she ate too many sweets.
A. She ate too many sweets.
B. Finds it hard to lose weight.
C. Because she ate too many sweets.
D. Mary finds it hard to lose weight.

35. Which of the following is the dependent or subordinate clause in the sentence below?
People flee to the evacuation centers where they are assured of their safety.
A. Assured of their safety
B. People flee to the evacuation centers.
C. Where they are assured of their safety
D. Evacuation centers where they are assured of their safety

36. Which of the following has a compound subject and simple predicate?
A. The dog barks.
B. Julia and Mary hired a taxi to airport.
C. Jack and Jill went up the hill and fetch some water.
D. The cat and the dog yowled and howled, respectively

37. Girly was disappointed. What is the possible cause?

A. She did not want to study.
B. She got a low grade in English.
C. She hated people who use computers.
D. She was angry about John’s joke on her.

38. It was a very hot day so everyone wanted ___________ . What is the most probable effect of the
A. some cold drinks C. a piece of cupcake
B. a piece of sandwich D. two bottles of hot water
39. Which of the following sentences has the descriptive kind of adjective?
A. A dozen of eggs were broken.
B. Jessie and Alex brought five marbles.
C. Many people are working in that company.
D. The children walked down in a quiet place.

40. The baby___________ a lot of milk.

A. drink B. drinks C. are drinking D. were drinking

41. Nowadays, children _____________to watch movies in the computer.

A. love B. loves C. loved D. is loving

42. What kind of adverb is the underlined word?

Sharlene’s presentation was very interesting.
A. place B. manner C. frequency D. intensity

43. What is the correct adjective to be used in the sentence in the box?

A. a B. an C. the D. more

44. The Philippines ____________experienced economic problems.

A. is B. has C. have D. had

45. The school’s athletics________ sponsored by the government.

A. is B. are C. has D. have

46. Mother__________ to market every Saturday.

A. go B. goes C. is going D. went

47. News _________ heard over the radio and can be seen on television.
A. is B. are C. has D. have

48. The hikers seemed tired _________looked happy.

A. or B. so C. for D. but

49. Janeth cannot plan everything today ________ she forgot to bring her guide.
A. if B. after C. while D. because

50. His parents gave him a bike _______ he could easily go to the market.
A. because B. so that C. as long as D. although
A. ?

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