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Nursing is a profession thats always in direct contact and interaction with clients, both clients as
individuals, families, groups and communities. Therefore, nurses in providing nursing care are
required to understand and behave in accordance with nursing ethics. In order for a nurse to be
responsible and accountable, he or she must uphold the values that underlie nursing practice
itself, namely the nurse helps the client to achieve an optimum level of health, the nurse helps
increase the client's autonomy in expressing their needs. Nurses support human dignity and act as
advocates for their clients, nurses maintain client confidentiality, are oriented towards nurse
accountability and nurses work in a competent, ethical and safe environment (dalami, et al,
Nurses always interact with patients, accompany and serve patients wholeheartedly so that
patients recover quickly. In serving patients, nurses must be patient and must be able to adapt a
good attitude towards our patients, because this plays a role in the patient's recovery. Motivating
patients to do what the doctor orders does not pressure patients because patients have the right to
make their own decisions. Sometimes we as nurses experience a dilemma in carrying out an
action. According to Thompson and Thompson (1985), an ethical dilemma is a difficult problem
where the alternatives are satisfactory or a situation where the satisfactory or unsatisfactory
alternatives are comparable. The diagnosis is taken and decided by a doctor and the nurse carries
out what the doctor orders. However, in making and following up on decisions, a doctor and
nurse must discuss everything with the patient's family, no matter what the circumstances.
A person must have a good code of ethics because it is an order that underlies the principles of a
profession which aims to regulate good relationships between nurses, patients, friends and
members of the community both in the nursing profession and with other professions.
The nursing code of ethics is a comprehensive statement from the profession that provides
guidance for its members in carrying out good nursing practices relating to patients, families,
communities, colleagues, themselves and the health team (Wulan, 2011).
Opee, Noviati. 2014.”Dilema Etik Pada Perawatan Gawat Darurat”(online),
diakses tanggal 24 Maret 2015)

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