Assignment 02 - 2022W-T1 CLOD1001 - 500203580

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Introduction to Computers and Networking

Functions of operating system

Windows Operating System is the OS installed on my laptop. An OS bridges

communication between users and computer hardware. Currently, Windows 10 operating system

is running in my laptop. This operating system is designed to perform the functions described


 Memory management: The operating system controls where and how information

is being stored and accessed (Walia, 2015). It frees up random access memory by

removing unwanted bits to secondary storage. It also ensures data are stored in the

correct format and in a manner that can easily be accessed by users. For example,

executable program files are stored with the extension .exe while word documents

have extensions .docx or .doc to make them compatible with the program used to

open them. It organizes memory usage by different processes and transfers

information in and out of the memory.

 Error detection and management: The operating system diagnoses the hardware

and entre system to detect errors (Walia, 2015). It then establishes measures that

are needed to correct the errors. For example, the screenshot below shows that

after the OS finished troubleshooting my laptop to detect errors while connecting

to a Bluetooth device, it suggests reinstallation of a generic Bluetooth adapter to

fix the problem.

 Device management: The operating systems links how various devices access and

use various programs and communicate with human beings (Morley & Parker,

2014). It ensures devices effectively and efficiently use the right programs

designated to them and tracks the performance of every device. The screenshot

below shows various devices that OS manages.


 File management: An OS organizes files into directories, tracks user access

settings, tracks file storage and manipulation, and decides how files are stored

(Morley & Parker, 2014). It allows users to create directories for file storage and

decides how every file is accessed by users.

 Security: OS system uses various security controls to protect computer and users’

data. Users can set passwords, which are managed by the OS system to grant and

deny access to certain features of the system including accounts.

System security

As a system administrator in an office environment with one server and ten client

computers, I would conduct security risk and vulnerability assessments to establish gaps and

ensure measures are in place to protect data and the network. Several digital security measures

can be put in place to ensure the security of the network setup. These are discussed below.

Use of firewalls: firewalls are used to block or allow internet traffics into the system. It

can be used to ensure traffics from untrusted sources is filtered out, thereby preventing attacks on

the system network that can compromise the security of data transmitted over the network
(Corradini, 2020). Using string firewalls for each of the transmission layers can significantly

boost network security.

Use of strong and updated antimalware: Antimalware is a program that protects a

computer against a potential malware attack such as a virus. Malicious hackers develop malware

that can be sent over the internet or launched through a hard drive but can multiply over the

network and affect the security of data, for example, stealing essential information (Corradini,

2020). Antimalware can protect against malware attacks.

Use of strong encryption protocols: Encryption involves using an algorithm to protect

digital information (Corradini, 2020). Individuals can only access encrypted data only if they

have the key to decrypt the information. This would allow secure sharing of information over the

organizational network.

Use of passwords: A password refers to the string of numbers that can be used to

authorize access to the system and particular files (Corradini, 2020). As an administrator, I

would assign strong passwords to different users along with user access levels to prevent

unauthorized access.

Regular update of programs and operating systems: Cybercriminals are continuously

working their ways to exploit a vulnerability in systems (Corradini, 2020). Software developers

often update their programs with the latest security controls as knowledge about information and

network security advances. As a system administrator, it is essential to keep various systems and

programs in the computers installed with the latest versions and security protocols.


Walia, E. (2015). Operating system concepts. KHANNA PUBLISHING HOUSE.

Morley, D., & Parker, C. S. (2014). Understanding computers: Today and tomorrow,

comprehensive. Cengage Learning.

Corradini, I. (2020). Building a Cybersecurity Culture in Organizations: How to Bridge the Gap

Between People and Digital Technology (Vol. 284). Springer Nature.

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