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The Botanical Review 73(2): 67-182

An Updated Classification of the Class Magnoliopsida

Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, 1500 N. College Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711, U.S.A.,"



Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland

Honorary Curator, The New York Botanical Garden
Bronx, NY 10458-5126, U.S.A.

Mailing address."
Adjunct Professor, Department of Plant Biology
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-4301;

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Updated Classification of Magnoliopsida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Pertinent Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t41


The present classification of extant flowering plants (Magnoliopsida) updates and re-
vises those presented previously by bringing together the vast majority of new informa-
tion published since 1999. The extant members of Magnoliopsida are subdivided into 12
subclasses, 35 superorders, 87 orders, 40 suborders, 472 families, and 400 subfamilies.
The number of genera and species for each accepted taxon is indicated, along with a
statement of the taxonomic confidence that the taxon is worthy of recognition as out-
lined. Authorships and year of publication are provided for each accepted name and
cited synonym. A rule change adopted in 2005 at the Vienna Botanical Congress has
fundamentally altered authorships and valid places of publication for hundreds of
names, and the full extent of the changes is unknown at present. Newly proposed names
include subclass Malvidae; superorder Berberidopsidanae and Huerteanae; suborders
Aralidiineae, Asphodelineae, Chloranthineae, Eriocaulineae, Hamamelidineae, Jug-
landineae, Myricineae, Papaverineae, and Xyridineae; and subfamilies Circaeast-
eroideae, Dampieroideae, Dasypogonoideae, Davidsonioideae, Ebenoideae, Goet-
zeoideae, Hesperocallidoideae, Hortonioideae, Isophysidoideae, Kingdonioideae,
Laxmannioideae, Ledocarpoideae, Lilaeoideae, Lomandroideae, Morkillioideae, Oc-

Copies of this issue [73(2)] may be purchased from the NYBG Press, The
New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458-5125, U.S.A. Please in-
quire as to prices.

Issued29 June 2007

9 2007 The NewYorkBotanical Garden

toknemoideae, Petunioideae, Phormioideae, Rhynchothecoideae, Sargentodoxoideae,

Sclerophylacoideae, Siparunoideae, Sparattanthelioideae, Styloceratoideae, Tri-
beloideae, Tricyrtidoideae, and Xanthoceroideae.


In the following synopsis of the angiosperms, the hierarchy consists in descending

order of subclasses (-idae), superorders (-anae), orders (-ales), suborders (-ineae), fami-
lies (-aceae), subfamilies (-oideae), and tribes (-eae). An example is:
Subclass Magnoliidae
Superorder: Magnolianae
Order: Magnoliales
Suborder: Magnoliineae (not used here)
Family: Magnoliaceae
Subfamily: Magnolioideae
Tribe: Magnolieae (used here only in Asteraceae)
This example is presented to eliminate the need to list in every case the hierarchical
ranks preceding the respective taxa. The names of essentially all hierarchical ranks are
based on the principle of priority. The letters A, B, and C used in the synopsis for each
category above the subfamily indicate the degree of confidence I place in the alignment
used, hierarchical level assigned, circumscription accepted, or all of these. A, as used
with Acoranae, Chrysobalanaceae, Neuradaceae, etc., represents limited confidence in
the position of these taxa. Any less confidence would condemn a taxon to taxa incertae
sedis. B, as used in Chloranthineae, Hydnoraceae, Apodanthaceae, Mitrastemonaceae,
etc., suggests that there is some evidence that the alignment, hierarchical ranking, and
circumscription are probably correct. C, used generally throughout the synopsis, implies
considerable confidence that the accumulated data have allowed realistic placement and
circumscription. The numerals in parentheses, for example, (8/90), indicate 8 genera, 90
Thorne prepared the classification scheme. Reveal is responsible for the biblio-
graphic information. Full synonymy is given except for names at the rank of subfamily.
Only validly published names are provided here, both legitimate and illegitimate, at the
rank of family. Although priority controls the selection of family names, names above
that rank are not subject to priority and are a matter of choice. Factors controlling their
selection here include priority, use of a name at a higher or lower rank, and a broad,
general acceptance of a name in current literature.
Adoption of Art. 18, Note 1, along with Art. 18, Ex. 4, at the Vienna Botanical Con-
gress in 2005 has fundamentally altered more than 185 years of tradition, with the result
that the authorships and place of more than 600 ordinal, family, and subfamily names
must now be changed. These changes, such as are known at the moment, are recorded
here, and this accounts for the differences expressed here versus those recently pre-
sented in the literature generally, but especially by Hoogland and Reveal (2005) or for
many years by Reveal (1995-onward). The critical period appears to cover the years
from 1820 until 1895 and involves mainly Eastern European and Russian authors. The
new names and authorships presented here seemingly cover the majority of commonly
used ordinal and family names, but until the literature is reexamined, the full extent of

the sudden creation of new names and the alteration of authorships of previous names is
not known. Every effort was made to correct (albeit hurriedly) the entries in App. II of
the Vienna Code (McNeill et al., 2006), but even there errors may persist.
One useful change passed at Vienna was Art. 49.2, which deleted parenthetical au-
thor citation for suprageneric names. While this practice has been followed off and on
over the past 50 years or more, it was never consistent. With the resolution of the prob-
lem now at hand, all parenthetical authorships are hereby deleted.
We wish to acknowledge with thanks the assistance of Alexander Doweld of
Moscow, who kindly provide us with information contained in his latest book New Syl-
labus of FloweringPlants prior to its publication. As always, Kanchi Gandhi, John Mc-
Neill, and Nicholas Turland have been generous with their time in resolving nomenclat-
ural questions.

Updated Classification of Magnoliophyta

MagnoliopsidaBrongn., 1843 (B; 13372/253300) [Dicots 10760/296990]
Aceropsida Endl., 1840
Aesculopsida Brongn., 1843
Amaranthopsida Horan., 1834
Aristolochiopsida Bartl., 1830
Aropsida Bartl., 1830
Asaropsida Horan., 1834
Asclepidopsida Brongn., 1843
Asteropsida Brongn., 1843
Berberidopsida Brongn., 1843
Bignoniopsida Nees, 1825
Bromeliopsida Brongn., 1843
Cactopsida Brongn., 1843
Campanulopsida Bartl., 1830
Caprifoliopsida, Endl., 1838
Caryophyllopsida Bartl., 1825
Celastropsida Bartl., 1830
Cistopsida Bartl., 1830
Coffeopsida Brongn., 1843
Convolvulopsida Brongn., 1843
Coriariopsida Parl., 1872
Crassulopsida Brongn., 1843
Crinopsida Horan., 1834
Cucurbitopsida Brongn., 1843
Daphnopsida Meisn., 1841
Diospyropsida Brongn., 1843
Ericopsida Bartl., 1830
Frangulopsida Endl., 1840
Geraniopsida Meisn., 1837
Hamamelidopsida Brongn., 1843
Hydrocharitopsida Bartl., 1830
Hydropeltidopsida Bartl., 1830
Juncopsida Bartl., 1830

Lauropsida Horan., 1834

Ligustropsida Bartl. ex Meisn., 1840
Liliopsida Batsch, 1802.
Liriopsida Brongn., 1843
Loniceropsida Brongn., 1843
Loranthopsida Bartl., 1830
Malpighiopsida Bartl., 1830
Malvopsida R. Br., 1818
Myrsinopsida Bartl., 1830
Myrtopsida Bartl., 1830
Najadiopsida Hoffmanns. & Link, 1809
Nelumbonopsida Endl., 1839
Nymphaeopsida Horan., 1834
Oenotheropsida Brongn., 1843
Opuntiopsida Endl., 1839
Orchidopsida Bartl., 1830
Pandanopsida Brongn., 1843
Papaveropsida Brongn., 1843
Passifloropsida Brongn., 1843
Phoenicopsida Brongn., 1843
Piperopsida Bartl., 1830
Plantaginopsida Meisn., 1841
Plumbaginopsida Endl., 1837
Podostemopsida G. Cusset & C. Cusset, 1988
Polygalopsida Endl., 1840
Polygonopsida Brongn., 1843
Primulopsida Brongn., 1843
Proteopsida Bartl., 1830
Ranunculopsida Brongn., 1843
Rhamnopsida Brongn., 1843
Rosopsida Batsch, 1802
Rubiopsida Bartl., 1830
Rutopsida A. Juss. ex Meisn., 1837
Salicopsida Barfl., 1830
Santalopsida Brongn., 1843
Saxifragopsida Brongn., 1843
Selaginopsida Brongn., 1843
Solanopsida Brongn., 1843
Styracopsida Bartl., 1830
Terebinthopsida Bartl., 1830, nora. illeg.
Thymelaeopsida Endl., 1837
Urticopsida Bartl., 1830
Verbenopsida Brongn., 1843
Violopsida Brongn., 1843
1. Chloranthidae C. Y. Wu, 2002 (B; 19/250)
Ceratophyllidae Doweld, 2001
llliciidae C. Y. Wu, 2002
Nymphaeidae J. W. Walker ex Takht., 1997

1. Chloranthanae Doweld, 2001 (C; 10/175)

Ceratophyllanae Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, 1999
lllicianae Doweld, 2001
Nymphaeanae Thome ex Reveal, 1992
Trimenianae Doweld, 2001
1. Chloranthales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835 (C; 10/175)
Amborellales Melikyan, A. V. Bobrov & Zaytzeva, 1999
Austrobaileyales Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
llliciales Hu ex Cronquist, 1981
Schisandrales Blume ex Mart., 1835
Trimeniales Doweld, 2000
1. Chloranthineae Thome & Reveal, subord, nov., validated by a full and direct
reference to the Latin description associated with a later ordinal
homonym for Chloranthales proposed by A. C. Smith ex J.-E Leroy,
Taxon 32: 1169. 1983 (B; 7/85)
1. Amborellaceae Pichon, 1948, nom. cons. (C; 1/1)
2. Chloranthaceae R. Br. ex Sims., 1820, nora. cons. (C; 4/75)
Hedyosmaceae Caruel, 1881
3. Trimeniaceae Gibbs, 1917, nom. cons. (C; 1/6)
4. Austrobaileyaceae Croizat, 1943, nom. cons. (C; 1/1)
2. Illiciineae J. Presl, Nowo~esk~i Bibl. [Wgobecn2~Rostl.] 7: 32. 1846 (C; 3/90)
1. Illiciaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820, nora. cons. (C; 1/42)
2. Schisandraceae Blume, 1830, nom. cons. (C; 2/49)
Kadsuraceae Radogizky, 1849.
2. Nymphaeales Salisb. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 9/75)
Barclayales Doweld, 2001
Cabornbales Rich. ex Mart., 1835
Ceratophyllales Bisch., 1839
Euryalales H. L. Li, 1955
Hydropeltidales Spenn., 1834
1. Cabombaceae Rich. ex A. Rich., 1822, nom. cons. (C; 2/6)
Hydropeltidaceae Dumort., 1822
la. Hydropeltoideae Eaton, 1836 (1/1)
lb. Cabomboideae Burnett, 1835 (1/5)
2. Nymphaeaceae Salisb., 1805, nom. cons. (C; 6/62)
Barclayaceae H. L. Li, 1955
Euryalaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Nupharaceae A. Kern., 1891
2a. Nupharoideae Ito, 1987 (1/15)
2b. Barclayoideae Weberb., 1894 (1/4)
2c. Nymphaeoideae Am., 1832 (2/40)
2d. Euryaloideae Thome, 1974 (2/3)
3. Ceratophyllaceae Gray, 1822, nom. cons. (C; 1/6)
2. Magnoliidae Nov~ik ex Takht., 1967 (C; 276/8805)
Calycanthidae C. Y. Wu, 2002
Lauridae C. Y. Wu, 2002
Piperidae Reveal, 1994
Winteridae Doweld, 2001

1. Magnolianae Takht., 1967 (C; 276/8805)

Annonanae Doweld, 2001
Aristolochianae Doweld, 2001
Lactoridanae Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, 1999
Lauranae Takht., 1997
Piperanae Reveal, 1994
Winteranae Doweld, 2001
1. Magnoliales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 156/2860)
Annonales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Degeneriales C. Y. Wu, 2002
Eupomatiales Takht. ex Reveal, t992
Himantandrales Doweld & Shevyryova, 1998
Myristicales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
1. Myristicaceae R. Br., 1810, nom. cons. (C; 18/370)
2. Magnoliaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 7/182)
Liriodendraceae F. A. Barkley, 1975
2a. Magnolioideae Am., 1832 (6/180)
2b. Liriodendroideae Y. W. Law, 1984 (1/2)
3. Degeneriaceae I. W. Bailey & A. C. Sm., 1942, nom. cons. (C; 1/2)
4. Himantandraceae Diels, 1917, nom. cons. (C; 1/2)
5. Eupomatiaceae Orb., 1845, nora. cons. (C; 1/3)
6. Annonaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons., (C; 128/2300)
Hornschuchiaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Monodoraceae J. Agardh, 1858
2. Laurales Juss ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 91/3390)
Atherospermatales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Calycanthales Lindl. ex Mart., 1835
Gyrocarpales Dumort., 1829
Hernandiales Blume ex Mart., 1835
llligerales Blume ex Mart., 1835
Monimiales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
1. Calycanthaceae Lindl., 1819, nom. cons. (C; 4/8)
Butneriaceae Barnh., nom. illeg., 1895
Chimonanthaceae Perleb, 1838
Idiospermaceae S. T. Blake, 1972
la. Idiospermoideae Thorne, 1974 (1/1)
lb. Calycanthoideae Burnett, 1835 (3/7)
2. Monimiaceae Juss., 1809, nom. cons. (C; 23/165)
Hortoniaceae A. C. Sm., 1971
2a. Hortonioideae Thome & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., based on trib.
Hortonieae Baill., Hist. P1.1: 327, 339. 1869 (1/3)
2b. Monimioideae Raf., 1815 (3/18)
2c. Mollinedioideae Thorne (incl. Xymalos Baill.) (19/145)
3. Lauraceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 50/3000)
Cassythaceae Bartl. ex Lindl., 1833, nom. cons.
Perseaceae Horan., 1834
3a. Lauroideae Bumett, 1835 (49/2980)

Perseoideae Pax, 1889

3b. Cassythoideae Burnett, 1835 (1/20)
4. Hernandiaceae Blume, 1826, nom. cons. (C; 4/50)
Gyrocarpaceae Dumort., 1829
Illigeraceae Blume, 1833
4a. Hernandioideae Endl. ex Miq., 1858 (2/38)
4b. Gyrocarpoideae J. Williams, 1855 (1/3)
4c. Sparattanthelioideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, nov., a Gyrocar-
p o i d e a e plantis scandens cum recurvatus spinis differt (1/9)
5. Atherospermataceae R. Br., 1814 (C; 7/14)
6. Gomortegaceae Reiche, 1896, nom. cons. (C; 1/1)
7. Siparunaceae Schodde, 1970 (C; 2/150)
7a. Siparunoideae Money, I. W. Bailey & Swamy ex Thorne & Reveal, stat.
nov., validated by a full and direct reference to the Latin description as-
sociated with Siparuneae A. DC., Prodr. 16(2): 641,642. 1868 (1/150)
7b. Glossocalycoideae Thorne ex Philipson, 1988 (1/1)
3. Canellales Cronquist 1957 (C; 14/55)
Winterales A. C. Sm. ex Reveal, 1993
1. Winteraceae R. Br. ex Lindl., 1830, nom. cons. (C; 8/40)
Drimyidaceae Baill., 1867
Takhtajaniaceae J.-E Leroy, 1980
2. Canellaceae Mart., 1832, nom. cons. (C; 6/16)
Winteranaceae Warb., 1895, nom. illeg.
4. Piperales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 19/2430)
Aristolochiales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Asarales Horan., 1847
Hydnorales Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Lactoridales Takht. ex Reveal, 1993
Saururales E. Mey. ex Mart., 1835
1. Aristolochiaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 7/400)
A s a r a c e a e Vent., 1799
Pistolochiaceae J. B. MUll., 1841, nom. illeg.
la. Asaroideae Kostel., 1833 (2/71)
lb. Aristolochioideae Kostel., 1833 (5/330)
2. Lactoridaceae Engl., 1888, nom. cons. (C; 1/1)
3. Hydnoraceae C. Agardh, 1821 (B; 2/8)
4. Saururaceae E Voigt, 1811, nom. cons. (C; 4/6)
5. Piperaceae Giseke, 1792, nom. cons. (C; 5/2015)
Peperomiaceae A. C. Sm., 1981
5a. Piperoideae Am., 1832 (4/1015)
5b. Peperomioideae Miq., 1859 (1/1000)
3. Alismatidae Takht., 1967 (C; 235/3660) [Monocots B; 2612/56310]
A r i d a e Takht., 1997
1. Acoranae Reveal, 1997 (A; 12/75)
Petrosavianae Doweld, 2001
1. Petrosaviales Takht., 1997 (B; 2/3)
Miyoshiales Nakai, 1941

1. Petrosaviaceae Hutch., 1934, nom. cons. (C; 2/3)

Japonoliriaceae Takht., 1996
Miyoshiaceae Nakai, 1941
2. Nartheciales Reveal & Zomlefer, 1998 (B; 9/70)
Tofieldiales Reveal & Zomlefer, 1998
1. Tofieldiaceae Takht., 1995 (B; 5/28)
2. Nartheciaceae Fr. ex Bjurzon, 1846, (B; 4/41)
Abaminaceae J. Agardh, 1858, nom. illeg.
Lophiolaceae Nakai, 1943
3. Acorales Link ex Mart., 1835 (C; 1/2)
1. Acoraceae Martinov, 1820 (C; 1/2)
2. Aranae Thome ex Reveal, 1992 (C; 166/3170)
1. Arales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 109/2755)
Lemnales D/511., 1843
Pistiales Rich. ex Mart., I835
1. Araceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 109/2755)
Arisaraceae Raf., 1838
Caladiaceae Salisb., 1866
Callaceae Rchb. ex Bartl., 1830
Colocasiaceae Vines, 1895
Cryptocorynaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Dracontiaceae Salisb., 1866
Lasiaceae Vines, 1895
Lemnaceae Gray, 1822, nom. cons.
Monsteraceae Vines, 1895
Orontiaceae Bartl., 1830
Pistiaceae Rich. ex C. Agardh, 1822
Philodendraceae Vines, 1895
Pothaceae Raf., 1838
Wolffiaceae Bubani, 1901-1902
la. Gymnostachyoideae Bogner & Nicolson (1/1)
lb. Orontioideae R. Br. ex MUll. Berol., 1860 (incl. Symplocarpeae Engl.,
Lysichiton Schott) (3/6)
lc. Lemnoideae Bab., 1843 (5/37)
Wolffioideae Engl., 1892
ld. Pothoideae Engl., 1876 (incl. Anadendreae Bogner & French; An-
thurieae Engl.; Heteropsideae Engl.; Monstereae Engl.; Spathiphyl-
leae Engl.) (16/1250)
le. Lasioideae Engl., 1876 (incl. Cyrtosperma W. Griff., Dracontium L.,
Urospatha Schott) (10/55)
If. Calloideae Endl., 1837 (1/1)
lg. Philodendroideae Engl., 1876 (incl. Aglaeonemateae Engl.; Cul-
casieae Engl.; Spathicarpeae Schott; Stylochaetoneae Schott.; Za-
mioculcadeae Schott ex Engl.; Zantedeschieae Engl.) (27/c. 645)
lh. Schismatoglottidoideae R. C. Keating, 2004 (incl. Cryptocaryneae
Blume) (7/185)
li. Aroideae Am., 1832 (incl. Arisaemateae Nakai; Arisareae Dumort.;
Caladeae Schott; Peltandreae Engl.; Thomsonieae Blume) (27/575)

Colocasioideae Engl., 1876

Pistioideae Am., 1832
3. Alismatanae Takht., 1967 (C; 57/415)
Butomanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Najadanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Zosteranae Doweld, 2001
1. Alismatales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (35/200)
Butomales Rich. ex Mart., 1835
Elodeales Nakai, 1950
Hydrocharitales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Najadales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Vallisneriales Nakai, 1949
1. Butomaceae Mirb., 1804, nom. cons. (C; 1/1)
2. Limnocharitaceae Takht. ex Cronquist, 1981 (C; 3/8)
3. Alismataceae Vent., 1799, nom. cons. (C; 13/80)
Damasoniaceae Nakai, 1943
Elismataceae Nakai, 1943, nom. illeg.
4. Hydrocharitaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 18/75)
Blyxaceae Nakai, 1949
Elodeaceae Dumort., 1829
Enhalaceae Nakai, 1943
Halophilaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Hydrillaceae Prantl, 1879
Najadaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons.
Otteliaceae Chatin, 1855, nom. illeg.
Stratiotaceae Schultz Sch., 1832
Thalassiaceae Nakai, 1943
Vallisneriaceae Dumort., 1829
4a. Hydrocharitoideae Eaton, 1836 (incl. Enhalus Rich.) (2/c. 5)
4b. Stratiotoideae Luerss., 1879 (1/1)
4c. Anacharidoideae Thom6, 1886 (7/c. 25)
4d. Hydrilloideae Luerss., 1879, (8/c. 45)
Halophiloideae Aschers. & Gtircke, 1889
Najadoideae Leurss., 1879
Thalassioideae Aschers. & Gtircke, 1889
Vallisnerioideae Leurss., 1879
2. Potamogetonales Dumort., 1829 (C; 221215)
Aponogetonales Hutch., 1934
Cymodoceales Nakai, 1943
Juncaginales Rich. ex Mart., 1835
Posidoniales Nakai, 1943
Ruppiales Nakai, 1950
Scheuchzeriales B. Boivin, 1956
Zosterales Nakai, 1943
1. Aponogetonaceae Planch., 1856, nom. cons. (C; 1/50)
2. Scheuchzeriaceae E Rudolphi, 1830, nom. cons. (C; 1/1)
3. Posidoniaceae Vines, 1895, nom. cons. (C; 1/9)
Cauliniaceae J. Presl, 1846, nom. illeg.

4. Cymodoceaceae Vines, 1895, nom. cons. (C; 5/16)

5. Ruppiaceae Horan., 1834, nom. cons. (C; 1/8)
6. Juncaginaceae Rich., 1808, nom. cons. (C; 4/15)
Heterostylaceae Hutch., 1934
Lilaeaceae Dumort., 1829
Maundiaceae Nakai, 1943
Triglochinaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1823
6a. Juncaginoideae Am., 1832 (3/14)
6b. Lilaeoideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., based on trib.
Lilaeeae Engl., Syllabus, ed. 1: 67. 1892 (1/1)
7. Potamogetonaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1823, nom. cons. (C; 3/90)
8. Zosteraceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 2/15)
9. Zannichelliaceae Chevall., 1827, nora. cons. (C; 4/12)
4. Liliidae J. H. Schaffn., 1911 (C; 1261/29085)
Burmannidae Heintze, 1927
Orchididae Heintze, 1927
Triurididae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
1. Pandananae Thome ex Reveal, 1992 (C; 42/1460)
Cyclanthanae Thorne ex Reveal, 1996
Triuridanae Thorne ex Reveal, 1992
1. Pandanales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 42/1460)
Cyclanthales Poit. ex Mart., 1835
Roxburghiales Wall. ex Mart., 1835
Stemonales Takht. ex Doweld, 2001
Triuridales Hook. f., 1873
Velloziales R. Dahlgren ex Reveal, 1992
1. Velloziaceae J. Agardh, 1858, nom. cons. (C; 7/250)
Barbaceniaceae A m . , 1832
la. Velloziodeae N. L. Menezes, 1971 (2/125)
lb. Xerophytoideae Herb., 1837 (5/125)
2. Acanthochlamydaceae P. C. Kao, 1989 (B; 1/1)
3. Pandanaceae R. Br., 1810, nom. cons. (C; 4/910)
Freycinetiaceae Brongn. ex Le Maout & Decne., 1868
1a. Pandanoideae Burnett, 1835 (1/600)
lb. Freycinetioideae Kurz, 1867 (3/310)
4. Cyclanthaceae Poit. ex A. Rich., 1824, nom. cons. (C; 12/225)
1a. Carludovicoideae Harling, 1958 (11/222)
lb. Cyclanthoideae Burnett, 1835 (1/1)
5. Pentastemonaceae Duyfjes, 1992 (1/1)
6. Stemonaceae Caruel, 1878, nom. cons. (C; 3/29)
Croomiaceae Nakai, 1937
Roxburghiaceae Wall., 1832
7. Triuridaceae Gardner, 1843, nom. cons. (incl. Kupea Cheek & S. A.
Williams, Peltophyllum Gardner) (C; 10/45)
Lacandoniaceae E. Martfnes & Ramos, 1989
2. Dioscoreanae Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, 1999 (B; 17/535)
1. Dioscoreales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835 (B; 17/535)

Burmanniales Blume ex Mart., 1835

Taccales Dumort., 1829
Tamales Dumort., 1829
1. Dioscoreaceae R. Br., 1810, nom. cons. (C; 4/350--400)
Avetraceae Takht., 1997
Stenomeridaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Taccaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons.
Tamaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Tamnaceae J. Kickx f., 1826
Trichopodaceae Hutch., 1934, nom. cons.
2. Burmanniaceae Blume, 1827, nora. cons. (C; 9/95)
Tripterellaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. illeg.
3. Thismiaceae J. Agardh, 1858, nom. cons. (B; 4/40)
3. Lilianae Takht., 1967 (B; 1204/27385)
Iridanae Doweld, 2001
Melanthianae Doweld, 2001
Orchidanae Doweld, 2001
1. Liliales Perleb, 1826 (B; 70/1595)
Alstroemeriales Hutch., 1934
Campynematales Doweld, 2001
Colchicales Dumort., 1829
Liriales K. Koch, 1839
Melanthiales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Paridales Dumort., 1829
Smilacales Lindl., 1833
Trilliales Takht., 1997
Veratrales Dumort., 1829
1. Corsiaceae Becc., 1878, nom. cons. (incl. Arachnitis Phil., Corsinia Raddi)
(B; 3/30)
2. Campynemataceae Dumort., 1829 (C; 2/4)
3. Melanthiaceae Batsch ex Borkh., 1797, nom. cons. (C; 12/97)
Chionographidaceae Takht., 1996
Heloniadaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Veratraceae Salisb., 1807
Xerophyllaceae Takht., 1996
4. Trilliaceae Chevall., 1827, nom. cons. (C; 5/70)
Paridaceae Dumort., 1827
5. Petermanniaceae Hutch., 1934, nom. cons. (B; 1/1)
6. Luzuriagaceae Lotsy, 1911 (incl. Drymophila R. Br.) (B; 2/5)
Lapageriaceae Kunth, 1850
7. Alstroemeriaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 51180)
8. Colchicaceae DC., 1804, nom. cons. (incl. Anguillarieae Pfeiff., Iphige-
nieae Buxbaum) (B; 19/240)
Bulbocodiaceae Salisb., 1866
Burchardiaceae Takht., 1996
Merenderaceae Mirb., 1804
Uvulariaceae A. Gray ex Kunth, 1843, nom. cons.

8a. Colchicoideae Burmeist., 1837 (15/220)

8b. Uvularioideae A. Gray, 1848 (incl. Clintonia Raf., Disporum Salisb.,
Tripladenia D. Don) (4/18)
9. Rhipogonaceae Conran & Clifford, 1985 (C; 1/6).
10. Philesiaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (B; 2/2)
11. Smilacaceae Vent., 1799, nora. cons. (C; 3/320)
12. Liliaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 14/640)
Calochortaceae Dumort., 1829
Compsoaceae Horan., 1834
Erythroniaceae Martinov, 1820
Fritillariaceae Salisb., 1866
Liriaceae Batsch ex Borkh., 1797
Medeolaceae Takht., 1987
Scoliopaceae Takht., 1996
Tulipaceae Batsch ex Borkh., 1797
Tricyrtidaceae Takht., 1997, nom. cons.,
12a. Medeoloideae Tamura, 1998 (1/2)
12b. Lilioideae Eaton, 1836 (9/540)
Tulipoideae Kostel., 1831
12c. Tricyrtidoideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., validated by a
full and direct reference to the Latin description associated with Tri-
cyrtidaceae Takht., Divers. Classif. F1. PI.: 482. 1997 (incl. Prosartes
D. Don, Scoliopus Torr., Streptopus Michx.) (B; 4/33)
12d. Calochortoideae Dumort., 1829 (C; 1/65)
2. Orchidales Raf., 1815 (B; 804/18670)
Apostasiales Blume ex Mart., 1835
Asteliales Dumort., 1829
Hypoxidales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
1. Boryaceae M. W. Chase, Rudall & Conran, 1997 (B; 2/12)
2. Asteliaceae Dumort., 1829 (C; 3/35)
3. Hypoxidaceae R. Br., 1814, nom. cons. (B; 9/120)
4. Lanariaceae H. Huber ex R. Dahlgren & A. E. van Wyk, 1988 (C; 1/1)
5. Blandfordiaceae R. Dahlgren & Clifford, 1985 (C; 1/4)
6. Orchidaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 788/18500)
Apostasiaceae Lindl., 1833, nom. cons.
Cypripediaceae Lindl., 1833
Limodoraceae Horan., 1847
Liparidaceae Vines, 1895
Neottiaceae Horan., 1834
Neuwiediaceae R. Dahlgren ex Reveal & Hoogland, 1991
Ophrydaceae Vines, 1895
VaniUaceae Lindl., 1835
6a. Apostasioideae Horan., 1847 (2/18)
Neuwiedioideae Burns-Bal. & V. A. Funk, 1991
6b. Vanilloideae Szlach., 1995 (incl. Lecanorchidinae Dressier, Pogoniinae
Pfitzer) (15/230)
6c. Cypripedioideae Kostel., 1831 (5/150-170)
6d. Orchidoideae Eaton, 1836 (incl. Diurideae Endl.)

Gymnadenioideae Vines, 1895

Ophrydoideae Kostel., 1831
Physuroideae Vines, 1895
Serapiadoideae Vines, 1895
Spiranthoideae Vines, 1895
6e. Epidendroideae Kostel., 1831 (incl. Dicercetosteleae Dressier, Tropi-
dieae Dressier)
Arethusoideae Kostel., 1831
Cephalantheroideae Vines, 1895
Epipogonoideae Luerss., 1880
Gastrodioideae Kostel., 1831
Limodoroideae Bumett, 1835
Liparidoideae Luerss., 1893
Malaxidoideae Burnett, 1835
Neottioideae Kostel., 1831
Vandoideae Endl., 1841
3. Iridales Raf., 1815 (C; 330/7120)
Agavales Hutch., 1934
Alliales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Amaryllidales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Asparagales Bromhead, 1838
Asphodelales Doweld, 2001
Gilliesiales Lindl. ex Mart., 1835
lxiales Lindl., 1835
Narcissales Dumort., 1829
Tecophilaeales Traub ex Reveal, 1993
Xanthorrhoeales Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, 1999
1. Iridineae Engl., 1898 (C; 69/1880)
1. Doryanthaceae R. Dahlgren & Clifford, 1985 (C; 1/2)
2. Tecophilaeaceae Leyb., 1862, nom. cons. (B; 7/32)
Androsynaceae Salisb., 1866.
Conantheraceae Endl. ex Pfeiff., 1873
Cyanastraceae Engl., 1900, nom. cons.
Cyanellaceae Salisb., 1866
Walleriaceae Takht., 1995, nom. cons.
3. Ixioliriaceae Nakai, 1943 (C; 1/3)
4. Iridaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 60/1845)
Crocaceae Vest, 1818
Galaxiaceae Raf., 1836
Geosiridaceae Jonker, 1939, nom. cons.
Gladiolaceae Raf., 1838
Hewardiaceae Nakai, 1943, nom. illeg.
Isophysidaceae E A. Barkley, 1948
lxiaceae Horan., 1834
4a. Isophysidoideae Takht. ex Thome & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov.,
based on trib. Isophysideae Hutch., Fam. F1. PI. 2: 135. 1934 (1/1)
4b. Aristeoideae Vines, 1895 (incl. Geosiris Baill.) (6/85)
Nivenioideae Schulze ex Goldblatt, 1990

4c. Iridoideae Eaton, I836 (incl. Mariceae Hutch., nom. illeg., Trimezieae
Ravenna) (27/765)
Cypelloideae Klatt, 1866
Ferrarioideae Burnett, 1835
Moraeoideae Baker, 1896
Sisyrinchioideae Klatt, 1866
Tigridioideae Vines, 1895
4d. Crocoideae Bumett, 1835 (26/995)
Aristeoideae Vines, 1895
Gladioloideae Klatt, 1866
lxioideae Rchb. ex Klatt, 1866
Watsonioideae Vines, 1895
2. Asphodelineae Thome & Reveal, subord, et stat. nov., validated by a full and
direct reference to the Latin description associated with As-
podelaceae Juss., Gen. PI.: 51. 1789 (B; 34/1190)
Aloineae Link, 1829
l. Xanthorrhoeaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 1/30)
2. Xeronemataceae M. W. Chase, Rudall & M. F. Fay, 2000 (B; 1/2)
3. Asphodelaceae Juss., 1789 (B; 13/1070)
Aloaceae Batsch, 1802
3a. Asphodeloideae Bumett, 1835 (8/270)
3b. Alooideae Link, 1829 (5/c. 800)
4. Hemerocallidaceae R. Br., 1810 (B; 11/47)
Dianellaceae Salisb., 1866
Eccremidaceae Doweld, 2007
Eustrephaceae Chupov, 1994
Geitonoplesiaceae R. Dahlgren ex Conran, 1994
Phormiaceae J. Agardh, 1858
4a. Hemerocaltidoideae Kostel., 1831 (1/15)
4b. Phormioideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., validated by a
full and direct reference to the Latin description associated with
Phormiaceae J. Agardh. Theoria Syst. PI.: 7. 1858 (incl. Dianelleae
Baker, Geimoplesium A. Cunn. ex R. Br., Pasithea D. Don, Simethis
Kunth) (10/32)
5. Johnsoniaceae Lotsy, 1911 (incl. Caesia R. Br., Corynotheca E Muell. ex
Benth., Stawellia E Muell., Tricoryne R. Br.) (C; 8/40)
3. Hyacinthineae Link, 1829 (B; 183/3195)
1. Anthericaceae J. Agardh, 1858 (B; 8/285)
2. Alliaceae Borkh., 1797, nom. cons. (C; 80/1585)
Agapanthaceae E Voigt, 1850
Amaryllidaceae J. St.-Hil., 1805, nom. cons.
Brunsvigiaceae Horan., 1834
Cepaceae Salisb., 1866
Crinaceae Vest, 1818
Cyrtanthaceae Salisb., 1866
Galanthaceae G. Mey., 1836
Gethyllidaceae Raf., 1838
Gilliesiaceae Lindl., 1826

Haemanthaceae Salisb., 1866

Leucojaceae Batsch ex Borkh., 1797
Methonicaceae E. Mey., 1839, nom. illeg.
Milulaceae Traub, 1972
Narcissaceae Juss., 1789
Oporanthaceae Salisb., 1866
Pancratiaceae Horan., 1847
Strumariaceae Salisb., 1866
Tulbaghiaceae Salisb., 1866
Zephyranthaceae Salisb., 1866
2a. Allioideae Herb., 1837 (2/c. 750)
2b. Tulbaghioideae M. F. Fay & M. W. Chase, 1996 (1/22)
2c. Gilliesioideae Am., 1832 (incl. Nothoscordum Kunth) (10/75)
2d. Agapanthoideae Endl., 1836 (1/9)
2e. Narcissoideae Haw., 1831 (66/730)
Amaryllidoideae Burnett, 1835
Eucrosioideae Raf., 1838
Galanthoideae Herb., 1837
Hippeastroideae Herb. ex Sweet, 1832
Pharioidee Raf., 1838
3. Hyacinthaceae Batsch ex Borkh., 1797 (C; 62/900)
Eucomidaceae Salisb., 1866
Lachenaliaceae Salisb., 1866
Ornithogalaceae Salisb., 1866
Scillaceae Vest, 1818
3a. Oziro6oideae Speta, 1998 (1/10)
3b. Urgineoideae Speta, 1998 (1 l/c. 120)
3c. Omithogaloideae Speta, 1998 (13/c. 285)
3d. Hyacinthoideae Link, 1829 (37/c. 485)
Scilloideae Kostel., 1831
4. Themidaceae Salisb., 1866 (incl. Milleae Baker) (C; 12/60)
5. Behniaceae Conran, M. W. Chase & Rudall, 1997 (B; 1/1)
6. Anemarrhenaceae Conran, M. W. Chase & Rudall, 1997 (B; 1/1)
7. Herreriaceae Kunth, 1850 (B; 3/9)
8. Agavaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 16/355)
Chlorogalaceae Doweld & Reveal, 2005
Funkiaceae Horan., 1834, nom. illeg.
Hesperocallidaceae Traub, 1972
Hostaceae B. Mathew, 1988
Yuccaceae J. Agardh, 1858
8a. Chlorogaloideae Speta, 1998 (incl. Camassia Lindl., Hastingsia S.
Watson, Schoenolirion Torr. ex Durand) (4/17)
8b. Yuccoideae Kostel., 1831 (4/45)
8c. Agavoideae Herb., 1837 (6/270)
8d. Hesperocallidoideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., validated
by a full and direct reference to the Latin description associated with
Hesperocallidaceae Traub., P1. Life 28: 1313. 1972 (incl. Hosta L.)

4. Asparagineae J. Presl, Nowo~esk~iBibl. [Wgobecn~ Rostl.] 7: 1556. 1846

(C; 44/855)
1. Aphyllanthaceae Bumett, 1835 (C; 1/1)
2. Laxmanniaceae Bubani, 1901-1902 (C; 14/180)
Lomandraceae Lotsy, 1911
Xerotaceae Hassk., 1844, nom. illeg.
2a. Lomandroideae Thome & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., based on trib.
Lomandreae Engl. in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. II, 5: 18.
1887 (5/65)
2b. Laxmannioideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., based on trib.
Laxmannieae Engl. in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. II, 5: 18.
1887 (9/115)
3. Asparagaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 23/425)
Aspidistraceae Hassk., 1844
Convallariaceae Horan., 1834
Hemiphylacaceae Doweld, 2007
Ophiopogonaceae Meissn., 1842
Peliosanthaceae Salisb., 1866
Platymetraceae Salisb., 1866, nom. illeg.
Polygonataceae Salisb., 1866
Ruscaceae M. Roem., 1826, nom. cons.
Tupistraceae Schnizl., 1846
3a. Asparagoideae Kostel., 1831 (incl. Hemiphylacus S. Watson) (2/c.
3b. Ruscoideae Dippel, 1889 (3/8)
3c. Convallarioideae Herb., 1837 (incl. Comospermum Rauschert)
4. Dracaenaceae Salisb., 1866 (C; 1/100)
Sansevieriaceae Nakai, 1936
5. Nolinaceae Nakai, 1943 (incl. Beaucarnea Lem., Calibanus Rose, Da-
sylirion Zucc.) (C; 4/50)
6. Eriospermaceae I_r 1845 (C; 1/102)
5. Commelinidae Takht., 1967 (C; 1116/23270)
Arecidae Takht., 1967
Bromeliidae C. Y. Wu, 2002
Juncidae Doweld, 2001
Zingiberidae Cronquist, 1978
1. Arecanae Takht., 1967 (C; 189/2350)
1. Arecales Bromhead, 1840 (C; 189/2350)
Cocosales Nakai, 1930
1. Arecaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820, nom. cons. et nom. alt.
(C; 189/2350)
Acristaceae O. F. Cook, 1913
Borassaceae Schultz Sch., 1832
Calamaceae Kunth ex Perleb, 1838
Ceroxylaceae Vines, 1895
Chamaedoreaceae O. E Cook, 1913
Cocosaceae Schultz Sch., 1832
Coryphaceae Schultz Sch., 1832

Geonomataceae O. F. Cook, 1913

lriarteaceae O. E Cook & Doyle, 1913
Lepidocaryaceae Mart., 1838
Malortieaceae O. F. Cook, 1913
Manicariaceae O. F. Cook, 1910
Nypaceae Brongn. ex Le Maout & Decne., 1868
Palmae Juss., 1789, nom. cons.
Phoenicaceae Bumett, 1835
Phytelephantaceae Mart. ex Perleb, 1838
Pseudophoenicaceae O. F. Cook, 1913
Rhapidaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Sabalaceae Schultz Sch., 1832
Sagaceae Schultz Sch., 1832
Synechanthaceae O. F. Cook, 1913
la. Calamoideae Beilschm., 1833 (22/670)
Lepidocaryoideae Mart. ex Horan., 1847
lb. Nypoideae Griff., 1850 (1/1)
lc. Coryphoideae Burnett, 1835 (incl. Phoeniceae J. Presl) (40/400)
Borassoideae Burnett, 1835
Sabaloideae Burnett, 1835
ld. Ceroxyloideae Drude, 1877 (13/165) (incl. Ammandra O. E Cook,
Polyandra Leal)
Phytelephoideae Drude, 1887
le. Arecoideae Burnett, 1835 (incl. Caryoteae Scheff.) (110/1080)
Cocosoideae Beilschm., 1833
2. Commelinanae Takht., 1967 (C; 1112/23540)
Bromelianae R. Dahlgren ex Reveal, 1992
Hydatellanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992 (2/10)
Juncanae Takht., 1967
Poanae Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, 1999
Pontederianae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Rapateanae Doweld, 2001
Typhanae Thorne ex Reveal, 1992
Zingiberanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1993
1. Commelinales Mirb. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (B; 64/870)
Haemodorales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Hanguanales R. Dahlgren ex Reveal, 1992
Philydrales Dumort., 1829
Pontederiales A. Rich. ex Mart., 1835
1. Commelinaceae Mirb., 1804, nora. cons. (B; 40/650)
Cartonemataceae Pichon, 1946, nom. cons.
Ephemeraceae Batsch, 1802, nom. illeg. & nom. rej.
Tradescantiaceae Salisb., 1807
la. Cartonematoideae Faden ex G. C. Tucker, 1989 (incl. Triceratella Bre-
nan) (2/12)
I b. Commelinoideae Eaton, 1836 (38/640)
2. Hanguanaceae Airy Shaw, 1965 (C; 1/2-5)
3. Haemodoraceae R. Br., 1810, nom. cons. (C; 14/105)
Conostylidaceae Takht., 1987

Dilatridaceae M. Roem., 1840

Wachendorfmceae Herb., 1837
Xiphidiaceae Dumort., 1829
3a. Haemodoroideae Am., 1832 (8/30)
Wachendorfioideae Am., 1832
3b. Conostylidoideae Lindl., 1846 (6/77)
4. Pontederiaceae Kunth, 1816, nom. cons. (C; 6/38)
Heterantheraceae J. Agardh, 1858
Unisemataceae Raf., 1837, nom. illeg.
5. Philydraceae Link, 1821, nora. cons. (C; 4/5)
2. Cannales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 102/2115)
Amomales Lindl., 1835, nom. illeg.
Lowiales Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, 1999
Marantales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Musales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Zingiberales Griseb., 1854
1. Musineae W. J. Kress, 1990 (C; 2/40)
1. Musaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 2/40)
2. Lowiineae W. J. Kress, 1990 (C; 1/18)
1. Lowiaceae Ridl., 1924, nom. cons. (C; 1/18)
3. Strelitziineae W. J. Kress, 1990 (C; 3/7)
1. Strelitziaceae Hutch., 1934, nom. cons. (C; 3/7)
4. Heliconiinae W. J. Kress, 1990 (C; 1/200)
1. Heliconiaceae Vines, 1895 (C; 1/200)
5. Cannineae Link, 1829 (C; 32/560)
1. Cannaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 1/25)
2. Marantaceae R. Br., 1814, nom. cons. (C; 31/535)
6. Zingiberineae W. J. Kress, 1990 (C; 56/1290)
1. Zingiberaceae Martinov, 1820, nom. cons. (C; 49/1170)
Alpiniaceae Link, 1821
Amomaceae J. St.-Hil., 1805, nom. illeg.
A m o m a c e a e A. Rich., 1828, nom. illeg, non J. St.-Hil. (1805)
Curcumaceae Dumort., 1829
la. Siphonochiloideae W. J. Kress, 2002 (1/15)
lb. Tamijioideae W. J. Kress, 2002 (1/1)
lc. Alpinioideae Link, 1829 (20/c. 650)
ld. Zingiberoideae Blume ex Hassk., 1844 (ca. 30/c. 600)
2. Costaceae Nakai, 1941 (C; 7/120)
3. Dasypogonales Doweld, 2001 (B; 4/8)
1. Dasypogonaceae Dumort., 1829 (C; 4/8)
Baxteriaceae Takht., 1996
Calectasiaceae Schnizl., 1845
Kingiaceae Endl. ex Schnizl., 1845
1a. Dasypogonoideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., based on
trib. Dasypogoneae Engl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. II, 5:
18. 1887 (2/6)
Calectasioideae Meisn., 1842
lb. Kingioideae Meisn., 1842 (incl. Baxteria R. Br. ex Hook.) (2/2)

4. Bromeliales Dumort., 1829 (B; 7212730)

Rapateales Colella ex Reveal & Doweld, 1999
1. Bromeliaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 55/2640)
Tillandsiaceae Wilbr., 1834
la. Brocchinioideae Givnish, 2007 (Brocchinia Schult.) (1/21)
lb. Lindmanioideae Givnish, 2007 (Connellia N. E. Br., Lindmania Mez)
lc. Hechtioideae Oivnish, 2007 (1/50) (Hechtia Klotzsch) (1/50)
ld. Tillandsioideae Burnett, 1835 (8/1050)
le. Navioideae Harms, 1930 (5/110)
If. Pitcairnioideae Harms, 1930 (6/465)
lg. Puyoideae Givnish, 2007 (Puya Molina) (1/170)
lh. Bromelioideae Burnett, 1835 (31/730)
2. Rapateaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 15/80)
2a. Rapateoideae Meisn., 1842 (incl. Rapatea Aubl., Spathanthus Desv.,
Cephalostemon R. H. Schomb., Duckea Maguire (7/24)
2b. Monotremoideae Givnish & P. E. Berry, 2004 (incl. Maschalocephalus
Gilg & K. Schum., Monotrema K6rn., Potarophytum Sandw., Wind-
sorina Gleason) (4/9)
2c. Saxofridericioideae Maguire, 1958 (incl. Guacamaya Maguire, Kun-
hardtia Maguire, Saxofridericia R. H. Schomb., Schoenocephalium
Seub.) (4/46)
5. Typhales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 2/25)
1. Typhaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (C; 2/25)
Sparganiaceae Hanin, 1811, nom. cons.
la. Sparganioideae Link, 1829 (1/14)
lb. Typhoideae Link, 1829 (1/8-13)
6. Xyridales Lindl., 1846 (C; 18/1440)
Eriocaulales Nakai, 1930
Hydatellales Cronquist, 1980
Mayacales Nakai, 1943
6a. Xyridineae Thorne & Reveal, subord, et stat. nov., validated by a full and
direct reference to the Latin description associated with Xyridaceae
C. Agardh, Aphor. Bot.: 158. 1823 (C; 7/335)
1. Xyridaceae C. Agardh, 1823, nom. cons. (C; 5/325)
Abolbodaceae Nakai, 1943
1a. Xyridoideae Kunth ex Am., 1832 (incl. Achlyphila Maguire & Wur-
dack) (2/300)
lb. Abolbodoideae Suess. & Beyerle, 1935 (incl. Aratitiyopea Steyerm. &
P. E. Berry, Orectanthe Maguire) (3/23)
2. Hydatellaceae U. Hamann, 1976, nom. cons. (B; 2/10) See p. 181
6b. Eriocaulineae Thorne & Reveal, subord, et stat. nov., based on Eriocauli-
nales Nakai, Hisi-Shokubutsu: 49. 1930 (C; 11/1105)
1. Eriocaulaceae Martinov, 1820, nom. cons. (C; 10/1100)
2. Mayacaceae Kunth, 1842, nom. cons. (C; 1/4)
7. Juncales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 112/5360)
Cyperales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
1. Thurniaceae Engl., 1907, nom. cons. (C; 2/4)

Prioniaceae S. L. Munro & H. E Linder, 1998

2. Juncaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 6/345)
3. Cyperaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 104/5010)
Caricaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820, nora. rej., non Dumort.,
1829, nom. cons.
Kobresiaceae Gilly, 1952
Mapaniaceae Shipunov, 2003
Papyraceae Burnett, 1835
Scleriaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Scirpaceae Batsch ex Borckh., 1797
3a. Mapanioideae C. B. Clarke, 1897 (13/140)
3b. Cyperoideae Suessenguth, 1939 (91/4870)
Caricoideae Pax, 1886
Sclerioideae C. B. Clarke, 1908
8. Restionales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 59/535)
Centrolepidales R. Dahlgren ex Taldat., 1997
1. Anarthriaceae D. E Cutler & Airy Shaw, 1965 (C; 1/7)
2. Restionaceae R. Br., 1810, nom. cons. (C; 53/490)
Elegiaceae Raf., 1838
3. Hopkinsiaceae B. G. Briggs & L. A. S. Johnson, 2000 (B; 1/2)
4. Lyginiaceae B. G. Briggs & L. A. S. Johnson, 2000 (B; 1/1)
5. Centrolepidaceae Endl., 1836, nom. cons. (C; 3/35)
Devauxiaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. illeg.
9. Poales Small, 1903 (C; 682/10230)
Avenales Bromhead, 1838
Flagellariales Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, 1999
1. Flagellariaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 1/4)
2. Joinvilleaceae Total. & A. C. Sin., 1970 (C; 1/2)
3. Ecdeiocoleaceae D. E Cutler & Airy Shaw, 1965 (C; 2/2)
4. Poaceae Barnh., 1895, nom. cons. et nora. alt. (C; 678/10220)
Aegilopaceae Martinov, 1820
Agrostidaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Alopecuraceae Martinov, 1820
Andropogonaceae Martinov, 1820
Anomochloaceae Nakai, 1943
Arundinaceae D611, 1843
Arundinellaceae Herter, 1940
Asperellaceae Link, 1827
Avenaceae Martinov, 1820
Bambusaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Bromaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Cenchraceae Link, 1827
Chloridaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Cynodontaceae Link, 1827
Cynosuraceae Link, 1833
Echinariaceae Link, 1833
Eragrostidaceae Herter, 1940

Festucaceae Spreng. ex Sadler, 1825

Gramineae Juss., 1789, nom. cons.
Holcaceae Link, 1833
Hordeaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Laguraceae Link, 1833
Lappaginaceae Link, 1827, nom. illeg.
Lepturaceae Herter, 1940
Loliaceae Link, 1827
Maydaceae Martinov, 1820, nom. illeg.
Melicaceae Martinov, 1820
Miliaceae Bumett, 1835
Nardaceae Martinov, 1820
Olyraceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Ophiuraceae Link, 1827
Oryzaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Panicaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Pappophoraceae Herter, 1940
Parianaceae Nakai, 1943
Paspalaceae Link, 1827
Phalaridaceae Link, 1833
Pharaceae Herter, 1940
Saccharaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Sesleriacee D011, 1843
Spartinaceae Link, 1827
Stipaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Streptochaetaceae Nakai, 1943
Tristeginaceae Link, 1833, nom. illeg.
Triticaceae Link, 1827
Zeaceae A. Kern., 1891
Zoysiaceae Link, 1827
4a. Anomochlooideae Pilg. ex Potztal, 1957 (incl. Streptochaeta Schrad. ex
Nees) (2/4)
4b. Pharoideae L. G. Clark & Judz., 1996 (incl. Leptaspis R. Br., Scro-
tochloa Judz.) (3/14)
4c. Puelioideae L. G. Clark, Kobay, Spangler, S. Y. Mathews & E. A. Kel-
logg, 2000 (incl. Guaduella Franch.) (2/11)
4d. Bambusoideae Luerss., 1893 (incl. Arundinarieae Asch. & Graebn.,
Olyreae Kunth ex Spenn., Parianeae C. E. Hubb.) (65/965)
4e. Ehrhartoideae Link, 1827 (14-18/150)
Oryzoideae Burmeist., 1837
4f. Pooideae Benth., 1861 (incl. Lygeum Loefl. ex L., Nardus L.)
Agrostidoideae Belschm., 1833
Anthroxanthoideae Link, 1827
Avenoideae Link, 1827
Chaeturoideae Link, 1827
Coleanthoideae Link, 1827

Cynosuroideae Link, 1827

Echinarioideae Link, 1827
Festucoideae Link, 1827
Glycerioideae Link, 1827
Hordeoideae Burmeist., 1837
Phylaridoideae Burmeist., 1837
RottboeUioideae Burmeist., 1837
Stipoideae Burmeist., 1837
4g. Arundinoideae Burmeist., 1837 (45/540)
4h. Micrairoideae Pilg, 1956 (4/105)
4i. Danthonioideae N. P. Barker, 2001 (19/275)
4j. Aristidoideae Caro, 1982 (1/250)
4k. Chondrosoideae Link, 1827 (incl. Eragrostideae Stapf, Muhlenbergia
Schreb., Triraphis R. Br.) (150/1360)
Chloridoideae Burmeist., 1837
Pappophoroideae Burmeist., 1837
41. Centothecoideae Sodestr., 1981 (incl. Thysanolaeneae C. E. Hubb.)
4m. Panicoideae Link, 1827 (incl. Eriachne R. Br.) (207/3290)
Andropogonoideae Burmeist., 1837
Paspaloideae Link, 1827
Saccharoideae Horan., 1847
6. Ranuneulidae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992 (A; 298/6350)
Nelumbonidae Takht., 1997
Paeoniidae C. Y. Wu, 2002
1. Proteanae Takht., 1967 (A; 90/1820)
Buxanae Takht. ex Reveal & Dowel& 1999
Sabianae Doweld, 2001
1. Proteales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 80/1700)
1. Proteaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (C; 79/1690)
Banksiaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Lepidocarpaceae Schultz Sch., 1832
la. Persoonioideae Engl., 1892 (5/102)
lb. Bellendenoideae P. H. Weston, 1995 (1/1)
lc. Eidotheoideae A. W. Douglas & B. P. M. Hyland, 1995 (1/1)
ld. Proteoideae Eaton, 1836 (26/635)
le. Sphalmioideae L. A. S. Johnson & B. G. Briggs, 1975 (1/1)
If. Carnarvonioideae L. A. S. Johnson & B. G. Briggs, 1975 (1/2)
lg. GreviUeoideae Engl., 1892 (45/960)
2. Platanales T. Lestib. ex Mart., 1835 (B; 1/7)
1. Platanaceae T. Lestib., 1826, nora. cons. (C; 1/7)
3. Buxales Takht. ex Reveal, 1996 (B; 6/70)
Didymelales Takht., 1967
1. Buxaceae Dumort., 1822, nora. cons. (excl. Simmondsia C. K. Schneid.)
(c; 5/70)
Pachysandraceae J. Agardh, 1858
Stylocerataceae Takht. ex Reveal & Hoogland, 1990
la. Buxoideae Burnett, 1835 (2/50)

lb. Styloceratoideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., based on trib.
Stylocerateae Pax in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. III, 5: 132,
134. 1892 (3/20)
2. Didymelaceae Leandri, 1937 (C; 1/2)
4. Sabiales Takht., 1997 (B; 3/45)
Meliosmales C. Y. Wu, 2002
1. Sabiaceae Blume, 1851, nom. cons. (C; 3/45)
Millingtoniaceae Wight & Am., 1834, nom. illeg.
Meliosmaceae Meisn.., 1843
Wellingtoniaceae Meisn., 1840
la. Meliosmoideae Y. W. Law & Y. E Wu, 1982 (2/25)
lb. Sabioideaae Y. W. Law &Y. E Wu, 1982 (1/19)
2. Ranunculanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992 (C; 208/4525)
Berberidanae Doweld, 2001
Eupteleanae Doweld, 2001
Nelumbonanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Paeonianae Doweld, 2001
Papaveranae Doweld, 2001
1. Nelumbonales Lindl. ex Mart., 1835 (C; 1/2)
1. Nelumbonaceae A. Rich., 1827, nora. cons. (C; 1/2)
2. Eupteleales Hu ex Reveal, 1993 (B; 1/2)
1. Eupteleaceae K. Wilh., 1910, nom. cons. (C; 1/2)
3. Paeoniales Heintze, 1927 (B; 2/34)
Glaucidiales Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
1. Paeoniaceae Raf., 1815, nom. cons. (C; 1/33)
2. Glaucidiaceae Tamura, 1972 (C; 1/1)
4. Ranunculales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 204/4485)
Berberidales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Circaeasterales Takht., 1997
Fumariales DC. ex Mart., 1835
Helleborales Nakai, 1949
Hydrastidales Takht., 1997
Lardizabalales Loconte, 1995
Menispermales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Nandinales Doweld, 2000
Papaverales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Podophyllales Dumort., 1829
1. Ranunculineae Bessey, 1895 (C; 153/3655)
1. Lardizabalaceae R. Br., 1821, nora. cons. (C; 9/38)
Decaisneaceae Loconte, 1995
Sargentodoxaceae Stapf, 1926, nom. cons.
Sinofranachetiaceae Doweld, 2000
la. Sargentodoxoideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., based on
Sargentodoxaceae Stapf ex Hutch., Fam. F1. P1. 1: 100. 1926 (1/1)
lb. Decaisneoideae Loconte & J. R. Estes, 1989 (1/2)
lc. Lardizabaloideae Kostel., 1833 (7/35)
2. Circaeasteraceae Hutch., 1926, nom. cons. (C; 2/2)

Kingdoniaceae A. S. Foster ex Airy Shaw, 1965

2a. Circaeasteroideae Thome & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., based on
Circaeasteraceae Hutch., Fam, F1. PI. 1: 98. 1926 (1/1)
2b. Kingdonioideae Thome & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., validated by a
full and direct reference to the Latin description associated with King.
doniaceaeA. S. Foster ex Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 18: 262. 1964 (1/1)
3. Menispermaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 71/450)
Pseliaceae Raft, 1838
4. Berberidaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 13/660)
DiphyIleiaceae Schultz Sch., 1832
Epimediaceae Menge, 1839
Leonticaceae Airy Shaw, 1965
Nandinaceae Horan., 1834
Podophyllaceae DC., 1821, nora. cons.
Ranzaniaceae Takht., 1994
4a. Nandinoideae Heintze, 1927 (1/1)
4b. Berberidoideae Kostel., 1836 (incl. Ranzania T. It6 ) (2/600)
4c. Leonticoideae Takht. & Melikyan, 1972 (3/10)
4d. Podophylloideae Eaton, 1836 (7/50)
Epimedioideae Nakai, 1943
5. Hydrastidaceae Martinov, 1820 (C; 1/1)
6. Ranunculaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (C; 58/2505)
Aconitaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Actaeaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1823
Anemonaceae Vest, 1818
Aquilegiaceae Lilja, 1870
Calthaceae Martinov, 1820
Cimicifugaceae Bromhead, 1840
Clematidaceae Marfinov, 1820
Delphiniaceae Brenner, 1886
Helleboraceae Vest, 1818
NigeUaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Thalictraceae Raf., 1815
Xanthorhizaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1823
6a. Coptidoideae Tamura, 1968 (2/11)
6b. Thalictroideae Raf., 1815 (10/205)
Aquilegioideae Nakai, 1943
lsopyroideae Schr6dinger, 1909
Leptopyroideae Nakai, 1943
6c. Ranunculoideae Am., 1832 (46/2290)
Aconitoideae Raf., 1815
Adonidoideae Nakai, 1943
Anemonoideae Raf., 1815
Callianthemoideae Kitt., 1844
Calthoideae Raf., 1815
Cimicifugoideae Am., 1832
Clematoideae Raft, 1815
Delphinoideae Th. Fr., 1891

Helleboroideae Beilschm., 1833

Trollioideae Raf., 1815
2. Papaverineae Thorne & Reveal, subord, et stat. nov., validated by a full and
direct reference to the Latin description associated with Papaver-
aceae Juss., Gen. PI.: 235.4 Aug 1789. (C; 51/830)
1. Pteridophyllaceae Nakai ex Reveal & Hoogland, 1991 (B; 1/1)
2. Papaveraceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 50/830)
Chelidoniaceae Martinov, 1820
Corydalaceae Vest, 1818, nom. illeg.
Eschscholziaceae Ser., 1847
Fumariaceae Marquis, 1820, nom. cons.
Hypecoaceae Wilkomm & Lange, 1880
Platystemonaceae Lilja, 1870
2a. Papaveroideae Eaton, 1836 (23/260)
Platystemonoideae Leurss., 1880
2b. Eschscholzioideae Leurss., 1880 (incl. Dendromecon Benth., Hunne-
mannia Sweet) (3/15)
2c. Chelidonioideae Fedde, 1909 (excl. Dicranostigma Hook. f. & Thom-
son, Glaucium Mill.) (7/25)
2d. Hypecoideae Prantl & Kiindig, 1889 (1/17)
2e. Fumarioideae Eaton, 1836 (16/515)
7. Hamamelldidae Takht., 1967 (B; 145/3870)
1. Hamamelidanae Takht., 1967 (C; 145/3870)
Casuarinanae Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, 1999
Daphniphyllanae Takht., 1997
Faganae Takht., 1997
Juglandanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Saxifraganae Reveal, 1994
Trochodendranae Takht. ex Reveal, 1996
1. Hamamelidales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835 (C; 34/154)
Altingiales Doweld, 1998
Cercidiphyllales Hu ex Reveal, 1993
Daphniphyllales Pulle ex Cronquist, 1981
Trochodendrales Takht. ex Cronquist, 1981
1. Trochodendrineae Engl., 1898 (C; 3/4)
1. Trochodendraceae Eichler, 1865, nom. cons. (C; 2/2)
Tetracentraceae A. C. Sm., 1945, nom. cons.
I a. Trochodendroideae Luerss., 1880 (1/1)
lb. Tetracentroideae Harms, 1897 (1/1)
2. Cercidiphyllaceae Engl., 1907, nom. cons. (C; 1/2)
2. Hamamelidineae Thorne & Reveal, subord, et stat. nov., validated by a full
and direct reference to the Latin description associated with
Hamamelidales Link, Handbuch 2:4.4-11 Jul 1829. (C; 31/150)
1. Altingiaceae Horan., 1841, nom. cons. (C; 3/12)
2. Hamamelidaceae R. Br., 1818, nom. cons. (C; 27/107)
Bucklandiaceae J. Agardh, 1858, nom. illeg.
Disanthaceae Nakai, 1943
Exbucklandiaceae Reveal & Doweld, 1999

Fothergillaceae Nutt., 1818

Parrotiaceae Horan., 1834
Rhodoleiaceae Nakai, 1943
2a. Exbucklandioideae Harms 1930 (incl. Chunia H. T. Chang, Mytilaria
Lecomte, Rhodoleia Champ. ex Hook.) (4/5)
2b. Disanthoideae Harms, 1930 (1/2)
2c. Hamamelidoideae Bumett, 1835 (22/100)
Fothergilloideae Burnett, 1835
3. Daphniphyllaceae MUll.-Arg., 1869, nora. cons. (C; 1/30)
2. Saxifragales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 77/2345)
Crassulales Lindl., 1833
Grossulariales DC. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Haloragales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
lteales Doweld, 2001
Sedales Rchb., 1828
Sempervivales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
1. Tetracarpaeaceae Nakai, 1943 (C; 1/1)
2. Crassulaceae J. St.-Hil., 1805, nom. cons. (C; 33/1500)
Cotyledonaceae Martinov, 1820
Rhodiolaceae Martinov, 1820
Sedaceae Roussel, 1808
Sempervivaceae Juss., 1789
Tillaeaceae Martinov, 1820
2a. Crassuloideae Burnett, 1835
2b. Sempervivoideae Am., 1832
Cotyledonoideae Bumett, 1835
Diamorphoideae Endl., 1839
Sedoideae Endl. ex Walp., 1843
3. Penthoraceae Rydb. ex Britt., 1901, nora. cons. (C; 1/2)
4. Saxifragaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (C; 30/525)
Chrysospleniaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Pectiantiacedae Raf., 1837
4a. Astilboideae Miq., 1855 (1/12)
4b. Saxifragoideae Burnett, 1832 (29/515)
Heucheroideae Burnett, 1835
5. Aphanopetalaceae Doweld, 2001 (B; 1/2)
6. Iteaceae J. Agardh, 1858, nom. cons. (C; 1/10)
7. Pterostemonaceae Small, 1905, nom. cons. (C; 1/3)
8. Grossulariaceae DC., 1805, nom. cons. (C; 1/200)
Ribesiaceae Marquis, 1820
9. Haloragaceae R. Br., 1814, nora. cons. (B; 8/100)
Cercodiaceae Juss., 1817
Myriophyllaceae Schultz Sch., 1832
3. Juglandales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 13/110)
Myricales A. Rich. ex Mart., 1835
Rhoipteleales Nov~ik ex Reveal, 1992
1. Juglandineae Thorne & Reveal, subord, et stat. nov., validated by a full and
direct reference to the Latin description associated with a later fam-

ily homonym Juglandaceae published by A. Richard ex Kunth, Ann.

Sci. Nat. (Paris) 2: 343. 1824 (C; 9/65)
1. Rhoipteleaceae Hand.-Mazz., 1932, nom. cons. (C; 1/1)
2. Juglandaceae DC. ex Perleb, 1818, nom. cons. (C; 8/64)
Engelhardtiaceae Reveal & Doweld, 1999
Platycaryaceae Nakai ex Doweld, 2000
2a. Engelhardioideae Iljinsk., 1990 (incl. Alfaroa Standl., Oreomunnea
Oerst.) (3/19)
2b. Juglandoideae Eaton, 1836 (5/45)
Platycaryoideae Manning, 1979
2. Myricineae Thorne & Reveal, subord, nov., validated by a full and direct ref-
erence to the Latin description associated with a later family homo-
nym Myricaceae published by A. Richard ex Kunth in Humb.,
Bonpl. & Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. 2: 16. 1827 (C; 4/45)
1. Myricaceae A. Rich. ex Kunth, 1817, nom. cons. (C; 4/45)
Canacomyricaceae Baum.-Bod. ex Doweld, 2000
4. Betulales Rich. ex Mart., 1835 (C; 21/1260)
Casuarinales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Corylales Dumort., 1829
Fagales Engl., 1892
Nothofagales Doweld, 2001
Quercales Burnett, 1835
1. Nothofagaceae Kuprian., 1962 (C; 1/35)
2. Fagaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 9/990)
Quercaceae Martinov, 1820
2a. Quercoideae Orst., 1867 (1/675)
2b. Trigonobalanoideae Lozano, Hern.-Cam. & Henao, 1979 (3/3)
2c. Castanoideae Orst., 1867 (4/300)
2d. Fagoideae K. Koch, 1873 (1/13)
3. Ticodendraceae G6mez-Laur. & L. D. G6mez, 1991 (C; 1/1)
4. Betulaceae Gray, 1822, nom. cons. (C; 6/140)
Carpinaceae Vest, 1818
Corylaceae Mirb., 1815
4a. Betuloideae Rich. ex Am., 1832 (2/85)
4b. Coryloideae Hook. f., 1870 (4/55)
5. Casuarinaceae R. Br., 1814, nom. cons. (C; 4/96)
8. Caryophyllidae Takht., 1967 (B; 889/13875)
Dilleniidae Takht. ex Reveal & Takht., 1993
Plumbaginidae C. Y. Wu, 2002
Polygonidae C. Y. Wu, 2002
1. Berberidopsidanae Thorne & Reveal, superord, et stat. nov., validated by a full
and direct reference to the diagnosis in Latin associated with
Berberidopsidales Doweld, Tent. Syst. P1. Vasc.: xxviii. 2001 (B;
1. Berberidopsidales Doweld, 2001 (B; 3/3)
1. Aextoxicaceae Engl. & Gilg, 1920, nom. cons. (C; 1/1)
2. Berberidopsidaceae Takht., 1985 (incl. Streptothamnus E Muell.) (C; 2/2)
2. Caryophyllanae Takht., 1967 (C; 703/11395)

Nepenthanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1996

Plumbaginanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Polygonanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Rhabdodendranae Doweld, 2001
Simmondsianae Doweld, 2001
1. Physenales Takht., 1997 (A; 2/10)
1. Physenaceae Takht., 1985 (B; 1/2)
2. Asteropeiaceae Takht. ex Reveal & Hoogland, 1990 (B; 1/8)
2. Caryophyllales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 614/9465)
Aizoales Boerl., 1890
Amaranthales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Atriplicales Horan., 1847
Cactales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Chenopodiales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
lllecebrales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Nyctaginales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Opuntiales Willk., 1854
Paronychiales St.-Hil. ex Mart., 1835
Petiveriales Lindl., 1833
Phytolaccales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Portulacales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Rhabdodendrales Doweld, 2001
Rivinales C. Agardh ex Mart., 1835
Scleranthales Dumort., 1829
Silenales Lindl., 1833
Simmondsiales Reveal, 1992
Stellariales Dumort., 1829
1. Cactineae Bessey, 1895 (C; 162/2320)
Basellineae Doweld, 2001
Portulacineae Engl., 1898
1. Portulacaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 28/440)
HectoreUaceae Philipson & Skipw., 1961
Montiaceae Raf., 1820
Talinaceae Doweld, 2001
2. Halophytaceae A. Soriano, 1984 (C; 1/1)
3. Cactaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 122/1810)
Cereaceae DC. & Spreng., 1821
Nopaleaceae Schmid & Curtman, 1856.
Opuntiaceae Desv., 1817
3a. Pereskioideae Engelm., 1876 (1/17)
3b. Maihuenioideae P. Fearn, 1996 (1/2)
3c. Opuntioideae Bumett, 1835 (15/305)
3d. Cactoideae Eaton, 1836 (105/1485)
Blossfeldioideae Crozier, 2004
Rhipsalidoideae Burnett, 1835
4. Basellaceae Raf., 1837, nora. cons. (C; 4/50)
Anrederaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Ullucaceae Nakai, 1942

5. Didiereaceae Radlk., 1896, nom. cons. (incl. Calyptrotheca Gilg, Ceraria

Pearson & E. L. Stephens) (C; 7/19)
Portulacariaceae Doweld, 2001
5a. Didieroideae Appleq. & R. S. Wallace, 2003 (4/11)
5b. Calyptrothecoideae Pax & Gilg, 1897 (2/6)
5c. Portulacarioideae Appleq. & R. S. Wallace, 2003 (1/2)
2. Phytolaccineae Engl., 1898 (C; 188/2415)
Aizoineae Doweld, 2001
Nyctaginineae Nakai, 1942
Stegnospermatineae Doweld, 2001
1. Rhabdodendraceae Prance, 1968 (A; 1/3)
2. Simmondsiaceae Tiegh., 1899 (B; 1/1)
3. Stegnospermataceae Nakai, 1942 (C; 1/3)
4. Limeaceae Shipunov ex Reveal, 2005 (B; 1/20)
5. Nyctaginaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (31/400)
Allioniaceae Horan., 1834
Bougainvilleaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Jalapaceae Batsch, 1802, nom. illeg.
Mirabilidaceae W. R. B. Oliv., 1936
Pisoniaceae J. Agardh, 1858
6. Sarcobataceae Behnke, 1997 (B; 1/2)
7. Petiveriaceae C. Agardh, 1824 (C; 10/25)
Hilleriaceae Nakai, 1942
Rivinaceae C. Agardh, 1824
Seguieriaceae Nakai, 1942
8. Agdestidaceae Nakai, 1942 (C; 1/1)
9. Phytolaccaceae R. Br., 1818, nom. cons. (C; 3/40)
Sarcocaceae Raf., 1837
10. Gisekiaceae Nakai, 1942 (B; 1/1)
11. Lophiocarpaceae Doweld & Reveal, 2007 (incl. Corbichonia Scop.) (B; 2/6)
12. Aizoaceae Martinov, 1820, nora. cons. prop. (C; 122/1790)
Galeniaceae Raf., 1819
Mesembryaceae Dumort., 1829
Mesembryanthemaceae Philib., 1801, nom. cons.
Sesuviaceae Horan., 1834
Tetragoniaceae Lindl., 1836, nom. cons.
12a. Aizooideae Spreng. ex Am., 1832 (7/108)
Tetragonioideae Lindl., 1846
12b. Sesuvioideae Lindl., 1846 (5/37)
12c. Mesembryanthemoideae Bumett, 1835 (9/80)
Aptenioideae Schwantes ex Bittrich & H. E. K. Hartmann, 1988
12d. Ruschioideae Schwantes ex Bittrich & H. E. K. Hartmann, 1988
13. Barbeuiaceae Nakai, 1942 (C; 1/1)
14. Molluginaceae Bartl., 1825, nom. cons. (incl. Macarthuria Hiigel ex Endl.;
excl. Corbichonia Scop., Limeum L.) (B; 12/120)
Adenogrammaceae Nakai, 1942
Glinaceae Mart., 1835

Pharnaceaceae Martinov, 1820

Polpodaceae Nakai, 1942
Telephiaceae Martinov, 1820
3. Chenopodiineae Engl., 1898 (C; 171/2335)
1. Achatocarpaceae Heimerl, 1934, nora. cons. (C; 2/10)
2. Chenopodiaceae Vent., 1799, nora. cons. (C; 97/1305)
Atriplicaceae Juss., 1789
Betaceae Bumett, 1835
Blitaceae Post & Kuntze, 1903
Dysphaniaceae Pax, 1927, nora. cons.
Salicorniaceae Martinov, 1820
Salsolaceae Menge, 1839
Spinaciaceae Menge, 1839
2a. Chenopodioideae Burnett, 1835 (44/785)
Atriplicioideae Kostel., 1835
Blitoideae Raf., 1837
Camphorosoideae Luerss., 1880
Corispermoideae Raf., 1837
Spinacioideae Luerss., 1880
2b. Microteoideae Nowicke, 1976 (1/10)
2c. Salicomioideae Kostel., 1835 (14/80)
2d. Suaedoideae Ulbr., 1934 (2/105)
2e. Salsoloideae Kostel., 1835 (37/420)
3. Amaranthaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (72/1020)
Achyranthaceae Raf., 1837
Celosiaceae Martinov, 1820
Deeringiaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Gomphrenaceae Raf., 1837
Polycnemaceae Menge, 1839
3a. Polycnemoideae Raf., 1837 (3/18)
3b. Amaranthoideae Bumett, 1835 (55/630)
Achyranthoideae Kostel., 1835
Celosioideae Lindl., 1846
3c. Gomphrenoideae Kostel., 1835 (14/370)
4. Caryophyllineae Bessey, 1895 (C; 93/2395)
1. Caryophyllaceae Juss., 1782, nom. cons. (C; 93/2395)
Alsinaceae Bartl., 1825, nom. cons.
Cerastiaceae Vest, 1818
Corrigiolaceae Dumort., 1829
Dianthaceae Vest, 1818
Herniariaceae Martinov, 1820
Illecebraceae R. Br., 1810, nom. cons.
Lychnidaceae D~511,1843
Minuartiaceae Mart., 1835
Ortegaceae Martinov, 1820
Paronychiaceae Juss., 1815
Polycarpaeaceae Mart., 1835
Sabulinaceae D611, 1843

Saginaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820

Scleranthaceae J. Presl & C. Presl, 1822
Silenaceae Bartl., 1825
Spergulaceae Bartl., 1825
Stellariaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
la. Illecebroideae Am., 1832 (29/305)
Herniarioideae Kostel., 1835
Paronychioideae A. St.-Hil. ex Fenzl, 1839
Pollichioideae Beilschm., 1833
Polycarpaoideae Beilschm., 1833
Sperguloideae Darby, 1841
lb. Caryophyltoideae Am., 1832 (64/2090)
Alsinoideae Burnett, 1835
Dianthoideae Sagorski & Gus. Schneid., 1891
Lychnidoideae A. Juss., 1846
Minuartioideae Beilschm., 1833
Querioideae Beilschm., 1833
Sabulinoideae Buchenau, 1894
Scleranthoideae Am., 1832
Silenoideae Burnett, 1835
Stellarioideae Buchenau, 1894
3. Polygonales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 80/1755)
Plumbaginales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
1. Polygonaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (C; 52/1105)
Calligonaceae Khalk., 1985
Eriogonaceae G. Don, 1839
Persicariaceae Martinov, 1820
Rumicaceae Martinov, 1820
la. Eriogonoideae Am., 1832 (20/325)
lb. Polygonoideae Eaton, 1836 (24/550)
Rumicicoideae Luerss., 1880
lc. Brunnichioideae Meisn., 1855 (8/230)
Coccoloboideae Luerss., 1880
Symmerioideae Meisn., 1856
2. Plumbaginaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 28/650)
Aegialitidaceae Lincz., 1968
Armeriaceae Horan., 1834
Limoniaceae Ser., 1851, nom. cons.
Staticaceae Cassel, 1817
2a. Plumbaginoideae Burnett, 1835 (4/35)
2b. Staticoideae Kostel., 1834 (24/615)
4. Tamaricales Hutch., 1924 (C; 6/155)
Frankeniales A. St.-Hil. ex Mart., 1835
Reaumuriales Lindl. ex Mart., 1835
1. Tamaricaceae Link, 1821, nom. cons. (C; 5/78)
Reaumuriaceae Ehrenb. ex Lindl., 1830
2. Frankeniaceae Desv., 1817, nom. cons. (C; 1/70-80)
5. Nepenthales Dumort., 1829 (B; 9/220)

Ancistrocladales Takht. ex Reveal, 1992

DioncophyUales Takht. ex Reveal, 1993
Droserales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
1. Ancistrocladaceae Planch. ex Walp., 1851, nom. cons. (C; 1/20)
2. DioncophyUaceae Airy Shaw, 1952, nom. cons. (C; 3/3)
3. Drosophyllaceae Chrtek, Slav~ov~i & Studi~ka, 1989 (B; 1/1)
4. Droseraceae Salisb., 1808, nom. cons. (C; 3/110)
Aldrovandaceae Nakai, 1949
Dionaeaceae Raf., 1837
5. Nepenthaceae Dumort., 1829, nora. cons. (C; 1/87)
3. Dillenianae Takht. ex Doweld, 2001 (A; 9/400)
1. Dilleniales DC, ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 9/400)
1. Dilleniaceae Salisb., 1807, nora. cons. (C; 9/400)
Delimaceae Mart., 1835
Hibbertiaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Soramiaceae Martinov, 1820
la. Dillenioideae Bumett, 1835 (5/280)
lb. Delimoideae Bumett, 1835 (4/120)
Tetraceroideae Engl., 1930
4. Santalanae Thome ex Reveal, 1992 (B; 155/2030)
1. Santalales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 145/1980)
Anthobolales Dumort., 1829
Erythropalales Tiegh., 1899
Heisteriales Tiegh., 1899
Loranthales Dumort., 1829
Medusandrales Brenan, 1952
Olacales Mirb. ex Mart., 1835
Viscales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Ximeniales Tiegh., 1899
1. Olacaceae Juss. ex R. Br., 1818, nom. cons. (C; 29/180)
Aptandraceae Miers, 1853
Cathedraceae Tiegh., 1899
Chaunochitonaceae Tiegh., 1899
Coulaceae Tiegh., 1897
Erythropalaceae Planch. ex Miq., 1856, nora. cons.
Harmandiaceae Tiegh., 1898
Heisteriaceae Tiegh., 1899
Octoknemaceae Soler., 1908, nom. cons.
Schoepfiaceae Blume, 1850
Scorodocarpaceae Tiegh., 1899
Strombosiaceae Tiegh., 1899
Tetrastylidiaceae Tiegh., 1899
Ximeniaceae Horan., 1834
la. Olacoideae Sond., 1860 (27/170)
lb. Octoknemoideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., based on Oc
toknemaceae Soler., Syst. Anat. Dicot.: 83, 84. 1908. (1/6)
lc. Erythropaloideae Hassk., 1848 (1/2)
2. Medusandraceae Brenan, 1952, nom. cons. (C; 1/2)

3. Misodendraceae J. Agardh, 1858, nom. cons. (C; 1/11)

4. Loranthaceae Juss., 1808, nom. cons. (C; 75/1000)
Elytranthaceae Tiegh., 1896
Gaiadendraceae Tiegh. ex Nakai, 1952
Nuytsiaceae Tiegh., 1896
Psittacanthaceae Nakai, 1952
Treubellaceae Tiegh. 1898, nom. illeg.
5. Opiliaceae Valeton, 1886, nom. cons. (C; 9/30)
Cansjeraceae J. Agardh, 1858
6. Santalaceae R. Br., 1810, nom. cons. (incl. Okoubaka Pellegr. & Normand)
(C; 23/410)
Anthobolaceae Dumort., 1829
Arjonaceae Tiegh., 1898
Canopodaceae C. Presl, 1851
Eremolepidaceae Tiegh. ex Nakai, 1952
Exocarpaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Lepidocerataceae Nakai, 1952
Osyridaceae Raf., 1820
Thesiaceae Vest, 1818
7. Viscaceae Batsch, 1802 (C; 7/400)
Arceuthobiaceae Tiegh., 1897
Bifariaceae Nakai, 1952
Dendrophthoaceae Tiegh., 1898
Ginalloaceae Tiegh., 1899
Phoradendraceae H. Karst., 1860
5. Balanophoranae R. Dahlgren ex Reveal, 1992 (A; 19/48)
1. Balanophorales Dumort., 1829 (C; 19/48)
Cynomoriales Burnett, 1835
1. Balanophoraceae Rich., 1822, nom. cons. (C; 18/46)
Dactylanthaceae Takht., 1987
Hachetteaceae Doweld, 2001
Helosaceae Bromhead, 1840
Langsdorffiaceae Tiegh. ex Pilger, 1914
Lophophytaceae Bromhead, 1840
Mystropetalaceae Hook. f., 1853
Sarcophytaceae A. Kern., 1891
Scybaliaceae A. Kern., 1891
la. Mystropetaloideae Engl., 1889 (1/1)
lb. Dactylanthoideae Engl., 1889 (2/2)
lc. Sarcophytoideae Engl., 1889 (2/3)
ld. Scybalioideae Engl., 1889 (6/15)
Helosidoideae Tiegh., 1898
le. Lophophytoideae Engl., 1903 (4/8)
If. Balanophoroideae Engl., 1889 (3/17)
2. Cynomoriaceae Endl. ex Lindl., 1833, nom. cons. (C; 1/1-2)
9. Rosidae Takht., 1967 (B; 2258/48127)
Myrtidae J. H. Schaffn., 1911
1. Celastranae Takht., 1967 (B; 102/1260)

1. Celastrales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835 (C; 102/1260)

Brexiales Lindl., 1833
Hippocrateales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Huales Doweld, 2001
Parnassiales Nakai, 1943
Stackhousiales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
1. Celastraceae R. Br., 1814, nom. cons. (incl. Acanthothamnus Brandeg.)
(C; 98/1210)
Brexiaceae Loudon, 1830
Canotiaceae Airy Shaw, 1965
Chingithamnaceae Hand.-Mazz., 1932
Euonymaceae Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Hippocrateaceae Juss., 1811, nom. cons.
Plagiopteraceae Airy Shaw, 1965
Salaciaceae Raf., 1838
Siphonodontaceae Gagnep. & Tardieu ex Tardieu, 1951, nom.
Stackhousiaceae R. Br., 1814, nom. cons.
la. Celastroideae Burnett, 1835 (incl. Brexia Noronha ex Thouars) (69/825)
Cassinoideae Loes., 1892
Elaeodendroideae Lindl., 1846
Euonymoideae Am., 1832
Siphonodontoideae Croizat, 1947
Tripterygioideae Loes., 1892
lb. Hippocrateoideae Lindl., 1833 (incl. Plagiopteron Griff. ) (19/100)
lc. Salacioideae N. Hall6 ex Thorne & Reveal, see p. 181 (6/260)
ld. Stackhousioideae Burnett, 1835 (3/19)
2. Parnassiaceae Martinov, 1820, nom. cons. (C; 2/50)
Lepuropetalaceae Nakai, 1943
2a. Lepuropetaloideae Engl., 1930 (1/1)
2b. Parnassioideae Am., 1832 (1/50)
3. Lepidobotryaceae J. Lfonard, 1950, nom. cons. (incl. Ruptiliocarpon
Hammel & Zamora) (B; 2/2)
2. Violanae R. Dahlgren ex Reveal, 1992 (C; 268/5245)
Begonianae Doweld, 2001
Cucurbitanae Reveal, 1994
1. Violales Vent. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 264/5225)
Begoniales Dumort., 1829
Cucurbitales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Datiscales, Dumort., 1829
Flacourtiales Rich. ex Mart., 1835
Homaliales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Lacistematales Mart. ex Mart., 1835
Malesherbiales D. Don ex Mart., 1835
Passiflorales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Salicales Lindl., 1833
Samydales Vent. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Scyphostegiales Croizat, 1994

Turnerales Dumort., 1821.

1. Violineae Doweld, 2005 (C; 140/2960)
Flacourtiineae Engl., 1898
Passiflorineae Bessey, 1895
1. Violaceae Batsch, 1802, nom. cons. (C; 23/900)
A lsodeiaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Ionidiaceae Mert. & W. J. Koch, 1823, nom. illeg.
Leoniaceae A. DC., 1844
la. Violoideae Burnett, 1835 (21/890)
Alsodeoideae Beilschm., 1833
lb. Leonioideae Melch., 1925 (1/6)
lc. Fusispermoideae Hekking, 1984 (1/3)
2. Flacourtiaceae Rich. ex DC., 1824, nom. cons. (C; 58/c.760)
Bembiciaceae R. C. Keating & Takht., 1996
Blakwelliaceae T. Lestib., 1826, nom. illeg.
Caseariaceae Doweld, 2007
Homaliaceae R. Br., 1818
Lacistemataceae Mart., 1826, nom. cons.
Poliothyrsidaceae Doweld, 2001
Prockiaceae Bertuch, 1801
Samydaceae Vent, 1799, nom. cons.
Scyphostegiaceae Hutch., 1926, nom. cons.
2a. Flacourtioideae Burnett, 1835 (incl. Abatieae Benth. & Hook., Bembi-
cieae Warb., Casearieae Benth., Homalieae Dumort., Prockieae
Endl., Samydeae Dumort., Scolopieae Warb., Scyphostegieae
Zmarzty, Neopringlea S. Watson, Oncobea Benth.; excl. Paropsieae
DC., Alzatea Ruiz & Pavon, Berberidopsis Hook. f.) (C; 56/c. 745)
Homalioideae Harv., 1868
2b. Lacistematoideae Burnett, 1835 (2/14)
3. Achariaceae Harms, 1897, nom. cons. (B; 30/c. 155)
Erythrospermaceae Doweld, 2001
Pangiaceae Blume ex Hassk., 1844
4. Salicaceae Mirb., 1815, nom. cons. (C; 2/485)
5. Passifioraceae Juss. ex Roussel, 1806, nom. cons. (C; 17/520)
Modeccaceae Horan., 1847
Paropsiaceae Dumort., 1829
Smeathmanniaceae Mart. ex Perleb, 1838
6. Turneraceae Kunth ex DC., 1828, nom. cons. (C; 8/110)
Piriquetaceae Martinov, 1820
7. Malesherbiaceae D. Don, 1827, nom. cons. (C; 1/27)
8. Lophopyxidaceae H. Pfeiff., 1951 (B; 1/2)
2. Begoniineae Engl., 1898 (C; 127/2185)
Cucurbitineae Engl., 1898
Datiscineae Engl., 1898
1. Cucurbitaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 122/780)
Bryoniaceae G. Mey., 1836
Cyclantheraceae Lilja, 1870
Nhandirobaceae T. Lestib., 1826

Zanoniaceae Dumort., 1829

1a. Nhandiroboideae Kostel., 1833 (18/80)
Fevilleoideae Burnett, 1835
Zanonioideae Luerss., 1882
lb. Cucurbitoideae Kostel., 1833 (104/700)
Abobroideae Luerss., 1882
Cucumidoideae Burnett, 1835
Gomphogynoideae Luerss., 1882
Gynostemmoideae Luerss., 1882
Sicyooideae Endl., 1839
Telfairioideae Endl., 1839
2. Begoniaceae C. Agardh, 1824, nom. cons. (C; 2/1400)
3. Datiscaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 1/2)
4. Tetramelaceae Airy Shaw, 1965, (B; 2/2)
3. Podostemanae R. Dahlgren ex Reveal, 1992 (B; 614/12680)
Corynocarpanae Takht., 1997
Euphorbianae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Ochnanae Doweld, 2001
Rhizophoranae Reveal & Dowell, 1999
1. Ochnales DC. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 47/675)
Medusagynales Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, 1999
Sauvagesiales Lindt. ex Mart., 1835
1. Ochnaceae DC., 1811, nom. cons. (C; 40/600)
Gomphiaceae DC. ex Schnizl., 1843-1870
Lophiraceae Loudon, 1830
Luxemburgiaceae Soler., 1908
Sauvagesiaceae Dumort., 1829
la. Ochnoideae Burnett, 1835 (33/525)
lb. Sauvagesioideae Beilschm., 1833 (7/75)
2. Quiinaceae Choisy ex Engl., 1888, nom. cons. (C; 4/50)
3. Medusagynaceae Engl. & Gilg, 1924, nom. cons., (C; 1/1)
4. Caryocaraceae Voigt, 1845, nom. cons. (C; 2/23)
Rhizobolaceae DC., 1824, nora. illeg.
2. Podostemales Lindl., 1833 (C; 99/1340)
Elatinales Cambess. ex Mart., 1835
Garciniales DC. ex Mart., 1835
Hypericales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Marathrales Dumort., 1829
1. Bonnetiaceae L. Beauv. ex Nakai, 1948 (C; 3/22)
2. Clusiaceae Lindl., 1836, nora. cons. et nom. alt. (C; 45/1010)
Ascyraceae Plenck, 1796
Calophyllaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Cambogiaceae Horan., 1834
Garciniaceae Bartl., 1830
Guttiferae Juss., 1789, nom. cons.
Hypericaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons.
Mesuaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
2a. Kielmeyeroideae Engl., 1878 (7/47)

2b. Calophylloideae Bumett, 1835

Endodesmioideae Engl., 1888
2c. Clusioideae Bumett, 1835
Garcinioideae Bumett, 1835
2d. Chrysopioideae Burnett, 1835 (6/36)
Moronoboideae Engl., 1893
Symphonioideae Luerss., 1881
2e. Hypericoideae Choisy, 1824 (9/540)
Vismioideae Burnett, 1835
3. Elatinaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 2/35)
Alsinastraceae Rupr., 1860, nom. illeg.
Cryptaceae Raf., 1820
4. Podostemaceae Rich. ex Kunth, 1816, nom. cons., (B; 49/275)
Marathraceae Dumort., 1829
Philocrenaceae Bong., 1834
Tristichaceae Willis, 1915
4a. Tristichoideae Engl., 1930 (5/10)
Weddellinoideae Engl., 1930
4b. Podostemoideae Warm., 1873 (44/265)
3. Euphorbiales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (B; 469/10670)
Balanopales Engl., 1897
Chailletiales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Chrysobalanales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Coriariales Lindl., 1833
Corynocarpales Takht., 1997
Erythroxylales Kunth ex Mart., 1835
Irvingiales Doweld, 2001
Linales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Malpighiales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Pandales Engl. & Gilg, 1913
Peridiscales Doweld, 2007
Phyllanthales Doweld, 2001
Rhizophorales Pers. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Stilaginales C. Agardh ex Mart., 1835
1. Humiriaceae A. Juss., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 8/50)
2. Ctenolophonaceae Exell & Mendon~a, 1951 (C; 1/3)
3. Hugoniaceae Am., 1834 (C; 5/55)
4. Irvingiaceae Exell & Mendonqa, 1951, nora. cons. (incl. Desbordesia
Pierre ex Tiegh., Klainedoxa Pierre ex Engl.) (B; 3/10)
5. Ixonanthaceae Planch. ex Miq., 1858, nom. cons. (B; 5/34)
6. Corynocarpaceae Engl., 1897, nom. cons. (B; l/c. 5)
7. Coriariaceae DC., 1824, nom. cons. (B; 1/5)
8. Linaceae DC. ex Perleb., 1818, nora. cons. (C; 8/250)
9. Rhizophoraceae Pers., 1806, nom. cons. (excl. Anisophylleeae Benth. &
Hook. f.) (C; 15/130)
Cassipoureaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Legnotidaceae Blume, 1849, nom. illeg.
Macarisiaceae J. Agardh, 1858

Mangiaceae Raf., 1837

10. Erythroxylaceae Kunth, 1822, nora. cons. (C; 2/265)
Nectaropetalaceae Exell & Mendonqa, 1951
11. Euphorbiaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 321/7770)
Acalyphaceae Juss. ex Menge, 1839
Androstachyaceae Airy Shaw 1965
Antidesmataceae Loudon, 1830
Aporusaceae Lindl. ex Planch., 1854
Bennettiaceae R. Br. ex Schnizl., 1846-1866, nom. illeg.
Bertyaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Bischofiaceae Airy Shaw, 1965
Centroplacaceae Doweld & Reveal, 2005
Cheilosaceae Doweld, 2001
Crotonaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Hippomanaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Hymenocardiaceae Airy Shaw, 1965
Mercurialaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Micrantheaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Paivaeusaceae A. Meeuse, 1990
Pandaceae Engl. & Gilg, 1913, nom. cons.
Peraceae Klotzsch, 1859
Phyllanthaceae Martinov, 1820, nom. cons. prop.
Picrodendraceae Small, 1917, nora. cons.
Porantheraceae Hums., 1954
Pseudanthaceae Endl. ex Pfeiff., 1873
Ricinaceae Martinov, 1820
Ricinocarpaceae Hums., 1954
Scepaceae Lindl., 1836
Stilaginaceae C. Agardh, 1824
lithymalaceae Vent., 1799
Tragiaceae Raf., 1838
Trewiaceae Lindl., 1836
Uapacaceae Airy Shaw 1965
1la. Phyllanthoideae Kostel., 1836 (excl. Drypeteae Hums.) (59/2000)
Bridelioideae Luerss., 1881
Colmeiroideae Baill. ex Hassk., 1859
Porantheroideae Pax, 1890
Wielandioideae Baill. ex Hassk., 1859
1lb. Hyaenanchoideae Baill. ex Hassk., 1859 (incl. Androstachys Prain, Hy-
menocardia Wall. ex Lindl., Picrodendron Griseb.) (26/80)
Oldfieldioideae Eg. K6hler & G. L. Webster ex G. L. Webster,
Stachystemonoideae Baill. ex Hassk., 1859
1lc. Acalyphoideae Kostel., 1836 (incl. Amperideae Luerss., Panda Pierre)
Caletioideae Luerss., 1881
Dalechampioideae Luerss., 1881
Dysopsidoideae Baill. ex Hassk., 1859
Peroideae Baill. ex Hassk., 1859

Ricinoideae Kostel., 1836

1ld. Crotonoideae Burmeist., 1837
Jatrophoideae Baill. ex Hassk., 1859
Ricinocarpoideae Luerss., 1881
1le. Euphorbioideae Burnett, 1835
Anthostemonoideae Baill. ex Hassk., 1859
Hippomanoideae Kostel., 1836
Huroideae BaiU. ex Hassk., 1859
Sapioideae Burmeist., 1837
Stillingioideae Baill. ex Hassk., 1859
Tithymaloideae Kostel., 1836
12. Putranjivaceae Meisn., 1842 (incl. Cyclostemonoideae Baill. ex Hassk.,
1859, Drypeteae Hums.) (B; 4/210)
13. Goupiaceae Miers, 1862 (incl. Bhesa Ham. ex Am. ) (B; 2/8)
14. Malpighiaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (C; 65/1250)
14a. Byrsonimoideae W. R. Anderson, 1977 (incl. Acmanthereae W. R. An-
derson, Byrsonimeae W. R. Anderson, Galphimieae Nied., 1890)
14b. Malpighioideae Burnett, 1835
Gaudichaudioideae A. Juss., 1840
15. Peridiscaceae Kuhlm., 1950, nom. cons. (incl. Whittonia Sandw.) (B; 2/2)
16. Chrysobalanaceae R. Br., 1818, nom. cons., (A; 17/455)
Hirtellaceae Horan., 1847
Licaniaceae Martinov, 1820
17. Balanopaceae Benth. & Hook. f., 1880, nom. cons. (C; 1/9)
18. Trigoniaceae A. Juss., 1849, nom. cons. (C; 3/26)
19. Dichapetalaceae Baill., 1886, nom. cons. (incl. Stephanopodium Poepp.,
Tapura Aubl.) (B; 3/125)
Chailletiaceae R. Br., 1818
20. Euphroniaceae Marc.-Berti, 1989 (B; 1/3)
4. Oxalidanae Doweld, 2001 (B; 69/1925)
1. Oxalidales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 69/1915)
Anisophylleales Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, 1999
Bauerales Lindl. ex Mart., 1835
Cephalotales Lindl. ex Mart., 1835
Connarales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Cunoniales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Elaeocarpales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Tremandrales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
1. Huaceae A. Chev., 1947 (B; 2/3)
2. Oxalidaceae R. Br., 1818, nom. cons. (C; 6/700)
Averrhoeaceae Hutch., 1959
Oxydaceae Rupr., 1860, nom. illeg.
3. Connaraceae R. Br., 1818, nora. cons. (C; 16/380)
Cnestidaceae Raf., 1830
3a. Connaroideae Gilg, 1897 (15/375)
3b. Jollydoroideae Gilg, 1897 (1/3)
4. Anisophylleaceae Ridl., 1922 (A; 4/35)
Polygonanthaceae Croizat, 1943

5. Cunoniaceae R. Br., 1814, nom. cons. (C; 27/350)

Baueraceae Lindl., 1830
Belangeraceae J. Agardh, 1858
Callicomaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Davidsoniaceae Bange, 1952
Eucryphiaceae Gay, 1848, nom. cons.
Spiraeanthemaceae Doweld, 2001
5a. Cunonioideae Beilschm., 1833 (24/340)
Thyssanoideae Raf., 1815
5b. Baueroideae Burnett, 1835 (1/3)
5c. Eucryphioideae Bumett, 1835 (1/5)
5d. Davidsonioideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., validated by
a full and direct reference to the Latin description associated with
Davidsoniaceae Bange in Blumea 7: 294. 1 Sep 1952. (C; 1/3)
6. Brunelliaceae Engl., 1897, nom. cons. (C; 1/50)
7. Cephalotaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (B; 1/1)
8. Elaeocarpaceae Juss. ex DC., 1816, nom. cons. (excl. Muntingia L.) (C;
Aristoteliaceae Dumort., 1829
9. Tremandraceae R. Br. ex DC., 1824, nom. cons. (C; 3/c. 55)
Tetrathecaceae R. Br., 1814
5. Geranianae Thome ex Reveal, 1992 (B; 39/1070)
Zygophyllanae Doweld, 2001
2. Zygophyllales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835 (B; 21/265)
Balanitales C. Y. Wu, 2002
Krameriales Kunth ex Mart., 1835
1. Zygophyllaceae R. Br., 1814, nom. cons. (C; 20/250)
Balanitaceae M. Roem., 1846, nom. cons.
Tribulaceae Trautv., 1853
la. Morkillioideae Thome & Reveal, subfam, nov., frutices cure alternans
pinnatus vel simplicifolius et fructus nunc capsularus vel coccus sta-
tim dignoscenda. [to be distinguished immediately as shrubs with al-
ternating pinnate or simple leaves and fruit sometimes a capsule or
cocci.] (incl. Sericodes A. Gray, Viscainoa Greene) (3/4)
lb. Tribuloideae Kostel., 1836 (incl. Kallstroemia Scop., Kelleronia
Schinz., Sisyndite E. H. E Mey. ex Sond.) (7/70)
Balanitoideae Engl., 1896
Neoluederitzioideae Hadidi, 1977
lc. Seetzenioideae Sheahan & M. W. Chase, 1996 (1/1)
ld. Larreoideae Sheahan & M. W. Chase, 1996 (incl. Bulnesia C. Gay,
Guaiacum L., Pintoa C. Gay, Porlieria Ruiz & Pavon) (5/27)
le. Zygophylloideae Am., 1832 (incl. Fagonia L.) (4/150)
Augeoideae Engl., 1896
Tetraenoideae Y. C. Ma & S. Z. Ahang, 1990
2. Krameriaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (1/17)
2. Geraniales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (B; 18/805)
Francoales A. Juss. ex Mart., 1835
Greyiales Takht., 1997

Ledocarpales Doweld, 2001

Melianthales Doweld, 2001
1. Geraniaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (excl. Hypseocharis Rrmy) (C; 5/760)
Erodiaceae Horan., 1847
2. Hypseocharitaceae Wedd., 1861 (C; 1/9)
3. Ledocarpaceae Meyen, 1834 (B; 7/18)
Rhynchothecaceae Juss., 1848
Vivianiaceae Klotzsch, 1836
3a. Vivianioideae Am., 1832 (4/6)
3b. Ledocarpoideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., validated by a
full and direct reference to the Latin description associated with
Ledocarpaceae Meyen, Reise 1: 308. 1834 (incl. Balbisia Cav.,
Wendtia Meyen) (2/11)
3c. Rhynchothecoideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., validated
by a full and direct reference to the Latin description associated with
the [unranked] Rhynchotheceae Endl., Ench. Bot.: 621. 1841 (1/1)
4. Francoaceae A. Juss., 1832, nom. cons. (C; 2/2)
5. Greyiaceae Hutch., 1926, nora. cons. (C; 1/3)
6. Melianthaceae Horan., 1834, nora. cons. (C; 2/15)
Bersamaceae Doweld, 2001
6. Rosanae Takht., 1967 (C; 765/22155)
Fabanae R. Dahlgren ex Reveal, 1993
Polygalanae Doweld, 2001
1. Rosales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 110/3100)
Amygdalales Juss. ex Mart., 1835
Dryadales Vent. ex Mart., 1835
Sanguisorbales Dumort., 1829
Spiraeales DC. ex Mart., 1835
1. Rosaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 110/3100)
Agrimoniaceae Gray, 1822
Alchemillaceae Martinov, 1820
Amygdalaceae Marquis, 1820
Cercocarpaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Chamaemoraceae Lilja, 1870
Coleogynaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Cydoniaceae Schnizl., 1856
Dryadaceae Gray, 1822
Fragariaceae Nestl., 1816
Lindleyaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Malaceae Small, 1903, nom. cons.
Mespilaceae Schulz Sch., 1832
Neilliaceae Miq., 1855
Potentillaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Poteriaceae Raf., 1815
Prunaceae Martinov, 1820
Pyraceae Vest, 1818
Rhodotypaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Sanguisorbaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820

Sorbaceae Brenner, 1886

Spiraeaceae Bertuch, 1801
Tormentillaceae Martinov, 1820
Ulmariaceae Gray, 1822
la. Spiraeoideae Am., 1832 (incl. Kerrieae Focke, Adenostoma Hook. &
Am.., Cercocarpus Kunth, Cowania D. Don, Dryas L., Lyonotham-
nus A. Gray, Neviusia A. Gray, Physocarpus (Camb.) Raf., Purshia
DC. ex Poit., Rhodotypos Zucc.)
Dryadoideae Sweet, 1830
Neillioideae Am., 1832
lb. Rosoideae Am., 1832 (incl. Filipendula Mill.)
Agrimonioideae E Schwarz, 1891
Aphaneoideae Raf., 1815
Fragarioideae A. Rich. ex Beilschm., 1833
Potentilloideae Sweet, 1826
Poterioideae Luerss., 1881
Ruboideae Thorn6, 1888
Sanguisorboideae Sweet, 1826
lc. Amygdaloideae Am., 1832 (incl. Exochorda Lindl., Omleria Reichb.,
Princepia Royle )
Prunoideae Horan., 1847
ld. Pyroideae Burnett, 1835 (incl. GiUenia Moench, Kageneckia Ruiz &
Pavon, Lindleya Kunth, Vauquelinia Correa ex Bonpl.) (28/1110)
Crataegoideae Horan., 1847
Maloideae C. Weber, 1964
2. Fabales Bromhead, 1838 (C; 655/19055)
Caesalpiniales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Cassiales Horan., 1847
Mimosales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Polygalales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Quillajales Doweld, 2001
Surianales Doweld, 2001
1. Quillajaceae D. Don, 1831 (B; 1/4)
2. Fabaceae Lindl., 1836, nom. cons. et nom. alt. (C; 630/18000)
Acaciaceae E. Mey., 1836
Aspalathaceae Martinov, 1820
Astragalaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Bauhiniaceae Martinov, 1820
Caesalpiniaceae R. Br., 1814, nom. cons.
Cassiaceae Vest, 1818
Ciceraceae Steele, 1847
Coronillaceae, Martinov, 1820
Cytisaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Dalbergiaceae Mart., 1835
Daleaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Detariaceae J. Hess, 1832
Galedupaceae Martinov, 1820
Geoffroeaceae Mart., 1835

Hedysaraceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820

Inocarpaceae Zoll., 1854-1855
Lathyraceae Burnett, 1835
Leguminosae Juss., 1789, nom. cons.
Lotaceae Oken, 1826
Mimosaceae R. Br., 1814, nom. cons.
Papilionaceae Giseke, 1792, nom. cons. et nom. alt.
Phaseolaceae Mart., 1835
Robiniaceae Vest, 1818
Sophoraceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Swartziaceae Bartl., 1830
Tamarindaceae Martinov, 1820
Trifoliaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Viciaceae Oken, 1826
2a. Caesalpinoideae DC., 1825 (150/2700)
Cassioideae Kostel., 1835
Detarioideae Kostel., 1835
2b. Mimosoideae DC., 1825 (40/2500)
2c. Faboideae Rudd, 1968 (440/12800)
Astragaloideae E Schwarz, 1891
Cytisoideae Horan., 1847
Dalbergioideae Bumett, 1835
Galegoideae Schimp., 1894
Genistoideae E Schwarz, 1891
Geoffroeoideae Burnett, 1835
Glycinoideae Horan., 1847
Hedysaroideae Bumett, 1835
Lotoideae Bumett, 1835
Papilionoideae L. ex DC., 1825
Phaseoloideae Bumett, 1835
Sophoroideae Bumett, 1835
Swartzioideae DC., 1825
Trifolioideae E Schwarz, 1891
Vicioideae Burnett, 1835
3. Polygalaceae Hoffmanns. & Link, 1809, nom. cons. (C; 19/1045)
Diclidantheraceae J. Agardh, 1858, nom. cons.
Moutabeaceae Endl. ex Pfeiff., 1873
Xanthophyllaceae Gagnep. ex Reveal & Hoogland, 1990
4. Surianaceae Am., 1834, nom. cons. (incl. Recchia Sess6 & Mo~ifio) (B; 5/7)
Stylobasiaceae J.Agardh, 1858
7. Myrtanae Takht., 1967 (C; 401/8990)
Crossosomatanae Doweld, 2001
1. Myrtales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 390/8915)
Circaeales Lindl. ex Mart., 1835
Combretales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Epilobiales Vent. ex Mart., 1835
Henslowiales Lindl. ex Mart., 1835
Lythrales Juss. ex Mart., 1835

Melastomatales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820

Memecylales DC. ex Mart., 1835
Oenotherales Bromhead, 1838
Onagrales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Penaeales Lindl., 1833
Vochysiales Dumort., 1829
1. Melastomatineae Doweld, 2005 (C; 177/5000)
1. Penaeaceae Sweet ex Guill., 1828, nom. cons. (C; 5/25)
2. Oliniaceae Am., 1839, nora. cons. (C; 1/10)
Plectroniaceae Hiern, 1898
3. Rhynchocalycaceae L. A. S. Johnson & B. G. Briggs, 1985 (C; 1/1)
4. Alzateaceae S. A. Graham, 1985 (C; 1/2)
5. Crypteroniaceae A. DC., 1868, nom. cons. (incl. Axinandra Thwaites,
Dactylocladus Oliv.) (C; 3/10)
Henslowiaceae Lindl., 1835
6. Melastomataceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 156-172/4950)
Blakeaceae Rchb. ex Barnh., 1895
Memecylaceae DC., 1827
Miconiaceae Mart., 1835
Mouririaceae Gardner, 1840
Rhexiaceae Dumort., 1822
6a. Olisbeoideae Bumett, 1835 (incl. Lijndenia Zoll. & Moritzi, Memecy.
Ion Aubl., Spathandra Guill. & Perr., Votomita Aubl., Warneckia
Gilg) (6/450)
Memecyloideae Meisn., 1838
6b. Melastomatoideae Ser. ex DC., 1828 (incl. Astronia Blume)
2. Myrtineae Burnett, 1835 (C; 144/2205)
1. Myrtaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 137/2005)
Baeckeaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Chamelauciaceae F. Rudolphi, 1830
Eugeniaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Heteropyxidaceae Engl. & Gilg, 1920, nom. cons. (B; 2/4)
Kaniaceae Nakai, 1943
Leptospermaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Melaleucaceae Vest, 1818
Myrrhiniaceae Am., 1839
Psiloxylaceae Croizat, 1960
la. Psiloxyloideae Schmid, 1980 (incl. Heteropyxis) (2/4)
lb. Myrtoideae Sweet, 1827 (135/2000)
Acmenoideae Kausel, 1967
Kanioideae Engl., 1924
Leptospermoideae Bumett, 1835
2. Vochysiaceae A. St-Hil., 1820, nora. cons. (C; 7/200)
3. Lythrineae Doweld, 2005 (B; 68/1710)
1. Lythraceae J. St.-Hil., 1805, nom. cons. (C; 31/460)
Ammanniaceae Horan., 1834
Blattiaceae Engl., 1892

Duabangaceae Takht. 1986

Lagerstroemiaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Lawsoniaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Punicaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820, nom. cons.
Salicariaceae Juss., 1789, nom. illeg.
Sonneratiaceae Engl., 1897, nom. cons.
Trapaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons.,
la. Lythroideae Juss. ex Am., 1832 (22/300)
Punicoideae S. A. Graham, Thome & Reveal 1998
lb. Lagerstroemioideae Beilschm., 1833 (9/160)
Duabangoideae S. A. Graham, Thorne & Reveal, 1998
Sonneratioideae S. A. Graham, Thorne & Reveal, 1998
Trapoideae Voigt., 1845
2. Onagraceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (C; 17/650)
Circaeaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Epilobiaceae Vent., 1799
Fuchsiaceae Lilja, 1870
Isnardiaceae Martinov, 1820
Jussiaeaceae Martinov, 1820
Lopeziaceae Lilja, 1870
Oenotheraceae C. C. Robin, 1807
3. Combretaceae R. Br., 1810, nom. cons. (C; 20/600)
Bucidaceae Spreng., 1825
Myrobalanaceae Martyov, 1820
Terminaliaceae J. St.-Hil., 1805
3a. Strephonematoideae Engl., 1921 (1/6)
3b. Combretoideae Bumett, 1835 (19/595)
2. Crossosomatales Takht. ex Reveal, 1993 (B; 12/77)
Geissolomatales Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
lxerbales Doweld & Reveal, 2007
Staphyleales Lindl. ex Mart., 1835
1. Staphyleaceae Martinov, 1820, nom. cons. (C; 3/c. 55)
Ochranthaceae A. Juss., 1846
2. Guamatelaceae S. Oh & D. Potter, 2006 (B; 1/1)
3. Stachyuraceae J. Agardh, 1858, nom. cons. (C; 1/10)
4. Crossosomataceae Engl., 1897, nom. cons. (C; 4/8 or 9)
5. Geissolomataceae A. DC., 1856, nom. cons. (C; 1/1)
6. Aphloiaceae Takht., 1985 (B; 1/1)
7. Ixerbaceae Griseb. ex Doweld & Reveal, 2005 (B; 1/1)
8. Strasburgeriaceae Tiegh., 1908, nom. cons. (B; 1/1)
10. Malvidae C. Y. Wu ex Thorne & Reveal, stat. nov. based on the Latin description
associated with Malvaceae Juss., Gen. PI.: 271.4 Aug 1789 (B;
Rutidae Doweld, 2001
1. Malvanae Takht., 1967 (C; 552/10380)
Barbeyanae Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, 1999
Rhamnanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Urticanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992

Vitanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992

1. Vitales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (B; 15/935)
Leeales DC. ex Mart., 1835
1. Vitaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (C; 15/935)
Ampelopsidaceae Kostel., 1835.
Cissaceae Drejer, 1840
Leeaceae Dumort., 1829, nora. cons.
Pterisanthaceae J. Agardh, 1858
la. Vitoideae Eaton, 1836 (14/900)
lb. Leeoideae Burmeist. 1837 (1/34)
2. Malvales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 394/6110)
Aquilariales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Bombacales Kunth ex Mart., 1835
Bixales Lindl., 1833
Byttneriales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Cistales DC. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Daphnales Lindl., 1833
Dipterocarpales Blume ex Mart., 1835
Neuradales DC. ex Mart., 1835
Sterculiales Vent. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Thymelaeales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Tiliales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
1. Malvineae Rchb., 1841 (C; 295/4755)
Tiliineae Rchb., 1841
1. Malvaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (B; 197/c. 2865)
Berryaceae Doweld, 2001
Bombacaceae Kunth, 1822, nora. cons.
Chiranthodendraceae A. Gray, 1887
Dombeyaceae Kunth ex Desf., 1829
Fremontiaceae J. Agardh, 1858, nora. illeg.
Fugosiaceae Martinov, 1820, nora. illeg
Helicteraceae J. Agardh, 1858
Hibiscaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Pentapetaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Philippodendraceae Juss., 1847
Plagianthaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Sidaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Sparmanniaceae J. Agardh, 1858, nora. cons.
Sterculiaceae Vent. ex Salisb., 1807, nom. cons.
Tiliaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons.
Triplobaceae Raf., 1838, nom. illeg.
la. Bombacoideae Burnett, 1835 (incl. Cheiranthodendron Larre~it., Fre-
montodendron Coy.; excl. Durioneae Becc.) (28/255)
Eriothecoideae HorarL, 1847
lb. Malvoideae Burnett, 1835 (incl. Matisieae K. Schum.) (115/c. 1550)
Hibiscoideae Luerss., 188 l
Malopoideae Luerss., 1881
Philippodedroideae Lindl., 1846

Sidoideae Kostel., 1836

Urenoideae Luerss., 1881
lc. Dombeyoideae Beilschm., 1833 (incl. Burretiodendron Rehd., Cor-
choropsis Sieb. & Zucc., Helmiopsis H. Perrier, Pterospermum
Schreb., Schoutenia Korthals) (18/c. 400)
Eriolaenoideae Lindl., 1846
l d. Sterculioideae Burnett, 1835 (incl. Hildegardia Schott) (11/425)
le. Brownlowioideae Burret, 1936 (incl. Berrya Roxb., Diplodiscus
Turcz.) (11/85)
If. Kleinhovioideae Kostel., 1836 (incl. Durionea Becc., Mansonia J. R.
Drumm. ex Prain, Triplochiton K. Schum.) (12/105)
Helicteroideae Meisn., 1837
lg. Tilioideae Am., 1832 (incl. Craigia W. W. Sm. & W. E. Evans) (2/45)
2. Grewiaceae Doweld & Reveal, 2005 (incl. Goethalsia Pittier, Oceanopa-
paver Guill. = Corchorus L.) (B; 31/390)
3. Byttneriaceae R. Br., 1814, nom. cons. (incl. Kleinhovia L.) (67/1500)
Cacaoaceae Augier ex T. Post & Kuntze, 1903, nom. illeg.
Hermanniaceae Marquis, 1820
Lasiopetalaceae Rchb., 1823
Melochiaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Theobromataceae J. Agardh, 1858
2. Cochlospermineae Engl., 1898, nom. cons. (C; 6/43)
1. Bixaceae Kunth, 1822, nom. cons. (C; 1/4)
2. Diegodendraceae Capuron, 1964 (B; 1/1)
3. Cochlospermaceae Planch., 1847, nom. cons. (C; 2/20)
4. Sphaerosepalaceae Tiegh. ex Bullock, 1959 (B; 2/18)
Rhopalocarpaceae Hemsl. ex Takht., 1987
3. Cistineae Rchb. 1841 (C, 41/795)
1. Neuradaceae Kostel., 1835, nom. cons. (A; 3/10)
Grielaceae Martinov, 1820
2. Cistaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 8/200)
Helianthemaceae G. Mey., 1836
3. Muntingiaceae C. Bayer, M. W. Chase & M. E Fay, 1998 (incl. Dicras-
pidia Standl., Neotessmannia Burret) (B; 3/3)
4. Dipterocarpaceae Blume, 1825, nom. cons. (C; 17/550)
Monotaceae Kosterm., 1989
4a. Pakaramaeoideae Maguire, Ashton & de Zeeuw, 1977 (1/1)
4b. Monotoideae Gilg, 1925 (3/20)
4c. Dipterocarpoideae Burnett, 1835 (13/530)
5. Sarcolaenaceae Caruel, 1881, nom. cons. (C; 8-10/34)
Rhodolaenaceae Bullock, 1958
Schizolaenaceae Barnh., 1895
4. Thymelaeineae Engl., 1898 (C; 52/515)
1. Thymelaeaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 51/510)
Aquilariaceae R. Br. ex DC., 1825
Daphnaceae Vent., 1799
Gonystylaceae Tiegh., 1896, nom. cons.
Gnidiaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820

Phaleriaceae Meisn., 1841

la. Octolepoideae Gilg, 1901 (incl. Lethodon Spreng.) (8/50)
Gonystyloideae Domke, 1934
lb. Aquilarioideae Meisn. ex DC., 1825 (2/25)
lc. Thymelaeoideae Bumett, 1835 (41/435)
Daphnoideae Supprian, 1894
Drapetoideae Gilg, 1894
Phaleroideae Gilg, 1894
2. Tepuianthaceae Maguire & Steyerm., 1981 (B; 1/5)
3. Rhamnales Dumort., 1829 (C; 58/925)
Barbeyales Takht. & Reveal, 1993
Elaeagnales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Frangulales Wirtg., 1866
1. Rhamnaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (C; 53/875)
Frangulaceae DC., 1805
Gouaniaceae Raf., 1837
Phylicaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Zizyphaceae Adans. ex Post & Kuntze, 1903
2. Elaeagnaceae Juss., 1789, "nom. cons. (C; 3/50)
Hippophaeaceae G. Mey., 1836
3. Dirachmaceae Hutch., 1959 (B; 1/1)
4. Barbeyaceae Rendle, 1916, nom. cons. (B; 1/1)
4. Urticales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 100/2410)
Artocarpales DC. ex Mart., 1835
Cannabales D611, 1843
Ficales Dumort., 1829
Morales Endl. ex Mart., 1835
Ulmales Lindl., 1833
1. Ulmaceae Mirbel, 1815, nom. cons. (incl. Ampelocera Klotzsch, Zelkova
Spach) (C; 7/40)
2. Moraceae Gaudich., 1835, nora. cons. (C; 37/1100)
Artocarpaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Dorstenaceae Chevall., 1827
Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
3. Urticaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (incl. Poikilospermum Zipp. ex Miq.)
(C; 44/1080)
Cecropiaceae C. C. Berg, 1978
Parietariaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
4. Celtidaceae Endl., 1841 (incl. Aphananthe Planch.) (C; 9/185)
5. Cannabaceae Martinov, 1820, nom. cons. (incl. Humulopsis Grudz.) (C; 3/3)
Humulaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Lupulaceae Schultz Sch., 1832
2. Rafflesianae Thorne ex Reveal, 1996 (C; 9/57)
I. Rafflesiales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835 (C; 9/57)
Cytinales Dumort., 1829
Mitrastemonales Makino, 1911
1. Apodanthaceae Tiegh. ex Takht., 1987 (B; 3/25)
2. Rafflesiaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 3/20)

3. Cytinaceae A. Rich., 1824 (C; 2/10)

4. Mitrastemonaceae Makino, 1911. nom. cons. (B; 1/2)
3. Capparanae Reveal, 1994 (B; 398/4735)
Gyrostemonanae Takht., 1997
1. Capparales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 398/4735)
A k a n i a l e s Doweld, 2000
Batales Engl., 1907
Brassicales Bromhead, 1838
Caricales L. D. Benson, 1957
Gyrostemonales Takht., 1997
Limnanthales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Moringales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Resedales Dumort., 1829
Salvadorales R. Dahlgren ex Reveal, 1993
Tovariales Nakai, 1943
Tropaeolales Juss. ex Mart., 1835
1. Capparaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (excl. O c e a n o p a p a v e r Guill.) (C;
13/c. 450)
2. Cleomaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1825 (incl. Buhsia Bunge, Dipterygium
Dcsne., Podandrogyne Dicke) (11/300)
Oxystylidaceae Hutch., 1969
3. Brassicaceae Burnett, 1835, nom. cons. & nom. alt. (C; 338/3710)
A r a b i d a c e a e D~511,1843
Cruciferae Juss., 1789, nom. cons.
Drabaceae Martinov, 1820
E r y s i m a c e a e Martinov, 1820
R a p h a n a c e a e Horan., 1847
Schizopetaceae A. Juss., 1848
Sisymbriaceae Martinov, 1820
Stanleyaceae Nutt., 1834
Thlaspiaceae Martinov, 1820
4. Setchellanthaceae Iltis, 1999 (C; 1/1)
5. Stixaceae Doweld, 2007 (incl. Forschammeria Lieb.) (B; 4/20)
6. Resedaceae Martinov, 1820, nom. cons. (C; 6/75)
Astrocarpaceae A. Kern., 1891
7. Gyrostemonaceae A. Juss., 1845, nom. cons. (C; 5/17)
8. Pentadiplandraceae Hutch. & Dalziel, 1928 (B; 1/2)
9. Tovariaceae Pax, 1891, nora. cons. (B; 1/2)
10. Emblingiaceae Airy Shaw, 1965 (B; 1/1)
11. Koeberliniaceae Engl., 1895, nom. cons. (B; 1/1)
12. Bataceae Mart. ex Perleb, 1838, nom. cons. (C; 1/2)
13. Salvadoraceae Lindl., 1836, nom. cons. (C; 3/12)
A z i m a c e a e Wight & Gardner, 1845
14. Limnanthaceae R. Br., 1833, nom. cons. (C; 2/11)
15. Caricaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 6/35)
Papayaceae Blume, 1826, nom. illeg.
16. Moringaceae Martinov, 1820, nom. cons. (C; 1/14)
17. Tropaeolaceae Juss. ex DC., 1824, nom. cons. (C; 1/90)

Cardamindaceae Link, 1829, nom. illeg.

18. Akaniaceae Stapf, 1912, nom. cons. (C; 1/1)
19. Bretschneideraceae Engl. & Gilg, 1924, nom. cons. (C; 1/2)
4. Huerteanae Thorne & Reveal, superord, et stat. nov., validated by a full and di-
rect reference to the diagnosis in Latin associated with Huerteales
Doweld, Tent. Syst. PI. Vasc.: xxxv. 2001 (A; 5/22)
1. Huerteales Doweld, 2001 (A; 5/22)
Dipentodontales C. Y. Wu, 2002
1. Gerrardinaceae Alford, 2006 (C: 1/2)
2. Tapisciaceae Takht., 1987 (C: 2/5)
Huerteaceae Doweld, 2000
3. Dipentodontaceae Merr., 1941, nom. cons. (incl. Perrottetia Kunth) (C;
5. Rutanae Takht., 1967 (C; 466/5235)
Burseranae Doweld, 2001
Sapindanae Doweld, 2001
1. Rutales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 466/5235)
Acerales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Aesculales Bromhead, 1838
Aurantiales Juss. ex Mart., 1835
Biebersteiniales Takht., 1997
Burserales Kunth ex Mart., 1835
Citrales Dumort., 1829
Cneorales Link, 1829
Hippocastanales DC. ex Mart., 1835
Julianiales Engl., 1907
Leitneriales Engl., 1897
Meliales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Nitrariales Lindl. ex Mart., 1835
Picramniales Doweld, 2001
Sapindales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Simaroubales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Spondiadales Kunth ex Mart., 1835
Terebinthales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820, nora. illeg.
1. Rutineae Doweld, 2007 (C; 245/2475)
Amyridineae Link, 1829
Aurantiineae Rchb., 1841
Spondiadineae Link, 1829
1. Rutaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 162/1650)
Amyridaceae Kunth, 1824
Aurantiaceae Juss., 1782
Boroniaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Cedrelales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Chamaeleaceae Bertol., 1834, nom. illeg.
Citraceae Roussel, 1806
Cneoraceae Vest, 1818, nom. cons.
Cuspariaceae Tratt., 1825, nom. illeg.

Dictamnaceae Vest, 1818

Diosmaceae R. Br. ex Bartl., 1830
Diplolaenaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Flindersiaceae C. White ex Airy Shaw, 1965
Fraxinellaceae Nees. & Mart., 1823
Jamboliferaceae Martinov, 1820
Pilocarpaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Ptaeroxylaceae J.-E Leroy, 1960
Pteleaceae Kunth, 1824
Spatheliaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Tetradiclidaceae Takht., 1986
Zanthoxylaceae Martinov, 1820
la. Rutoideae Am., 1832 (incl. Chloroxylon DC., Luvunga Ham. ex Wight
& Am.) (120/?)
Agathosmatoideae Kostel., 1836
Amyridoideae Am., 1832
Boronioideae Kostel., 1836
Dictamnoideae Kostel., 1836
Diosmoideae Am., 1832
Esenbeckioideae Kostel., 1836
Flindersioideae Luerss., 1881
Toddalioideae K. Koch, 1869
Zanthoxyloideae A. Juss. ex Am., 1832
lb. Aurantioideae Eaton, 1836 (33/?)
Citroideae Engl., 1931
Limonioideae Horan., 1847
lc. Cneoroideae Webb, 1842 (incl. Cedrelopsis Baill., Harrisonia R. Br.
ex A. Juss., Ptaeroxylon Echl. & Seyh.) (9/35)
Dictylomatoideae Engl., 1896
Spathelioideae Engl., 1896
2. Simaroubaceae DC., 1811, nora. cons. (excl. Harrisonia R. Br. ex A. Juss.)
(C; 21/150)
Ailanthaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Castelaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Leimeriaceae Benth. & Hook. f., 1880
Quassiaceae Bertol., 1827
Simabaceae Horan., 1847
Soulameaceae Endl. ex Pfeiff., 1874
3. Kirkiaceae Takht., 1967 (C; 1/5)
4. Picramniaceae Fernando & Quinn, 1995 (C; 2/50)
4a. Picramnioideae Engl., 1896 (1/45)
4b. Alvaradoideae Engl., 1896 (1/5)
5. Biebersteiniaceae Schnizl., 1856 (B; 1/5)
6. Tetradiclidaceae Takht., 1986 (incl. Malacocarpus Fisch. & C. A. Mey.)
(B; 3/7)
Peganaceae Tiegh. ex Takht., 1987
7. Nitrariaceae Lindl., 1830 (B; 1/8)

8. Meliaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 50/575)

Aitoniaceae R. A. Dyer, 1975, nom. illeg.
Cedrelaceae R. Br., 1814
Swieteniaceae E. D. M. Kirchn., 1831
8a. Melioideae Am., 1932 (incl. Nymania Lindb.) (37/550)
Quivisianthoideae Pennington & Styles, 1975
Trichilioideae Kostel., 1836
8b. Cedreloideae Am., 1832 (13/47)
Capuronianthoideae Pennington & Styles, 1975
Swietenioideae Kostel., 1836
2. Anacardiineae Link, 1829 (C; 88/1300)
Burserineae Link, 1829
Spondiadineae Link, 1829
1. Burseraceae Kunth, 1824, nom. cons. (incl. Commiphora Jacq.) (C; 18/700)
Balsameaceae Dumort., 1829
Neomangenotioideae Leroy, 1976
2. Anacardiaceae R. Br. 1818, nom. cons. (incl. Dobinea Ham. ex D. Don)
(C; 70/600)
Blepharocaryaceae Airy Shaw, 1965
Cassuviaceae Juss. ex R. Br., 1818, nom. illeg.
Comocladiaceae Martinov, 1820
Julianiaceae Hemsl., 1906
Lentiscaceae Horan., 1843
Pistaciaceae Martinov, 1820
Podoaceae Baill. ex Franch. 1889
Rhoaceae Spreng. ex Sadler, 1826
Schinaceae Raf., 1837
Spondiadaceae Martinov, 1820
Sumachiaceae Mart., 1835, nom. illeg.
Terebinthaceae Juss., 1789, nora. iUeg.
2a. Anacardioideae Link, 1831 (incl. Amphipterygium Standl.)
2b. Spondoideae Kunth ex Am., 1832 (incl. Buchanania Sprengl., Camp-
nosperma Thwaites, Pentaspodon Hook.f.) (10/115)
Pistacioideae Burnett, 1835
3. Sapindineae Bessey, 1895 (C; 133/1460)
1. Sapindaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (incl. Filicium Thwaites ex Benth. &
Hook. f.) (133/1460)
Aceraceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons.
Aesculaceae Burnett, 1835
Allophylaceae Martinov, 1820
Dodonaeaceae Kunth ex Small, 1903, nora. cons.
Hippocastanaceae A. Rich., 1823, nom. cons.
Koelreuteriaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Ornithropaceae Martinov, 1820
Paviaceae Horan., 1834
la. Hippocastanoideae Burnett, 1835 (incl. Handeliodendron Rehd.) (5/140)
Aceroideae Eaton, 1836

Pavioideae Horan., 1847

lb. Xanthoceroideae Thome & Reveal, subfam, nov., distinguibilis intus
familiam atque plantis deciduum frutices vel parvum arbores cum
foliis pinnatum et frutex 3-1oculis cum multis seminibus nullum ar-
illo. [distinguished in family as plants deciduous shrubs or small
trees with pinnate leaves and 3-1ocular fruit with many seeds lacking
an aril.] (l/l)
lc. Dodonaeoideae Bumett, 1835 (c. 16/c. 135)
ld. Sapindoideae Burnett, 1835 (incl. Delavaya Franchet, Koelreuterieae
Radlk.,Ungnadia Endl.) (c. 111/c. 1185)
Magonioideae Kostel., 1836
Paullinioideae Burnett, 1835
11. Asteridae Takht., 1967 (B; 2677/44970)
Cornidae Frohne & Jensen ex Reveal, 1994
Ericidae C. Y. Wu, 2002
Theidae Doweld, 2001
1. Cornanae Thorne ex Reveal, 1996 (B; 73/980)
Brunianae Doweld, 2001
Escallonianae Doweld, 2001
Loasanae R. Dahlgren ex Reveal, 1996
Myrothamnanae Takht., 1997
Vahlianae Doweld, 2001
1. Bruniales Dumort., 1829 (B; 17/145)
Grubbiales Doweld, 2001
Gunnerales Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Hydrostachyales Diels ex Reveal, 1993
Myrothamnales Nakai ex Reveal, 1993
1. Bruniaceae R. Br. ex DC., 1825, nom. cons. (C; 12/75)
Berzeliaceae Nakai, 1943
2. Grubbiaceae Endl. ex Meisn.,, 1841, nom. cons. (C; 1/3)
Ophiraceae Am., 1841
3. Curtisiaceae Takht., 1987 (C; 1/1)
4. Myrothamnaceae Nied., 1891, nom. cons. (B; 1/2)
5. Gunneraceae Meisn., 1842, nora. cons. (C; 1/40)
6. Hydrostachyaceae Engl., 1894, nom. cons. (B; 1/22)
2. Cornales Dumort., 1829 (C; 44/685)
Alangiales DC. ex Mart., 1835
Hydrangeales Lindl. ex Mart., 1835
Hortensiales Griseb., 1854
Loasales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Nyssales Juss. ex Mart., 1835
Philadelphales D. Don ex Mart., 1835
1. Hydrangeaceae Dumort., 1829, nora. cons. (C; 17/250)
Hortensiaceae Martinov, 1820
Kirengeshomaceae Nakai, 1943
Philadelphaceae Martinov, 1820
la. Jamesioideae Hufford, 2001 (incl. Fendlera Engl. & A. Gray) (2/4)
lb. Hydrangeoideae Bumett, 1835 (incl. Kirengeshoma Yatabe) (15/245)

Philadelphoideae Burnett, 1835

2. Loasaceae Juss., 1804, nom. cons. (C; 20/320)
Cevalliaceae Griseb., 1854
Gronoviaceae A. Juss., 1845
2a. Mentzelioideae Gilg, 1894 (3/110)
2b. Gronovioideae M. Roem., 1846 (4/9)
2c. Loasoideae Gilg, 1894 (incl. Kissenia R. Br. ex Endl., Plakothira J.
Florence) (13/200)
3. Alangiaceae DC., 1827, nom. cons. (C; 1/23)
4. Cornaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1825, nom. cons. (C; 1/60)
5. Nyssaceae Juss. ex Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 5/32)
Davidiaceae H. L. Li, 1955
Mastixiaceae Calest., 1905
5a. Davidioideae Engl., 1898 (1/1)
5b. Nyssoideae Am., 1832 (2/6)
5c. Mastixioideae Harms, 1897 (incl. Diplopanax Hand.-Mazz.) (2/25)
3. Desfontainiales Takht., 1997 (12/130)
Columelliales D. Don ex Mart., 1835
Escalloniales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Quintiniales Doweld, 2001
Tribelales Doweld, 2001
Vahliales Doweld, 2001
1. Escalloniaceae R. Br. ex Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 8/120)
Anopteraceae Doweld, 2001
Platyspermatiaceae Doweld, 2001
Polyosmaceae Blume, 1851
Quintiniaceae Doweld, 2001
Tribelaceae Airy Shaw, 1965
la. Escallonioideae Burnett, 1835 (7/120)
lb. Tribeloideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., based on trib. Tri.
beleae Engl. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 18a: 111.
1930 (1/1)
2. Eremosynaceae Dandy, 1959 (C; 1/1)
3. Vahliaceae Dandy, 1959 (C; 1/5)
4. Columelliaceae D. Don, 1828, nom. cons. (C; 1/4)
5. Desfontainiaceae Endl. ex Pfeiff., 1873, nom. cons. (C; 1/1)
2. Ericanae Takht., 1967 (B; 392/10475)
Balsaminanae Doweld, 2001
Diapensianae Doweld, 2001
Lecythidanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Primulanae R. Dahlgren ex Reveal, 1996
Sarracenianae Thorne ex Reveal, 1996
Theanae R. Dahlgren ex Reveal, 1993
1. Balsaminales Lindl., 1833 (C; 12/1135)
Marcgraviales Juss. ex Mart., 1835
1. Marcgraviaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820, nom. cons. (C; 7/130)
Noranteaceae DC. ex Mart., 1835
la. Marcgravioideae Choisy, 1824 (1/60)

lb. Norantioideae Choisy, 1824 (6/70)

2. Balsaminaceae A. Rich., 1822, nom. cons. (C; 2/c. 1000)
Hydroceraceae Wilbrand, 1834, nom. illeg.
lmpatientaceae Lem., 1854
3. Tetrameristaceae Hutch., 1959 (B; 3/3)
Pellicieraceae L. Beauvis. ex Bullock, 1959
2. Polemoniales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 21/370)
Fouquieriales DC. ex Mart., 1835
1. Fouquieriaceae DC., 1828, nora. cons. (C; 1/11)
2. Polemoniaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 20/360)
Cobaeaceae D. Don, 1824
2a. Acanthogilioideae J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson, 2000 (1/1)
2b. Cobaeoideae Am., 1832 (3/18)
2c. Polemonioideae Am., 1832 (16/340)
3. Lecythidales Poit. ex Mart., 1835 (C; 30/430)
Barringtoniales DC. ex Mart., 1835
1. Lecythidaceae A. Rich., 1825, nom. cons. (C; 30/430)
Asteranthaceae R. Knuth, 1939, nom. cons.
Barringtoniaceae E Rudolphi, 1830, nom. cons.
Belvisiaceae R. Br., 1821, nom. illeg.
Foetidiaceae Airy Shaw, 1965
Gustaviaceae Burnett, 1835
Napoleonaeaceae A. Rich., 1827
Rhaptopetalaceae Tiegh. ex Soler., 1908
Scytopetalaceae Engl., 1897, nom. cons.
la. Napoleonoideae Benth., 1849 (2/I 1)
lb. Scytopetaloideae O. Appel, 1996 (incl. Asteranthos Desf.) (6/28)
Rhaptopetaloideae 0 . Appel, 1996
lc. Foetidoideae Engl., 1892 (1/5)
ld. Barringtonioideae Lindl. ex Beilschm., 1833 (6/59)
Planchonioideae Engl., 1892
le. Lecythidoideae Beilschm., 1833 (15/325)
4. Sapotales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 58/1800)
Diospyrales Prantl, 1874
Ebenales Engl., 1892
1. Ebenaceae Giircke, 1891, nom. cons. (C; 5/500-600)
Diospyraceae Vest, 1818
Guaiacanaceae Juss., 1789
Lissocarpaceae Gilg, 1924, nom. cons.
la. Lissocarpoideae B. Walln., 2004 (C; 1/2)
lb. Ebenoideae Thorne & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., validated by a full
and direct referece to the description in Latin associated with Guaia-
canaceae Juss., Gen. PI.: 155.4 Aug 1789. (C; 5/500-600)
2. Sapotaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (C; 52/1250)
Achradaceae Vest, 1818
Boerlagellaceae H. J. Lam, 1925
Bumeliaceae Barnh., 1895
Sarcospermataceae H. J. Lam, 1925, nom. cons.

2a. Sarcospermatoideae Swenson & Anderb., 2005 (1/8)

2b. Sapotoideae Eaton, 1836 (26/?)
2c. Chrysophylloideae Luerss., 1882 (25/?)
5. Primulales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 60/2110)
Aegiceratales Blume ex Mart., 1835
Lysimachiales D611, 1843
Myrsinales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Samolales Dumort., 1829
1. Maesaceae Anderb., B. St~thl & K~illersj6, 2000 (C; 1/100)
2. Theophrastaceae G. Don, 1837, nom. cons. (C; 7/110)
3. Myrsinaceae R. Br., 1810, nom. cons. (C; 33/930)
Aegicerataceae Blume, 1833
Anagallidaceae Batsch ex Borkh., 1797
Ardisiaceae Juss., 1810
Embeliaceae J. Agardh, 1858
4. Samolaceae Raf., 1820 (C; 1/15)
5. Primulaceae Batsch ex Borkh., 1797, nom. cons. (C; 18/955)
Coridaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Lysimachiaceae Juss., 1789
6. Ericales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 191/4630)
Actinidiales Takht. ex Reveal, 1993
Cyrillales Doweld, 2001
Diapensiales Engl. & Gilg, 1924
Empetrales Raf., 1838
Epacridales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Halesiales Link, 1829
Monotropales Bercht~ & J. Presl, 1820
Rhodorales Horan., 1847
Roridulales Nakai, 1943
Sarraceniales Lindl. ex Mart., 1835
Styracales Rich. ex Mart., 1835
Ternstroemiales Mirb. ex Mart., 1835
Theales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Vacciniales Dumort., 1829
1. Theaceae Mirb. ex Ker. Gawl, 1816, nom. cons, (C; 9/460)
Camelliaceae DC., 1816
Gordoniaceae Spreng., 1826
Malachodendraceae J. Agardh, 1858, nom. illeg.
2. Pentaphylacaceae Engl., 1897, nom. cons. (C; 1/2)
3. Temstroemiaceae Mirb. ex DC., 1816 (C; 12/200)
4. Sladeniaceae Airy Shaw, 1965 (1/1)
5. Symplocaceae Desf., 1820, nora. cons. (C; 1/325)
6. Styracaceae DC. & Spreng., 1821, nom. cons. (B; 11/160)
Halesiaceae D. Don, 1828
7. Diapensiaceae Lindl., 1836, nora. cons., (excl. Diplarche Hook. f. &
Thomson) (C; 6/20)
Galacaceae D. Don, 1828

8. Sarraceniaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 3/15)

Heliamphoraceae Chrtek, Slav~ovfi & Studi~ka, 1992
9. Roridulaceae Martinov, 1820, nom. cons. (A; 1/2)
10. Actinidiaceae Gilg & Wederm., 1925, nom. cons. (C; 3/365)
Saurauiaceae Griseb., 1854, nom. cons.
10a. Actinidioideae Gilg, 1893 (1/40)
10b. Saurauioideae Gilg, 1893 (1/300)
10c. Clematoclethroideae Gilg, 1900 (1/25)
11. Clethraceae Klotzsch, 1851, nom. cons. (incl. Pudiaea Planch. in Clethra
L.) (C; 1/85)
12. Cyrillaceae Lindl., 1846, nom. cons. (C; 2/2)
13. Ericaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 140/2990)
Andromedaceae DC. ex Schnizl., 1843-1870
Arbutaceae Bromhead, 1840
Arctostaphylaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Azaleaceae Vest, 1818
Empetraceae Hook. & Lindl., 1821
Epacridaceae R. Br., 1810, nom. cons.
Ledaceae J. E Gmel., 1803
Menziesiaceae Klotzsch, 1851
Monotropaceae Nutt., 1818, nom. cons.
Oxycoccaceae A. Kern., 1891
Prionotaceae Hutch., 1969
Pyrolaceae Lindl., 1829, nom. cons.
Rhododendraceae Juss., 1789
Rhodoraceae Vent., 1799
Salaxidaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Siphonandraceae Klotzsch, 1851, nom. illeg.
Stypheliaceae Horan., 1834
Vacciniaceae DC. ex Perleb, 1818, nom. cons.
13a. Enkianthoideae Kron, Judd & Anderb., 2002 (1/15)
13b. Monotropoideae Am., 1832 (incl. Pterosporeae Baill.) (14/55)
Pyroloideae Kostel., 1834
13c. Arbutoideae Nied., 1899 (5/90)
13d. Cassiopoideae Kron & Judd, 2002 (1/11)
13e. Harrimanelloideae Kron & Judd, 2002 (1/2)
13f. Ericoideae Link, 1829 (incl. Bejarieae Copel., Calluneae Klotzsch,
Daboecia D. Don) (32/1790)
Ledoideae Alef., 1856
Phyllodocoideae Crayn & Quinn, 1998
Rhododendroideae Sweet, 1828
Rhodoroideae Kostel., 1834
13g. Empetroideae Nutt. ex Sweet, 1826 (3/6)
13h. Styphelioideae Sweet, 1828 (incl. Archerieae Crayn & Quinn, Cos-
melieae Crayn & Quinn, Epacrideae Dumort.,Oligarrheneae Crayn
& Quinn, Prionoteae Drude, Richeeae Crayn & Quinn, Styphelieae
Bartl., Lebetanthus Endl.; excl. Wittsteinia E Muell.) (34/c. 450)

Epacridoideae Link, 1829

13i.Vaccinioideae Am., 1832 (incl. Gaultherieae Nied., Lyonieae Kron &
Judd; Oxydendreae Cox) (49/570)
Andromedoideae K. Koch, 1872
3. Aralianae Takht., 1967 (C; 571/6905)
Aquifolianae Doweld, 2001
Dipsacanae Takht., 1997
1. Aquifoliales Senft, 1856 (A; 24/545)
Cardiopteridales Takht., 1997
Helwingiales Takht., 1997
llicales Brongn. ex Mart., 1835
?Metteniusales Takht., 1997
Paracryphiales Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Sphenostemonales Doweld, 2001
1. Aquifoliaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1825, nom. cons. (C; 1/400)
llicaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1825
2. Helwingiaceae Decne., 1836 (C; 1/5)
3. Phyllonomaceae Small, 1905 (B; 1/4)
Dulongiaceae J. Agardh, 1858, nom. illeg.
4. Cardiopteridaceae Blume, 1847, nom. cons. (incl. Citronella D. Don, Den.
drobangia Rusby, Gonocaryum Miq., Leptaulus Benth.,
?Pseudobotrys Moeser) (B; 7/45)
?Metteniusaceae H. Karst. ex Schnizl., 1860-1870
Peripterygiaceae G. King, 1895
5. Stemonuraceae Khrehed, 2001 (B; 12/80)
6. Sphenostemonaceae P. Royen & Airy Shaw, 1972 (B; 1/10)
7. Paracryphiaceae Airy Shaw, 1965 (B; 1/1)
2. Dipsacales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 37/1165)
Adoxales Nakai, 1949
Caprifoliales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Lonicerales T. Liebe, 1866
Sambucales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Valerianales DC. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Viburnales Dumort., 1829
1. Adoxaceae E. Mey., 1839, nom. cons. (C; 5/245)
Sambucaceae Batsch ex Borckh., 1797
Tinaceae Martinov, 1820
Viburnaceae Raf., 1820
la. Adoxoideae Syme, 1865 (4/43)
Sambucoideae Kostel., 1833
lb. Opuloideae Raf., 1820 (1/200)
Lentagoideae Raf, 1820
2. Caprifoliaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 5/210)
Loniceraceae Vest, 1818
Opulaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
3. Diervillaceae Pyck, 1998 (incl. Weigela Thunb.) (B; 2/13)
4. Linnaeaceae Backlund, 1998 (incl. Abelia R. Br., Dipelta Maxim., Kolk-
witzia Graeb.) (B; 4/35)

5. Morinaceae Raf., 1820 (incl. Acanthocalyx (DC.) Tiegh., Cryptothladia

(Bunge) M. Cannon) (C; 3/13)
6. Dipsacaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 8/250)
Scabiosaceae Martinov, 1820
7. Triplostegiaceae A. E. Bobrov ex Airy Shaw, 1965 (B; 1/2)
8. Valerianaceae J. St.-Hil., 1805 (C; 9/400)
3. Araliales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 510/5195)
Ammiales Small, 1903
Apiales Nakai, 1930
Aralidiales Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Griseliniales Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, 1999
Pennantiales Doweld, 2001
Pittosporales Lindl., 1833
Torricelliales Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, 1999
3a. Aralidiineae Thorne & Reveal, subord, nov., validated by a full and direct
reference to the Latin description associated with Aralidiaceae
Philipson & B. Stone, Taxon 29: 402. 1980. (C; 5/22)
1. Torricelliaceae Hu, 1934 (C; 1/3)
2. Aralidiaceae Philipson & B. Stone, 1980 (C; 1/1)
3. Melanophyllaceae Takht. ex Airy Shaw, 1972 (B; 1/8)
4. Griseliniaceae J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. ex A. Cunn., 1839 (B; 1/6)
5. Pennantiaceae J. Agardh, 1858 (B; 1/4)
3b. Apiineae Plunkett & Lowry, 2004 (C; 505/5175)
Ammiineae Link, 1829
Bupleurineae Link, 1829
Hydrocotylineae Link, 1829
Pimpinellineae Link, 1829
1. Pittosporaceae R. Br., 1814, nora. cons. (C; 9/240)
2. Apiaceae Lindl., 1836, nom. cons. et nom. alt. (C; 440/3590)
Actinotaceae Konstant. & Melikjan, 2005
Ammiaceae J. Presl & C. Presl, 1820
Angelicaceae Martinov, 1820
Bupleuraceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Caucalidaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Coriandraceae Burnett, 1835
Daucaceae Martinov, 1820
Eryngiaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Ferulaceae Sacc., 1872
Imperatoriaceae Martinov, 1820
Lagoeciaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Mackinlayaceae Doweld, 2001
Pastinacaceae Marynov, 1820
Pimpinellaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Saniculaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Scandicaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Selinaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Sileraceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Smyrniaceae Burnett, 1835

Umbelliferae Juss., 1789, nora. cons.

2a. Apioideae Seem., 1866 (incl. Lagoecia L.) (c. 400/c. 3030)
Ammioideae Link, 1829
Angelicoideae Burnett, 1835
Bupleuroideae Burmeist., 1837
Caucalidoideae Bumett 1835
ChaerophyUoideae Link ex Pfeiff., 1873
Coriandroideae Prantl, 1880
Cuminoideae Luerss., 1881
Daucoideae Bumett, 1835
Peucedanoideae Prantl, 1880
Pimpinelloideae Link, 1829
Scandicoideae Burnett, 1835
Selinoideae Burmeist., 1837
Seseloideae Prantl, 1880
Sileroideae Prantl, 1880
Smyrnioideae Burmeist., 1837
Thapsioideae Prantl, 1880
2b. Saniculoideae Burnett, 1835 (incl. Arctopus L., excl. Lagoecia L.)
2c. Azorelloideae Plunkett & Lowry, 2001 (incl. Asteriscium Cham. &
Schltdl., Azorella Lam., Bolax Comm. ex Juss., Bowlesia Ruiz &
Pavon, Dichosciadium Domin., Dickinsia Franch, Diposis DC., Dis-
plaspis Hook. f., Domeykoa Phil., Drusa DC., Eremocharis
Phil.,Gymnophyton Clos., Homalocarpus Hook. & Am., Huanaca
Cav., Laretia Gillies & Hook., Mulinum Pers., Oschatzia Walp.,
Pozoa Lag., Schizeilema (Hook. f.) Domin, Spananthe Jacq., Stilbo-
carpa (Hook. f.) Dcsne. & Planch.) (c.21/c. 180)
2d. Mackinlayoideae Plunkett & Lowry, 2001 (incl. Actinotus Labill., Api-
opetalum Baill., Centella L., Micropleura Lag., Xanthosia Rudge)
(B; 5/60)
3. Araliaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 54/1325)
Botryodendraceae J. Agardh, 1858
Hederaceae Giseke, 1792
Hydrocotylaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820, nom. cons.
3a. Aralioideae Eaton, 1836 (50/1150)
Hederoideae Seem., 1866
Panacoideae Luerss., 1881
Plerandroideae Luerss., 1881
3b. Hydrocotyloideae Link, 1829 (incl. Didiscus DC., Neosciadium
Domin, Trachymene Rudge) (4/175)
4. Myodocarpaceae Doweld, 2001 (incl. Delabrea Vieill., Pseudosciadium
Baill.) (B; 4/20)
4. Asteranae Takht., 1967 (C; 1651/26610)
Campanulanae Takht. ex Reveal, 1992
Phellinanae Doweld, 2001
1. Asterales Lindl., 1833 (C; 1651/26610
Alseuosmiales Doweld, 2001

Ambrosiales Dumort., 1829

Boopidales Cass. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Brunoniales Lindl., 1833
Calendulales Link, 1829
Calycerales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Campanulales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Carduales Small, 1903
Goodeniales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Lobeliales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Menyanthales T. Yamaz. ex Takht., 1997
Pentaphragmatales Doweld, 2001
Phellinales Doweld, 2001
Rousseales Doweld, 2001
Scaevolales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Stylidiales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
1. Campanulinae Raf., 1815 (C; 76/2285)
1. Pentaphragmataceae J. Agardh, 1858, nom. cons. (C; 1/30)
2. Campanulaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 69/2085)
Cyananthaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Cyphiaceae A. DC., 1839
Cyphocarpaceae Reveal & Hoogland, 1996
Dortmannaceae Rupr., 1856
Jasionaceae Dumort., 1829
Lobeliaceae Juss., 1813, nom. cons.
Nemacladaceae Nutt., 1842
2a. Campanuloideae Burnett, 1835 (34/820)
2b. Cyphioideae Walp., 1852 (1/50)
2c. Lobelioideae Burnett, 1835 (30/1200)
2d. Cyphocarpoideae Miers, 1848 (1/2)
2e. Nemacladoideae Lammers, 1998 (incl. Parishella A. Gray,
Pseudonemacladus McVaugh) (3/14)
3. Stylidiaceae R. Br., 1810, nom. cons. (C; 6/170)
Candolleaceae F. Muell., late 1882-early 1883, nom. illeg.
Donatiaceae B. Chandler, 1911, nom. cons.
3a. Donatioideae Mildbr., 1908 (1/2)
3b. Stylidioideae Kitt., 1840 (5/166)
2. Asterineae Burnett, 1835 (C; 1575/24325
1. Rousseaceae DC., 1839 (B; 4/13)
Abrophyllaceae Nakai, 1943
Carpodetaceae Fenzl, 1841
la. Carpodetoideae J. Lundb., 2001 (3/12)
lb. Rousseoideae Horan., 1847 (1/1)
2. Alseuosmiaceae Airy Shaw, 1965 (incl. Wittsteinia F. Muell.) (C; 5/13)
3. Argophyllaceae Takht., 1987 (B; 2/21)
Corokiaceae Kapil ex Takht., 1997
4. Phellinaceae Takht., 1967 (B; 1/10)
5. Menyanthaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons. (C; 5/40)
6. Goodeniaceae R. Br., 1810, nom. cons. (C; 20/390)

Brunoniaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons.

Scaevolaceae Lindl., 1830
6a. Goodenioideae Bumett, 1835 (16/300)
6b. Dampieroideae Thome & Reveal, subfam, nov., distinguibilis a ovario
inferne, anthera connatis, et pilis nec stellatis; x = 9 [distinguishable
by an inferior ovary, connate anthers and non-stellate hairs; x = 9]
(incl. Anthotium R. Br., Leschenaultia R. Br.) (3/88)
6c. Brunonioideae Bumett, 1835 (1/1)
7. Calyceraceae R. Br. ex Rich., 1820, nora. cons., (C; 6/50)
Boopidaceae Cass., 1816
8. Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820, nom. cons. et nom. alt. (C;
Acarnaceae Link, Handbuch 1:684.4-11 Jul 1829
Adenostylidaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820, nora. illeg.
Ambrosiaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Anthemidaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Aposeridaceae Raf., 1838
Arctotidaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Artemisiaceae Martinov, 1820
Athanasiaceae Martinov, 1820
Calendulaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Carduaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Carlinaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Centaureaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Cichoriaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons.
Cnicaceae Vest, 1818
Compositae Giseke, 1792, nom. cons.
Cynaraceae Spenn., 1834
Echinopacedae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Eupatoriaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Gnaphaliaceae Link ex F. Rudolphi, 1830
Grindeliaceae Rchb. ex A. Heller, 1907
Heleniaceae Raf., 1824
Helianthaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Inulaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Lactucaceae Drude, 1886
Lampanaceae Martinov, 1820, nom. illeg.
Madiaceae A. Heller, 1907
Matricariaceae Voigt, 1845
Mutisiaceae Bumett, 1835
Nassauviaceae Burmeist., 1836
Picridaceae Martinov, 1820
Santolinaceae Martinov, 1820
Senecionaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Serratulaceae Martinov, 1820
Tanacetaceae Vest, 1818
Tussilagaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820

Vernoniaceae Burmeist., 1837

Xanthiaceae Vest, 1818
Xeranthemaceae D611, 1843
8a. Barnadesioideae K. Bremer & R. K. Jensen, 1992 (9/90)
8al. Bamadesieae D. Don, 1830 (9/90)
8b. Carduoideae Cass. ex Sweet, 1826 (360/6940)
Carlinoiderae Lindl., 1829
Centaureoideae Lindl., 1829
ChondriUoideae Luerss., 1882
Cichorioideae Chevall., 1828
Corymbioideae Panero & V A. Funk, 2002
Crepidoideae Luerss., 1882
Cynarioideae ChevaU., 1828
Echinopsoideae Lindl., 1829
Gochnatioideae Panero & V. A. Funk, 2002
Gymnarrhenoideae Panero & V. A. Funk, 2002
Hecastocleoideae Panero & V. A. Funk, 2002
Hieracioideae Burmeist., 1837
Hyoseridoideae Burmeist., 1837
Hypochaeridoideae Burmeist., 1837
Lactucoideae Lindl., 1829
Leontodontoideae Luerss., 1882
Mutisioideae Lindl., 1829
Nassauvioideae Burmeist., 1837
Pertyoideae Panero & V. A. Funk, 2002
Scorzoneroideae Burmeist., 1837
Serratuloideae Schultz-Bip. ex Luerss., 1882
Xeranthemoideae Burmeist., 1837
8bl. Mutisieae Cass., 1817 (incl. Chaetanthereae D. Don, Dicomeae
Panero & V. A. Funk, Gerbereae Lindl., Gochnatieae Panero & V.
A. Funk, Hecastocleideae Panero & V. A. Funk, Jungieae D. Don,
Nassauvieae Cass., Perdicieae D. Don, Pertyeae Panero & V. A.
Funk, Stifftieae D. Don, Trixideae Lind.) (76/1000)
8b2. Tarchonantheae Kostel., 1833 (incl. Brachylaena R. Br.) (2/27)
8b3. Cardueae Cass., 1819 (incl. Cardopatieae Kostel., Carlineae
Cass., Carthameae Kit., Centaureeae Cass., Corymbieae Panero &
V. A. Funk, Crupineae Godr., Echinopseae Cass., Gundelieae DC.
ex Lecoq & Juillet, Serratuleae W. D. J. Koch, Silybeae Kitt., Xer-
anthemeae Kostel.) (83/2500)
8b4. Vernonieae Cass., 1819 (incl. Moquineae H. Rob., Hesperoman-
nia A. Gray, Stokesia L'Her., Trichospira Kunth) (70/1500)
8b5. Eremothamneae H. Rob. & Brettell, 1973 (incl. HoplophyUum
DC.) (2/26)
8b6. Liabeae Rydb., 1927 (15/180)
8b7. Cichorieae Lain. & DC., 1806 (incl. Catanancheae D. Don,
Chondrilleae W. D. J. Koch, Crepideae Cass., Gymnarreneae
Panero & V. A. Funk, Hieracieae D. Don, Hyoserideae Kostel., Lac-

tuceae Cass., Lapsaneae Kostel., Leontodonteae W. D. J. Koch, Pi-

crideae Schultz-Bip, Scolymeae Kostel., Scorzonereae D. Don,
Taraxaceae D. Don, Tragopogineae Schultz-Bip., Urospermeae
Cass.) (98/1550)
8b8. Arctotideae Cass., 1819 (incl. Gorterieae Lindl., Gundelieae DC.
ex Lecoq & Juillet; excl. Ursinieae H. Rob. & Brettell) (14/180)
8c. Asteroideae Lindl., 1829 (1163/16760)
Ambrosioideae Raf., 1824
Baccharidoideae Burmeist., 1837
Buphthalmoideae Burmeist., 1837
Calenduloideae Lindl., 1829
Clibadioideae Raf., 1820
Corymbioideae Panero & Funk, 2002
Ecliptoideae Burmeist., 1837
Eupatorioideae Lindl., 1829
Gnaphalioideae Burmeist., 1837
Helenioideae Burmeist., 1837
Helianthoideae Lindl., 1829
lnuloideae Lindl., 1829
Melampodioideae Burmeist., 1837
Othonnoideae Burmeist., 1837
Parthenioideae Raf., 1820
Senecionoideae Lindl., 1829
Tagetoideae Lindl., 1829
Tussilaginoideae Lindl., 1829
Vernonioideae Lindl., 1829
8cl. Anthemidae Cass. 1819 (incl. Artemisieae Kostel., Chrysanthe-
meae Lindl., Cotuleae Lowe, Hippieae Lowe, Osteospermeae
Lindl., Pyrethreae Horan., Santolineae Lindl., Tanaceteae Schultz-
Bip. ex Rchb. f., Ursinieae H. Rob. & Brettell) (109/1740)
8c2. Calenduleae Cass., 1819 (8/110)
8c3. Senecioneae Cass., 1819 (incl. Othonneae Kostel., Tussilagineae
Cass., Blennosperma Less.) (120/3200)
8c4. Gnaphalieae Cass. ex Lecoq. & Juillet, 1831 (Facelideae Kostel.,
Filagineae Polj., Helichryseae Berg & C. E Schmidt, Relhanieae
Kostel.) (181/2000)
8c5. Astereae Cass., 1819 (incl. Baccharideae Kostel., Bellideae Cass.
ex D. Don, Bellieae DC. ex Godr., Erigeroneae Gren. & Go&.)
8c6. Plucheae Anderb., 1989 (28/220)
8c7. Inuleae Cass., 1819 (incl. Buphthalmeae Lindl.) (38/480)
8c8. Eupatorieae Cass., 1819 (incl. Adenostyleae Cass., Agerateae
Lindl., Liatrideae Lindl., Stevieae Horan) (170/2400)
8c9. Heliantheae Cass., 1819 (incl. Ambrosieae Cass., Anisopappus
Hook. & Am., Eclipteae Kostel., Iveae Lindl., Melampodieae D.
Don, Millerieae Lindl., Neurolaeneae Rydb., Polymnieae H. Rob.,
Rudbeckieae Lindl., Xanthieae Rchb.)
8c10. Coreopsideae Lindl., 1829 (incl. Bidentideae Godr.) (32/535)

8cl 1. Helenieae Lindl., 1829 (incl. Athroismeae Panero & Funk, Gail-
lardieae Lecoq & Juillet, Marshallinae H. Rob., Hymenoxys Cass.,
Psathyrotes A. Gray, Psilostrophe DC.)
8c12. Bahieae B. G. Baldwin, 2002
8c13. Chaenactideae B. G. Baldwin, 2002
8c14. Perityleae B. G. Baldwin, 2002
8c15. Madieae Jeps., 1901 (incl. Arnicinae B. G. Baldwin, Hulseinae
B. G. Baldwin, Venegasiinae B. G. Baldwin)
8c16. Tageteae Cass., 1819 (21/215)
12. Lamiidae Takht. ex Reveal, 1993 (C; 2752/50310)
1. Solananae R. Dahlgren ex Reveal, 1992 (C; 330/7575)
Boraginanae Doweld, 2001
Eucommianae Takht. ex Reveal, 1993
Icacinanae Doweld, 2001
1. Garryales Lindl. ex Mart., 1835 (B; 38/290)
Aucubales Takht., 1997
Emmotales Doweld, 2001
Eucommiales N~mejc ex Cronquist, 1981
Icacinales Tiegh., 1999
Oncothecales Doweld, 2001
1. Garryaceae Lindl., 1834, nom. cons. (C; 1/15)
2. Eucommiaceae Engl., 1909, nom. cons. (C; 1/1)
3. Aucubaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1825 (C; 1/4)
4. Oncothecaceae Kobuski ex Airy Shaw, 1965 (B; 1/2)
5. Icacinaceae Miers, 1851, nom. cons. (incl. Apodytes E. Mey. & Am., plus
Cassinopsis Sond. and relatives) (B; 34/270)
Emmotaceae Tiegh., 1899
Iodaceae Tiegh., 1899
Leptaulaceae Tiegh., 1899
Phytocrenaceae Am. ex R. Br., 1852
Pleurisanthaceae Tiegh., 1899
Sarcostigmataceae Tiegh., 1899
2. Solanales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 292/7285)
Boraginales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Cestrales Schltdl. ex Mart., 1835
Convolvulales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Cordiales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Cuscutales Bartl. ex Mart., 1835
Echiales Lindl., 1846
Ehretiales Mart. ex Mart., 1835
Hydroleales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Hydrophyllales R. Br. ex Mart., 1835
Nolanales Lindl., 1833
Sebestenales Vent. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820, nom. illeg.
Sphenocleales Doweld, 2001
1. Solanineae Engl. 1898 (C; 157/4545)
1. Solanaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (C; 98/2715)

Atropaceae Martinov, 1820

Browalliaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Cestraceae Schltdl., 1833
Daturaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Duckeodendraceae Kuhlm., 1950
Goetzeaceae Miers, 1964
Hyoscyamaceae Vest, 1818
Lyciaceae Raf., 1840
Nicotianaceae Martinov, 1820
Nolanaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820, nom. cons.
Salpiglossidaceae Hutch., 1969
Sclerophylacaceae Miers, 1848
la. Schizanthoideae Hunz. (1/12)
lb. Goetzeoideae Thome & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., validated by a
full and direct reference to the Latin description associated with
Goetzeaceae Miers ex Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 18: 259. 1964 (incl.
Metternichia J. C. Mikan) (6/7)
lc. Browallioideae Kostel., 1834 (8/206)
Anthocercidoideae T6t6nyi, 1987
Cestroideae Bumett, 1835
Salpiglossidoideae Benth., 1846
ld. Petunioideae (Horan.) Thome & Reveal, subfam, et stat. nov., vali-
dated by Petunieae Horan., Char. Ess. Fam.: 123. 1847. (incl.
Schwenckieae Hunz.) (12/175)
le. Nicotianoideae Miers, 1848 (8/108)
lf. Solanoideae Kostel., 1834 (59/2194)
Atropoideae Miers, 1849
Daturoideae Kostel., 1834
Grabowskioideae Miers, 1848
Hyoscyamoideae Prantl, 1880
Juanulloideae Hunz., 2000
Nolanoideae Kostel., 1834
lg. Sclerophylacoideae Thome & Reveal, subfam, et star. nov., validated
by Sclerophylacaceae Miers, London J. Bot. 7: 57, 58. 1848 (1/12)
2. Convolvulaceae Juss., 1789, nora. cons. (C; 59/1830)
Cressaceae Raf., 1821
Cuscutaceae Dumort., 1829, nora. cons.
Dichondraceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons.
Erycibaceae Endl. ex Meisn., 1840
Evolvulaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1825
Humbertiaceae Pichon, 1947, nora. cons.
Poranaceae J. Agardh, 1858
2a. Humbertioideae Roberty, 1952 (1/1)
2b. Dichondroideae Endl., 1839 (incl. Falkia L. f.) (2/9)
2c. Convolvuloideae Bumett, 1835 (55/1650)
2d. Cuscutoideae Link, 1829 (1/170)
3. Hydroleaceae R. Br. ex Edwards, 1821 (B; 1/20)
4. Sphenocleaceae BaskerviUe, 1839, nora. cons. (C; 1/2)

Pongatiaceae Endl. ex Meisn., 1839, nom. illeg.

5. Montiniaceae Nakai, 1943, nora. cons. (incl. Grevea Baill.) (B; 3/5)
Kaliphoraceae Takht., 1996
2. Boraginineae Engl., 1898 (C; 135/2740)
1. Boraginaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (incl. Codon L.; excl. Pteleocarpa
Oliv.) (C; 117/2435)
Anchusaceae Vest, 1818
Buglossaceae Hoffmanns. & Link, 1809
Cerinthaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Cordiaceae R. Br. ex Dumort., 1829, nom. cons.
Cynoglossaceae Drill, 1843
Echiaceae Raf., 1837
Ehretiaceae Mart., 1827, nom. cons.
Heliotropiaceae Schrad., 1819, nom. cons.
Onosmaceae Martinov, 1820
Sebestenaceae Vest, 1818, nom. illeg.
Wellstediaceae Novfik, 1943
la. Ehretioideae Am., 1832 (11/160)
lb. Cordioideae Link, 1829 (4/255)
lc. Heliotropoideae Am., 1832 (incl. Ixorhea Fenzl, Nogalia Verdc.) (6/450)
ld. Boraginoideae Am., 1832 (95/1570)
Echioideae Burmeist., 1837
le. Wellstedioideae Pilg., 1912 (1/2)
2. Hydrophyllaceae R. Br., 1817, nora. cons. (incl. Nameae Choisy, Phacelieae
Benth. ex A. Gray; excl. Codon L., Hydrolea L.) (C; 15/300)
Eutocaceae Horan., 1847
Sagoneaceae Martinov, 1820
3. Lennoaceae Solms, 1870, nora. cons. (C; 2/4)
4. Hoplestigmataceae Gilg, 1924, nora. cons. (B; 1/2)
2. Lamianae Takht., 1967 (C; 2422/42735)
Gentiananae Thorne ex Reveal, 1992
Oleanae Takht., 1997
1. Rubiales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820 (C; 1224/19430)
Apocynales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Asclepiadales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Chironiales Griseb., 1854
Cinchonales Lindl., 1835
Galiales Bromhead, 1838
Gentianales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Loganiales Lindl., 1833
Lygodisodeales Bartl. ex Mart., 1835
Theligonales Nakai, 1942
Vincales Horan., 1847
1. Gentianaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 79/1270)
Chironiaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1823
Coutoubeaceae Martinov, 1820
Obolariaceae Martinov, 1820
Potaliaceae Mart., 1827

Saccifoliaceae Maguire & Pires, 1978

Voyriaceae Doweld, 2007
la. Gentianoideae Kostel., 1834 (incl. Saccifolium Maguire & Pires)
Obolarioideae A. Gray, 1848
lb. Potalioideae Am., 1832 (incl. Anthocleista Afzel. ex R. Br., Fagraea
Thunb.) (3/65)
2. Loganiaceae R. Br. ex Mart., 1827, nora. cons. (C; 13/350)
Antoniaceae Hutch., 1959
Gardneriaceae Wall. ex Perleb, 1838
Geniostomaceae L. Struwe & V. A. Albert, 1995
Spigeliaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Strychnaceae DC. ex Perleb, 1818
3. Gelsemiaceae Struwe & V. A. Albert, 1995 (incl. Mostuea Didr.) (C; 2/11)
4. Rubiaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; c. 650/c. 13000)
Aparinaceae Hoffmanns. & Link, 1813-1829
Asperulaceae Cham. ex Spenn., 1835
Catesbaeaceae Martinov, 1820
Cephalanthaceae Raf., 1820
Cinchonaceae Batsch, 1802
Coffeaceae Batsch, 1802
Coutareaceae Martinov, 1820
Cynocrambaceae Meisn., 1842, nom. iUeg.
Dialypetalanthaceae Rizzini & Occhioni, 1948, nom. cons.
Galiaceae Lindl., 1836
Gardeniaceae Dumort., 1829
Guettardaceae Batsch, 1802
Hameliaceae Mart., 1835
Hedyotidaceae Dumort., 1822
Henriqueziaceae Bremek., 1957
Houstoniaceae Raf., 1840
Hydrophylacaceae Martinov, 1820
Lippayaceae Meisn., 1838
Lygodisodeaceae Bartl., 1830
Naucleaceae Wernh., 1912
Nonateliaceae Martinov, 1820
Operculariaceae Juss. ex Perleb, 1818
Pagamaeaceae Martinov, 1820
Psychotriaceae E Rudolphi, 1830
Randiaceae Martinov, 1820
Sabiceaceae Martinov, 1820
Spermacoceaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Theligonaceae Dumort., 1829, nom. cons.
4a. Rubioideae Verdc., 1958 (incl. Morindeae Kostel., Theligoneae BaiU.)
Albertoideae Luerss., 1882
Anthospermoideae Kostel., 1833
Aparinoideae Pfeiff., 1872
Chenocarpoideae Raf., 1820

Coussareoideae Luerss., 1882

Cruckshanksioideae Luerss., 1882
Galioideae J. Williams, 1855
Gaertneroideae Am., 1836
Hedyotidoideae Kostel., 1833
Opercularioideae Kostel., 1833
Paederioideae Kostel., 1833
Psychotrioideae Luerss., 1882
Richardioideae Raf., 1820
Spermacoideae Chevall., 1828
4b. Cinchonoideae Raf., 1820
Antirheoideae Raf., 1820
Catesbaeoideae Luerss., 1882
Cephalanthoideae Burmeist., 1837
Chimarrhidoideae Raf., 1820
Guettardoideae Chevall., 1828
Hamelioideae Raf., 1820
Hillioideae Bremek. ex S. P. Darwin, 1976
Isertioideae Kostel., 1833
Knoxioideae Luerss., 1882
Lygistoideae Raf., 1820
Manettioideae Burmeist., 1837
Naucleoideae Raf., 1820
Retiniphylloideae Luerss., 1882
Rondeletioideae Luerss., 1882
Urophylloideae Bremek. ex S. P. Darwin, 1976
Vanguerioideae Luerss., 1882
4c. Ixoroideae Raf., 1820 (incl. Dialypetalanthus Kuhlm., Sipanea Aubl.)
Coccocypseloideae Burmeist., 1837
Coffeaoideae Raf., 1820
Condamineoideae Luerss., 1882
Cordieroideae Kostel., 1833
Gardenioideae Kostel., 1833
Henriquezioideae Luerss., 1882
Mussaendoideae Luerss., 1882
Pomazotoideae Bremek. ex S. P. Darwin, 1976
5. Apocynaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 480/4800)
Asclepiadaceae Borkh., 1797, nora. cons.
Carissaceae Bertol., 1891
Cerberaceae Martinov, 1820
Cynanchaceae G. Mey., 1836
Ophioxylaceae Mart., 1835
Pacouriaceae Martinov, 1820
Periplocaceae Schltr., 1905, nora. cons.
Plumeriaceae Horan., 1834
Stapeliaceae Horan., 1834
lancaceae Vest, 1818
Willughbeiaceae J. Agardh, 1858

5a. Rauvolfioideae Kostel., 1834 (incl. Cerbereae (Benth. & Hook.f.)

Allamandoideae Endl., 1841
Carissoideae Endl., 1838
Ophioxyloideae Endl., 1838
Plumerioideae Luerss., 1882
5b. Apocynoideae Burnett, 1835
Echitoideae Kostel., 1834
Ervatamioideae Y. Tsiang & P. T. Li, 1977
5c. Periplocoideae Kostel., 1834 (31/180)
5d. Secamonoideae End., 1838 (9/170)
5e. Asclepiadoideae BurneR, 1835 (275/2550)
Cynanchoideae Luerss., 1882
Gonoloboideae Hook. f., 1873
Marsdenioideae Luerss., 1882
Stapelioideae Burnett, 1835
2. Lamiales Bromhead, 1838 (C; 1198/23305)
Acanthales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Bignoniales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Byblidales Nakai ex Reveal, 1993
CaUitrichales Dumort., 1829
Carlemanniales Doweld, 2001
Fraxinales Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Gesneriales Rich. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
GlobutariaIes Dumort., 1829
Hippuridales Thorn6, 1874
Jasminales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Lentibutariales Rich. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
LigustraIes Bartl. ex Bisch., 1839
Myoporales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Oleales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Orobanchales Vent. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Pedaliales R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Pinguiculales Dumort., 1829
Plantaginales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Rhinanthales Dumort., 1829
Scrophulariales Lindl., 1833
Selaginales Choisy ex Mart., 1835
Stilbales Kunth ex Mart., 1835
Utriculariales D611, 1843
Verbenales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
1. Oleaceae Hoffmanns. & Link, 1809, nora. cons. (C; 24/900)
Bolivariaceae Griseb., 1838
Forestieraceae Meisn., 1842
Fraxinaceae Vest, 1818
Jasminaceae Juss., 1789
Ligustraceae G. Mey., 1836
Lilacaceae Vent., 1799, nom. illeg.

Nyctanthaceae J. Agardh, 1858

Schreberaceae Schnizl., 1857-1870
Syringaceae Horan., 1847
la. Jasminoideae Am., 1832 (incl. Nyctanthes L.) (9/500)
lb. Oleoideae Am., 1832 (incl. Hesperelaea A. Gray) (15/400)
Fraxinoideae Kostel., 1834
Myxopyroideae Boerl., 1899
Schreberoideae Wight, 1850
2. Carlemanniaceae Airy Shaw, 1965 (incl. Silvianthus Hook. f.) (B; 2/5)
3. Tetrachondraceae Wettst., 1924 (B; 2/3)
Polypremaceae L. Watson ex Doweld & Reveal, 2007
4. Plocospermataceae Hutch., 1973 (incl. Lithophytum Brandeg.) (B; 1/1)
5. Gratiolaceae Martinov, 1820 (B; 32/325)
Limosellaceae J. Agardh, 1858
6. Calceolariaceae Olmstead, 2001 (incl. Jovellana Ruiz & Pavon) (B; 2/c.
7. Gesneriaceae Rich. & Juss. ex DC., 1816, nom. cons. (C; 147/3720)
Belloniaceae Martinov, 1820
Besleriaceae Raf., 1838
Cyrtandraceae Jack, 1823
Didymocarpaceae D. Don, 1822
Ramondaceae Go&., 1853
7a. Gesnerioideae Link, 1829 (incl. Sanango Bunting & Duke) (56/1800)
7b. Coronantheroideae Wiehler 1983 (9/20)
7c. Didymocarpoideae Am., 1832 ( incl. Cyrtandromoea Zoll., Titan-
otrichum Soler.) (82/1900)
Beslerioideae Burnett, 1835
Cyrtandroideae Burnett, 1835
8. Plantaginaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (incl. Manuleae Benth. & Hook. f.,
Jerdonia Wight, Poskea Vatke) (B; c. 63/c. 675)
Antirrhinaceae Pers., 1807
Aragoaceae D. Don, 1835
Callitrichaceae Link, 1821, nom. cons.
Chelonaceae Martinov, 1820
Digitalidaceae Martinov, 1820
Ellisiophyllaceae Honda, 1930
Erinaceae Duvau ex Pfeiff., 1874
Globulariaceae DC., 1805, nom. cons.
Hippuridaceae Vest, 1818, nom. cons.
Linariaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Littorelliaceae Gray, 1822
Monieraceae Raf., 1838, nom. illeg.
Oxycladaceae Schnizl., 1857-1870
Psylliaceae Horan., 1834
Sibthorpiaceae D. Don, 1835
Stellariaceae C. MacMill., 1892, nom. illeg., non Bercht. & J.
Presl., 1820.
Veronicaceae Cassel, 1817

8a. Erinoideae Link, 1829 (c. 57/c. 340)

Antirrhinoideae Kostel., 1834
Chelonoideae Luerss., 1882
Digitalidoideae Luerss., 1882
Ellisiophylloideae T. Yamaz, 1993
Gratioloideae Luerss., 1882
Scoparioideae Kostel., 1834
Veronicoideae Kostel., 1834
8b. Globularioideae Luerss., 1882 (2/30)
8c. Plantaginoideae Eaton, 1836 (incl. Aragoa Kunth) (2/255)
8d. Hippuridoideae Bumett, 1835 (1/1)
8e. Callitrichoideae Am., 1832 (1/40-50)
. Pedaliaceae R. Br., 1810, nom. cons. (C; 13/75)
Sesamaceae Horan, 1834
10. Linderniaceae Borsch, K. Mtill. bis & Eb. Fisch., 2005 (B; 14/1005)
11. Byblidaceae Domin, 1922, nora. cons. (C; 1/6)
12. Lamiaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820, nom. cons. et nora. alt. (B; 264/6990)
Aegiphilaceae Raf., 1838
Ajugaceae D611, 1843
Chloanthaceae Hutch., 1959
Glechomaceae Martinov, 1820
Labiatae Juss., 1789, nom. cons et nom. alt.
Melissaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Melittidaceae Martinov, 1820
Menthaceae Burnett, 1835
Nepetaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Salazariaceae F. A. Barkley, 1975
Salviaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
Scutellariaceae Dr11, 1843
Siphonanthaceae Raf., 1838
Stachydaceae D611, 1843
Symphoremataceae Moldenke ex Reveal & Hoogland, 1991
Viticaceae Juss., 1789
12a. Symphorematoideae Briq., 1895 (incl. Congea Roxb., Sphenodesme
W. Jack) (3/24)
12b. Prostantheroideae Luerss., 1882 (incl., Tectona L. f.; excl. Spartotham-
nella Briq.) (17/240)
Chloanthoideae Briq., 1895
12c. Ajugoideae Kostel., 1834 (incl. Monochileae Briq., Garrettia Fletch.,
Oncinocalyx F. Muell., Spartothamnella Briq., Tetraclea A. Gray,
Trichostema L., Wenchengia C. Y. Wu & S. Chow) (48/1575)
Caryopteridoideae Briq., 1895
Teucrioideae Caruel, 1884
Viticoideae Briq., 1895
12d. Scutellariodeae Prantl, 1880 (incl. Holmskioldia Retz., Renschia Vatke,
Tinnea Kotschy ex Hook. f.) (4/320)
12e. Pogostemonoideae P. D. Cantino, Harley & Wagstaff, 1992 (6/88)
12f. Lamioideae Harley, 2003 (53/1060)

Prasioideae Kostel., 1834

Stachyoideae Prantl, 1880
12g. Nepetoideae Kostel., 1834 (133/3685)
Cataphoroideae Engl., 1892
Lavanduloideae Briq., 1895
Melissoideae Burmeist., 1837
Menthoideae Kostel., 1834
Monardoideae Kostel., 1834
Ocimoideae Kostel., 1834
Salvioideae Raf., 1837
Saturejoideae Kostel., 1834
13. Paulowniaceae Nakai, 1949 (B; 1/6)
14. Orobanchaceae Vent., 1799, nom. cons. (B; 102/c. 1835?)
Aeginetiaceae Livera, 1927
Buchneraceae Lilja, 1870
Cyclocheilaceae Marais, 1981
Euphrasiaceae Martinov, 1820
Lindenbergiaceae Doweld, 2001
Melampyraceae Rich. ex Hook. & Lindl., 1821
Pedicularidaceae Juss., 1789
Phelypaeaceae Horan., 1834
Rhinanthaceae Vent., 1799
14a. Rhinanthoideae Link, 1829 (c. 83/c. 1600?)
Pedicularidoideae Kitt., 1843
14b. Orobanchoideae Link, 1829 (17/230)
Euphrasioideae Luerss., 1882
14c. Cyclocheiloideae Marais, 1981 (incl. Asepalum Marais) (2/4)
15. Phrymaceae Schauer, 1847, nom. cons. (C; 4/190)
15a. Phrymoideae A. Gray, 1858 (2/175)
15b. Mazoideae Beardsley & Olmstead, ined. (incl. Mimuleae Dumort.,
Lancea Hook. f. & Thomson) (2/12-17)
16. Nesogenaceae Marais, 1981 (excl. Asepalum Marais, Cyclocheilon Oliv.)
(B; 1/7)
17. Schlegeliaceae Reveal, 1996 (incl. Gibsoniothamnus L. O. Will., Synapsis
Griseb.) (B; 3/20)
18. Verbenaceae, J. St.-Hil., 1805, nom. cons. (only Verbenoideae Am.; excl.
Monochileae Briq.) (B; 36/1035)
Durantaceae J. Agardh, 1858
Lantanaceae Martinov, 1820
19. Martyniaceae Horan., 1847, nora. cons. (C; 2/12)
20. Petraeaceae J. Agardh, 1858 (incl. Casselia Nees & Mart., Lampayo E
Phil. ex Murillo, Recordia Moldenke) (B; 4/45)
21. Trapellaceae Honda & Sakisaka, 1930 (B; 1/1-2)
22. Bignoniaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (excl. Paulownia Siebold & Zucc.)
(C; 104/860)
Crescentiaceae Dumort., 1829
23. Lentibulariaceae Rich., 1808, nom. cons. (C; 3/280)
Pinguiculaceae Dumort., 1829

Utriculariaceae Hoffmanns. & Link, 1809

24. Acanthaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (C; 222/3565)
Avicenniaceae Miq., 1845, nom. cons.
Justiciaceae Raf., 1838
Mendonciaceae Bremek., 1954
Meyeniaceae Sreem., 1977
Nelsoniaceae Sreem., 1977
Thomandersiaceae Sreem., 1977
Thunbergiaceae Lilja, 1870
24a. Nelsonioideae Pfeiff., 1871 (7/15)
24b. Thunbergioideae Kostel., 1834 (5/170)
Mendoncioideae Lindau, 1895
24c. Avicennioideae Miers, 1848 (1/8)
24d. Acanthoideae Link, 1829 (209/3370)
Ruellioideae T. Anderson, 1859
25. Stilbaceae Kunth, 1831, nom. cons. (incl. Halleria Vell., Nuxia Comm. ex
Lam.) (C; 7/28)
Retziaceae Choisy, 1834
26. Scrophulariaceae Juss., 1789, nom. cons. (incl. Leucophylleae Miers) (C;
c. 42/c. 1460)
Bontiaceae Horan., 1834
Buddlejaceae K. Wilh., 1910, nom. cons.
Caprariaceae Martinov, 1820
Hebenstretiaceae Horan., 1834
Hemimeridaceae Doweld, 2001
Myoporaceae R. Br., 1810, nom. cons.
Oftiaceae Takht. & Reveal, 1993
Selaginaceae Choisy, 1823, nom. cons.
Spielmanniaceae J. Agardh, 1858, nora. illeg.
Verbascaceae Bercht. & J. Presl, 1820
26a. Scrophularioideae Link, 1829 (incl. Aptosimeae Benth. & Hook. f., Ch-
eloneae Benth., Hemimerideae Benth., Oftia Adans.) (c. 29/c. 1100)
Selaginoideae Am., 1832
Verbascoideae Kostel., 1834
26b. Buddlejoideae Engl., 1892 (5/135)
26c. Myoporoideae Am., 1832 (incl. Leucophylleae Miers, Androya H. Per-
rier, Bontia L.; excl. Oftia Adans.) (8/225)

Taxa Incertae Sedis

Haptanthus Goldberg & Nelson (1). Honduras. (Haptanthaceae C. Nelson, 2002 (1/1)).
Relationships still unknown (Goldberg & Nelson, 1989), near Eu-
phorbiaceae or Flacourtiaceae (Goldberg & Alden, 2005), or near
Buxaceae (Doust & Stevens, 2005; Shipunov, 2005).
Heteranthia Ness & Mart. (1) Brazil. Probably in or near Solanaceae (Mabberley
Poningeria Prain (1) se Asia. Placed tentatively in Celastraceae by Airy Shaw (1973) and
in Hydrangeales as Pottingeriaceae Takht. by Takhtajan (1987); ac-

cepted by Doweld (2001) who assigned the family near Phellinaceae

Takht. Cunoniaceae and Flacourtiaceae have also been suggested.
Pteleocarpa Oliv. (1) W. Malesia. Excluded from B o r a g i n a c e a e by Riedl (1997), Baas
(1997), and O m s t e a d & Ferguson (2001).

Pertinent Literature

Mostly only those publications are listed that have not already b e e n cited in the T h o r n e
(2000a, 2000b) papers listed below.

Aagesen, L. & A. M. Sanso. 2003. The phylogeny of the Alstromeriaceae, based on morphology, rpsl6
intron, and rbcL sequence data. Syst. Bot. 28: 47-69.
Aerne, L. & M. Simpson. 2006. The vegetative anatomy of the Haemodoraceae and its systematic sig-
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Aguilar, J. E, E A. Fryxell & R. K. Jansen. 2003. Phylogenetic relationships and classification of the
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Airy Shaw, H. K. 1965. On a new species of the Silvianthus Hook. f. and on the family Carlemanni-
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Albach, D. C., M. M. Martinez-Ortega, M. A. Fischer & M. W. Chase. 2004. Evolution of Veron-
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~ , H. M. Meudt & B. Oxelman. 2005. Piecing together the "new" Plantaginaceae. Amer. J. Bot.
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giosperm Hydrostachys. Taxon 50: 781-805.
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asterids. Syst. Bot. 26: 242-262.
& R. G. Olmstead. 200lb. Phylogenetic analysis of the Asteridae based on se-
quences of 4 genes. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 88: 163-212.
Albers, E & U. Mere. 2001. A karyological survey of Asclepiadoideae, Periplocoideae, and Seca-
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Alford, M. H. 2006. Gerrardinaceae: a new family of African flowering plants unresolved among Bras-
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AI-Shehbaz, A., M. A. Beilstein & E. A. Kellogg. 2006. Systematics and phylogeny of the Brassicaceae
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Andersson, L. & S. Andersson. 2000. A molecular phylogeny of Tropaeolaceae and its systematic im-
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Andersson, S. 2006. On the phylogeny of the genus Calceolaria (Calceolariaceae) as inferred from ITS
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Beardsley, P. M. & R. G. Olmstead. 2002. Redefining Phrymaceae: the placement of Mimulus, tribe
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