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Reactions to Software Problems People who use computers and mobile

devices sometimes experience problems with software, including operating
systems, desktop apps, web apps, and mobile apps. Problems range from
not being able to install or download the program or app to a computer or
mobile device, to a program or an app producing unanticipated results.
Depending on the situation, these problems can result in user stress. Many
people believe reactions to software problems tend to be more extreme
than reactions to problems with other tools.

Technology is boosting day by day, as, it makes life easy for humans because by
using technology humans can do their work in minimal time without getting tired.
To use this technology, we need software. Software is a program that commands
the computer which task to perform and how to perform. with the advancement
of technology, software should also be updated otherwise, people start facing
problems with their mobile phones and computers because this latest software
should also be compatible with the latest configuration of devices. In this
Situation, people got angry and frustrate or even some go to a nearby service
center to update their device’s configuration.
There are various situations in which I have seen people react to program and app
problems on their computers and mobile devices.
Scenario 1: In India, it is pretty casual that the computer systems in some
government Banks are of low Configuration. So, systems don’t support the
upgraded version of the software and get hanged. Once I saw that the system of
an employee was not working and he got frustrated and shouted in loud Voice to
an IT guy that please check this, I am not able to start my application. At that
moment, many people were standing in the queue and waiting for their turn. That
bank employee was in so much stress because the rush was going to increase as
time goes on.

Scenario 2: last year, My younger brother had to give exam. For that, he needed
to install safe browser but he did not able to because when he was trying to
install .,everytime, there was pop up with message that “Storage is full. Please
clear some storage”.He was in hurry and did not read the message properly. As
time was limited, so,he frustrated because he had no option other than attempt
otherwise he would fail. He asked to me about this , I read that message and
unistalled some applications. Meanwhile, I tried to install safe browser and
successfully installed.

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