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OTH 520 Week 3 Ticket to Class

Reading Guide and Professional Reasoning

Name: ___Lou Luis___________ Date:___9/10/2023________

Instructions: Use the two articles assigned to Week 3 to inform your responses. Provide your
references (i.e., the two articles and any other information you may pull into the response) and
cite your information using APA 7th edition. Feedback will be provided on quality of content and
APA use. The Tickets to Class are part of your Professional Development grade. Please make
every effort to submit on time.

1. In your own words, what is the purpose and reasoning to move the profession from a
focus on cultural competence to cultural humility?

● learning (humility) vs. knowing (competence)

○ It would be impossible to have a perfect understanding of every

culture and the intersectionality between each one

○ Going into every conversation with the idea that you don't know
everything and that there is something to be learned from the
experience promotes a welcoming environment for the patient

● I don’t believe that we need to be taught that every culture is different, it

seems implied to me. The more important aspect is knowing where your
implicit and explicit bias stand and how that can affect your client

● The recognition of the power imbalance in the health care setting

● Power Dynamic is a conversation that is not mentioned in cultural

competence which is interesting to reflect on. When practitioners aren't
aware of their position in the client and practitioner relationship, they
can unknowingly put pressure on the client for what they think is right.

2. How do biases impact therapeutic relationships and interprofessional collaboration?

● “Although these cultural assumptions are not necessarily false, they treat
patients as a cohesive unit in relation to their ethnic identity rather than as
individuals” (Kleinman & Benson, 2006).
○ they lose the ability to understand their client and implement an
intervention plan that doesn't apply to the patients values

3. What potential power dynamics may an OT practitioner experience in practice?

● ideological hegemony is a very possible power dynamic that could be pressured
by an OT during practice
○ Believing they know what is right and only telling the patient what they
think is the best treatment plan rather than collobratio=bng with the
client to see what would work best for them

4. Describe in your own words the three main challenges described in the “ACTing to
Support Positive Change article.”
1. Another professional saying microaggressive language towards a client and how
to appropriately commute why that was inappropriate to your coworker.
2. Power dynamics and Gaslighting
a. In the situation with the fieldwork educator they were like practicing
more cultural competence rather than humanity by using their successful
Black friend as the one and only example.
3. Using the classroom power structure (power dynamics) to reduce their student
self of identity as the representation of her community (microaggression)

5. Describe “How to ACT” in your own words and provide examples of how you think
that can be accomplished.
● A: being aware of your position in a situations and listen to the people around
● C: be the role model in discussing uncomfortable situations while establishing a
place where people are willing to learn and grow without judgment
● T: Further being the role model by being active in the community and working
to bring aid in fixing the racial and ethnic disparities


Agner, J. (2020). Moving From Cultural Competence to Cultural Humility in Occupational Therapy: A

Paradigm Shift. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74(4), 7404347010p1–7404347010p7.

Anvarizadeh, A., Baldwin, E., DeJesus, M., Hoyt, C., Lancaster, S., & Oliver-Derry, K. (2021). ACTing

to Support Positive Change: Acknowledging Roles, Creating Conversations, and Taking Action.

American Occupational Therapy Association.

Kleinman, A., & Benson, P. (2006). Anthropology in the clinic: The problem of cultural competency and

how to fix it. PLoS Medicine, 3, e294.

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