Globalization of Religion

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Republic of the Philippines

Taculing Road, Bacolod City, 6100,
Taculing Campus, (034)707-7469, Sum-ag Campus,(034) 704-5843,
Fortune Towne Campus,(034) 704-5844 Tel #: (034) 707-7469

Teacher Education Department

First Semester /S.Y. 2020-2021
(Eight Module)
Week 9


Globalization denotes the historical development by which all the world’s people gradually came
to live in a social unit.

At the end of the course the students should be able to:

1. Identify the relationship of religion from globalization.

2. Discover the effects of religion in the world and the community.
3. Know the significance of globalization of religion.


1. What is the relation of religion to globalization?

There is the way in which globalization flattens out cultural differences, erodes local customs
and beliefs, and spreads a secular, capitalist way of life. Religion serves as the source of globalization’s
greatest resistance and as a haven for those standing in opposition to its common yet often subtle
power. While opposition is an important aspect of the relationship between religion and globalization,
to see them in their conflicting interactions, not only in the past but even in the postmodern world as
well. (Ariola, pp.55)
But religion and globalization can also be seen as partners in historical change. In the past,
religion, in various manifestations, has been a carrier of globalizing tendencies in the world. The history
of Christianity, can be seen in part as an early effort to create a global network of believers.
Globalization also provides fertile ground for a variety of religious manifestations that are not
institutionalized and for the development of religion as a political and cultural resource. It succeeded as
a globalizing force long before there was a phenomenon called”globalization”.
2. Secularization, the Apocalypse of Religion
Secularization in sociological meaning of the term, involves the historical process in which
religion loses social and cultural significance.

Social theorists such as Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim postulated
that the modernization of society would include a decline in levels of religiousity. Some theorist argue
that the secularization of modern civilization partly results from people’s inability to adapt broad ethical
and spiritual needs of mankind to the increasingly fast advance of the physical science.

In 18th Century, the emergence of philosophy advocating the use of reason rather than relying
on the supernatural and religious order began, together with similar development in other fields, gave
birth to the Age of Enlightenment.

However, many of the religious academicians rises who would argue that religion would still
endure despite the odds that is Globalization. Peter L. Berger three religious responses to globalization.

a) Resurgence of religion in the global society.

Religion endures and persists – it is not a dying institution as some would believe. He
recognizes that although secularization movements are active in some parts of the world, other areas
are not as influenced by the movement. Religious communities and institutions have developed an
adaptive strategy which involves the modification of modern ideas and values in light of their own ideas
and beliefs.

b) Emergence of Religious Fundamentalism

Religious fundamental movements are regarded with three essential factors. First, it is
strongly founded on religious ideology, philosophy, goals, and leadership is grounded on religious beliefs
and practices. Second, fundamentalism serves as a stronghold against the invasive cultural dramatic
changes brought about by globalization. And lastly, it (fundamentalism) is a self-protective mechanism
which seeks to preserve or re-establish former social order and return to the traditional sources of
religious authority.

c) New roles and identities of Religion

In the field of international politics, religion has been regarded as a new source of clash
between and among people with different and even similar beliefs. Some political movements rely
heavily on their religion, they use their religious ideologies to seek control and legitimize their political
interest, which are non-religious in nature. They weaponize religion, recruit members and use them to
integrate and spread terror among nations and instill fears of many.
In contrast, religious institutions have several occasions establish peace amonf countries
at war in the modern secularized world. Interdominational dialogue is another manifestation religious
reconciliation. The Vatican for one has succeesfully mediated conflicts in countries of North America
between Protestants and Catholic clergies.
Religion in this globalized arena therefore cannot be considered as a passive, apathetic
by-stander patiently awaiting it demise. It actively influences how far and how deep globalization
infiltrates cultures and societies in the global sphere. And throughout the process it too gets influenced
and experience change as it adopts the unescapable phenomenon called globalization. (Mendoza, et al. pp.

III. EVALUATION. Discuss the following items.

a). Is Religion a threat to Globalization?
b). Religion and Religions as Globalizing System


1. Manfred Stegger, Paul Battersby, and Joseph M. Siracusa, eds. 2014. The SAGE
Handbook of Globalization. Two vols. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.
4. Ariola, Dr. Mariano M. The Contemporary World. 2018. Unlimited Books Pub. Inc.
Intramuros, Manila, Phl.
2. Aldama, Prince K.R. The Contemporary World. 1st Edition. 2018. Rex Book Store
Inc., Manila, Phil.
3. Bello, Walden F. “The Multiple Crises of Global Capitalism”. In Deglobalization:
Ideas for a New World Economy. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University
Press, 2006.
4. Lobo,Ambida, Maliban, Mesinas. The Contemporary World. 2019. Books Atpb.
Publishing Corp. Mandaluyong City. Phl.
5. Mendoza, Cheryl, Tabajen, Rhene C., Tomas, Era Anjelika U., and Austria,
Reginald B. WorkText in The Contemporary World. Neime Publishing House Co.
Ltd. Cubao, Quezon City. 2019
Republic of the Philippines
Taculing Road, Bacolod City, 6100,
Taculing Campus, (034)707-7469, Sum-ag Campus,(034) 704-5843,
Fortune Towne Campus,(034) 704-5844 Tel #: (034) 707-7469

Teacher Education Department

First Semester /S.Y. 2020-2021
(Nineth Module)
Week 10


It is often said that the world is turning into a “global village.” In reality more than half of the
world’s population lives in cities (although some are under poor conditions). But the modern city is the
primary manifestations of globalization today, and its very essence is a global network of
multidimensional spaces of congestions that both describes and shapes it. These cities have played a
crucial role throughout the whole process as centers of exchange and as focal points of development.

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Identify the attributes of a global city.
2. Analyze how cities serve as engines of globalization.


The term “global city” was popularized by sociologist Saskia Sassen in her 1991 work, “The
Global City” (New York, London, Tokyo). More recently the term has focused on a city’s financial power
and higher technology in infrastructures, with other factors becoming less relevant.

Global city, an urban center that enjoys significant competitive advantages and that serves as a
hub within globalized economic system.

What is the characteristics and attributes of global city?

The existence of financial headquarters, a stock exchange and major financial institutions.
Dominations of trade and economy of a large surrounding area. Major manufacturing centers with ports
and container facilities. Considerable decision-making power on a daily basis and a global level.

Saskia Sassen considers economics as a major determining factor of a global city as this primarily
becomes the most appealing feature that attracts people from all walks of life.

1. Global cities now become melting pots of international culture and cuisines. Establishments are
offerings foreign and local products and become a familiar scene for a vast majority.

2. Global cities are also has the greatest number of business infrastructures housing international
organizations, and business alike.

3. Global cities become seats of power where political, economic, cultural and religious engagements
are overseen.

4. Global cities are also the centers of innovation and higher learning. Global cities boasts having the
world’s top universities (like Boston’s Harvard University and Cambridge University in England).

What are the challenges that comes with the rise of global cities?

1. The significant rise in the city population as people flock towards cities trying their luck to improve
their financial status. However, not all who migrate to cities are rewarded for many end up contributing
to the slum populace.

2. Globalization creates a rush of high paying jobs within global cities creating a chain reaction
demanding low income employment to attend to their growing needs. These low income jobs comprise
of domestic helpers, maids, cooks, food attendants. Thus, implying that flocking to global cities does
necessarily mean a good life for everyone.

3. Due to significant rise in the population, several issues spring out which leads to food and water
shortage. Many people still go hungry as food is unevenly distributed all over the world bringing into
questions of global food security.

4. The problem about climate change and rising temperatures. Cities are considered as the greatest
contributor of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change affects more people than others for some
are more equipped to handle the effects of climate change.

What are the importance of global city?

A global city has wealth, power and influence to other countries as well as host the largest
capital markets.

What is the role of global cities to globalization?

Global cities are and always have been both products and producers of globalization. They play
an important role in shaping a global economy, culture and society, but they are also shaped by it. They
are the places where countervailing forces match and local reactions to globalization become especially
What are the engines of globalization?

The two key engines of globalization are the technology revolution and politico-economic


Discuss the following items.

1. What are the challenges these cities are facing?

2. What do you think is the impact of urbanization and the rise of global cities on agricultural


1. Manfred Stegger, Paul Battersby, and Joseph M. Siracusa, eds. 2014. The SAGE
Handbook of Globalization. Two vols. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.

2. Ariola, Dr. Mariano M. The Contemporary World. 2018. Unlimited Books Pub. Inc.
Intramuros, Manila, Phl.
3. Aldama, Prince K.R. The Contemporary World. 1st Edition. 2018. Rex Book Store
Inc., Manila, Phil.
4. Bello, Walden F. “The Multiple Crises of Global Capitalism”. In Deglobalization:
Ideas for a New World Economy. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University
Press, 2006.
5. Lobo,Ambida, Maliban, Mesinas. The Contemporary World. 2019. Books Atpb.
Publishing Corp. Mandaluyong City. Phl.
6. Mendoza, Cheryl, Tabajen, Rhene C., Tomas, Era Anjelika U., and Austria,
Reginald B. WorkText in The Contemporary World. Neime Publishing House Co.
Ltd. Cubao, Quezon City. 2019

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