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Right: Penelope
Left: Miller, Damien, Jennie, Kayla

Miller: Let’s talk.

Narrator: Penelope puts down her pen and glances at her screen quickly. It had Miller's name
and a message that undoubtedly caused her to neglect she was doing her homework.
Narrator: A little while later, her phone rang. She had a call from him. She answers the phone
with haste.

Penelope: Hey…

Narrator: She heard Miller heaved a sigh.

Miller: Do you want to explain or something?

Penelope: About what?
Miller: Are you damn serious right now? Why are you asking me? You should know by
Penelope: Honestly, Miller, I was the one who got hurt… physically. Shouldn’t you be the one
Miller: Oh, come on! It’s because you chose him over me! And now you’re calling me by my
name too. Ridiculous.
Penelope: So, you’re not sorry that you hurt me?
Miller: It’s not like…
Penelope: I didn't pick him over you either, by the way. You didn't stop even though I just
wanted you to. Did you not notice? He was almost a goner! Due to what? The sarcasm in his
tone wasn't clear to you. You're really so vapid.
Miller: He offended me!
1 | Haunting Penelope

Penelope: And right now, you're also offending me! You make me feel as if I’m not that
important to you. You didn’t even ask if I have recovered after you pushed me on the floor that I
almost broke my arm.
Miller: Okay, fine! Fine.
Miller: I I'm aware that the blame will eventually find its way back to me.
Miller: Alright. I’m sorry. I over-reacted. Well, it’s because he was stepping out of the line…
Penelope: There you go again. That’s enough.
Miller: I was just jealous…

Narrator: Miller muttered the final line, but Penelope could still hear it.

Penelope: Okay let’s just stop talking about it. Forget it.
Miller: Fine.
Miller: So…
Miller: Are you free this weekend?
Penelope: I’m going to visit mom. She hasn’t been picking up my calls lately.
Miller: Cool, I can come with you.
Penelope: Yeah, sure. She hasn’t seen you in a while.
Miller: Alright, bye.
Penelope: Bye, love you.
Miller: Love you too.

Narrator: Penelope hung up the phone.

Penelope: He didn't even apologize or check in on me after the injury to see how I was feeling.

Narrator: Her tummy groaned. She didn't realize she hadn't had lunch yet. She went to the
refrigerator, but there was nothing there to eat. There were simply a few spices, water, and
canned sodas. Not even food was available for her. Also, she was out of eggs.
2 | Haunting Penelope

Penelope: Goodness! Now I have to buy groceries when I’m starving.

Narrator: Penelope went upstairs to get dressed. Penelope examined herself in the mirror and
grabbed her purse, getting ready to leave.
Narrator: But only as she opened the main door, she was surprised to see somebody standing
right in front of her.

Penelope: The freak!! Damien?! What are you doing in front of my goddamn door?! You’re
going to kill me if you show up like that!

Narrator: Damien just stared at her.

Penelope: What are you doing here anyway?

Narrator: Damien simply walked right up to her door without responding to her question.

Penelope: Okay? You feel so much at home, that’s… awesome.

Penelope: Freak.
Penelope: What do you want? I’m going out.
Damien: Where?
Penelope: None of your business.

Narrator: Damien glared at her. Penelope gulped.

Penelope: Um, actually I’m going to get groceries. I ran out of stock, so.
Damein: Okay, let’s go.
Penelope: What?
Damein: I said let’s go.
Penelope: But… oh, gosh! Fine.
3 | Haunting Penelope

Narrator: Damien left the house and waited for Penelope outside before she had a chance to

Penelope: Wow. What a gentleman, he didn’t even open the door for me.

Narrator: She walked over to and sat in the back. On the convex mirror, she did notice Damien
glaring at her.

Penelope: What?
Damien: I’m not your personal driver.
Penelope: You know what, just drive. I’m more comfortable here, anyway.
Damien: …
Penelope: Err! Fine!! Such a weirdo.

Narrator: She was forced to stow away in the front seat. Damien turned on the car's engine.
Narrator: Deafening quiet permeated the entire drive. Penelope also preferred not to speak with
Narrator: She just gets pissed off every time she does.
Narrator: After more than 30 minutes, Penelope had only gotten her cart halfway full. Damien
was just following wherever she goes, and he looks bored… well, he always does.

Penelope: You know you can just wait for me in the car.
Damien: …
Penelope: Are you always going to do that? Every time I talk to you, you just stare at me like a
Jennie: Penelope?
4 | Haunting Penelope

Narrator: Upon seeing Jennie approaching, Penelope was alarmed. Right away, she gave
Damien the signal to leave in plain sight. It's a good thing he had his back to them and was
covered up; otherwise, they might have recognized him.

Penelope: Jennie! Kayla! Hey. What a coincidence.

Kayla: Who was that guy you were with?
Penelope: A… a guy? I wasn’t with anyone.
Jennie: Are you sure? That guy in a hoodie who was in front of you. We thought we heard you
guys talking.
Penelope: O… oh! That old man a while ago. He asked me where the meats are. I… I don’t
know him. I came here alone.
Kayla: It’s a surprise to see you here. I thought you would be bed-ridden after what happened.

Narrator: Penelope awkwardly laughs. Kayla really loves to embarrass her.

Penelope: Well, thank goodness I recovered fast enough.

Jennie: Yeah, I was so worried about you. Did you and Miller talk?
Penelope: Yeah, we did. We’re in good terms now.
Kayla: I never thought that new guy would be the reason for you two to fight like that. You
should’ve at least considered Miller’s feelings before siding with that dumbass.
Jennie: I thought you liked the new guy?
Kayla: For his face? Yeah. But he’s still a dumbass… though he was undeniably sexy.
Kayla: But no matter what, you shouldn’t have sided with him. You might have forgotten that
Miller’s your boyfriend and not him.
Jennie: Stop it, Kayla. She already said they reconciled.
Jennie: I’m happy for you.
Penelope: Thanks.
Jennie: Anyway, we’ll get going. We’re just here to buy some beverages. You know… Saturday
Penelope: Oh, okay. Enjoy.
Jennie: Bye!
5 | Haunting Penelope

Narrator: Penelope heaved out a sigh that seemed to have been a long time coming. She thought
she’ll be get caught red handed.

Damien: Why call me an old man?

Narrator: The moment Damien spoke behind Penelope, she nearly jumped out of surprise.

Penelope: Duh, I had no choice. Just be grateful that we weren’t caught.

Penelope: I feel bad. I shouldn’t be going out with other man like this.
Penelope: Why are you still here anyway? You can leave me here.

Narrator: 3:30 PM

Penelope: ow come his car is outside? Don't say he came back here, please. Gosh! This guy!
When will he quit stalking me like an absolute maniac!

Narrator: Penelope entered the house. On the sofa, she found Damien dozing off.

Penelope: And he even had the guts to sleep here. Doesn’t he have his own house? How did he
get inside in the first place?

Narrator: After setting the goods on the kitchen table, she returned to wake Damien.

Penelope: Hey. Damien! Wake up.

Narrator: But he was not waking. With a gentle shake on his wrist, she tried to wake him, but
he was sound asleep.
6 | Haunting Penelope

Narrator: His palm caught her attention. There she saw his wounds which was from the
initiation. They didn’t heal that much. It may have been because it happened only a few days
ago, or it could have been because it wasn't handled appropriately.

Penelope: Is he not concerned about getting tetanus? Geez.

Narrator: She got up and headed to the kitchen to prepare a meal. She knows he hasn't eaten
anything yet.
Narrator: Penelope finished everything almost an hour after sorting the supplies in the
refrigerator and preparing an early dinner. She returned to the living room to check on him, but
he was still sound asleep. Penelope decided to take a bath.
Narrator: Penelope shook her head when she noticed the windows in her room were open.

Penelope: So that’s how he got inside? When a door closes, a window opens. Did not know this
proverb always works well.

Narrator: She closed her window and prepared to take a bath.

Narrator: While taking a shower, Penelope was humming a song. Her wounds were mending
swiftly. Thank God, she just has to put up with it for a short while.
Narrator: After taking a bath, she wrapped herself with a towel, brushed her teeth in the sink
and stepped outside.
Narrator: However, she was shocked of seeing Damien inside her room.

Penelope: Why are you here?!

Narrator: She covered her chest.

Damien: You were taking so long. I’m starving.

Penelope: The heck? What are you? My child?

Narration: Damien just stared at her.

7 | Haunting Penelope

Penelope: Alright, quit staring. I’m used to you staring at me like that, but not when I’m only
wrapped in a towel.
Penelope: You can wait for me downstairs. I’ll be quick.

Narrator: Damien did as she said.

Penelope: He isn’t a robot, is he?

Narrator: Downstairs.

Penelope: Sincerely, I don't include you in my monthly spending plan. However, we should go
eat though because I'm not a cruel person and I know you're starving.
Penelope: I don’t know if you like my cooking, but you can’t complain anyway because this is
my house, but if you do, you better just go.
Penelope: Now, tell me, what did you come here for?
Damien: My jacket.
Penelope: Oh, right. I’ve washed it. And guess what, Damien, if only you told me that the
moment you arrived here, you could have had it 4 hours ago, and we shouldn’t have been almost
caught together by my friends.

Narrator: Penelope walked to the laundry room to get his jacket. When she came back, he was
still there, eating.

Penelope: Here you go. I prepared meals for you and did your laundry. Please don't ever again
make me feel like your mother because guess what? I am not your mother. It's shocking, isn't it?
Nonetheless, I won’t do anything more for you.
Damien: Yes, you will.
Penelope: What? No, I won’t. This should be enough.
Damien: You will.
Penelope: Uh-huh? And what is it?
8 | Haunting Penelope

Narrator: Damien smirked.

Damien: Have you forgotten, Penelope?

Damien: What about or deal?
Penelope: D… deal?

Narrator: Damien got up from his seat and went in front of Penelope, bringing his face closer to
her as he placed his right hand on the table.

Damien: Don’t you ever forget.

Narrator: He grinned at her. She doesn't understand how he manages to appear normal while
acting like a psycho at the same time. That smirk… it’s the same to his usual smirks, but it felt
different… it felt freaky.

Penelope: D… Damien… I… Do I have to…

Damien: What do you mean by asking, Penelope? Of course, you have to. Because if you

Narrator: Damien pulled out his phone from his pocket and showed a video to her. She freaked
out upon seeing who was in the video.

Patricia: Penelope! Sweetie! Please, help me!! Somebody captured me! I don’t know who they
are, or what they need from me, but please, sweetie! They’re going to kill me! I’m begging you!
Save me!
Penelope: Mom?
Penelope: What did you do to my mother?!

Narrator: Damien distanced himself from her.

9 | Haunting Penelope

Damien: Well, as you can see in the video, she’s safe. I didn’t harm her.
Damien: At least not yet.
Penelope: What do you mean not yet, you monster?! Let go of my mother!!
Damien: That depends on you, darling.
Damien: Kill Lindsay… and your mother will be safe.
10 | Haunting Penelope


Right: Penelope
Left: Damien, Lindsay, Bartender, Announcer

Narrator: Club de Bay

Narrator: Penelope was dressed in high-cut sneakers, trousers, a black pullover, a cap, and
sunglasses. To hide her identity, she wore nearly all black clothing, barely letting any of her skin

Penelope: I can’t believe I’m doing this.

Penelope: What if I just back out and go straight to the police?

Narrator: A message notification flashed on her phone.

Damien: Remember, Penelope, there’s no other way.

Damien: It’s just between your mom and a stranger.
Damien: Not that hard to choose between, honestly.

Narrator: She shut her phone.

Penelope: It’s not that hard?

Penelope: This psycho. How long has he been doing this for?
Penelope: Too bad for me, I thought he was a good person despite him acting otherwise.
Penelope: There is kindness in evil. Psh! What a flawed basis for evaluating other people.
Announcer: And for tonight’s show which everyone is waiting for! Blonde Kitty!
11 | Haunting Penelope

Narrator: Everyone around her applauded and so she did, to not look suspicious among
everyone else in the room.

Penelope: Blonde Kitty? Is this her? She’s supposed to be Lindsay, tho.

Narrator: Penelope double tapped her EarPods to answer the call.

Damien: How’s it going?

Penelope: You called just the right time. Well, there is someone her on stage, she looks so much
like the picture of Lindsay that you sent me, yet she’s not Lindsay.
Damien: What do you mean?
Penelope: The announcer a while ago called her Blonde Kitty. I don’t know, maybe because
she’s blonde, and she’s wearing kitty ears?
Penelope: I’m sure he didn’t say Lindsay, tho.
Damien: Stupid. It’s normal for strippers to have stage names like that. It’s her.
Penelope: Well, she’s currently doing a show.

Narrator: Penelope went to the bar counter and ordered a light drink.

Penelope: Are you sure that I have to do this? I mean… you know… I’m hesitant. What if I fail?
We’re both doomed.
Damien: If your mom’s not that important to you, then you can go home now.
Penelope: I can’t believe how evil you are!
Damien: …
Damien: Just do as how I instructed you, Penelope. I’m waiting right here.

Narrator: Penelope cut the call short. Her whole body was trembling, even her hands.

Penelope: Damn it! I can’t do it if I’m like this.

Penelope: Excuse me? Can I order a hard drink, please?
12 | Haunting Penelope

Bartender: Right away, ma’am.

Narrator: Penelope took her drink and drank it right away. She made sure to drink just enough
to give her the bravery she needed because she has a low alcohol tolerance.

Lindsay: Hi, there! The usual please.

Narrator: Penelope reached into her pocket to retrieve the substance she would need to carry
out this plan.

Linsay: Thanks!
Bartender: You had a great show back there. Men where drooling.
Lindsay: Oh, of course. I never fail.
Penelope: Excuse me, one more glass, please.

Narrator: Penelope was ready for the plan. Penelope deliberately dropped the glass on Lindsay
as the bartender handed it to her, drenching the Blonde Kitty.

Lindsay: Oh my gosh! What are you doing?! It’s freaking cold!

Penelope: I… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.
Bartender: I'll bring you a rag to wipe yourself.

Narrator: Penelope immediately poured the liquid into Lindsay's glass while the bartender was
preoccupied with finding a cloth to dry Lindsay.

Bartender: Here you go.

Penelope: I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to.
Lindsay: It’s fine, whatever. Your sorry can’t make me dry.

Narrator: Penelope went back to her seat.

13 | Haunting Penelope

Lindsay: Gosh! I still have another show. Now, I have to change my clothes.

Narrator: Lindsay drained the contents of her glass before standing up, leaving it empty.
Penelope stalked her in a cunning manner. As she walked towards the changing room, Lindsay
began to feel dizziness.

Lindsay: Damn it! I just had one glass. Why do I feel dizzy all of a sudden?

Narrator: A little while afterwards, Lindsay became unsteady. She was seized by Penelope.

Penelope: Oh dear. I didn’t even realize I’m too small to catch someone like this.

Narrator: Penelope, though having a hard time, took Lindsay at the back of the club where there
were no people, and it is barely even lit.

Lindsay: W… who are you?

Narrator: Lindsay could still battle the need to entirely close her eyes, despite her want to do so.

Penelope: I’m sorry, but I have to do this.

Narrator: Penelope shoved Lindsay to the ground before grabbing a large enough stone to
knock her over.

Lindsay: N… no! What are you doing? W… who are you?

Narrator: Although Lindsay wanted to stand up, she was unable to do so due to her weak legs
and lightheadedness.
14 | Haunting Penelope

Narrator: Penelope went closer to Lindsay. Lindsay was trying to back off, but she couldn’t
with her little strength.

Lindsay: No. No, please!

Penelope: I’m… I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!

Narrator: Penelope cried as she walks closer to her.

Lindsay: Spare my life, please! Whoever you are! What did I ever do to you?!

Narrator: Penelope’s tears ran down her cheeks one after the other. However, she can’t be
emotional right now. Any moment from now, anyone can come and catch her.

Penelope: I’m sorry. I don’t hold any grudge from you. But I have to do this.
Lindsay: No! No! No! Please! Please! Help! Hel…

Narrator: Penelope repeatedly hit her head on the stone before she could yell for aid. Lindsay,
covered in her own blood, slumped to the ground. She was staring at Penelope's exposed face, as
she wept, before she fully closed her eyes.
Narrator: The blood-stained rock slipped from her grasp as her lips quivering. She started
crying as she observed Lindsay on the ground. Although she wasn't breathing, her eyes were

Penelope: S… she’s dead. I did it. I did it! Haha! I can’t believe it was that easy.

Narrator: She was unsure about her feelings. It feels like a victory. Although she doesn't feel
like it, she was crying.
Narrator: She answered her phone when it rang.

Damien: How is it?

Penelope: Great.
15 | Haunting Penelope

Penelope: It… it feels great. I don’t know how or why. I… I did it. I didn’t think I could. But…

Narrator: When Penelope said those remarks, she appeared to be out of her mind. She was
merely direct-looking Lindsay's body, who was also looking at her.
Damien: I’m almost there.

Narrator: She puts down her phone.

Penelope: Oh my God!

Narrator: Penelope started crying uncontrollably all of a sudden. She is somewhat puzzled.
How is it that she felt nothing for a while and is now ashamed and disgusted with herself?

Penelope: What did I do?!

Penelope: M… miss?

Narrator: She approached the corpse and gently shook it as if she were attempting to awaken it
from slumber.

Penelope: Are you… are you really dead? Oh, God! How?!
Penelope: Please forgive me! Trust me I did not want this. Pretty sure you have a mother. You
should understand me. Right? I just did it for her. She’s my only family. Every child in this
world will do the same.
Damien: Quit the drama.

Narrator: Damien came. He took Lindsay’s corpse and put it inside a large gear bag.

Damien: You made a mess. I told you not to.

Penelope: Is she… really dead?
Damien: Yes, she is. Good job right there, darling. I thought you’ll flee.
16 | Haunting Penelope

Penelope: Am I… going to jail?

Damien: Not. If you’re going to pick up that rock. That’ll surely bring you behind bars.

Narrator: Penelope immediately picked up the stone she used.

Damien: We can’t remove this blood as quick as we should before anyone comes here.
Penelope: W… what? Then what should we do? Will they be able to tell that it was me? I don’t
want to go to jail!! No!
Damien: Relax. There’s a way.
Penelope: W… what is it?
Damien: I'll use a shovel to remove the blood-stained earth.

Narrator: Long Penelope was inside the car drifting off, her mind floating in the air, and she
doesn't even realize that she hasn't been blinking for a while, Damien smoothed out the blood-
soaked soil and placed it into the sack.
Narrator: In the car.

Narrator: Penelope couldn’t believe she was riding in a car with a corpse in its trunk. She never
imagined she could have done this in her life.

Damien: How does it feel?

Narrator: Penelope fought back tears and gazed at him with swollen eyes.
Penelope: H… hard.

Narrator: She started crying once again.

Damien: Stop crying, will you?? It’s not that big of a deal.
Penelope: Yes, it is, Damien!
Penelope: I fucking killed someone! It’s a big deal!
17 | Haunting Penelope

Narrator: She yelled at him.

Damien: Then, congratulations.

Penelope: Goddamnit!! Damien, do you even understand how hard this is for me?! She’s dead!
That person in your trunk is dead! I killed her! I killed her with my own hands! Look! My hands
are covered with her blood. Even if I wash this fucking blood out, it will never erase the fact that
I killed her!! I am a criminal!!
Damien: She deserved it. You gotta congratulate yourself for eliminating an undeserving human
being. They’re toxins in this world.

Narration: Damien’s grip on the steering wheel tightens.

Penelope: Oh, goodness! I can’t believe you’re saying this right now!
Damien: Just shut your mouth and move on. It’s that simple, Penelope. You and me, are going
to keep this a secret to our graves.

Narrator: Penelope just cried.

Damien: We’re going to bury her body somewhere no one knows about. You should burry your
sentiments with her.

Narrator: With her tears flowing helplessly down her cheeks, Penelope shut her eyes. She rested
her head against the chair.

Penelope: Tell me when we’ve arrived. I’m going to sleep.

Penelope: And I hope when I wake up, it’s all just a dream.

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