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Time allocated: 60 minutes MATHAYOM 2 Marks: 100 marks

General instructions: -
This question paper consists of 25 questions, and it is divided into three sections A, B and C.
Every answer should be written neatly, clearly, visibly and legibly.
All questions are compulsory. Answer all the questions.

Nickname : _____________________________________ Class : _________


1. Which of the following is not true about the crust?
A It is made up of rocks and minerals.
B It is covered by water, sand, soil and ice.
C Its continents are about 3500 km thick.
D It makes up less than 1% of the Earth’s mass.

2. Which of the following is true about land subsidence?

A The gradual sinking ground due to the removal of groundwater and oil from the ground.
B The formation of a hole in the ground when the soil below it collapses.
C The movement of soil down a slope.
D The prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to water loss in the ground.

3. What is weathering?
A The process where a rock is broken down into ice.
B The process where a rock is broken down into smaller pieces.
C The process where a rock is broken down into minerals.
D The process where a rock is broken down into boulders.

4. Which of the following are the causes of physical weathering?

I Temperature
II Living things
III Wind

A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

5. Energy sources can be classified into two major groups, renewable and nonrenewable.
Which of the following pairs is correctly classified?
Renewable energy source Non-renewable energy source
A Biomass Coal
B Geothermal Solar
C Petroleum Natural gas
D Coal Geothermal

6. Which of the following is not a method to improve soil?

A Incorporates cover crops to add organic matter to the soil.
B Adjusts soil pH by adding ground limestone or sulfur compounds.
C Add extra pesticides to reduce the number of pests in the soil.
D Practices contour tillage and terracing to reduce soil erosion

7. Which of the following is true about deposition?

A Movement of sediments continues until the sand dunes are formed.
B Movement of sediments slows or stops and the sediments are later dropped.
C Rocks and soil materials are transported by natural agents.
D Rocks are broken down by chemical reactions.
8. Which of the following are the uses of soil?
I Serves as the main foundation in construction.
II Serves as habitat for many insects and other organisms.
III Used in making ceramics and pottery.

A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

9. The following describes some stages in the formation of soil.

P - Humus forms.
Q - The plants and animals die and decay.
R - The rock weathers.
S - Humus and weathered rock mix and form soil.
T - Animals such as insects and worms begin to appear.
U - The plants begin to grow.

Which of the following shows the stages in the formation of soil correctly?
A R, T, U, Q, P, S
B R, U, T, Q, P, S
C U, T, Q, R, P, S
D U, R, T, Q, P, S

10. Given are examples of energy sources.

Coal Petroleum Natural gas

These type of energy sources can be grouped as

A radioactive substances
B fossil fuels
C geothermal
D biomass

11. Why is organic matter an important part of soil?

A Decreases water infiltration into the soil
B Breaks down chemical pollutants
C Converts nitrogen in the air
D Serves as a reservoir of nutrients in the soil

12. Which of the following can help in conserving water?

I Wash only full loads of clothes in washing machines.
II Collect rainwater to water plants.
III Use a water hose to wash a car.

A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III
13. Which of the following is true about surface water?
A The water that collects in the zone of saturation.
B It includes seas and oceans only.
C Streams and oceans are fresh water.
D The excess water flows across the surface into nearby streams, canals or ponds.

14. What is the water table?

A The boundary between the zone of aeration and the zone of saturation.
B The water collects on the surface of the Earth.
C The bottom of the zone of saturation.
D The top of the zone of aeration.

15. Which of the following statements is true about horizon R?

A This horizon is usually light colored and low in organic matter.
B This horizon is made up of masses of hard rock.
C This horizon is composed of organic matter.
D This horizon is the most productive layer of soil.

16. Water becomes groundwater when

A water evaporates from the surface of the Earth.
B water seeps into the zone of saturation.
C water seeps into the zone of aeration.
D water is not absorbed by the surrounding area.

17. About what percentage of Earth’s water is salt water?

A 0.7%
B 3%
C 90%
D 97%

18. Which of the following is a step which helps in conserving the sources of energy?
A Use personal vehicles more often
B Use electrical appliances which require higher power
C Recycle papers
D Increase the consumption of fossil fuels

19. Which of the following is the main reason why seawater is not suitable as drinking water?
A It contains a high content of sodium chloride.
B It contains microorganisms.
C It does not have any taste and smell.
D It does not have any dissolved minerals.

20. Soil consistency depends on

A proportion of the sand, silt and clay
B size ranges of soil
C soil moisture content
D amount of minerals

1. Complete the diagram below with the given words in the box. (14 marks)
Hydrogen Running water Heat The Sun
Natural gas Fossil fuels Radiation Waves
Biofuel Coal Biomass Gamma
Charcoal Petroleum Oil shale Wind

Fossil Fuels

Renewable Non-renewable

a) _________ h) _________
b) _________ i) _________
c) Wind . j) Petroleum
d) _________ k) _________
e) _________
f) _________
g) _________
2. Match the descriptions with the correct type of renewable energy sources. (14 marks)

Description Renewable
We use solar panels to convert its rays into
a) Sun
In general, water is pumped into the Earth to
b) Biomass
harness its energy.
It is used to turn wind turbines to produce
c) Hydrogen
The movement of sea is a free source of kinetic
d) Waves
It is channelled to turn turbines to make
e) Wind
A fuel cell is used to combine it with oxygen to
f) Running water
produce electricity and water.
Heat from the
g) It is the organic matter from animals and plants.


1. Both surface water and groundwater pose some hazard that can bring serious damage to life
and property.
Name the five hazards caused by water. (10 marks)

i) _______________________________________________________________

ii) _______________________________________________________________

iii) _______________________________________________________________

iv) _______________________________________________________________

v) _______________________________________________________________
2. Soil profile is the vertical display of soil layers. It has four layers of mineral materials.
Draw and labelled the diagram of a soil profile. (10 marks)

3. Running water in streams and waterfalls has energy.

This water energy can be used as a source of energy in many different ways.
State the advantages and disadvantages of using hydroelectric energy. (12 marks)


i) _______________________________________________________________

ii) _______________________________________________________________

iii) _______________________________________________________________


i) _______________________________________________________________

ii) _______________________________________________________________

iii) _______________________________________________________________

~End of question paper~

All the BEST !!!

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