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Alamat: Jln. Ulugawo Desa Fatodano Kecamatan Ulugawo Kabupaten Nias Kode Pos 22872
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas : VIII (Delapan)
Alokasi Waktu : 60 menit

Questions No. 1 - 5 b. What did the bird give to the generous brother?
Long, long time ago there lived two brothers. ………………………………………………..
They had completely different characters. The big c. What did the generous brother find after cutting
brother was very stingy and greedy. He never shared the watermelon?
his wealth poor people. The little brother was exactly …………………………………………………
the opposite. He was generous and kind especially to
poor people 3. Translate these following words from the text into
One day the generous brother was sitting in his Bahasa Indonesia.
garden when suddenly a little bird fell on his lap. It was a. Long, long time ago : ……………………..
wounded. He took care of it, fed it and put it in a nice b. Stingy and greedy : ……………………..
cage. After the bird recovered, the generous brother let c. Generous and kind : ……………………..
it fly. After some time, the bird returned to him and d. Wounded : ……………………..
gave him a watermelon seed. e. Full of gold : ……………………..
The generous brother, then, planted the seed and
watered it until it grew into a good watermelon plant. 4. Translate these sentences from the text into Bahasa
Yet, the plant was very strange. It had only one fruit; a Indonesia.
big and heavy one. When the watermelon was ripe a. The two brothers had completely different
enough, the generous brother picked it and cut in into characters.
two. How surprised he was. The watermelon was full ………………………………………………..
of gold. b. The generous brother took care of the bird, fed
The generous brother sold the gold and became it and put it in a nice cage.
very rich . He built a big house and bought a very large ………………………………………………..
field. Still , he never forgot to share his wealth with the c. How surprised he was. The watermelon was full
poor. of gold.
1. Decide whether these following sentences are True
or false based on the text above.
5. Arrange these letters to form meaningful words.
a. The big brother was generous and kind to poor
a. o – u – s – n – e – r – G – e
people. …………………..
b. The little brother never shared his wealth to
b. c – o – v – e – R – e - d – e – r
poor people. …………………..
c. The little brother took care of the wounded bird
c. a – l – h – t – e – W
well. …………………..
d. The big brother planted and watered the seed
given by the bird …………………..

2. Answer these following questions correctly based

on the text.
a. What kind of person was the big brother?

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