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1. Choose ONE (article/blog/piece of literature/movie/video/art) that you wish to analyse.
Analyse the material chosen using Six Thinking Hats.
2. This assignment must be done in GROUP (3 to 5 persons per group)
3. The description of Six Thinking Hats are as follows:

Hat Category Function

White Information Data, Facts, Information known or needed
Red Feeling and Intuition Feelings, emotions and intuition
Yellow Benefits Values and benefits- Why something may work?
Black Cautions Difficulties, potential problems- Why something
may not work?
Green Creativity Creativity- Possibilities, alternatives, solutions or
new ideas
Blue Process Manage the thinking process, focus, next steps or
action plans

4. Write your report by the following guidelines:

 Firstly, provide a general description of the Six Thinking Hats.
 Secondly, describe the materials (article/blog/piece of literature/movie/video/art) that are
 Thirdly, students are required to analyze their material by using the Six Thinking Hats.
 Fourthly, provide recommendations on how to make the material become more
interesting / beneficial to society.
 Lastly, make a comprehensive conclusion about Six Thinking Hats.

5. Report Writing Format

 Font : Times New Roman (Size 12)
 Paragraph : Justify
 Spacing : 1.5 Spacing
 Cover page : Green Colour
 Page :Should not less than 8 pages (not including appendix and
 Appendix : Material
 Reference : APA Style
6. Presentation requirements:
- Prepare a powerpoint to present material
- Explain how you relate the material with the Six Thinking Hats
7. Submission of report and presentation are during week 5 (9/10/2023).

Integrate the diverse skills of thinking skills to fill the need of problem solving. (A4, PLO4)

Report will be evaluated based on rubric

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