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How To change PL category to internal account for charge


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How-To Document-TSR-684660

Table of Contents

Document History...........................................................................................................................................................3
1. How to Title............................................................................................................................................................4
2. Detailed steps..........................................................................................................................................................4
3. Meta Data Track......................................................................................................................................................9

2 V2.0/May-21 Quality Assurance

Internal Use
How-To Document-TSR-684660

Document History

Author Version Date Description

Bhuvanesh Mani 0.1 10-Oct-2023 Initial draft

Sankaralingam P 1.0 10-Oct-2023 Reviewed


{Add any comments here}

3 V2.0/May-21 Quality Assurance

Internal Use
How-To Document-TSR-684660

1. How to capitalise the charge that is in due status:

The purpose of this document is to explain the necessary setups and procedures to change PL category to internal account for charge property.

2. Detailed steps:
We need to use ‘INTERNAL.BOOKING’ field in AA.PRD.DES.CHARGE condition to achieve this solution. When this field
is marked as ‘Yes’, any income/expense will be posted to the internal category defined in the ACCCOUNTING condition INT BOOKING fields.
The below setup must be done to post the income to INTERNAL account,

Step 1: Setup the INTERNAL account category in AA.PRD.DES.ACCOUNTING condition

Setup the INTERNAL account category in AA.PRD.DES.ACCOUNTING condition in the fields INT.BOOKING.CM, INT.ADJUST.CM,
For example – If the internal account is USD-12105-0001-0001, then in accounting product condition we need to give 12105 alone under
the above- mentioned fields. Provide the internal account value as shown below, in the fields related to the CHARGE property
which is expected to have internal booking. I have configured NEWARRFEE charge property.

4 V2.0/May-21 Quality Assurance

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How-To Document-TSR-684660

Step 2: Please ensure that there are default values in the PL category in AA.PRD.DES.ACCOUNTING condition in the fields

Step 3: Setup the field INTERNAL.BOOKING as YES in CHARGE product condition

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How-To Document-TSR-684660

Step 4: Proof and publish the product and test by inputting a new contract.
Step 5: In the ACTIVITY.CHARGES product condition, we have attached the NEWARRFEE for the LENDING-NEW-ARRANGEMENT activity.
So, when we create a new arrangement, it should charge a NEW ARRANGEMENT FEE. And since we have defined the ACCOUNTING
condition for posting the fee to INTERNAL ACCOUNT, the fee will be posted to INTERNAL ACCOUNT.

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How-To Document-TSR-684660

Below are the entries:

7 V2.0/May-21 Quality Assurance

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Here we can see that charge is posted to internal account.

8 V2.0/May-21 Quality Assurance

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How-To Document-TSR-684660

1. Meta Data Track

Meta Data Track

Description of document * How to change PL category to internal account for charge property

Product * Insight

From T24 Release * R16

To T24 Release *
If the functionality is relevant till R23
R9, choose the value ‘Current’

Content Classification

Bank Unit * None

TAG 1 *(keyword) CHARGE PROPERTY Enter relevant tag, if not found in the
drop-down list.

TAG 2(keyword) INTERNAL ACCOUNT Enter relevant tag, if not found in the
drop-down list.

TAG 3(keyword) PL CATEGORY Enter relevant tag, if not found in the

drop-down list.

Document Administrative Details

Owner: Bhuvanesh Mani Email ID:

Approver: Sankaralingam P Email ID:

Expiry Date: NA JIRA Reference: TSR-684660

9 V2.0/May-21 Quality Assurance
Internal Use

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