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Definition of Suggestion

Suggest means to give suggestion that is to introduce ideas or proposals. It can be

accepted or refused.

1.Giving Suggestions

Words and Expressions Imperative Sentences

Shall we
go to the movie at Jayapura Mall
Why don’t we
Would you like to

What/How about
going to the exhibition
Do you fancy
V ing
Do you feel like

I suggest you

take a rest here
You had better
We could

You might

Words and Expressions used in Giving Suggestions


 Terkadang orang menggunakan kata ‘should’ (seharusnya). Contoh

– You should take a rest
– You should study hard.

Saran seperti ini tidak salah, namun perlu diperhatikan kepada siapa kita
memberikan saran, jika orang yang baru ditemui atau orang yang tidak begitu akrab,
sebaiknya kata ini dihindari.
Kecuali :
Untuk hal yang baik atau hal yang benar, contoh :
 He should go to bed earlier (He usually goes to bed late)
 It’s a good book. You should read it.
 What should I do with my pain? You should see the doctor very soon.
Untuk hal tidak baik atau hal yang tidak benar, contoh :

 You shouln’t smoke at all

 You shouldn’t go to bed late

 Dalam memberikan saran perlu menghindari kalimat perintah (Imperative

Sentences), sebaiknya menambahkan beberapa ungkapan (Expressions) seperti
beberapa contoh diatas, agar membentuk kalimat saran.
 V1 (Verb) kata kerja bentuk pertama. V ing kata kerja ditambah ing. Bagian ini
ada hubungannya dengan materi Contoh : how about going, what about
studying dan lain-lain.

2. Asking Suggestion

Words and Expressions used in Asking Suggestion

Words and Expressions Imperative Sentences

What shall we
go to the Sentani Lake festival today?
What do you suggest we
What would you like to

What do you want to

What do you recommend for a toothache


Could / Would you recommend a good restaurant here?


Where do you fancy going at the holiday?

V ing

Note :

 N (Noun) kata benda. V ing (Verb ing) kata kerja ditambah ing. Bagian ini ada
hubungannya dengan materi

3. Declining Suggestions
Words and Expressions used in Declining Suggestions
o Thank you, but I am not sure about that
o Thank you, but I am not sure it’s a good idea
o Thank you, but…..
o It’s a good idea, but….

B. Offer

Menawarkan sama dengan memberikan bantuan yang bisa diterima atau ditolak.
Menawarkan berarti memberikan sesuatu kepada orang lain, dapat berupa solusi,
uang, pekerjaan, makanan dan lain-lainnya, dan berikut penjelasannya :

Words and Expressions used in Offering

 Can/could I help you?
 Can I take you home?
 Shall I bring you some tea
 What can I do for you?
 How can I assist you?
 How can I help you?
 How about I help you to fix this car?
 Let me do it for you.
 Do you want me to take you home?
 Shall I do something for you?
 Do you need a pen?
 Is/are there anything I can do for you?

Words and Expressions used in Accepting Offers

o Yes, please
o Thank you, it’s very kind of you
o Yes, please. It would be lovely
o Thank you. I appreciate it.
Words and Expressions used in Declining Offers
o Thank you, but……
o I’d love to, but……
o It’s okay, I can do it myself
o No thank you
o Don’t worry. I will help myself.

C. Grammar
Modal Verb Subject Object
Can/Could I do it for you?

Will/Would you like to eat something?

Shall/Should I take this for you?
May I repair this laptop?

A. Complete these sentences using can, may, will, would, could


1. .….… I help you, sir?

2. .…… you come to fix my car tomorrow?

3. ……. mind taking this for us?
4. ….… we join?
5. ….… borrow you pen?

B.Respond to suggestion and offering given below.

1.Could I help you?
2. Why don’t we have lunch at my restaurant?
3. Why don’t you take a rest?
4. Why don’t we meet at the shopping center tomorrow morning?
5. I will fix this mobile phone, if you like
6. Shall I bring magazine to read?
7. Let’s all join the course all together
8. Let’s do it together
9. Would you like something to eat?
10. Would you mind helping me, please?

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