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Colegio Técnico Profesional De Santa Ana

Technical English Project

Configuration and support in software and


Ian Vargas Herrera


Mónica Ortega

October 23, 2023
Name: French Republic School

Republic of France School, Treciaria National Route 310, San José, Pozos
Objective Product or service:
the objective of the institution is to achieve great excellence in students, and
each their goals for the future, offer the service of education.

Mission: Educate children and teach them basic things.

Vision: The formation of better people for the future of the country.

Values: Forge the respect, solidarity and creativity of its students.


The school opened its doors for the first time in March 1907, in a rented house,
owned by Mr. Idalecio Vásquez, who charged a modest annual rent. Given that
enrollment was increasing, a group of residents thought about acquiring their
own land.

Mrs. Juana Vizcaino Cervantes in 1910, before dying she sold it for the sum of
one hundred colones, to the Board of Education, whose president was Mr.
Miguel Zeledón Jiménez. A piece of land measuring 40 yards in front and 50
yards deep.

According to the deed dated: 08-21-1913, where before the lawyer Apolinar
Monge Gamboa, Mr. Simón Sandi Vizcaino, son of Doña Juana, declares that
his mother sold this property.
In this small space, three classrooms were built, one of them was used for
management. For this construction to take place, there was support from the
Municipality and the Ministry of Public Education.

The community continues with its development and the institution grows in
number of students, and the need is felt to acquire the adjacent property and
that is how in 1958, the procedures for the purchase of the land began, the
appraisal of the land was carried out. property, requested by the Board of
Education, represented by Mr. Rogelio Araya Castro president and Antonio
Núñez Carballo secretary in 1961 and the Direct Taxation Appraisals court, set
the price at ten thousand five hundred twenty-eight and eighteen cents and in
conversations with the heirs of the succession of Elena Arias Marin, they agree
to sell the land in question to the Board, for the sum of ten thousand colones.
The direct purchase was authorized by Law No. 4054 of 16, 1968. The payment
process was carried out through the corresponding transfer that was
contemplated in the National Budget of 1967. At that time the Minister of
Education was Mr. Guillermo Malavassi Vargas.

The total land of the School is 5,300.50 m², registered in volume: 847, folio 246,
number 54112, entry: 1, located in district 03 of Pozos, canton 09 Santa Ana,
province 01 San José.

Today the school has sixteen classrooms, a computer center, dining room,
administrative offices and an assembly hall that does not meet the minimum
conditions to accommodate the existing population. At this time, a library and
the assembly hall operate.

Main departments:

Principal office: which is responsible for managing the administration of the

school and students, is responsible for managing the budget and school

IT: it is in charge of high-quality teaching of informatics for the students, it has a

single professor, who is in charge of being a professor and of the same
informatics administration of the institution.
Cleaning: they are in charge of the constant cleaning maintenance of the

Teachers: they are in charge of teaching students, promoting great values and
learning of students.

Maintenance: it is in charge of the infrastructure of the institution, which means

the maintenance of the classrooms, address, dining room, field and park, it is in
charge of all the maintenance of the infrastructure installation.


I was in the IT department. It is the department that is in charge of maintaining

the equipment within the company, and its function is to keep all the
technological equipment that is in use in full operation.
The only employee seen was only Professor Manrique Vargas (computer
science teacher) who was in charge of teaching classes and maintaining some
equipment, usually very few.

The main functions that I developed during the internship time were to teach the
intern things that he does not know and improve his skills, performing new tasks
for him and ensuring that he performs as well as possible in the face of certain

During this time of practice I was in charge of repairs and inspections of

printers, my main job was that, there were times when the equipment only
required inspection and most of the time it required repair, there were 4
equipment that had cartridge or paper problems while the rest were external
things, in addition to printers, I reviewed some laptops of which they were only
virus cleaning tasks and Office installation, there was a printer that could not be
repaired due to lack of equipment, but two of them presented many problems in
the system due to poor configuration, poor handling of the equipment and
knocks to it, this would make ink calibration or system reset more complicated.
My experience was quite pleasant although at the same time somewhat
strange, since from a student I became a companion of the teachers who once
taught me classes, it was nice from the point that I managed to get along with
everyone, I enjoyed sharing with them. younger students and from the same
jobs I did, I had to learn how to repair and maintain printers, something in which
I was not very expert, but I learned about several mistakes after repairing 10
printers during the internship.


During the internship I liked learning new things about topics in which one has
fairly basic knowledge. I liked solving the problems with the printer that were a
challenge due to having little knowledge of that type of equipment. I liked the
work environment, which was super pleasant and bearable in the sense of
being able to talk when possible and be serious when necessary. I liked the
lunches that the dining room gave us. I liked that we could have our separate
space so we could do our homework or rest at lunch time. I liked the treatment
we received during the internship. I liked being able to be part of the activities
they carried out at school such as the Band presentation. I liked the schedule
since it was very comfortable. I liked the experience of sharing with the teachers
as if we were their co-workers.

I didn't like the poor communication to receive us or assign tasks to us the first
days. I didn't like that several times there was a lot of noise which made it a little
uncomfortable when doing work. I didn't like the lack of equipment or resources
to do some tasks.

Some recommendations I would give to the school are to give better attention to
the interns, to have a more comfortable space for the interns, another thing
could be to improve communication during the internship acceptance process.
Some recommendations for the MEP may be to offer a list of voluntary
companies that want to receive students, to help students who cannot find a
company, another may be to increase the internship a little, since that
experience is what helps at the moment. Before doing the internship, another
recommendation would be to hold in-person talks or conferences that inform us
about the internships and what our internship experience could be like, and if
we cannot do them in person, do them virtually.


Date Hours Activities

September 19th 8:30am – 9:00am I am assigned the task of checking 3
laptops used by teachers and installing
Office on them.
September 19th 9:00am – 9:15am The next task was to install Office on
the laptop used by the management
September 19th 9:15am – 10:00am They kept us waiting until the person in
charge of the piad arrived.
September 19th 10:00am – 12:00pm We were in charge of the piad which
initially had 5 computers and all PCs,
the 5 computers were checked, which
at first only turned on 3 of the 5
computers, the first two underwent
virus analysis where the first computer
arrived to have 32 viruses, the rest was
Office and antivirus
September 19th 12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch time
September 19th 1:00pm -3:00pm After several analyzes and
hypotheses, we dismantled the 2 PCs
that did not turn on and it was
discovered that the 2 computers had
damaged power supplies, therefore
requiring a change of power source.
September 19th 3:00 pm Departure time
September 20th 7am – 3pm We were assigned to check a printer to
discover the error and repair it, it took
us a long time because we had very
basic knowledge and the instructor in
charge left us to learn how to do it
alone, after several tests an air leak
was found in the inks and an error with
the cartridge reader, in addition to
damaged heads, since it could not
read the black ink.
September 21th 7am – 8am This day they brought us a laptop on
which we had to install Office
September 21th 8am – 11am Then we continued with the printer that
had the ink problems in the computer
laboratory, we disassembled it and
made a record and analyzed new
solutions due to the multiple failures it
September 21th 11am – 12:15pm We checked a printer that was in the
French teacher's classroom, the printer
did not print and had a connection
error, which required a software reset
to work correctly again
September 21th 12:15pm – 1pm Lunch time
September 21th 1pm – 3pm We returned to the printer in the
computer lab to try one of the solutions
researched for the damaged heads to
try to get the air out of the ink hoses.
September 21th 3pm Departure time
September 22th 7am – 12pm We were assigned to review two more
printers, one with software failures and
another with damage to the control
panel which did not generate its
functions 100%.
September 22th 12pm – 1pm Lunch time
September 22th 1pm – 3pm We continue researching methods to
repair the computer lab printer.
September 22th 3pm Departure time
September 23th 7am – 12pm They ordered two printers from us, one
that had an error with the maintenance
box, and another which did not read
the ink, we spent the morning repairing
the printer with damage to the ink
sensor while we investigated the
maintenance box.
September 23th 12pm – 1pm Lunch time
September 23th 1pm to 3pm We do not perform any tasks
September 23th 3pm Departure time
September 24th 7am – 12pm They ordered us a laptop that needed
an office installation, and they ordered
us a printer that had connection errors,
another printer that had an error with
the wireless connection
September 24th 12pm – 1pm Lunch time
September 24th 1pm – 3pm We delivered the printer with
connection errors, while we investigate
the wireless connection error
September 24th 3pm Departure time
September 25th 7am – 12pm We installed Office on the laptop that
had been delivered to us the day
before, and we fixed the wireless
connection error.
September 25th 12pm – 1pm Lunch time
September 25th 1pm – 3pm We continue working on the computer
lab printer, we get a syringe to be able
to extract air from the hoses and
September 25th 3pm Departure time
September 26th 7am – 12pm We were assigned to review a PC
donated to the school, and continue
looking for alternative solutions for the
computer lab printer because there
was not the equipment it required.
September 26th 12pm – 1pm Lunch time
September 26th 1pm – 3pm We tested a method to operate the
heads using direct ink injection
September 26th 3pm Departure time
September 27th 7am -12pm We were assigned another laptop for
office installation, and we were
assigned to check a printer with an
error on the operating board.
September 27th 12pm – 1pm Lunch time
September 27th 1pm – 3pm After analyzing the printer, we did not
find an alternative solution since there
was no equipment necessary for the
September 27th 3pm Departure time
September 28th 7am – 12pm We checked a warehouse PC that
worked, and we used the power supply
to repair one of the piad PCs, in
addition the donation PC was
formatted since it used Linux and we
were told that Windows was needed.
September 28th 12pm – 1pm Lunch time
September 28th 1pm – 3pm We booted a USB to install Windows to
the PC and Windows 10 was installed
on the computer.
September 28th 3pm departure time
September 29th 7am – 12pm We install Windows 10 on the
computer and activate Windows
September 29th 12pm – 1pm Lunch time
September 29th 1pm – 3pm We were ordered a printer that had a
paper jam in the tray, in addition to
that, the office installation was carried
out on the donation PC.
September 29th 3pm – 3:30pm A report was made to the person in
charge of the piad about the equipment
found in the piad, in addition to that,
any equipment that was damaged was
September 29th 3:30 pm Departure time

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