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Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission

Knowledge Assessment – July 2022
Pre School Teacher
National Vocational Qualification Level 04
Time: 1 1/2 Hours
Instructions for the Candidates
 Answer all questions
 In each of the questions from 1 to 50, pick the one of the alternatives (a), (b), (c), (d)
which you consider is correct or most appropriate.
 Mark a cross (x) on the number corresponding to your choice in the answer sheet
 This question paper consists of 07 pages
Part 1
1. What is the meaning of Manipulative skills development?
a) Providing understanding of listening and speaking
b) Training eyes and hand coordination
c) Assessing knowledge and attitude
d) Understanding vision and hearing

2. What should be done to do introduction about aesthetic and creation?

a) Create enjoyment by singing and playing
b) Focusing on listening to the different sounds in the environment.
c) Guide to complete the parts of the poems and stories.
d) Play the musical instruments that made by them.
3. The objectives of the preschool education from the followings are;
i). Control sensitive organs properly
ii). Help to improve intelligence and knowledge
iii). Coordinating organs to read and write
iv). Familiarizing the hand to hold the pencil correctly
Correct statements from the above are;
a) i, ii and iii
b) i, ii and iv
c) i, iii and iv
d) ii, iii and iv
4. The stage in years where a child scribbles randomly without order is;
a) 2- 2 1/2
b) 2 1/2- 3
c) 3-4
d) 4-7
5. Most influential factors on childhood development are;
a) Nutrition, sleep, school, maturity
b) Love, development, nutrition, medicine
c) Exercise, nutrition, sleep, foods
d) Gene, environment, maturity, education

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6. Major field categories of childhood development are;
a) Mathematics, Aesthetic, Physical, Kinetic
b) Aesthetic, Social, Physical, Emotion
c) Physical, Kinetic, Emotions, Cognitive
d) Theoretical, Physical, Design, Cognitive

7. According to the theory of intelligence development of Jean Piaget, the period indicating
the pre conception stage in years is;
a) 0-2
b) 2-4
c) 4-7
d) 7-11

8. Considered as the “Liberator of children” is;

a) Ivan Pavlov
b) Mahatma Gandhi
c) John Dewey
d) Jean Jack Russo

9. The importance of the education according to the theory of Operant is;

a) Reinforcement
b) Stimulation
c) Attitude
d) Moral

10. The mandatory number of months, a baby should be breast fed is;
a) 03
b) 04
c) 05
d) 06

11. According to the Piaget, the characteristics that can be seen in a child during the
preconception phase;
a) Constructing hypothesis
b) Start working symbolically
c) Start thinking logically
d) Shows tendency to conserve

12. Which of the following is a key management area?

a) Personnel
b) Quality
c) Financial
d) Record

13. The person who introduced emotional management is;

a) Daniel Goleman
b) Jean Jack Russo
c) Albert Bandura
d) Arnold Genzel

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14. The three basic shapes are;
a) Triangle, Circle, Cone
b) Cone, Cube, Square
c) Parallelogram, Circle, Triangle
d) Rectangle, Circle, Triangle

15. Which of the nutrient deficiency causes the hidden hunger?

a) Vitamin
b) Minerals
c) Lipids
d) Fat

16. The method that can be used to learn by touching is;

a) Pink Atoll
b) Sand paper letters
c) Screen frames
d) Puzzles

17. A basic need that should be given to the small child is;
a) Freedom
b) Safety
c) Beauty
d) Love

18. Which of the followings are included in the “Relationship” in intelligence development is;
a) Type, similarity, rights, comparison
b) Variety, right, type, quantity
c) Similarity, right, selection, organizing
d) Right, quantity, type, similarity

19. Which of the followings are the types of energy foods?

a) Protein, Lipids
b) Fat, Lipids
c) Vitamin, Lipids
d) Minerals, Protein

20. An activity that should be given to develop pre- reading is;

a) Familiarize the eye from left to right
b) Listen attentively and understandingly
c) Explain familiar daily activities
d) Carrying simple messages among students

21. More attention should be paid when the art designs of a pre-school child is evaluated
a) The art designs mentioned in the lesson plans
b) Previous creations done by the child itself
c) Creating learning outcome within the theme
d) Designs of other children
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22. What should be done to give fruitful experience to a child on the nature?
a) Give experience on natural incidents
b) Guide to natural occasions using drawings
c) Focusing to observe various substances in the nature
d) Provide opportunities to keep the environment clean

23. The largest organ of the body is;

a) Eye
b) Ear
c) Skin
d) Brain

24. The children enrolled to the preschool is belongs to the ……………………… resource
a) Human
b) Financial
c) Physical
d) Personnel

25. Which of the following can be seen in the cultural pattern theory?
a) Socialization
b) Rituals
c) Team spirit
d) Attitude

26. The component of the blood that is caused Anemia is;

a) Glucose
b) Amino acids
c) Glycerol
d) Hemoglobin

27. Micronutrients contained in nutrition foods are;

a) Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sulphur
b) Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen
c) Carbon, Nitrogen, Magnesium, Aluminum
d) Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Phosphorus

28. Which of the following is a printed mass media?

a) Radio
b) Facebook
c) Magazines
d) Cinema

29. The person who introduced multiple intelligence is;

a) Jean Piaget
b) David Wechsler
c) Howard Gardner
d) Margret McMillan

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30. BCG vaccine is given for;
a) German measles
b) Tuberculosis
c) Diarrhea
d) Rabies

31. Which of the following can be grown mostly in preschool children by sport activities is;
a) Team spirit
b) Socialization
c) Logical thinking
d) Memory

32. Which of the following is developed by throwing “Seed bag” backward from child to
i). Gross kinetic activities
ii). Full body functioning
iii). Do thing by Surpassing others
iv). Wait until his/her chance comes
Correct statements from the above are;
a) i,ii and iii
b) i,ii and iv
c) i,iii and iv
d) ii, iii and iv

33. The mathematical concept of “Location” explains the;

a) Distance
b) Changeability
c) Relative location
d) Relationship
34. Which of the following is an environmental exploration;
a) Interaction with the environment
b) Observing the environment
c) Understand the existing environment
d) Understand about the environment

35. The person who introduced the “learning from sports” is;
a) Fredrick Friable
b) Luria Vygotsky
c) Ivan Pavlov
d) Jeremy Browner

36. Which of the followings are belongs to the social environment?

a) Values, Culture, Habits, Rituals
b) Culture, Habits, Attitudes, Disciplines
c) Values, Attitudes, Believes, Disciplines
d) Concepts, Disciplines, Attitudes, Habits

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37. Health terminologies are,
a) Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional, Welfare
b) Physical, Mental, Cognitive, Environmental health
c) Spiritual, Intelligence, Physical, Social welfare
d) Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social welfare කා ක,

38. The educational device that should be provided to hearing impaired children is;
a) Brail device
b) Language device
c) Hearing aids
d) Noise boxes

39. The religions that mentioned about ten commandments and five precepts respectively are;
a) Hindu, Christian
b) Buddhism, Hindu
c) Christian, Nigantha
d) Christian, Islam

40. The Schema is;

a) A mental pattern structure
b) An Emotional stage
c) A feeling in the mind
d) An intellectual concept

41. Which of the following is belongs to the four gestures?

a) Sattvic gesture
b) Real gesture
c) Unreal gesture
d) Figurative gesture

42. Which of the following is belongs to the Theory of bloom?

a) Judgement
b) Imagination
c) Decision
d) Comprehension

43. Which of the following can be confirmed when referring to “Intrinsic Field”;
a) Assessment
b) Attitudes
c) Psychomotor
d) Use

44. The evaluation after doing the learning process is called as;
a) Formative
b) Summative
c) Longitudinal
d) Transverse

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45. Which of the following is a primary agent of the socialization?
a) School
b) Media
c) Family
d) Religious place

46. The vitamin that is most affecting on visual impairment of a child is;
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

47. A sport that can be played in the school to getting used to attentive listening is;
a) Playing Carrom
b) Playing “Diya Goda”
c) Playing “Pancha”
d) Swinging

48. A method that is used to obtain information of children with special needs is;
a) Proper study
b) Bio data reports
c) Interviews
d) Inspection reports

49. What is important to pre written activity?

a) Environment corner
b) Sand track
c) Book corner
d) Aesthetic corner

50. The reason that is caused to maladaptive behavior is;

a) Social impairment
b) Lack of attitude development
c) Lack of intelligence development
d) All of the above

(01 x 50 = 50 marks)

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Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission
Knowledge Assessment – July 2022
Pre School Teacher
National Vocational Qualification Level 04
Time: 1 1/2 Hours
Instructions for the Candidates

 Answer four (04) questions including question number one (01) (Question
number one (01) is compulsory and total number of questions should be
answered is four (04))
 Answer the questions in the spaces provided in the same question paper
 This question paper consists of 06 pages.
Part 2
i). What is meant by the “Integrated Learning”? (03 marks)

ii). Draw an integrated learning plan (not a lesson plan) which is suitable for
preschool children (age between 4 and 5) regarding the title of “Sky” using the
teaching of integrated learning method. (12 marks)

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iii). List out three (03) benefits for the students on implementing the lessons based on
your proposed lesson plan. (05 marks)

i). Explain the concept of Special educational needs (02 marks)

ii). Name two (02) most common type of sensory deficits and explain each of them
(04 marks)

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iii). Write down four (04) points how a teacher supports to children with sensory
disabilities in the class room.
(04 marks)

i). Mention three (03) points how to match the importance of the teacher’s knowledge
about learning theories to the preschool child
(05 marks)

ii). Briefly explain how to make teaching easier to a small child by using teaching theory
that you have already known.
(05 marks)

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4. It is important to create an environment with “Values” in teaching- learning process for
the preschool child
i). Briefly explain what is meant by the “Values” by giving five (05) examples.
(05 marks)

ii). Briefly explain the benefits that can be provided to the child in “Value
environment”. (05 marks)

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i). State four (04) principles of Maria Montessori education.
(04 marks)

ii). Briefly explain “To what extent are Maria Montessori educational concepts useful in
prevailing preschool”
(06 marks)

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6. Write down the short notes on the four (04) topics from the followings.
(2.5 x 4 = 10 marks)
i). Learning
ii). Maturity
iii). Cognitive
iv). Child development
v). Genetics and nature

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