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Enlightenment and 1500 – 1800 Review Questions Name: _____________

__ 1. Copernicus a) English, mathematician, theory of gravity and analyzed light

__ 2. Kepler b) French, mathematician who developed rationalism or use of reason
__ 3. Galileo c) Irish, proved all matter is made up of elements
__ 4. Newton d) Polish, Developed the heliocentric theory, book published late
__ 5. Robert Boyle e) German, used ellipses and figured out relative speeds
__ 6. Lavoisier f) French mathematician, developed first calculator, held on to faith
__ 7. Descartes g) English thinker, developed scientific method
__ 8. Pascal h) French, discovered gases and how fire burns oxygen, executed in Terror
__ 9. Bacon i) Italian, inventor, proved Copernicus, used pendulums, tried for heresy
____________ 1. Some aspect of the universe
____________ 2. About what you have seen.
____________ 3. Something based on your guess.
____________ 4. Your predictions through experiments.
____________ 5. Your guess in light of results.
___ 1. Hobbes a) Wrote on the Vindication of the Rights of Women, equality of sexes
___ 2. Locke b) In Treatises of Government, argued for social contract, natural rights
___ 3. Montesquieu c) Fought for separation of the powers into the three branches
___ 4. Voltaire d) Fought for the right of free speech, free beliefs
___ 5. Wollstonecraft e) Life was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short – without Leviathan
___ 6. Rousseau f) Wrote that gov’t rests on the will of the people, freedom of nature
__ 1. Louis XIV a) Austrian Hapsburg, urged for reforms and helped the serfs
__ 2. Frederick b) France’s Sun King, built Versailles, said “I am the State”.
__ 3. Theresa c) German Princess who ruled Russia, supported Enlightenment until a revolt
__ 4. Peter d) Greatest Russian Czar, conquered to Baltic Sea, modernized Russia
__ 5. Catherine e) Prussian enlightened absolute monarch, pushed reforms and science
1) Compare three different scientific thinkers from the Age of Enlightenment. Who did the most?

2) Imagine Hobbes and Locke were two new teachers at our school. How would they act?

3) Imagine Louis XIV and Peter the Great were two new students. How would they act?

4) Why were the 1700’s called the Age of Enlightenment? Give three reasons.

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