English Debate

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Themes Motion: THBT SMK Is Better Than SMA

1st Speaker Of Affirmative team:

I strongly believe that SMK is better than SMA. SMK is a school in Indonesia that focusing on
its major to create new freshmen that have both skills and knowlege in their majoring. SMA is a
school in Indonesia that focusing only in the knowlegde in their majoring.
So that is why SMK could get more easier job by their majoring basedon its peupose and motto
“SMK Bisa”. But SMA students need to continue their study to college level to focusing on the
majoring and than they could get the job by it. The implicative of SMK can rechanged the new
high and fastest level on education in reaching the best solution on jobless in Indonesi.
1st Speaker Of Negative team:
I don’t agree with the motion that SMK is better than SMA. By seeing its quality of education
SMA has higher level on quality far from SMK. SMK is a new sistem program created by
goverment to make a ready-freshmen worker. But in fact, the its quality is opposite to their
misiion. But you can see the sistem of SMA in Indonesia. They focus on only knowledge, but the
school can create a good quality of its purpose so they take 85 person quotes in the University
2nd Speaker Of Affirmative team:
Rebuttle: No, i don’t agrre with you. You thought and said that both sistem is different. But then
you said the its purpose was failed by seeing SMK point of view. You can’t compare the
persentages of the number of students that accepted in University with the persentage of
freshmen woker of SMK in knowledge. You must see how big the number of dreshmen from
SMK that being accepted to be employees in company!
I would like to delivered my sPeech from the effectiveness of SMK on creating qualified worker.
SMK took an unique education sistem that they do acceleration on how student after graduation
from school can directly get a job and qualified. If you see that SMA, they need 4 years more to
get a job after the graduation. It means that SMK get effective way on create new qualified
worker than SMA.
2nd Speaker Of Negative team:
Rebuttle: I dn’t agree with the material on delivering of 2nd speker of affirmative tem. He
doesn’t know how big freshmen from SMK who failed on applying a job. SMA also can directly
get a job after they graduate from high school. It means the effectiveness of your delivery still
non sense.
But seeing on my point of view, the SMA is a doubled degree of graduation.
You can easily continue to the university level easier than SMK and you can get a job as you
want. It means, if you failed from the examination of application on university and you need a
money. You can make a money to apply in the company.

So many company accepted from freshmen of SMA. So this proves to us that SMA is better than
3rd Speaker of Affirmative team:
Rebuttles:All the materials that negative team talking about is silly and can not be taken as fact.
Thay don’t see why the goverment make the 60:60 SMK:SMA in the future by 2008. It just
because the SMK is the new hopes to Indonesia and applicable on education to create a new
freshmen and worker on company without taking first college level degree.
So by seeing my team who delivered to you before adjudicator, we are take a red line on how
good SMK to get more easier job than SMA with their major they have. And my second speaker
said that the effetiveness of SMK student to be qualified worker. Let’s us imagine that Student of
SMK from automotive engineering can work as mechanic. But the student from SMA cannot
work as mechanic even just apply to the company by its requirement. It means it is so effective.
3rd Speaker Of Negative team:
Rebuttle: If yes the SMK is better, why the image of good quality is taking by SMA level. Does
it proven you? So all the rebuttle of 3rd speaker is still can not prove their team.
The higher level is the higher qualified. So when SMA student took higher level on college
degree. They would have good qualified on working. So that is why the student from SMK if
work in the company just can be a low level position like mechanic, shop keeper,etc. But ehen
student of SMA graduate from University they applied to company they work as manager of
workshop (Leader of mechanic), and Manager of Shop (leader of shop keeper). So this proves
that SMA better than SMK.
Speker 4 of Negative team:
By seeing my team’s point of view. We straightly go to the red line on how effective of SMA
levels on creating better freshmen. So for the adjudicator time is yours.
Speaker 4 of Affirmative team:
We still absolutely believe that SMK is better than SMA because of its sistem, how effective to
create qualified worker after graduation. So please win for us the adjudicator.

Materi 1
Some TV shows in Indonesia, such as gossip, soap operas, talk shows, advertising raids, and so
forth can help the entry of globalization but also can turn off the Indonesian cultural personal.

Pro Arguments:
It is actually good if the television show in Indonesia is growing on which it is seen from the
increasing number of events and the more creative the entertainment topics. Some TV shows
such as Reality Show strongly encourages Indonesia to be known in the international world, to
finally make Indonesia ready to enter the Era of Globalization. Unfortunately, these advances
have made Indonesian indigenous cultures dead, because as the progress, Indonesia is now
starting to lead to a foreign lifestyle, until today’s young generation no longer appreciates
indigenous Indonesian culture, such as dance arts, wayang, batik, statues, carvings, and so forth.
Contra Arguments:
I agree that the rise of TV shows such as those abroad is an advancement for Indonesian
television, and can help Indonesia in the face of globalization. However, the assertion that it is a
deadly Indonesian personal culture is very intolerable. It is because precisely with such progress,
Indonesian culture can be more globalized, known, and admired by people overseas who still do
not realize how great and unique the original culture of Indonesia is. This is should be the fact
that these TV shows can help the entry of globalization to come into Indonesia, then the culture
of Indonesia will also be pushed to get out of Indonesia to be known internationally.
Materi 2
Many street vendors on the roadside make Indonesia look untidy and a poor country in the eyes
of the international world. So in the name of Indonesia, the street vendors must be evicted.
Pro Arguments:
If tourists from abroad come to Indonesia and see many street vendors who roam on the streets, it
can not be blamed if the tourists conclude that Indonesia is a developed country and many of its
citizens are living in poverty. So in the name of Indonesia, the wandering street vendors must be
eliminated, and Indonesia must organize itself into a clean and tidy country in order to raise its
degree so that it is considered good by the whole world. Thus, facing the era of globalization is
not a difficult thing for Indonesia.
Contra Arguments:
Until now it can not be denied if, indeed, Indonesia is a country whose majority of the population
still lives in the middle-low economy class. So there is no need for fraud against the international
world with the aim of raising the degree, if in fact there are still many Indonesian citizens who
have economic problems. We can also try to imagine how the reaction of all the people of
Indonesia if all street vendors cleaned. Many people will become unemployed, demos will
become more widespread, and chaos will definitely happen. That would actually increase the bad
view of Indonesia in the world. Unless the street vendors are moved to a clean location, they
must be provided by a new replacement location. Then, a new statement to clear all street
vendors from the streets is acceptable.

Materi 3
Crime in Indonesia is due to the abundance of children neglected by parents.
Pro Arguments:
Psychological factors are very influential on self-criminal. If a child does not have the correct
guidance from his parents, then it is reasonable if there is a side that is not right in the individual
himself. So it can be concluded that the crime in Indonesia is due to improper parental guidance,
resulting in irregularities that refer to crime. The number of criminals in Indonesia can reduce the
degree of Indonesia in the eyes of the international world because a high crime will damage the
good name of Indonesia, which until now is still considered to have many friendly and virtuous
Contra Arguments:
We can not blame parents for causing someone to be a criminal. There may be criminals who are
misguided by their parents, but there are far more criminals who already have bad qualities of
themselves. The crime can also be caused by the demands of life, for example a very poor man
who needs food will eventually be forced by the situation in his life to do the act of robbery. He
was not taught by his parents, but circumstances that urge him to commit a crime.

Memulai Argumen
Dalam berdebat, Anda harus bisa menjabarkan argumen Anda dengan baik. Untuk memulai
sebuah argumen dalam debat bahasa Inggris, Anda bisa menggunakan beberapa kalimat berikut
First of all, I would like to point out… (Pertama-tama, saya ingin menunjukkan…)
The main problem is… (Masalah utamanya adalah…)
The question of… (Pertanyaan mengenai…)
Speaking of… (Berbicara tentang…)
What we have to decide is… (Yang harus kita putuskan adalah…)

Mendaftar Argumen
Setelah memulai sebuah argumen, Anda harus bisa menjabarkan setiap argumen dengan rapih.
Oleh karena itu, Anda harus mendaftarnya karena tidak mungkin argumen dalam debat hanya
ada satu. Anda bisa menggunakan beberapa frasa berikut ini.
First of all, I would like to say… (Pertama-tama, saya ingin mengatakan…)
In addition to that… (Selain hal itu…)
Moreover,… (Terlebih lagi,…)
Another example of this is… (Contoh lainnya dari ini adalah…)
Finally,… (Terakhir,…)

Menyampaikan Opini Pribadi

Dalam berdebat, Anda juga bisa memulai sebuah argumen dengan menyampaikan opini atau
pendapat pribadi. Agar dapat melakukannya dalam debat bahasa Inggris, Anda bisa
menggunakan beberapa frasa berikut ini.
It seems to me that… (Bagi saya ini terlihat bahwa…)
I have the feeling that… (Saya memiliki perasaan bahwa…)
I feel that… (Saya merasa bahwa…)
I’m absolutely convinced that… (Saya sangat yakin bahwa…)
You can take it from me that… (Anda bisa percaya kepada saya bahwa…)
I don’t think that… (Saya tidak berpikir bahwa…)
In my opinion,… (Menurut pendapat saya,…)
If you ask me,… (Jika Anda bertanya kepada saya,…)
As I see it… (Sebagaimana saya melihatnya…)
The way I see it,… (Dari sudut pandang saya…)
Personally, I believe that… (Secara pribadi, saya percaya bahwa…)
I’m convinced that… (Saya yakin bahwa…)

Menyampaikan Sisi Pro dan Kontra

Dalam berdebat, Anda juga harus menyampaikan sisi pro dan kontra terhadap topik yang sedang
dibicarakan. Untuk menunjukkan sisi pro dan kontra, Anda bisa menggunakan beberapa frasa
berikut ini.
There are two sides to the question. (Terdapat dua sisi dari pertanyaan itu)
On the one hand…,on the other hand… (Pada satu sisi…, pada sisi lain…)
An argument in favour of … (Sebuah argumen yang mendukung…)
While admitting that…one should not forget that… (Walau mengakui bahwa… kita juga
sebaiknya tidak melupakan bahwa…)
Some people think that…,others say that… (Beberapa orang berpikir bahwa…, orang-orang
lainnya mengatakan bahwa…)

Menunjukkan Keraguan
Untuk dapat mengalahkan lawan debat, Anda juga harus menunjukkan kekurangan dalam
argumen lawan. Untuk menunjukkannya, Anda bisa mengucapkan kalau Anda ragu atas
keabsahan argumen mereka. Gunakan beberapa frasa bahasa Inggris di bawah ini untuk
menunjukkan keraguan Anda terhadap lawan debat.
I’m not sure if… (Saya tidak yakin jika…)
I’m not convinced that… (Saya tidak yakin bahwa…)
I wonder if you realize that… (Saya bertanya-tanya apakah Anda menyadari bahwa…)
I doubt that. (Saya meragukan itu)

Menyampaikan Ketidaksetujuan
Selain menunjukkan bahwa Anda ragu dengan argumen lawan, Anda juga bisa menunjukkan
rasa tidak setuju pada argumen lawan. Untuk menyampaikan ketidaksetujuan Anda, coba
gunakan beberapa frasa bahasa Inggris berikut ini.
I don’t agree with you about… (Saya tidak setuju dengan Anda mengenai…)
I can’t accept your view that… (Saya tidak bisa menerima sudut pandang Anda bahwa…)
I have a different opinion (Saya memiliki pendapat yang berbeda)
I disagree with you, I’m afraid. (Saya tidak setuju dengan Anda, sayangnya)
I don’t quite agree there (Saya tidak terlalu setuju pada bagian itu)
I’m not so certain if that’s correct (Saya tidak terlalu yakin apakah itu benar)
I have my doubts about that (Saya memiliki keraguan mengenai itu)
I don’t think that you’re right (Saya rasa Anda tidak benar)
I can’t go all the way with you on that point (Saya tidak bisa sepenuhnya setuju dengan Anda
mengenai poin tersebut)
I think you got that wrong (Saya pikir Anda salah mengenai hal itu)
That doesn’t convince me at all (Itu sama sekali tidak meyakinkan saya)
You’re contradicting yourself (Anda berkontradiksi dengan diri Anda sendiri)
I’ve never heard of such thing (Saya tidak pernah mendengar hal semacam itu)

Mempertanyakan Argumen
Selain meragukan argumen lawan dan menunjukkan bahwa Anda tidak setuju dengan pernyataan
mereka, Anda juga bisa mempertanyakan argumen lawan. Berikut adalah beberapa frasa yang
bisa Anda gunakan.
I can’t quite understand how… (Saya tidak terlalu mengerti bagaimana…)
It really is ridiculous that… (Sangat konyol bahwa…)
I’m sorry I have to say this, but… (Saya mohon maaf bahwa saya harus mengatakan hal ini,
Do you realize that…? (Apakah Anda menyadari bahwa…?)
I’m disappointed to hear that… (Saya kecewa untuk mendengar bahwa…)

Menjaga Tetap Dalam Topik

Terkadang lawan debat justru akan membawa argumen atau menyerang Anda mengenai hal yang
sudah berada di luar topik. Jika hal ini terjadi, Anda bisa menggunakan beberapa frasa ini untuk
membawa pembicaraan kembali ke dalam topik debat.
It would be more to the point if… (Akan lebih langsung ke poinnya jika…)
That’s not the problem (Itu bukan masalahnya)
What we are discussing is… (Yang sedang kita diskusikan adalah…)
That has nothing to do with my argument (Itu tidak ada urusannya dengan argumen saya)
That’s not relevant (Itu tidak relevan)

Menyimpulkan atau Menutup Debat

Pada akhir debat, Anda harus bisa menyimpulkan atau menutup argumen dengan baik. Berikut
ini adalah beberapa frasa yang bisa Anda gunakan.
The obvious conclusion is… (Kesimpulan yang jelas adalah…)
Last but not least… (Terakhir namun bukan yang paling tidak penting…)
The only possible solution is… (Satu-satunya solusi yang memungkinkan adalah…)
Summing up, I’d like to say that… (Untuk menyimpulkan, saya ingin mengatakan bahwa…)
In conclusion, we can say that… (Dalam kesimpulan, kita bisa mengatakan bahwa…)
Just to give you the main points again,… (Hanya untuk memberitahu Anda poin-poin utamanya

Menjawab Pertanyaan Argumen

Ketika lawan debat mempertanyakan argumen Anda, Anda juga harus bisa menjawab pertanyaan
tersebut dengan baik. Berikut ini adalah beberapa kalimat yang bisa Anda gunakan.
I can’t answer that directly (Saya tidak bisa langsung menjawab itu)
I’ll need time to think about that (Saya akan perlu waktu untuk memikirkan hal itu)
That’s a very interesting question because… (Itu pertanyaan yang sangat menarik karena…)
That’s a difficult question to answer, because… (Itu pertanyaan yang sulit untuk dijawab,
That’s a very good question. The reality is that… (Itu pertanyaan yang sangat bagus.
Kenyataannya adalah…)
It depends on what you mean… (Itu tergantung pada apa yang Anda maksudkan…)
If you ask me, it all depends on the circumstances (Jika Anda bertanya kepada saya, semuanya
bergantung pada situasi)

Menambahkan Argumen
Untuk menambahkan argumen yang sudah pasti lebih dari satu, coba gunakan beberapa frasa
atau kata ini.
Also,… (Selain itu,…)
Again, that depends on… (Sekali lagi, itu tergantung pada…)
In addition,… (Sebagai tambahan,…)
I might add that… (Saya ingin menambahkan bahwa…)
Perhaps I should also mention… (Mungkin saya sebaiknya juga mengatakan…)
Not to mention the fact that… (Belum lagi menyatakan fakta bahwa…)
Not only that, but also… (Bukan hanya itu, namun juga…)

Menunjukkan Kepastian
Anda harus bisa mempersembahkan argumen dengan penuh kepercayaan diri bahwa argumen
tersebut pasti benar. Untuk menunjukkan kepastian tersebut, coba gunakan beberapa frasa di
bawah ini.
According to government statistics… (Berdasarkan statistik pemerintah…)
In fact,… (Faktanya,…)
Clearly,… (Jelas-jelas,…)
People have always… (Orang-orang selalu…)
People just won’t continue to… (Orang-orang tidak mau lanjut melakukan…)
Without a doubt,… (Tanpa keraguan,…)

Membantah Argumen Lawan

That may be so, but… (Itu mungkin benar, namun…)
That might have been the case once, but what I’m concerned with is… (Itu mungkin adalah
situasinya dulu, namun yang saya khawatirkan adalah…)
Maybe they do, but what I’m afraid of is… (Mungkin mereka begitu, namun yang saya takutkan
You may be right about…, but what bothers me is… (Anda mungkin benar mengenai…, namun
yang mengganggu pikiran saya adalah…)
Maybe… But the problem is… (Mungkin… Namun masalahnya adalah…)
That’s a good idea, but what I don’t like is… (Itu adalah ide yang bagus, namun yang tidak saya
sukai adalah…)
That’s a good point, but… (Itu poin yang bagus, namun…)
That would be great, except that… (Itu bisa menjadi bagus, akan tetapi…)
Menyampaikan Penyebab
The reason why… is… (Alasan mengapa… adalah…)
Due to… (Disebabkan oleh…)
Because of… (Karena…)
Since… (Sejak…)

Menyampaikan Akibat
For this reason… (Atas alasan ini…)
For this reason alone… (Atas alasan ini saja…)
Owing to this… (Akibat hal ini…)
That is why… (Itu lah mengapa…)
This is the reason why… (Ini adalah alasan mengapa…)
As a result,… (Sebagai hasilnya,…)
Consequently… (Konsekuensinya…)
Thus,… (Oleh karena itu,…)

Mengklarifikasi Argumen
I’m talking about… (Saya sedang membicarakan tentang…)
I’m saying that… (Saya mengatakan bahwa…)
The whole point of this is that… (Poin keseluruhan dari ini adalah bahwa…)
What I mean is… (Yang saya maksud adalah…)
What I’m trying to say is… (Yang ingin saya coba katakan adalah…)
Let me put it another way… (Coba saya ucapkannya dengan cara lain…)
That’s not what I meant (Itu bukan yang saya maksud)
You must have misunderstood me (Anda pasti telah salah memahami ucapan saya)
Memberikan Contoh
For example / For instance… (Sebagai contohnya…)
Take for example… (Coba sebagai contohnya…)
A classic example of this is… (Contoh klasik untuk hal ini adalah…)
To illustrate my point… (Untuk mengilustrasikan poin saya…)
Let me give you an example (Coba saya berikan Anda contohnya)

Menahan Interupsi Lawan

Hold on a second (Tunggu sebentar)
Yes, I was about to mention that (Iya, saya baru saja akan membicarakan hal itu)
I was about to come to that (Saya baru saja akan membicarakannya)
Sorry, I haven’t finished yet (Maaf, saya belum selesai berbicara)
I haven’t made my point yet (Saya belum menyampaikan poin saya)
I’m about to make my point (Saya baru akan menyampaikan maksud saya)
I’m almost done (Saya hampir selesai berbicara)
If you could just give me a second (Jika Anda bisa memberi saya sedikit waktu)
Please let me finish (Tolong biarkan saya selesai berbicara)
Would you let me finish? (Bisakah Anda membiarkan saya menyelesaikan omongan saya?)
Would you hold on a second? (Bisakah Anda tunggu sebentar?)

Memberikan solusi
The solution to this problem is… (Solusi untuk masalah ini adalah…)
The best way to solve this problem is… (Cara terbaik untuk memecahkan masalah ini adalah…)
To crack this problem, you really have to… (Untuk memecahkan masalah ini, Anda sungguh
There are many choices. You can try to… (Terdapat banyak pilihan. Anda bisa mencoba
The alternative solution is to… (Solusi lainnya adalah dengan melakukan…)

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