B. Inggris Pts Kelas Ix Semester Genap

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Alamat: Jln. Ulugawo Desa Fatodano Kecamatan Ulugawo Kabupaten Nias Kode Pos 22872
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas : IX (Sembilan)
Alokasi Waktu : 60 menit

Questions No. 1 (a – c)
4. Answer the following questions based on the
information from the announcement above.
a. Where will the girls softball tryouts be held?
b. What do they have to do after registering
1. Decide whether these following sentences are True online?
or False based on the notice above. ……………………………………………..
a. They have to make friends with anybody . c. Translate these words into Bahasa Indonesia.
…………  Tryout : ……..…………
b. They have to be careful in choosing  Register : ………….,……
friends.  Mandatory : ……………..…
…………  Otherwise : …..……………
c. They should bully anybody in their classroom  Disqualified : ………………..
Questions No. 5 (a – e). Complete the gaps in the
Questions No. 2 (a – c) dialogue with the appropriate expressions. Then,
answer the questions (d and e).
To Siska,
My dear friend, I am so happy because we both passed 5. Danny : “Hi, Vania. I’m glad to meet you here.
the exams with flying colours. Thanks for helping me by How’s everything?
being my study mate. Congratulations to both of us and Vania : “a)…………. How about you?”
let us celebrate with a dinner this weekend. Danny : “Pretty good. By the way I heard that
Love you’re qualified to the next step in the
Maria Indonesian Idol. It was great to hear that.
Congratulations. “
Vania : “b)……………, Dan. I still have to learn
2. Answer these questions based on the information in a lot more. I want to be in the final round
the congratulation card above. in Jakarta.”
a. Who wrote the congratulation card? Danny : “I’m sure you can do it. And I believe you
…………………………………………........ could.”
b. Congratulation to both of us … Vania : “That’s very nice of you, Dan, thanks. I’m
What does the word ‘us’ refer to? sorry I have to go now. Nice to see you,
……………………………………………… Danny.”
c. Translate these words from the card above into Danny : “c)…………….., Vania”.
Bahasa Indonesia
 My dear friend : ………….... d. Why does Danny congratulate Vania?
 Thanks for helping me : …………… ………………………………………………….
 Both of us : ………….... e. Translate the words from the text above into
Bahasa Indonesia.
3. Translate these words into English.  Congratulations : …………………..
a. Dermawan/murah hati : ……………  Final round : …………………..
b. Rakus/serakah : ……………  Pretty good : …………………..
c. Sifat : ……………  Next step : …………………..
d. Baik hati : ……………
 Believe : …………………..
e. Semangka : ……………

Questions No. 4 (a – c)

Girls Softball tryouts will be held Tuesday, Aug

29 and Wednesday, Aug 30 from 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
on the softball field behind the music room. All girls
who wish to join the tryout must bring gloves and
register online – please bring your printed certificates
for verification – this is mandatory before tryouts,
otherwise you will be disqualified.

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