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Chromatography Data
Systems III:
Prospective Validation
of a CDS
R.D. McDowall, McDowall Consulting, Bromley, Kent, UK.

Is your chromatography data system fit for purpose?

The first two parts of this series on with research and development laboratories general segment of it. Peripheral devices
chromatography data systems (CDS) validation is used to ensure that the results such as printers, plotters and the
covered the fundamentals of a system (1) generated to support product development analogue-to-digital (A/D) units and
and the specification, evaluation and are correct. Chromatography data systems connecting cables are also included in
selection of a system (2). can be heavily involved with manufacturing this category.
In this part, I want to discuss the and, therefore, it is important to know that • Software: Again this comprises several
prospective validation of a CDS. By prospective data used to release a product are correct, elements including the operating systems
validation, I mean undertaking the validation thus ensuring consistency in the quality of of the clients and server, and the
work in parallel with progress through the the final product. network operating system. Also included
life cycle of the project. Unfortunately, this Compliance with regulations: Both the is the application itself (CDS) and any
is not always the situation; usually just Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and utility software, such as a database or
before the system goes live, someone the European Union (EU) (3, 4) expect reporting language.
thinks perhaps we should validate the manual and computerized systems to show Together the hardware and software
system. This approach will add between 25 equal quality. Good validation practices will comprise a computer system.
and 50% to the validation costs of the project. ease or expedite regulatory inspections and • Equipment and instruments are linked
The reason is mainly because documentation audits, and reduce the risk of non-compliance. to the computerized system. In the
that should have been written at key stages Also, confidence in computerized data instance of a CDS these will be the
of the project were missed or, if written, establishes a good foundation for chromatographs for high performance
may not have been of sufficient quality for management control especially throughout liquid chromatography, gas chromatography
laboratories working under regulations a multinational company where it can result and capillary zone electrophoresis. The
(Good Manufacturing Practice or Good in better communication across teams and linkage can vary from just the analogue
Laboratory Practice) or voluntary guidelines also with regulators. detector output to the A/D unit, an
(ISO Guide 25, soon to be ISO 17025). additional wire to transfer the vial number
Retrospective validation of a CDS involves Validation Definitions and Issues from the autosampler to the data system
documentation and testing after the system Before beginning, we need to define a or full instrument control cable, usually
has gone live, a subject covered in a recent few terms. based on IEEE 488 protocol. Ideally the
article by Wikenstedt et al (3). What is a computerized system? A equipment connected to the data system
computerized system comprises several should be qualified before the validation
Why Bother to Validate? components (Figure 1). It is important to of the CDS is undertaken, otherwise how
There are a number of reasons for realize early in your project that if you are do you know that you are generating
validating your CDS: validating a computerized system, you quality results?
Investment protection: The investment in don’t just concentrate on the computer • The equipment and the data system
computerized systems, including CDS, has hardware and software. Validation is more must be operated by trained staff who
risen dramatically over the past decade, but encompassing as I’ll discuss now. follow written procedures both from
what is the success rate? Validation is a The elements comprising a computerized standard operating procedures as well
way of building quality into a CDS and system are as follows: as the manuals.
increases the odds that the system will • Hardware: The elements that comprise The equipment and the trained users
meet expectations. Therefore, the investment this are the computer platform that the comprise the controlled function.
that an organization makes is protected CDS runs on (PC or server plus clients • A computerized system is made up of
from purchase on a whim. etc.), and the network components such a computer system, together with a
Consistent product quality: Product quality as hubs, routers, cables, switches and controlled function.
can be used in the widest scope. The product bridges. The CDS system may run on a To repeat, you must realize that validation
of a laboratory is information and, as such, specific segment of a network or over a is not just a matter of testing software,
calibrating or testing the A/D converter The key concepts in the definition is to produce an auditable system, having
units; there is a greater range of items to above are the appropriate documentation to aid any
consider under the scope of validation. • documented evidence audit or inspection.
We’ll look at the various elements that • a high degree of assurance The problem is how to respond to
comprise the validation package for a CDS. • predetermined specification. the requirement for validation. Any
The linking element in all items is Note that in this definition there is no response should
documentation: if you didn’t write it down mention of computerized systems: it is • be scientifically sound
you didn’t perform the action and you applicable to all processes. • be structured
cannot demonstrate what you’ve done to There are other regulatory or quality • provide adequate compliance
an inspector, auditor or assessor. In short, if guidelines from the EU (5), the Organization • reflect the way you use the application.
it’s not written, it’s a rumour. Therefore, for Economic Cooperation and This last point is most important because
you’ll need something that is tangible, and Development (6), Japan (7) and the there is no reason to validate a function of
a document is both the medium and the International Standards Organization (8). a CDS that is not used.
message where validation is concerned. They may have slightly different demands Computer validation must provide
As a corollary, document control is also but all come down to the same series of confidence in the CDS, first and foremost,
important, as we’ll see later. requirements: in general, validation is to laboratory management and users,
What is validation? Validation is probably concerned with generating the evidence to second to an internal quality audit and
best defined as: demonstrate that the CDS is fit for the third to an external inspector. Inspectors
“Establishing documented evidence which purpose you use it for and continues to be only audit the laboratory on a periodic
provides a high degree of assurance that a so when it is operational, and that there is basis. All others work in the laboratory and
specific process will consistently produce sufficient evidence of management control. use its computerized systems daily. The
a product meeting its predetermined This usually means that an action must be users must have the confidence in a system
specification and quality attributes” (4). documented. Another feature of validation above all others, otherwise the investment
will be wasted.
F1 Problems with validation: These include
• Self regulation: Regulatory agencies take
the view that the end-users of a CDS are
responsible for its validation. The agencies
will audit the system and will inform you
if there are any problems with the work
you have done. This is not very
satisfactory as the end-users can rarely
perform more than black-box testing
unless they have detailed knowledge of
the design specification of the system
and the aid of skilled computer scientists.
• What am I to do? This leads to the
problem of how to interpret the
guidelines in a cost-effective approach
to validation. Often many iterations of
trial and error can be involved, where
validation is either over-engineered or
not sufficiently rigorous.
• Complete testing of a system is a myth:
Figure 1: Elements of a computerized system. Unless there is a very simple system, it
cannot be tested completely. This was


Figure 2: Complete testing of software is impossible (Boehm 1970).

demonstrated by the work of Boehm (9) • evidence of system design and control the quality assurance (QA) department
who described the simple program flow of the design in this process.
segment shown in Figure 2. The number • evidence of testing • Quality assurance: responsible for assistance
of conditional pathways and hence possible • evidence of training in the interpretation of regulatory
tests of the software in this segment was • evidence of audit and review guidelines for computerized systems
calculated to be 1021. If the absurd • evidence of document control. and how they apply to the CDS.
assumption is made that one test can Validation must address all of these The QA personnel will review the key
be conceived, designed, executed and issues, not only during the development documentation produced during the
documented per second, then it will take of a system, but also during its validation effort. Monitoring of the
more than three times the geological age operational life. testing and validation effort and offering
of the earth to validate this program Validation roles and responsibilities: There assistance in developing SOPs are
segment. Unfortunately most CDS are are three key roles in validating a CDS from additional roles and responsibilities for
far more complex. Therefore, procedures a laboratory perspective; these are the QA. If there are any vendor audits to be
to record and fix errors are very users, quality assurance and information undertaken, then QA should be involved
important, and we’ll discuss them in technology (IT). Each will be described in the planning and execution of this
part IV of this series. below together with an outline of activity. However, some QA personnel
• Consistency of audit: The human element, their responsibilities. may not be very computer literate, but
in the form of what will pass without • Users: responsible for the overall validation this must change as many regulations
comment with one inspector or auditor of the CDS. This is achieved by defining involving computerized systems require
but not another, will never completely the system’s functions, selecting the the active involvement of this department.
disappear. The computer literacy of system, verifying its installation and • Information technology: responsible for
inspectors is increasing and with this will defining and executing the validation help in purchase, installation and operation
come increased scrutiny of computerized plan. Users will need to have standard of the CDS for systems running on a
systems, including CDS. However, operating procedures (SOPs) written for network. If a group is not available or
consistency of regulatory approach and operating and supporting the application, the users take on this role, then the
inspection is highly desirable. the user base must be trained and responsibilities outlined here will be
FDA Form 483 and warning letters: To users must ensure that the complete transferred to the users. Responsibilities
gain a greater understanding of regulatory documentation of the system is available will include running the hardware and
requirements, either a quick Internet trip to for audit and inspection. Although the software, back-ups, resolving problems or reading of selected end-user is responsible for these areas, etc. However, in offering support for a
issues of the “Gold Sheet” (10) is highly they need help, advice and support in regulated CDS, the IT group become
recommended. In the electronic reading this. Active support by management is bound by the regulations or guidelines
room is a list of warning letters issued essential for making the resources that the laboratory works under. What is
between 1996–97. Here you can see a available for the validation effort and to not often realized both by the users and
health authority in action. The citations take the responsibility for authorizing the IT group is that any unauthorized
associated with computer validation can be the use of the system in the regulated change to the operating system or
grouped into six categories (11): environment. Furthermore, management network will make a validated CDS
• evidence of management responsibility must encourage the participation of non-compliant. We’ll come back to this
area in the next article in this series.
F3 External roles may include the following:
• System vendor: The CDS vendor should
be able to help with advice on the sizing
of the system, hardware needed for
good performance, assistance with vendor
audits and help with qualification of the
system (installation qualification (IQ) and
operational qualification (OQ) only).
• Consultants: for advice on the overall
validation process or specific portions of it.

Life-Cycle Approach to Validation

If you remember the first article in the
series you will recall that we looked at a
version of the system development life cycle
in the shape of a ‘V’. We can take that
model and map onto it the documentation
that could be produced in the life cycle and
show its relationship to the life cycle (Figure
3). This shows each document’s relative
position in the life cycle and the areas that
Figure 3: Key documents to support validation and their place in the life cycle. it covers.
URS user requirements specification, IQ installation qualification, The documents that could be produced
OQ operational qualification, PQ performance qualification. are listed below and the key ones are
discussed in more detail in the next section. Validation plan: The name for this document Content of a validation plan: The content
Table 1 provides an outline description of varies so much from laboratory to laboratory: of a validation plan is listed in Table 2. This
the function of each document. validation plan, master validation plan, is taken from the IEEE standard for validation
Taken together this documentation will validation master plan or even quality plan. and verification plans (12). The purpose of
provide the validation package to support Regardless of what you call it in your the validation plan is to define the validation
the contention that the CDS is fit for purpose. organization it should cover the steps you documentation to be produced during the
Please note that this is a suggested minimum are going to take to demonstrate the initial stages of the life cycle, together with
list; you may write fewer or more documents quality of the CDS in your laboratory. the roles and responsibilities involved and
than outlined here. The extent that you Ideally it should be written as early in the to provide a plan of intent for the life cycle.
differ will depend on the amount of process as possible to define the overall Design — The URS: Remember from the
regulatory risk that the organization or steps that are required and the documents definition of validation presented in the
laboratory management wishes to carry. to be produced from each. early part of this article the phrase
“predefined specifications” was included?
T1 The document that provides the laboratory
Table 1: Validation Package Documentation. with the predefined specifications is the
user requirements specification (URS).
Document Name Outline Function in Validation Without the URS or equivalent you cannot
Validation plan • Documents the intent of the validation effort throughout the validate your CDS. The content of the
whole life cycle specification for a system is discussed in a
• Defines documentation for validation package
separate article (13).
• Defines roles and responsibilities of parties involved
Ideally, an independent group of users
Project plan • Outlines all tasks in the project (not involved in writing the document)
• Allocates responsibilities for tasks to individuals or should evaluate the URS and challenge
functional units
the specifications and any interfacing
• Several versions as progress is updated
requirements between analytical instruments
User requirements • Defines the functions that the CDS will undertake or any other computer applications. If any
specification (URS) • Defines the scope, boundary and interfaces of the system missing requirements or inconsistencies can
• Defines the scope of tests for system evaluation and qualification
be found at this stage they are easy to
System selection report • Outlines the systems evaluated either on paper or in-house correct. Therefore, the extra work in
• Summarizes experience of evaluation testing ensuring that the user requirements
• Outlines criteria for selecting chosen system specification is correct is time and resources
Vendor audit report • Defines the quality of the software from vendor’s well spent. Problems that should have been
and vendor quality perspective (certificates) rectified at this stage are far more expensive
certificates • Confirms that quality procedures match practice (audit report) to solve further into the life cycle. When
• Confirms overall quality of the system before purchase
Purchase order • From vendor quotation selects software and peripherals T2
to be ordered Table 2: Validation Plan Outline Format
• Delivery note used to confirm actual delivery against (based on IEEE Std 1012–1986).
purchase order
• Defines the initial configuration items of the CDS
Installation • Installation of the components of the system by the vendor Reference documents
qualification (IQ) • Testing of individual components Definitions
• Documentation of the work performed Validation overview
Operational • Testing of the installed system
qualification (OQ) • Use of a vendor’s protocol or test scripts master schedule
• Documentation of the work performed resources summary
Performance • Defines user testing on the system against the URS functions tools, techniques and methodologies
qualification (PQ) • Highlights features to test and those not to test Life cycle validation
test plan • Outlines the assumptions, exclusions and limitations of approach management of validation for
PQ test scripts • Test script written to cover key functions defined in test plan concept phase
• Scripts used to collect evidence and observations requirements phase
as testing is performed design phase
implementation phase
Written procedures • Procedures defined for users and system administrators test phase
• Procedures written for IT related functions installation and checkout phase
• Practice must match the procedure
operation and maintenance phase
User training material • Initial material used to train super users and all users available Software validation reporting
• Refresher or advanced training documented Validation administration procedures
• Training records updated accordingly anomaly reporting and resolution
task iteration policy
Validation • Summarizes the whole life cycle of the CDS
deviation policy
summary report • Discusses any deviations from validation plan and quality
control procedures
issues found
• Management authorization to use the system standards, practices and conventions
the URS is complete, the outline selection undertake this work will be the vendors validated simply because another laboratory
tests can be generated. as they know their products best; however, has validated the same software; the
Vendor certificates and vendor audits: there could be several groups working on operations of two laboratories may differ
Many CDS vendors will be certified to ISO the installation: markedly even within the same organization.
9000 of some description and will offer you • server installation by the server supplier How can we approach the testing from a
a certificate that the system conforms to or maker user perspective? This needs a discussion of
their quality processes. This is fine but please • workstation and peripheral installation by white-box and black-box testing.
remember that there is no requirement for either the IT department or contractors
product quality in any ISO 9000 schedule working on their behalf White-Box and Black-Box Testing
and if you look at the warranty of any • installation of network infrastructure by There are two approaches to testing:
software product there is no guarantee that specialist contractors conventionally known as white-box and
the CDS is either fit for purpose or error • installation of the CDS software by black-box testing.
free. The certificates are fine but if the the vendor White-box testing: This type of testing
system is critical to your operation my • installation of A/D units and any requires the full knowledge of what the
advice is to consider a vendor audit. associated equipment by the CDS vendor. program unit or module does (Figure 4(a)).
The vendor audit should take place once Many of the organizations will not be This will include the complete specification
the product has been selected and the familiar with the regulations or guidelines of the inputs, outputs and processing
purpose is simply to see whether the ISO that you are operating under. You’ll need to algorithms within each module of the
9000 quality system is operated effectively. be proactive to ensure that documentation of CDS application. The design specification
The evaluation and audit process is a very these activities is collected, and planning is used to devise tests to prove that the
important part of the life cycle as it ensures and discussion is essential here otherwise functions described work as designed as
the design, build and testing stages (which you’ll end up with little from this phase of can be seen from the V model in Figure 3.
are under the control of the vendor) have work with the exception of the CDS vendor. In essence, you need to have a programming
been checked to ensure compliance with Operational qualification: The OQ is an background to execute white-box testing.
the regulations. The audit should be extension of the IQ and is intended to Users will not be able to undertake
planned and cover items such as the design demonstrate that the whole system works technical testing because either they do
and programming phases, product testing the way the vendor says it will. Most not have the full technical specification of
and release, documentation and support. vendors will supply OQ scripts. These the system, or they do not possess the
A report of the audit should be produced of necessity will only cover a subset of technical skills to undertake this type of
after the visit. A previous “Questions of functions and will not be a substitute for testing or, as is usually the situation, both.
Quality” column and two articles in the user acceptance tests or performance Black-box testing: In contrast, in black-box
Scientific Data Management have covered qualification (PQ) tests. testing (Figure 4(b)) the tester only knows
vendor audits in more detail (14–16). Performance qualification: The PQ is the the overall function of the module with
Installation qualification: Put simply this is user acceptance testing, undertaken by the input limits. No programming knowledge
the installation of the components of the users and based upon the way that the is required, only training in how to use the
order into the system with a check that it system is used in a particular laboratory. application. Therefore, users will undertake
works correctly. The best people to Therefore, your CDS cannot be considered black-box testing, where known inputs will
be entered and the outputs compared with
F4 those expected (anticipated results).

Performance Qualification Test Plan

and Test Scripts
A PQ test plan outlines the features to
test and those that will not be tested.
Associated with this are the written notes of
the assumptions, exclusions and limitations
to the testing undertaken.


Table 3: Validation Summary Report

based on IEEE Std 1012–1986 (12).

Summary of all validation tasks

and results
Summary of anomalies and
their resolution
Summary of deviations from the
validation plan and rationale for
such deviations
Statement from management of the
system’s validation status
Operational release of the system signed
Figure 4: White box and black box testing. a) white box testing: All code, specifications of by management
units and algorithms known to the tester; (b) black box testing: Overall function known only.
The test scripts are the heart of any References
validation attempt and will take some time (1) R.D. McDowall, LC•GC Int., 12(4), 226–235 (1999).
and effort to get correct. The concept is (2) R.D. McDowall, LC•GC Int., 12(7), 422–431 (1999).
that the test script will form the testing log. (3) B. Wikenstedt, P. Johansson and R.D. McDowall,
The archive for the actual testing and all LC•GC Int., 12(2), 88–102 (1999).
experimental data and output will be (4) General Principles of Validation, Food and Drug
recorded here. Some of the types of test Administration, (Center for Drug Evaluation and
Research, Rockville, Maryland, USA, May 1987).
that could be performed are
(5) Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal
• boundary test: the entry of valid data
Products in the European Community, Annex
within the known range of a field, for 11, (Commission of the European Communities,
example, a pH value would only have Brussels, Belgium, 1997).
acceptable values within 0–14 (6) Application of GLP Principles to Computerized
• stress test: entering data outside of Systems, (Organization for Economic Cooperation
designed limits, for example, a pH and Development, Paris, France, 1995).
value of 15 (7) Koseisho, Good Laboratory Practice Attachment:
• predicted output: knowing the function GLP Inspection of Computer Systems,
of the module to be tested; a known (Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau, Ministry of
Health and Welfare, Tokyo, Japan, 1988), 157–160.
input should have a predicted output
(8) ISO/IEC Guide 25, (International Standards
• consistent operation: important tests
Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1991).
of major functions should have (9) B. Boehm, Some Information Processing
repetition built into them to Implications of Air Force Missions 1970–1980,
demonstrate that the operation of The Rand Corp. (Santa Monica, California,
the system is reproducible USA, 1970).
• common problems: both the operational (10) The Gold Sheet, FD&C Reports,
and support aspects of the computer Washington DC, USA.
system should be part of any validation (11) S. Weinberg in “Laboratory Information
plan. The predictability of the system Management Systems: Development and
Implementation for a Quality Assurance
under these tests should generate
Laboratory,” (M.D. Hinton, M. Dekker,
confidence in its operation.
New York, USA,1994).
The format of the document and more (12) IEEE Standard 1012–1986 Software Validation
details of PQ testing are found in an and Verification Plans, (Institute of Electronic
earlier article (3). and Electrical Engineers, Piscataway,
Validation summary report: The validation New Jersey, USA).
summary report brings together all of the (13) R.D. McDowall, Sci. Data Mngemnt, 2(1),
documentation collected throughout the 8–19, (1998).
whole of the life cycle and presents a (14) R.D. McDowall, LC•GC Int., 10(10),
recommendation for management 648–654, (1997).
(15) R.D. McDowall, Sci. Data Mngemnt, 2(2),
approval when the system is validated.
8–17, (1998).
One outline of a summary report, based
(16) R.D. McDowall, Sci. Data Mngemnt, 2(3),
on the IEEE methodology is presented in 8–13, (1998).
Table 3. The emphasis is on using a
summary report as a rapid and efficient
means of presenting results, as the detail
is contained in the other documentation
in the validation package.
Now you’ve completed the easy part:
Congratulations! Your CDS is now validated
and released for operational use. You have
completed the first and easiest part of
validation of your CDS. The difficult part is
to maintain the validation status of the
system throughout its whole operational
life. This is more difficult as there are a
number of changes that will happen: bug
fixes, software upgrades, hardware upgrades,
back-up, recovery, revalidation and periodic
review. We’ll look at these topics and more
in the next part of this series.

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