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Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2020, 334–350

doi: 10.1093/deafed/enz050
Advance Access Publication Date: 13 February 2020
Empirical Manuscript


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Language and Reading Progress of Young Deaf and
Hard-of-Hearing Children
Shirin D. Antia1,*, Amy R. Lederberg2 , Susan Easterbrooks2 , Brenda Schick3 ,
Lee Branum-Martin2 , Carol M. Connor4 and Mi-Young Webb2
1 Universityof Arizona, 2 Georgia State University, 3 University of Colorado at Boulder, and 4 University of
California at Irvine
*Correspondence should be sent to Shirin D. Antia, University of Arizona, College of Education, Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies,
Tucson, AZ 85721, U.S.A. (e-mail:

We examined the language and reading progress of 336 young DHH children in kindergarten, first and second grades.
Trained assessors tested children’s language, reading, and spoken and fingerspelled phonological awareness in the fall and
spring of the school year. Children were divided into groups based on their auditory access and classroom communication: a
spoken-only group (n = 101), a sign-only group (n = 131), and a bimodal group (n = 104). Overall, children showed delays in
language and reading compared to norms established for hearing children. For language, vocabulary standard scores were
higher than for English syntax. Although delayed in language, children made expected gains based on hearing norms from
kindergarten to second grade. Reading scores declined from kindergarten to second grade. Spoken-only and bimodal
children had similar word reading and reading comprehension abilities and higher scores than sign-only children.
Spoken-only children had better spoken phonological awareness and nonword reading skills than the other two groups. The
sign-only and bimodal groups made similar and significant gains in ASL syntax and fingerspelling phonological awareness.

Language and literacy development are related areas that with cochlear implants (CIs) or those identified early) or only
can be adversely affected by childhood hearing loss (Lederberg, measure spoken language outcomes.
Schick, & Spencer, 2013). Reported language and reading out- The present study adds to the literature in two ways. First,
comes of children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) vary we examine the development of language and literacy skills
from study to study. Some research suggests that developments as children begin to learn to read. Specifically, we describe
such as newborn hearing screening, early intervention, and the how skills change in comparison to norms across a school year
use of cochlear implants and digital hearing aids have resulted (longitudinally) and from kindergarten to second grade (cross-
in DHH children developing age-appropriate language and read- sectionally). Our goal was to determine when and if DHH chil-
ing skills in elementary school (Sarant, Harris, & Bennet, 2015; dren’s skills differ from hearing children’s during this critical
Tomblin, Oleson, Ambrose, Walker, & Moeller, 2018). Others have time period. Second, our large (n = 336) diverse sample allowed
found both language and reading to be delayed (Kyle & Harris, us to compare the development of language and literacy skills
2011; Tobey et al., 2013). These conflicting findings may be of three groups of DHH children: those who had auditory access
due to challenges of doing research with a heterogenous low- to, and were acquiring spoken language only; those who were
incidence population. Some studies include DHH children who unimodal visual learners and were acquiring sign language; and
range widely in age, thus obscuring developmental changes. those who had auditory access to spoken language and visual
Others include only a subsection of the population (e.g., children access to sign language and were acquiring both (whom we label

Received March 13, 2019; revisions received November 21, 2019; accepted December 05, 2019

© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

S. D. Antia et al. 335

bimodal in this article). Based on theoretical and empirical evi- language abilities. The results supported the hypothesis that
dence, we hypothesized that development may differ for these DHH children in these different groups learn to read using
three groups. different skills (English, ASL, spoken phonological awareness,
fingerspelling) and underscore the importance of examining
the development of these individual skills. In order to have a
sufficient sample to conduct factor analyses, the previous study
Theoretical Model examined language and literacy skills of the kindergarten and
The Simple View of Reading (SVR) (Hoover & Gough, 1990; first and second graders as a single group and only used fall
Tunmer & Chapman, 2012) served as our framework for under- scores in the analysis. The current study extends this research
standing reading development. The SVR posits that reading is by examining longitudinal changes in language and literacy
a product of two major components: word identification and skills from fall to spring, as well as analyzing cross-sectional

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linguistic comprehension. Word identification requires the differences between kindergarten, first and second graders. We
(hearing) reader to manipulate the sublexical structure of words describe development and group differences for 13 measures of
by decoding letters into spoken phonemes and assembling these language and literacy skills to give a nuanced picture. We also
into words. Readers can then map the decoded words onto their describe development using normative data to determine how
knowledge of the semantics and syntax of language to compre- DHH children’s functioning compares to expectations based on
hend print. The SVR model suggests that the development of hearing norms. The following review of research briefly sum-
reading, defined as word reading and reading comprehension, marizes relatively recent language and literacy outcome studies
is based on children’s language and phonological awareness of young DHH children between approximately 5 and 9 years
abilities. of age with specific attention to those that report change over
Researchers agree that SVR can serve as a framework for time.
literacy development of DHH children but differ on whether
the model developed for hearing children applies to all DHH
children. The qualitatively similar hypothesis developed by Paul Language of Young DHH Children
and colleagues (Paul & Lee, 2010; Trezek et al., 2011) posits that
reading requires knowledge of spoken language and that DHH Much of recently published research focuses on spoken language
children develop reading the same way as hearing children do outcomes of children with CIs (see Ruben, 2018 for a review).
but at a slower pace. Other researchers (Hoffmeister & Cald- We divide these studies by language outcome measure, and
well-Harris, 2014; Pettito et al., 2016) believe that DHH children report differences, when available, among children who differ by
use alternative visually based skills (i.e., sign language, sign communication and/or by language.
phonology, fingerspelling) to learn to read. Yet others posit a
third hypothesis—that both views are true, but for different DHH
children depending on their acquisition of spoken and/or signed
Global Language
language (Lederberg et al., 2013; Miller, 2002). Authors of these studies administered developmental language
DHH children differ on their language learning as a function assessments that sampled a number of different language
of their language input and their speech perception abilities domains such as the Reynell Developmental Language Scales
(Lederberg et al., 2013). Those exposed to sign in school and/or at (Reynell & Gruber, 1990) or administered multiple assessments
home acquire sign language because they encounter no sensory and reported composite language scores. Some authors have
barriers to visual language. On the other hand, speech percep- reported delays, often along with a wide range of achievement.
tion abilities will determine the acquisition of spoken language. Tobey et al. (2013) evaluated the receptive and expressive spoken
Because of cochlear implants and digital hearing aids, many, but language of 160 implanted children for three consecutive years.
not all, DHH children have sufficient speech perception abilities At the 4-year (mean CA 6–4 years) and 6-year (mean CA 8–
to acquire spoken language. Children who are not exposed to 4 years) post-implant follow-up, the mean composite standard
sign language will acquire only spoken language. DHH children scores (SS) were 76.4 and 77.6, respectively, with a range from
who are in signing environments and can perceive spoken lan- 69.6 to 94.7. Although children were delayed, they made, on
guage may acquire both spoken and signed language and can be average, expected progress over time, evidenced by the stable
considered bimodal–bilingual. mean standard score. Hay-McCutcheon et al. (2008) followed a
Based on both reading theory and previous research, we group of 30 children with CIs between ages 1.5 and 10 years and
hypothesized that DHH children’s early reading abilities would found that almost all scored a year or more below age norms;
be closely related to phonological awareness and language abili- by 9 years of age, the average language age of the sample was
ties, but the nature of these skills would be different for these 7.9 years.
three groups. We found support for this hypothesis when we In contrast, some researchers have reported age-appropriate
examined the structure of language and literacy skills for these development. Sarant et al. (2015) assessed the spoken language
336 young DHH children using confirmatory factor analyses of 44 8-year-old children with CIs and reported a mean SS of
(Lederberg et al., 2019). In the group who were only acquiring 92.5, well within the average range (85–115). Tomblin et al. (2018)
sign, reading was strongly related to children’s fingerspelling compared the spoken language (and literacy) outcomes of 108
phonological abilities and bilingual (ASL and signed English) hard-or-hearing (HH) children with a group of hearing controls.
language abilities and only moderately related to spoken phono- At age 5, the HH children scored significantly lower than the
logical awareness. In the group who were only acquiring spoken hearing group, but by age 8 the children with mild and moderate
language, reading was strongly related to spoken phonological losses had scores similar to the hearing group. These children
awareness and moderately related to spoken language abili- made more progress than expected and “closed the gap” with
ties. For the group of bimodal–bilingual DHH children, reading their hearing peers. On the other hand, children at both ages
was strongly related to both fingerspelling and spoken phono- with severe losses scored lower than the hearing group and the
logical awareness, as well as their bilingual (ASL and English) other HH children.
336 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2020, Vol. 25, No. 3

Of the studies described, two (Hay-McCutcheon et al., 2008; within the average range and others reporting delays compared
Tobey et al., 2013) included participants who used a combi- to hearing peers.
nation of spoken and signed communication. Neither group
of researchers reported data separately on children based on
their differences in communication. In their review of research
on language outcomes, Fitzpatrick and colleagues (Fitzpatrick Children of signing Deaf parents acquire the syntax of sign lan-
et al., 2016) concluded that there is, as yet, insufficient evidence guage in a manner similar to that of hearing children acquiring
through well-controlled studies to determine whether using a the syntax of a spoken language (Lillo-Martin & Pichler, 2006).
combination of spoken and signed communication influences DHH children of hearing parents typically have parents who are
language outcomes of DHH children. novice signers, and many primarily acquire sign on school entry.
Enns and colleagues (Allen & Enns, 2013; Enns & Herman, 2011)

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found that preschool and elementary DHH children’s mastery of
ASL structures increased with age and that children with signing
Several studies report on DHH children’s vocabulary status, but parents (regardless of hearing status) outperformed, at all ages,
few have documented growth during the early school years. In those whose parents did not use sign.
one of the few large studies Connor, Hieber, Alexander Arts, For children acquiring spoken language, morpho-syntax
and Zwolan, (2000) assessed expressive and receptive vocabulary can be difficult to acquire because many essential features
growth of children with CIs, 66 of whom used spoken and signed are unstressed and nonsyllabic and therefore difficult to hear.
communication, while 81 used spoken language only. At a mean There is ample documentation of delays in the acquisition of the
age of approximately 7 years, the average expressive and recep- syntax of spoken languages by DHH students between the late
tive vocabulary age was delayed by about 3 years for both groups. preschool and early elementary years. Geers, Nicholas & Sedey,
Receptive vocabulary growth was about half that of hearing (2003) found that the DHH children between ages 7–11 and 9–
norms (0.45 years of growth per year) and did not differ by 11 years scored between 2 and 3 standard deviations (SD) below
communication group. Expressive vocabulary growth (0.70 years the norms on tests of receptive English syntax. Geers et al. (2009)
of growth per year) was similar for both groups of children but reported that only 33 and 40% of kindergarteners scored within
with considerable variability among participants. Hayes, Geers, 1 SD of their hearing age-mates in receptive and expressive
Treiman, and Moog, (2009) conducted a longitudinal study of English morpho-syntax, respectively. Hay-McCutcheon et al.
receptive vocabulary growth of 65 children with CIs between 3 (2008) reported that the 30 kindergarten children with CIs in
and 9 years of age, attending an intensive auditory–oral program. their study all scored below the 50th percentile on a test of
Children achieved an initial SS of 61 but made greater than English morpho-syntax. Duchesne, Sutton & Bergeron, (2009)
expected annual gains of almost 8 points per year resulting in an examined syntax acquisition of 15 children with CIs between
average SS of 81 at 8 years of age. Cupples, Ching, Crowe, Day, and the ages of 5 and 8 years and reported that 35% scored within
Seeto, (2013) assessed 101 5-year-old DHH children and reported normal limits (i.e., within 1 SD) on comprehension of syntactic
an average receptive vocabulary percentile score of 27. They too constructions, while 42% scored within 1 SD on comprehension
reported a large range; some children knew only 4 words while of morphemes.
others knew 112. Hay-McCutcheon et al. (2008) reported no differences
Some studies indicate that young children with CIs achieve between children who used spoken and/or sign communication,
vocabulary standard scores within the average range. Geers, but Geers et al. (2003) reported that children who primarily used
Moog, Biedenstein, Brenner & Hayes, (2009) examined the vocab- spoken communication scored higher on expressive English
ulary of 153 children 5–7 years of age and reported mean vocab- syntax than children who used sign. In brief, our knowledge
ulary standard scores of 91 and 86 for expressive and recep- of ASL syntax acquisition in elementary-aged children is
tive vocabulary, respectively; between 50 and 58% of children limited. English syntax acquisition is delayed for many DHH
received standard scores within 1 SD (85–115) of test norms. children including those who have auditory access to spoken
Fitzpatrick, Crawford, Ni & Durieux-Smith, (2011) found DHH vlanguage.
4–5-year-olds had an average SS of 91, within the average range,
but significantly below the average SS of 115 achieved by their
hearing peers.
Harris and her colleagues conducted studies that included
Reading of Young DHH Children
children who sign, who only use spoken language and who Historically, median reading scores for DHH students at all grade
use both. Harris, Terlektsi & Kyle, (2017a) found that DHH chil- levels were reported to be below the norms for hearing students
dren began school delayed and made only about a third of (Karchmer & Mitchell, 2011) although research with HH children
the progress of their hearing peers over a 2-year period. Har- and those who have CIs shows that many children are achieving
ris, Terlektsi & Kyle (2017b) collected data from a new sample within the average range (see Mayer & Trezek 2018 for a review).
of children and found that this more recent cohort of DHH While there are a number of published studies of reading, most
children had higher vocabulary scores than those in their lon- include children within a very wide age range (e.g., Johnson &
gitudinal study but still lagged 2 years behind their hearing Goswami 2010). We briefly review studies of DHH children within
peers. our target age range (5–9 years).
The studies by Connor et al. (2000) and Harris et al. (2017a) Kyle and Harris (2011) compared the development in word
included in their sample DHH children who used spoken lan- reading of DHH (CA = 5.8 years) and hearing beginning readers
guage and children who signed. Connor et al. reported no differ- (CA = 5.0 years), assessing them three times over a 2-year period.
ences between these groups in progress over time, while Harris The authors matched the two groups on word reading ability at
et al. found that children who used spoken language had higher the beginning of the study. Eleven DHH children used spoken
scores than those who used sign. In short, reports on vocabulary language while 13 used sign. Both groups made similar progress
vary by study with several indicating that DHH children score in word reading during the first year; however, the DHH children
S. D. Antia et al. 337

made half the progress as the hearing children in the subsequent spoken language. Children who do not have auditory access to
year. Harris et al. (2017a) compared the reading progress of a spoken language may develop only limited spoken phonological
slightly older cohort of 41 DHH children, ages 6.6 and 8.4 years, awareness skills. Fingerspelling may be an alternative to spoken
matched on single-word reading with hearing controls. Eighteen phonological awareness for these children because, similar to
DHH children used spoken language while 26 used sign. Over spoken phonology, it can be used to manipulate and access
a 2-year period, the DHH children made gains of 13 months in the sublexical structure of printed words. Fingerspelling, which
both single-word reading and reading comprehension, while the consists of a manual alphabet representing the English print
hearing children made gains of 31 and 24 months, respectively. alphabet, is a natural part of ASL and many other sign languages.
Thus, in both these studies, DHH children lost ground to their Fluently fingerspelled words contain some syllable structure
hearing peers as they grew older. In contrast, Tomblin et al. depicted by a sign-like movement or envelope, while chunking
(2018) found that HH children with mild and moderate hearing or coarticulation of frequently co-occurring letter sequences

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loss made reading progress similar to the hearing control group aids comprehension (Brentari, 1998). Research with signing DHH
between ages 5 and 8 years. However, the children with severe adults shows that fingerspelling ability contributes significantly
hearing loss, who had print knowledge similar to hearing peers and independently to reading fluency (Stone, Kartheiser, Hauser,
at age 5, were significantly behind both the hearing and other Pettito & Allen, 2015) and may serve as a means of retaining
HH children in reading comprehension by age 8. print in short-term memory to assist with decoding (Sehyr,
Some researchers have reported that a considerable per- Petrich & Emmorey, 2016). In the present study, we assessed
centage of children with CIs achieve reading scores within the fingerspelling phonological abilities through imitation of finger-
average range. Dillon and Pisoni (2006) and Geers (2003) exam- spelled words, blending fingerspelled letters into fingerspelled
ined word reading and reading comprehension of DHH chil- words, and elision, i.e., creating a new word by deleting a finger-
dren with CIs, between 8 and 9 years of age, and included spelled letter(s) from a fingerspelled word. The latter two were
in their sample children who used spoken language and spo- designed to be analogous to spoken phonological awareness
ken and signed communication. Dillon and Pisoni reported that tasks (see Measures). Lederberg et al. (2019) found that finger-
70% of the children received standard scores within 1 standard spelling and reading were highly correlated in the current sam-
deviation (SD) of test norms, while Geers reported that 52% ple, demonstrating the potential importance of fingerspelling to
of children received standard scores within 1 SD of the test reading.

The Present Study

Phonological Awareness in Young DHH
We know surprisingly little about the language and literacy
Children development of DHH children during elementary school,
In order to learn to read, hearing children must be sensitive to especially for those who do not have CIs and are not solely
the sublexical structure of words so they can learn to map letters acquiring spoken language. The present study builds on the
to spoken phonemes. This requires the development of phono- previous findings of Lederberg et al. (2019), in which multi-
logical awareness. Spoken phonological awareness involves the group confirmatory factor analyses established across-group
ability to analyze and manipulate words into their component measurement equivalence for the assessments used in this
sounds. DHH students who have auditory access are able to research project. The factor structure indicated that the
develop spoken phonological awareness skills. James et al. (2005) assessments were equally valid indicators of the proposed
reported that mean scores of 7- to 10-year-old DHH children underlying constructs of language, reading, and phonological
with CIs were higher than chance and showed improvement over awareness across the three groups of children (spoken-only,
12 months. Most researchers find that DHH children score lower sign-only, bimodal). This allowed a comparison of the groups’
on these skills when compared to hearing norms and matched performance on these three constructs. The language construct
hearing peers. Harris and Beech (1998) examined spoken phono- reflected the children’s spoken language abilities for the spoken-
logical awareness skills of 44 kindergarten and first grade chil- only group but bilingual (ASL and English) abilities for the
dren, of whom 32 used spoken language and 12 used sign. bimodal and sign-only groups. The three groups had equivalent
Although children made progress between fall and spring, their mean language ability or proficiency. Spoken-only and bimodal
scores remained, on average, 1 SD below the test norms. Kyle and children had better reading abilities than sign-only children,
Harris (2011), Nittrouer, Caldwell, Lowenstein, Tarr & Holloman, with no differences between the former two groups. Spoken-
(2012) and Cupples et al. (2013) all reported that DHH kinder- only children had better spoken phonological awareness abilities
gartners scored below comparison groups of hearing children on than bimodal children, who had better abilities than sign-only
spoken phonological awareness tasks. In contrast, James, Rajput, children.
Brinton & Goswami, (2008) found that children who received CIs While providing an overall picture of DHH children’s
between 2 and 4 years of age achieved phonological awareness functioning, there were limitations to the previous study. Only
skills similar to hearing peers. Knowledge of spoken phonolog- fall raw scores were analyzed, and sample size requirements of
ical awareness might also occur through a visual communica- confirmatory factor analyses led us to include kindergarten,
tion modality. Results of longitudinal studies of French-speaking first and second graders as one group. The present study
children between kindergarten and second grade showed that by extends our previous work and examines within-year gains (fall
second grade, children who had received consistent and early to spring) as well as differences across grades and language
exposure to cued speech had phonological awareness scores groups on each of the multiple measures of language and
similar to a hearing comparison group (Colin, Leybaert, Ecalle reading. We have two specific research questions. First, what
& Magnan, 2013; Colin, Magnan, Ecalle & Leybaert, 2006). Kyle is the status (i.e., level of functioning) of young DHH children’s
and Harris (2010) suggest that speechreading, another visual language and reading compared to the norms for hearing
avenue, can help DHH children acquire the phonological code for children? Second, how do language and reading change over
338 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2020, Vol. 25, No. 3

a school year and from kindergarten to second grade, and do (i.e., sign-only and bimodal) reported using ASL only (62%),
status and progress differ by group: spoken-only, sign-only, or using both ASL and signed English (27%), and only signed
bimodal? English (11%). Thus, the majority of sign-only and bimodal
children were in classrooms where ASL was the language of
Table 1 provides the demographic, audiological, and back-
ground characteristics of the three groups of children. Group
Participants differences were examined with chi-square analyses for cat-
Three hundred and thirty-six deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) egorical data and ANOVAs for interval data. Groups did not
children participated in this study. Children had to have a differ in terms of grade, gender, age of diagnosis of hearing loss,
hearing loss (Better Ear-Pure Tone Average, BE-PTA >25 dB); or cognitive abilities. However, they differed in their race/eth-

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be enrolled in kindergarten, first or second grade; and be nicity. The sign-only group had more White children than the
between the ages of 5 and 9 years to be included. Children other groups; spoken-only group had more African–American
with severe disabilities (defined as the presence of autism and children and fewer Hispanic children than the other groups.
severe visual or cognitive impairment) were not included. We The spoken-only group had more children with CIs and better
included children with mild disabilities (identified as such from speech articulation abilities than the other groups. The sign-
teacher report). We received permission from the University only group contained more children with at least one DHH
IRBs and from most schools to notify parents rather than parent than the other groups. Children in the three grades
require individual written consent. We therefore were able did not differ significantly for any background/demographic
to assess all children who met our eligibility criteria in most measure (see Table S1. Supplemental tables and figures are
schools. online).
Children attended 103 different classes in 40 schools
located in nine states in the United States and one Cana-
dian province. A majority of children (87.5%) attended self- Measures
contained classrooms in local elementary programs or in Speech and cognitive measures were used to describe the
schools serving only DHH children. The remaining 12.5% of children’s abilities. We assessed speech perception with the ESP
children attended general education classrooms with hearing (Moog & Geers, 1990). Using an acoustic hoop, examiners asked
peers. children to select referents from a closed set of pictures for
spoken words. Consistent with the test manual, performance
Groups Children were divided into three groups based on
was classified into four categories: 1 = no pattern perception
their auditory access to spoken language and availability of sign
(0 correct), 2 = pattern perception (discriminated syllabic struc-
language in the classroom. We determined that children had
ture), 3 = some word identification (selected correct referents
auditory access to spoken language if they were able to identify
for 33–65% of words), and 4 = consistent word identification
some referents of spoken words presented through audition
(selected correct referents for more than 65% of words). Children
alone on the Early Speech Perception Test (ESP; Moog & Geers, 1990,
in the latter two categories were judged to have auditory access
see Measures). Signed language was available for those children
to spoken language. We assessed speech articulation with the Ari-
whose teachers signed. These two dimensions resulted in the
zona Articulation Proficiency Scale–3 (Fudala, 2000). Children were
following three groups:
asked to supply a spoken word for a series of pictures. Speech
Spoken-only (n = 101). Children had auditory access to spoken
pathology graduate students scored responses from recordings.
language and their teachers and parents used only spoken lan-
Raw scores were converted to degree of speech articulation
impairment based on age norms. We assessed nonverbal IQ with
Sign-only (n = 131). Children did not have auditory access to
the DAS-II Matrices subtest (Elliott, 2007). Children were asked
spoken language. Their teachers signed with or without using
to select a picture that fits a matrix pattern. Raw scores were
spoken language. While these children may have been exposed
converted to T-scores. The normative mean equals 50 with a
to spoken language, they were visual learners because they had
SD of 10.
little or no speech perception even with typical amplification
based on their ESP performance.
Bimodal (n = 104). Children had auditory access to spoken Language We assessed vocabulary with the Expressive One-
language and teachers signed with or without using spo- Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4 (EOWPVT; Martin & Brownell,
ken language. These children were in the same classrooms 2011) which required children to name pictures of increasingly
as the sign-only children but differed from them in their unfamiliar items. We accepted both spoken and signed words
auditory access. (ASL or English). Responses were judged to be correct based
Teachers and examiners (i.e., those who administered study on the manual and a list of acceptable signs developed by
assessments) completed ratings of children’s language abilities the researchers. We assessed receptive English syntax with the
that indicated our categorization accurately divided the sample. Elaborated Phrases and Sentences subtest of the Test of Auditory
They confirmed that almost all children in the spoken-only Comprehension of Language-3 (TACL; Carrow-Woolfolk, 1999).
and sign-only groups used either spoken language or sign. In Children had to select the correct picture after being given a sen-
the spoken-only group, one child knew some sign language tence. Assessors administered items in spoken English and/or
that teachers rated severely limited. In the sign-only group, in sign. When signing, assessors signed the sentences in English
five children knew some spoken language but teachers rated word order but did not sign English morphemes (e.g., −ed, −s).
their abilities as severely limited. Bimodal children varied They accompanied sign with spoken language based on their
in language use, with 74% using both spoken and signed knowledge of children’s preferences. We assessed expressive
language, 14% preferring to only use spoken language, and 14% spoken English syntax with the Word Structure subtest of the
preferring to only use sign. Teachers of children who signed Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-4 (CELF; Semel, Wiig
S. D. Antia et al. 339

Table 1 Demographic characteristics by group

Variable Spoken Bimodal Sign Total

Mean age in years (SD) 6.6 (1.0) 6.6 (0.9) 6.8 (1.0) 6.7 (1.0)
Grade: kindergarten (%) 50 38 34 40
First 28 36 34 33
Second 23 26 31 27
Ethnicity: Hispanic 23 39 30 31
Race: white 44 55 63 55
Black 26 17 11 17
Asian 7 3 8 6

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Other 14 20 8 13
Home language
Spoken English only 69 30 14 36
ASL only 0 9 41 19
ASL + spoken English 3 30 28 21
Spoken language 12 9 7 9
only—not English
Bilingual spoken 15 8 2 8
Deaf or hard-of-hearing 7 23 50 29
Timing of hearing loss
Congenital 52 76 82 65
Acquired 11 4 5 6
Don’t know 35 21 27 28
Audiological technology
Unilateral CI (with or 20 25 14 19
without HA)
Bilateral CI 35 10 7 15
Hearing aid(s) only 45 56 47 51
None 1 3 30 13
Mild additional disability 25 30 19 25
Attention 8 8 5 7
Cognitive 4 4 2 3
Motor 13 11 6 10
Emotional/behavior 2 5 4 4
Differential ability scale T 46.7(8.1) 46.7 (9.1) 45.9 (8.1)
score M (SD)
Early speech perception
No pattern perception 0 0 93 39
Pattern perception 0 0 7 1
Some word identification 1 1 0 2
Consistent word 99 98 0 58
Level of speech articulation
None 53 25 — 37
Mild 24 13 — 18
Moderate 21 28 — 25
Severe 2 34 — 20

Note. All numbers are percentages, except where noted otherwise. Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding or missing data.

& Secord, 2004). This test uses cloze-set items to elicit expressive
morphology. Examiners administered stimuli to children who Reading We assessed reading with three subtests of the
signed using simultaneous communication. Children had to Woodcock–Johnson (WJ) Tests of Achievement III-NU (Woodcock
produce the word with the correct morphology, using either et al., 2007). We assessed single-word reading with Letter-Word
speech, English signed morphemes, or fingerspelling. We Identification (WJ Word ID). We required students to identify letters
assessed receptive ASL syntax with the ASL Receptive Skills Test with spoken or fingerspelled names and single printed words
(Revised) (Schick, 2013). Children watched a recording of a with spoken and/or signed words. We assessed nonword reading
model signing 32 ASL sentences and selected a picture from with Word Attack that requires children initially to express the
a closed set of three to six pictures for each item. Sentences sounds of single letters and then to decode nonsense words.
assessed complex syntax such as verb agreement, classifiers, We accepted Visual Phonics and vocal approximations as a way
and topicalization. to represent spoken phonemes. We assessed reading compre-
340 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2020, Vol. 25, No. 3

hension with Passage Comprehension (Pass comp) that measure all children received the expressive spoken English syntax (CELF-
comprehension of single sentences starting with matching WS) test, but testing was discontinued for sign-only children
symbols or rebuses to a picture, followed by matching short because they consistently scored at floor. Only those children
phrases to a picture, and finally, requiring children to provide the who attended classrooms where teachers used sign received the
missing word in a sentence. We accepted spoken and/or signed ASL and fingerspelling assessments.
words. We maintained scoring integrity in multiple ways. All assess-
ments were recorded. Examiners double-checked their live scor-
Phonological awareness (PA) We assessed spoken PA with the ing with these recordings. Graduate students re-scored items for
Sound Matching and Blending subtests of Comprehensive Test 20% of children randomly chosen (blocked by group). Interrater
of Phonological Processing (CTOPP; Wagner, Torgesen & Rashotte, agreement ranged from 0.88 to 0.99. Graduate students indepen-
1999). Sound Matching required children to select the picture dently calculated standard scores twice and conferenced with

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that matched the initial or final sound of the target picture and a third researcher to resolve discrepancies. They independently
did not require speech. We assumed sign-only children would entered scores twice into the database, and discrepancies were
use either their knowledge of the spoken phonology of depicted resolved by a third researcher. Internal reliability for each test
words or visual (speechreading) information to take this test. was calculated for each group for fall and spring. As is evident in
Blending required children to combine spoken sounds to form Table S2, reliability values were high (between 0.73 and 0.97) and
spoken words. Assessors administered the directions using each similar across groups.
child’s preferred language and communication, but all items
were delivered in spoken language.
We assessed Fingerspelling PA with three subtests of Statistical Analyses
the Fingerspelling Ability and Phonological Awareness Test (FS-
Dependent Variables
PAT; Schick, 2012). Items on the FS-PAT were presented
via a laptop with stimuli signed by a native Deaf signer. For the assessments normed for hearing children, we analyzed
Fingerspelling Imitation (F. Imitation) required children to children’s standard scores because effects of time and grade are
imitate a series of fingerspelled real words of increasing more clinically interpretable than raw scores. Stable standard
length and difficulty (first item = car, last item = caterpillar). scores for time or grade would suggest that DHH children were
Fingerspelling Blending (F. Blend) and Elision (F. Elision) sub- learning as much as expected based on the norms. An increase in
tests were modeled after items on the CTOPP blending and standard scores would suggest that DHH children were learning
elision subtests. For F. Blend, children were required to blend more than expected, while a decrease would indicate that they
handshapes into a real word; it included eight items of were learning less than expected. Because the ASL receptive
increasing difficulty (first item = t-oy; last item = g-r-a-ss-h- syntax and fingerspelling tests did not have normative data, we
o-pp-e-r, with hyphens showing the segmentation). The Deaf used percentage of items answered correctly as the dependent
signer paused slightly between the segments and spatially variable in all analyses for these tests.
separated the segments. For F. Elision, the Deaf signer finger- Because total raw scores can provide information about
spelled the word and instructed the child to delete a specific changes in the number of correct test items, indicating that
fingerspelled segment or letter. It included eight items of children are learning the skills measured by the test, we have
increasing difficulty (first item = popcorn without–corn, last graphed total raw scores (number of items correct). For the three
item = strain without–r). Woodcock–Johnson tests, we graphed W scores which are scaled
total scores that place children on an equal interval metric useful
for measuring growth using a common unit (Woodcock et al.,
Procedures 2007) (see Figures S1–S4 online).
Our test battery included tests developed for hearing children. We calculated the total sample’s average standard score (SS)
Standard basal and ceiling rules were used for all tests. and the percentage of children who scored within or above
We adapted these tests for use with signing children by having 1 standard deviation (SD) of the normative mean (e.g., 85 or
a team of experts that included native Deaf and hearing signers above; 7 or above). We used this criterion because these standard
meet and establish standard protocols. They then created scores are considered to be in the average range according to
recordings of standardized directions, items (e.g., sentences test manuals. For reference, 85% of hearing children in the
on the TACL), and a list of acceptable signed responses (all norming samples score within this range. Assessments for
available from the second author). Examiners were teachers or vocabulary, single-word reading, nonword reading, and reading
speech–language pathologists who were fluent in the children’s comprehension had a normative SS mean of 100 and SD of 15.
language. The examiners were extensively trained in adminis- Assessments for English receptive and expressive syntax and
tration procedures and the accommodations based on children’s spoken PA sound matching and blending had a normative SS
language and communication (e.g., identifying acceptable signs mean of 10 and a SD of 3.
for vocabulary assessments) during a 2-day training workshop. For each assessment, using SAS PROC MIXED (SAS Insti-
Examiners who administered the tests to signing children tute Inc., 2014), we conducted a repeated measure ANOVA with
were provided model recordings of a deaf examiner. Prior to Time (fall, spring) as the repeated measure and Grade (kinder-
administering tests to children, they had to administer the tests garten, first, second grade) and Group as between-subjects fac-
to the fourth author, a native signer, for approval. tors. For vocabulary, English receptive syntax, single-word read-
Examiners administered tests individually in a quiet room. ing, nonword reading, and reading comprehension, Group had
Children used their typical personal hearing technology. Exam- three levels (spoken-only, bimodal, sign-only). For the English
iners started testing with the ESP to determine if the child had expressive syntax and spoken PA blending, Group had two levels
access to spoken language. The two assessments that required (spoken-only and bimodal). For the ASL receptive syntax and
spoken language skills (speech articulation, CTOPP blending) the fingerspelling tests, Group had two levels (bimodal and
were only given to spoken-only and bimodal children. Initially, sign-only). We adopted α = 0.01 as the criterion for statistical
S. D. Antia et al. 341

significance to minimize Type 1 error because all tests were English expressive syntax (CELF-WS) Spoken-only and bimodal
correlated with each other. Post Hoc tests (Tukey’s HSD) were children had an average standard score of 2.7, more than 2
conducted when the main effect of Grade or Group was sig- SD below the normative mean. Only 11% of children scored
nificant. Simple effects tests were conducted to examine the within 1 SD of the normative mean. Children in the spoken-
effect of Time for each Grade or Group when there was Time only group showed gains from fall (mean = 2.7) to spring
x Grade or Time x Group interaction. We also calculated the (mean = 3.5, g = 0.28), but there was no main effect of Group.
effect sizes (g; Hedges, 2007) as the model estimated mean Figure S1 shows that children increased the total number of
difference adjusted for residual error at fall. Similar to Cohen’s correct items from fall to spring but both groups scored close
d, Hedges’ g is the model-based number of standard deviations to floor.
that two measures differ (controlling for all other effects in the
model). ASL receptive syntax Across the school year, scores increased

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from 61.9 to 69.9% correct, g = 0.53. Kindergarteners scored lower
(mean = 56.0%) than first graders (mean = 65.0%, g = 0.60) who
scored lower than second graders (mean = 79.3%, g = 0.90.) As
evident in Table 2 and Figure S1, scores of children in the sign-
The groups scored in the average range for nonverbal IQ with only and bimodal groups were very similar and showed steady
no group differences. As expected, the groups differed on their improvement from fall to spring and between grades. With an
speech abilities (see Table 1). Tables S3–S14 (available online) average of 82.0% correct in the spring, many second graders were
present the statistical results of the ANOVAs and follow-up close to ceiling.
tests. Because of the volume and complexity of the data,
and to improve readability, we summarize these results in Language results summary On vocabulary and receptive and
Table 2. We describe only those effects that were statistically expressive English syntax, DHH children were delayed com-
significant. pared to test norms. Vocabulary was a strength compared to
children’s knowledge of syntax. English expressive syntax was
severely delayed with almost all children scoring well below the
average range. Overall, children showed improvements on stan-
Table 3 displays language score means, SDs, and the percentage dard scores from fall to spring, though effect sizes were small,
of the sample scoring within the average range. Tables S2–S4 with the exception of vocabulary learning by kindergarteners
display model results. (g = 0.46). Standard scores were similar across grades. Spoken-
only and bimodal children had similar scores on vocabulary and
syntax tests. Sign-only children had similar vocabulary scores
Vocabulary (EOWPVT)
to the other two groups but lower scores on receptive English
The total sample had a standard score of 83.2, with 44% of syntax (g = 0.45–0.50). On the ASL test, the sign-only and bimodal
children scoring within or above 1 SD of the normative mean (i.e., children showed remarkably similar and consistent improve-
above 85). Across the school year, vocabulary standard scores ment across time and grade.
for the total sample increased from 81.2 to 84.9, g = 0.25. Kinder-
garteners increased their scores from 80.8 to 86.2, g = 0.46. First
graders increased scores from 81.9 to 85, g = 0.19. In second Reading
grade, standard scores were flat. Thus, vocabulary gains across
Table 4 displays reading standard score means, SDs, and the
the school year were greater than the gains which would have
percentage of the sample scoring within the average range.
been expected in the normative sample in kindergarten and first
Tables S5–S7 display model results.
grade and similar to gains expected in the normative sample in
second grade.
Despite the gains occurring during the school year, there
were no significant effects for grade. Children in all three grades
Single-Word Reading (WJ Word ID)
started the school year with standard scores around 80. The The total sample had an average score of 91.2 with 67% of
graph of raw scores displayed in Figure S1 (available online) the children scoring within 1 SD of the norm (at or above
shows a continuous increase in the number of correct words 85). Kindergarteners (mean = 95.7) had higher scores than
with time (i.e., from fall to spring and from grade to grade) and second graders (mean = 84.9, g = 0.65). Only kindergarteners
also shows that growth was similar for the three groups. The only significantly increased their scores from fall (mean = 94.5) to
exception were sign-only kindergarteners who started with low spring (mean = 97.1), g = 0.14. Overall, spoken-only (mean = 96.1,
vocabulary scores but are caught up with the other two groups g = 0.65) and bimodal children (mean = 92.9, g = 0.45) scored
by the end of their kindergarten year. higher than sign-only children (mean = 85.9), with no differ-
ence between the former two groups. Spoken-only children
increased their standard scores from fall (mean = 94.7) to spring
(mean = 97.6, g = 0.15). W scores increased for all three groups
English receptive syntax (TACL) The total sample had an average (see Figure S2).
standard score of 5.8 with 37% of the children within 1 SD of
the normative mean. Scores increased from 5.6 to 6.0 across the
school year, g = 0.17. Children in the spoken-only (mean = 6.2,
Nonword Reading (WJ Word Attack)
g = 0.45) and bimodal (mean = 6.4, g = 0.50) groups scored sim- The total sample had an average score of 82.2 with 46%
ilar to each other but higher than children in the sign-only of children scoring within 1 SD (at or above 85). Standard
(mean = 4.9) group. Figure S1 (online) shows that each group scores decreased from fall (mean = 83.5) to spring (mean = 81.0,
increased the total correct items with time. g = 0.19). Kindergarteners (mean = 93.2) had higher standard

Table 2 Summary of analysis results: time, grade, and group effects

Construct Test Time Grade Grade ∗ Time Group Group ∗ Time

Language Vocabulary SS F<S (0.25) KF < KS (0.46)

1F < 1S (0.19)
Eng. rec. syn SS F<S (0.17) Spoken > sign (0.45)
Bimodal > sign (0.50)
Eng. exp. syn SS F<S (0.14) Spoken_F < spoken_S (0.28)
ASL rec. syn % F<S (0.53) K<1 (0.60)
1<2 (0.90)
K<2 (1.50)

Reading Single-word SS K>2 (0.65) KF < KS (0.14) Spoken > sign (0.65) Spoken_F < spoken_S (0.15)
Bimodal > sign (0.45)
Nonword SS F>S (0.19) K>1 (0.73) Spoken > bimodal (0.75) Sign_F > sign_S (0.44)
K>2 (1.01) Spoken > sign (1.85)
Bimodal > sign (1.10)
Reading comp. SS F>S (0.19) K>1 (0.90) Spoken > sign (0.59) Sign_F > sign_S (0.33)
1>2 (0.42) Bimodal > sign (0.39) Bimodal_F > bimodal_S (0.21)
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2020, Vol. 25, No. 3

K>2 (1.32)

Spoken PA Sound match SS Spoken > sign (0.88)

Bimodal > sign (0.60)
Blending SS F<S (0.31) Spoken > bimodal (0.86) Spoken_F < spoken_S (0.53)

Fingerspelling Imitation % F<S (0.58) K<1 (0.79)

1<2 (1.03)
K<2 (1.82)
Blending % F<S (0.50) K<1 (0.60)
1<2 (0.97)
K<2 (1.57)
Elision % F<S (0.56) 1<2 (1.05) 1F < 1S (0.72)
K<2 (1.49) 2F < 2S (0.80)

Note. Effect sizes (Hedges’ g) in parentheses. SS = standard score. % = percent correct. Analyses were from a 2 × 3 × 3 repeated measure ANOVA (fall, spring; grades K-2; sign, spoken, bimodal).

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S. D. Antia et al. 343

Table 3 Means and standard deviations by time, grade, and group on language measures

Test Score Group Kindergarten First grade Second grade Total % ≥ 85/% ≥ 7

Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring

M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)

Vocabulary Standard Spoken 82.8 (16.1) 85.5 (16.6) 80.4 (12.5) 82.8 (13.1) 79.5 (10.2) 78.9 (11.2) 82.3 (14.2) 43%
(EOWPVT) score Bimodal 82.1 (13.4) 86.2 (14.8) 83.8 (11.2) 86.5 (15.2) 78.2 (14.6) 81.7 (14.9) 83.5 (14.1) 44%
Sign 76.6 (16.3) 86.9 (16.6) 81.2 (18.2) 86.0 (17.7) 84.0 (11.3) 85.4 (11.3) 83.6 (15.8) 45%
Total 80.8 (15.4) 86.2 (15.9) 81.9 (14.6) 85.3 (15.6) 81.0 (12.2) 82.6 (12.7) 83.2 (14.8)
% ≥ 85 37% 55% 36% 49% 41% 41% 44%

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Eng. rec. Standard Spoken 6.5 (2.9) 6.8 (3.2) 5.5 (2.6) 5.9 (2.6) 5.7 (2.5) 6.7 (2.7) 6.2 (2.9) 40%
syntax (TACL) score Bimodal 6.6 (3.1) 7.0 (3.2) 6.1 (2.6) 5.8 (2.8) 6.0 (2.9) 6.8 (2.4) 6.4 (2.9) 47%
Sign 4.7 (2.9) 4.8 (2.8) 4.4 (2.6) 5.2 (2.7) 5.1 (2.8) 5.7 (2.6) 4.9 (2.7) 28%
Total 5.9 (3.1) 6.2 (3.2) 5.2 (2.7) 5.6 (2.7) 5.5 (2.7) 6.3 (2.6) 5.8 (2.9)
%≥7 43% 44% 34% 34% 29% 37% 37%
Eng. exp. Standard Spoken 3.1 (2.6) 3.9 (3.4) 2.2 (2.1) 3.2 (2.9) 2.6 (2.2) 3.2 (2.4) 3.1 (2.8) 13%
syntax score Bimodal 2.5 (2.9) 2.3 (2.2) 2.1 (2.5) 2.2 (2.6) 2.1 (3.1) 2.3 (3.0) 2.3 (2.7) 9%
(CELF-WS) Total 2.9 (2.7) 3.2 (3.0) 2.1 (2.3) 2.6 (2.7) 2.3 (2.7) 2.7 (2.8) 2.7 (2.7)
%≥7 11% 16% 6% 11% 7% 14% 11%
ASL rec. Percent Bimodal 51.7 (15.3) 60.4 (14.8) 60.3 (14.5) 69.9 (13.5) 73.6 (13.2) 79.5 (9.8) 64.5 (16.5)
syntax (Schick, correct Sign 50.6 (18.5) 61.4 (17.9) 61.0 (18.0) 69.3 (17.8) 78.7 (9.6) 83.9 (9.4) 66.9 (19.3)
2013) Total 51.1 (17.0) 60.9 (16.4) 60.7 (16.4) 69.6 (15.8) 76.7 (11.3) 82.0 (9.7) 65.8 (18.1)

Note: EOWPVT test norm: M = 100; SD = 15. TACL and CELF-WS test norms: M = 10; SD = 3. The bold numbers are means and SDs of the whole sample on each language
measure, as well as the percentage of the whole sample scoring at or above 1 SD of the normative test mean. The percentage can be compared with 85% of the hearing
norming sample who scored at this level. All children were administered the vocabulary and English receptive syntax test. Only sign-only and bimodal children were
administered the ASL receptive syntax test.

Table 4 Means and standard deviations by time, grade, and group on standard scores of reading measures

Test Score Group Kindergarten First grade Second grade Total % ≥ 85

Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring

M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)

Single-word Standard Spoken 95.6 (16.5) 101.2 97.4 (14.5) 98.1 (13.9) 89.6 (11.0) 89.7 (9.0) 96.1 (14.4) 81%
(WJ Word Id) score (14.1)
Bimodal 96.2 (15.1) 98.3 (14.3) 91.6 (14.3) 90.3 (13.1) 90.3 (15.9) 88.1 (16.3) 92.9 (15.0) 72%
Sign 91.7 (14.4) 91.6 (13.8) 86.0 (14.1) 86.4 (14.4) 80.2 (15.8) 78.6 (16.7) 85.9 (15.6) 53%
Total 94.5 (15.4) 97.1 (14.6) 90.8 (14.9) 90.7 (14.5) 85.5 (15.4) 84.3 (15.7) 91.2 (15.7)
% ≥ 85 76% 81% 66% 69% 49% 53% 67%
Nonword (WJ Standard Spoken 103.7 102.7 97.4 (14.3) 96.6 (13.4) 91.3 (11.7) 91.7 (11.2) 98.7 (14.4) 83%
word attack) score (15.2) (14.0)
Bimodal 97.8 (20.5) 95.0 (17.6) 80.3 (16.1) 81.3 (15.5) 79.6 (20.7) 77.4 (21.1) 85.6 (19.9) 49%
Sign 81.4 (14.1) 73.6 (12.7) 66.1 (12.9) 62.7 (14.8) 62.2 (18.6) 55.6 (21.2) 66.0 (17.6) 13%
Total 96.6 (18.8) 90.4 (19.3) 78.8 (19.0) 78.0 (20.0) 74.7 (21.5) 71.2 (24.3) 82.2 (22.2)
% ≥ 85 67% 60% 34% 36% 36% 37% 46%
Reading comp. Standard Spoken 97.0 (12.8) 96.6 (15.7) 86.4 (15.5) 85.4 (12.0) 81.6 (8.3) 81.1 (8.3) 90.1 (14.5) 65%
(WJ Pass. score Bimodal 96.6 (13.0) 94.0 (16.6) 84.5 (14.2) 80.9 (14.3) 79.0 (15.9) 77.3 (14.7) 86.4 (16.4) 56%
Comp.) Sign 95.1 (12.3) 89.3 (14.2) 79.6 (17.0) 75.9 (14.9) 71.9 (13.0) 68.6 (16.4) 80.4 (17.3) 43%
Total 96.3 (12.6) 93.3 (15.7) 83.0 (15.9) 80.1 (14.4) 76.4 (13.5) 74.4 (15.1) 85.2 (16.7)
% ≥ 85 86% 75% 47% 36% 29% 25% 53%

Note. WJ subtest norms: M = 100; SD = 15. The bold numbers are means and SDs of the whole sample on each reading measure, as well as the percentage of the whole
sample scoring at or above 1 SD of the mean of the normative test mean. The percentage can be compared with 85% of the hearing norming sample who scored at this

scores than first graders (mean = 78.4, g = 0.73) and reading across time and grade. Bimodal children made smaller
second graders (mean = 73.0, g = 1.01). Spoken-only children gains. Sign-only children made slower progress and their W
(mean = 98.7) had higher standard scores than bimodal (mean scores declined in second grade.
= 85.6, g = 0.75) and sign-only children (mean = 66.0, g = 1.85).
Bimodal children had higher standard scores than sign-only
children, g = 1.10. Scores of sign-only children declined from
Reading Comprehension (WJ Passage Comprehension)
68.0 to 64.2 across the school year, g = −0.44. Figure S2 shows The total sample had an average score of 85.2 with 53% of
the spoken-only children made steady increases in nonword children scoring within 1 SD. Scores decreased from 86.5 to 83.8
344 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2020, Vol. 25, No. 3

Table 5 Means and standard deviations by time, grade, and group on spoken phonological awareness measures

Test Score Group Kindergarten First grade Second grade Total %≥7

Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring

M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)

Sound Standard Spoken 7.8 (2.1) 8.3 (2.1) 7.4 (2.3) 7.7 (2.9) 6.3 (2.2) 6.7 (0.6) 7.7 (2.3) 74%
match score Bimodal 7.2 (3.3) 7.2 (3.3) 6.3 (2.5) 6.5 (2.2) 6.4 (2.5) 6.3 (2.4) 6.7 (2.8) 54%
(CTOPP) Sign 4.3 (3.7) 6.1 (3.1) 4.5 (2.3) 4.9 (2.1) 5.0 (2.5) 4.8 (2.6) 4.9 (2.9) 29%
Total 6.4 (3.4) 7.2 (3.0) 5.8 (2.6) 6.1 (2.6) 5.7 (2.5) 5.7 (2.4) 6.3 (3.0)
%≥7 67% 66% 32% 34% 38% 40% 50%

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Blending Standard Spoken 4.8 (4.9) 9.4 (3.4) 8.0 (4.0) 9.4 (2.0) 7.0 (3.3) 7.9 (2.7) 7.6 (4.1) 70%
(CTOPP) score Bimodal 4.4 (4.5) 4.8 (5.2) 3.2 (4.0) 3.7 (4.2) 4.3 (4.0) 4.4 (3.6) 4.1 (4.3) 34%
Total 4.6 (4.7) 7.3 (4.9) 5.3 (4.6) 6.1 (4.4) 5.5 (3.9) 6.0 (3.6) 5.8 (4.5)
%≥7 42% 66% 44% 60% 46% 48% 52%

Note. CTOPP subtest norms: M = 10; SD = 3. All children were administered the sound match test. Only spoken language and bimodal children were administered the
blending test. The bold numbers are means and SDs of the whole sample on each spoken phonological awareness measure, as well as the percentage of the whole
sample scoring at or above 1 SD of the mean of the normative test means.

across the school year, g = 0.19. Kindergarteners (mean = 94.8)

had higher scores than first graders (mean = 81.6, g = 0.90) Sound matching (CTOPP sound matching) The total sample had
who scored higher than second graders (mean = 75.4, g = 0.42). an average score of 6.3 with 50% of children scoring within or
Spoken-only children (mean = 90.1, g = 0.59) and bimodal above the average range. Sign-only children (mean = 4.9) scored
children (mean = 86.4, g = 0.39) scored higher than sign-only lower than spoken-only (mean = 7.7, g = 0.88) and bimodal chil-
children (mean = 80.4), with no difference between the former dren (mean = 6.7, g = 0.60), with no difference between the latter
two groups. Sign-only children decreased their scores from fall two groups.
(mean = 82.4) to spring (mean = 78.3, g = 0.33) as did bimodal
children (fall mean = 87.8; spring mean = 85.0, g = 0.21). In Sound blending (CTOPP blending) Bimodal and spoken-only
contrast, spoken-only children’s scores were stable across the DHH children had an average score of 5.8 with 52% of children
school year (fall mean = 90.4, spring mean = 89.8; g = 0.02). scoring within the average range. Scores increased from
Figure S2 shows that while all three groups increased their fall (mean = 5.1) to spring (mean = 6.6), g = 0.31. Spoken-only
reading comprehension W scores over time, the gap between children (mean = 7.6, g = 0.86) had higher scores than bimodal
their scores and those of the normative sample increased children (mean = 4.1) and increased their scores from fall
with grade. (mean = 6.2) to spring (mean = 9.0), g = 0.53. Figure S3 shows
that both groups increased their blending scores from fall to
spring, but the gap between their scores and those of the hearing
Reading Results Summary norming group increased with grade.

While most kindergarten DHH children scored within the aver-

age range on all three reading skills tested, standard scores Spoken PA results summary The majority of spoken-only chil-
declined with grade, with large effect sizes. Reading skills of dren had spoken phonological awareness skills within the aver-
kindergarteners were similar to the norming sample, with 75% age range and performed equally well on sound matching and
having spring reading comprehension scores within the average blending. Bimodal children performed much better on sound
range. In contrast, only 25% of second graders scored within matching than sound blending. Sign-only children scored more
the average range in spring. The three groups differed widely than 1.5 SD below the test norms on sound matching.
in reading skills. Children in the sign-only group scored lower
than children in the bimodal and spoken-only groups on all three
tests of reading, with medium to large effect sizes. Bimodal and Fingerspelling PA
spoken language children differed on nonword reading, but not Table 6 displays percentage of items correct for the sign-only and
on single-word reading or reading comprehension. By spring of bimodal children. Tables S11–S13 display model results.
second grade, children in all three groups had stronger word
reading than reading comprehension skills. By second grade,
although scores declined with grade, spoken-only and bimodal FS imitation Children increased their scores from 34.0 to 45.3%
children still had close to age-appropriate word reading skills, over the school year, g = 0.58. Kindergarteners had lower scores
while sign-only children scored 1 SD below normative means. (mean = 22.3%) than first graders (mean = 39.0%), g = 0.79, who
All three groups scored below hearing norms in reading com- had lower scores than second graders, (mean = 61.2%), g = 1.03.
prehension. Figure S4 shows the steady increase in percentage correct items
for sign-only and bimodal children with time.

Spoken Phonological Awareness (PA) FS blending Children increased their scores from 17.0 to 26.7%,
Table 5 displays spoken PA standard score means, SDs, and the over the school year, g = 0.50. Kindergarteners (mean = 9.0%)
percentage of the sample scoring within the average range or scored lower than first graders (mean = 20.0%, g = 0.60) who
higher. Tables S8–S10 display model results. scored lower than second graders (mean = 37.4%, g = 0.97).
S. D. Antia et al. 345

Table 6 Means and standard deviations by time, grade, and group on fingerspelling phonological measures

Test Score Group Kindergarten First grade Second grade Total

Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring

M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)

F. Percent Bimodal 15.8 (17.6) 28.8 (22.9) 28.9 (22.0) 41.6 (21.0) 54.4 (23.1) 73.4 (16.5) 37.7 (27.3)
Imitation correct Sign 17.1 (16.4) 27.4 (21.2) 36.3 (24.9) 49.7 (25.1) 56.8 (20.8) 62.6 (20.8) 40.9 (26.8)
Total 16.5 (16.9) 28.0 (21.9) 32.9 (23.8) 45.8 (23.4) 55.9 (21.6) 67.0 (19.7) 39.5 (27.0)
F. Percent Bimodal 6.3 (13.0) 14.0 (19.5) 16.8 (18.7) 18.0 (17.9) 27.0 (21.6) 43.2 (21.7) 19.5 (21.4)
Blending correct Sign 3.5 (7.7) 11.9 (19.2) 16.2 (19.5) 28.1 (27.6) 35.5 (24.7) 43.6 (23.2) 22.6 (25.1)

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Total 4.7 (10.5) 12.8 (19.2) 16.5 (19.0) 23.4 (23.9) 32.1 (23.7) 43.4 (22.4) 21.3 (23.6)
F. Elision Percent Bimodal 2.4 (11.4) 7.0 (14.2) 4.3 (8.2) 18.0 (22.9) 25.0 (28.5) 41.7 (35.1) 14.9 (24.7)
correct Sign 4.4 (13.3) 4.9 (11.8) 8.5 (15.6) 20.1 (26.3) 25.4 (27.5) 37.1 (32.9) 16.2 (25.1)
Total 3.5 (12.4) 5.8 (12.9) 6.5 (12.8) 19.1 (24.6) 25.2 (27.7) 39.0 (33.6) 15.6 (24.9)

Note. All means are percentage of correct items. The bold numbers are means and SDs of the whole sample on each fingerspelling phonological measure.

Figure S4 shows the steady increase of percentage correct items to spoken language made gains in expressive English syntax,
for both groups with time. though they scored well below age norms. Those students who
had access to sign made steady gains in ASL syntax.
FS elision Children increased their scores from 11.3 to Our sample achieved an average expressive vocabulary stan-
19.9% over the school year, g = 0.56. Kindergarteners did not dard score of 83, lower than the standard score of 91 reported
increase their scores. First graders increased their scores from by Geers et al. (2009), but similar to the average score of 81
6.5 to 19.1%, g = 0.72. Second graders increased their scores achieved by children 8 years of age as reported by Hayes et al.
from 25.2 to 39.0%, g = 0.80. Kindergarteners scored lower (2009). Less than 50% of the children scored within the aver-
(mean = 4.7%) than second graders (mean = 31.9%), g = 1.49, age range (standard scores 85–115) somewhat worse than the
but not first graders. First graders (mean = 12.8%) scored lower 58% reported by Geers et al. Children in all three grades made
than second graders, g = 1.05. As is evident in Figure S4, while progress during the course of the school year, but kindergartners
most kindergarteners could not do this task, there was a steady and first graders made greater than expected progress (based
increase in percentage correct responses from first grade fall on test norms), while second graders made expected progress.
through second grade spring. Our sample showed better outcomes than that of Connor et al.
(2000) who reported that, although vocabulary growth was pos-
FS summary Both sign-only and bimodal children made similar itive, growth was less than expected based on test norms. In
and steady gains on these three tasks. Imitation was the easiest first and second grades, our total sample showed annual gains
task, while elision was the hardest. By second grade, children did of 3–5 standard score points, which was substantial, but less
not reach ceiling for any of the fingerspelling tests. than the 8 standard scores in annual gain reported by Hayes
et al. (2009). It is important to note that children did not differ
on vocabulary knowledge based on their group. Despite greater
Discussion than expected progress during the school year, the gap between
the DHH students and their typical hearing peers remained wide
The purpose of this research was to describe the language and across grades. This suggests that elementary-aged DHH children
literacy of a large sample of young DHH children and exam- may be losing the gains they made during the school year over
ine their progress longitudinally over the course of a school the summer as has been shown for preschoolers (Scott, Goldberg,
year, cross-sectionally from grade to grade, as well as across Connor & Lederberg, 2019).
groups. We purposefully included DHH students who had dif- English syntax was the weakest area for all children
ferent access to language; thus we included children who had as reported also by other researchers (Geers et al., 2003;
access to spoken or sign language only and also those who Hay-McCutcheon et al., 2008). The children in our sample were
had access to both. The latter group particularly tends to be 1.5 SD below age norms in receptive English syntax and 2.5 SD
little studied. We discuss key findings arranged by the major below in expressive English syntax. Access to spoken language
constructs: language, reading, and spoken and fingerspelled (in this case spoken English) was an advantage in learning
phonological awareness. receptive English syntax, reflected in the similar and higher
scores of spoken-only and bimodal children compared to the
sign-only children. However, all three groups showed some
improvement (shown by raw scores) in receptive English syntax
While children started in kindergarten delayed compared to over the school year. While progress might be expected of the
the hearing test norms, they made greater than expected gains children who had auditory access to English, the sign-only
during the school year, as shown by increases in standard scores children without such access also mastered additional items.
in all areas of language from fall to spring. Substantially more We speculate that these children may be developing bilingual
children achieved within the average range in vocabulary than in skills and learning to understand English word order from adults
English syntax. In vocabulary and English syntax, children made around them who use contact sign.
expected progress between kindergarten and second grade, com- Consistent with findings by other researchers (e.g., Geers
pared to age-based hearing norms. Children who had access et al., 2003, 2009), access to spoken language was not sufficient
346 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2020, Vol. 25, No. 3

for acquiring age-appropriate expressive English syntax. Only that their W scores increased over time suggests they may use
11% of children in the spoken-only and bimodal groups visual and kinesthetic means to acquire knowledge of spoken
scored within the average range on the CELF. However, the phonemes (Haptonstall-Nykaza & Schick, 2007; Kyle, Campbell
spoken-only children made more than expected progress from & MacSweeney, 2016; Kyle & Harris, 2010). Sign-only children
fall to spring, while the bimodal children made expected also showed lower achievement in word reading and reading
progress. The raw scores show that the spoken-only children comprehension compared to both bimodal and spoken-only
mastered about five additional items during the school year; children. Given that the three groups did not differ in overall
the bimodal children mastered less than one additional item. language ability (Lederberg et al., 2019), and that bimodal and
These differences may reflect a different instructional focus sign-only children were exposed to the same sign input in the
across classrooms; teachers may spend more time in direct or classroom, it appears that access to spoken language facilitated
indirect instruction on English syntax in spoken-language-only learning to read. Sign-only children need to learn to translate

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classrooms. English words into ASL which is a complex process (Hoffmeister
Both groups of children who had access to sign (bimodal and & Caldwell-Harris, 2014).
sign-only) showed substantial improvement in ASL receptive
syntax from fall to spring and from grade to grade. In fact,
by the end of second grade, children were close to ceiling on Phonological Awareness
this assessment. There was no effect of group, suggesting that As expected, auditory perception was an advantage for spoken
access to spoken language did not appear to inhibit the bimodal phonological awareness. Spoken-only children scored within
children’s learning of ASL syntactical structures. the low average range on both sound matching and blending.
These results are similar to those reported by James et al. (2008)
Reading for early implanted CI children and what some researchers
have found for DHH kindergarteners (Kyle & Harris, 2011;
Reading, to a much larger extent than language, was affected by Nittrouer et al., 2012). The bimodal children were similar
both grade and group. Kindergarteners showed age-appropriate to the spoken-only children on sound matching but scored
skills in all three areas assessed: single-word reading, non- considerably lower in sound blending. Their poorer performance
word reading, and reading comprehension. At kindergarten, on blending might have been due to speech production issues.
these tests assess children’s emerging literacy skills, namely, Although the sign-only children received standard scores about
alphabetic knowledge (letter-name, letter-sound) and the ability 3 SD below the test norms on sound matching, the raw scores for
to understand concepts depicted by rebuses (not printed this group at each grade level were greater than 0 and increased
words). Other researchers (e.g., Cupples et al., 2013) have also from fall to spring. As with nonword reading, these results might
reported that hearing loss and language delay does not prevent indicate that sign-only children are using visual information
acquisition of these early skills. The children in our sample such as speechreading and fingerspelling to identify some
increased their reading skills from fall to spring and from grade spoken phonemes.
to grade as indicated by their W scores but made less than This is the first study to examine developmental change
expected progress from kindergarten to second grade, consistent in fingerspelling PA. Fingerspelling increased across the school
with findings of other researchers (Harris et al., 2017b; Kyle & year and grade to grade. Imitation was a relatively easy task
Harris, 2011). while elision was difficult. The ability to manipulate the sublexi-
Group had a large effect on reading. Spoken-only children had cal features of words, as shown in the blending and elision tasks,
age-appropriate nonword and single-word reading skills with increased across time, but even second graders were correct on
80% of children (across grades) scoring in the average range, very less than half of the items. This is worse than the spoken-only
close to the 85% for the normative sample. Thus, spoken-only children did on the parallel task of sound blending. It may be
children were able to develop the knowledge of how to sound that blending fingerspelling is a more difficult task, but it also
out and blend fairly complex words by second grade. Lederberg may be a result of lack of instruction on this skill in signing
et al. (2013) suggest that phonics instruction may be particu- classrooms. Both the sign-only and bimodal children performed
larly effective with DHH children who have auditory access to in a remarkably similar manner on the fingerspelling tasks
spoken language because letters can serve as visual support for achieving similar percentage scores and showing significant
their learning of spoken phonology. Despite strength in word growth from fall to spring and developmental differences across
reading, spoken-only children showed a decline of 16 standard grades. This may suggest the bimodal children could access the
points in reading comprehension from kindergarten to second sublexical features of English words through both auditory and
grade. visual means, and access to one did not seem to inhibit learning
Bimodal children had weaker nonword reading skills than in the other.
spoken-only children, with 50% scoring within the normative
average range. Despite differences in phonological and spoken
language skills, bimodal and spoken-only children had sim-
Assessment Issues
ilar word reading and reading comprehension achievement. Every researcher is faced with the issue of how to effectively
These results are in contrast to researchers that report and ethically assess DHH children on tests that are not specif-
differences favoring children using spoken language (Dillon & ically designed or normed for them. We chose to administer
Pisoni, 2006) but similar to Geers (2003) who found no effect mostly standardized tests of language and reading that were
of communication modality on reading skills for children well validated and widely used with hearing children because
with CIs. these provided us with interpretable data to examine growth
Sign-only children were delayed in all three reading skills over a school year and across grades. We purposefully did not
and showed greater delays than spoken and bimodal children. administer every test to each child but assessed children on
These children’s difficulty with nonword reading would be the tests that had items that were accessible to them and that
expected given their lack of access to spoken language. The fact they had the opportunity to acquire based on their language
S. D. Antia et al. 347

and communication environment. We judged it unethical to take standing both the specific language skills and the level of profi-
time away from classroom instruction for assessments that were ciency of these skills necessary to improve outcomes.
clearly invalid for specific groups of children. Thus, we did not
assess the sign-only children on the spoken phonological aware-
ness blending subtest because it required spoken responses. We
Implications for Instruction
assessed bimodal children on phonological awareness, because The documentation of language and reading status and progress
the ESP data indicated that they had auditory access to spoken indicates some areas in which we can focus instructional prac-
English even if they were in a signing educational environment. tice. In the area of language, although vocabulary is a relative
We did not assess spoken-only children on ASL receptive syntax strength, the majority of children have lexicons that are consid-
or fingerspelled phonological awareness, because they were not erably smaller than their typical hearing peers. English syntax
exposed to and therefore could not acquire sign or fingerspelling. is a notable weakness even for children with access to spoken

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Modifying standardized tests raises questions about whether language. Systematic and intensive instruction in each of these
standardized scores and test norms are appropriate to use. On areas is probably beneficial for all children. On the other hand,
the other hand, administering standardized tests in one invari- children with access to sign in the classroom appear to be mak-
ant manner to all DHH children raises questions about assess- ing progress in ASL syntax, indicating that, when the structure of
ment validity. We believe that making some reasonable modi- language is visual and therefore completely accessible, current
fications to allow the range of DHH children access to the test instructional practices may be sufficient to ensure acquisition.
items and ensuring that these modifications were consistently Classroom instruction and teacher talk can make a difference
used ensured, as much as possible, that the test scores we in children’s language learning. Duncan and Lederberg (2018)
obtained were valid (Sechrest, 2005). In order to ensure that examined teacher talk in classrooms and reported that explicit
assessments were valid for each group of children, we made vocabulary instruction and teachers’ reformulation of children’s
standard adaptions to each test to accommodate the different utterances were predictors of gains in children’s vocabulary
language and communication access and environments, but and expressive English syntax. These authors also reported that
we ensured that these adaptations were not idiosyncratic or teachers were highly variable in the amount of explicit vocabu-
dependent on the skill of individual examiners. We ensured that lary instruction in which they engaged and that explicit morpho-
all examiners were trained to administer each test and took syntax instruction occurred rarely. Given DHH children’s delays
extreme care with scoring. Despite the variability in children’s in vocabulary and English morpho-syntax, it might be necessary
language and communication access, we obtained high inter- for teachers to engage in explicit direct instruction and for
rater reliability for all tests for all groups. Despite these precau- researchers and practitioners to collaborate on developing and
tions, it is possible that some assessment results, such as spoken evaluating instructional practices in these areas.
phonological blending, were influenced by children’s expressive In the area of reading, all children acquired the simple skills,
speech capabilities. However, we tested many of these validity such as letter naming and matching rebuses to pictures that are
questions for the fall time point (Lederberg et al., 2019) and required at the kindergarten level, but had difficulty with word
found that the tests had good psychometric properties for their reading and comprehension that are required by the second
intended constructs and had no strong evidence of bias across grade. According to the SVR, reading comprehension requires
groups. both fluent decoding and linguistic comprehension (Gough &
Tunmer, 1986; Tunmer & Chapman, 2012). The challenge, as
Implications for further research An important finding of this always, is identifying the kind of instruction that will help DHH
study was that the bimodal children in our sample, a group students make sufficient progress in both these areas. Ongoing
seldom studied, are learning both English and ASL and making research by the authors documenting reading instruction in
progress in both languages. However, this finding needs to be classrooms should assist in identifying the interaction between
replicated with other samples of bimodal children. We need instruction and children’s progress in reading. Such knowledge
to also address how development, and perhaps instruction, in should help determine effective teaching strategies and the
both languages influences reading development. For example, it amount of time children need to be engaged in different types
would be informative to study exactly how bimodal children use of reading instruction.
spoken and sign language while reading. It would also be infor-
mative to study whether exposure to English-like sign facilitates
reading. Another area that needs further study is the influence
of fingerspelling on reading decoding for DHH children. Our A limitation of this study is that we did not include a comparison
previous research showed that reading was strongly related to group of typically hearing children and thus were only able to
fingerspelling (Lederberg et al., 2019) and there is some evidence compare the DHH children’s scores to published test norms.
that signing DHH children benefit from connecting fingerspelled Because our sample is also not matched to the test sample,
words to print (Haptonstall-Nykaza & Schick, 2007). However, a comparison group matched on variables such as socioeco-
evidence is needed on the role of systematic instruction in this nomic status or ethnicity would have provided more precise
area. information on overlap, progress, and specific areas of delay
We also need to explore further why children made compar- in language and reading. Technically, standard scores are also
atively little progress in reading comprehension. Even spoken- not on a longitudinally consistent metric. However, the effects
only children who showed close to age-appropriate language on of standardization are likely to be small for the current short-
word reading and nonword reading showed delays in reading term longitudinal design. Our sample also does not represent
comprehension by the end of second grade. One explanation the larger population of DHH children; rather, we focused on
might be that our sample displayed weak English syntax skills; children in self-contained programs. These children are likely to
the SVR suggests that both decoding and language are equally be those most in need of intensive instruction, but our results
important to comprehension. Detailed analyses of reading com- should not be generalized to all DHH children. Another limita-
prehension profiles (Kyle & Cain, 2015) hold promise for under- tion is that we only received self-reports from teachers about
348 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2020, Vol. 25, No. 3

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This research was supported by the Institute of Educa-
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tion Sciences, U.S. Department of Education through Award
605–616. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0b013e31821348ae
#RC324C120001. The content of this article does not represent
Fitzpatrick, E., Hamel, C., Stevens, A., Pratt, M., Moher, D., Doucet,
views of the Institute or the U.S. Department of Education.
S. P., & Eunjung, N. (2016). Sign language and spoken lan-
guage for children with hearing loss: A systematic review.
Pediatrics, 137(1), e2 0151974.
Conf licts of Interest Fudala, J. B. (2000). Arizona articulation proficiency scale (3rd Ed.).
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