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Checklists of Class 12th Physics Chapters ( NEET Oriented)

By Tamanna Chaudhary ( Newton's Apple)

Coverage Question Practice Revision- I Revision- II

Electric Charges and Fields

1 Charges and Conductors
Properties of Charges and Conductors
Induction and Grounding
2 Coulomb's Force and Electric Fields
Force and it's dependence on Medium
Cosequence of multiple forces on a charge
E que to a charge, ring, dipole
E due to Multiple Charges
Motion of Q in E
E due to Equal Charges located on the corners of a regular polygon
3 Dipole and Dipole Moment
Basics, E due to a dipole at axial and equitorial point
Dipole in Uniform and Non- Uniform E (Torque and Potential Energy)
Multiple Dipole System
4 Electric Field Lines and flux
5 Gauss's Law and Applications
Main Formula and Enclosed Charge
E Flux through a cube with charge located on it's surface, corner, edge, body center
E due to a straight infinitely long charged wire
E due to a charged sheet and their combinations
E due to a conducting shell and sphere
E due to a non- conducting sphere

Electric Potential and Capacitance

1 Electric Potential Energy and Potential
Single and double charge systems
Multiple charge systems
Relationship between them
Preffered motion of +/- charge in E
W to assemble a system of charges
Energy changes in a charge moving through a potential difference
V due to a ring and dipole
2 Equipotential surfaces
3 Relationship between E and V
Motion at an angle with Electric Field
Calculus involving questions
V due to a charged spherical conductor
V due to a charged spherical non-conductor with uniform volumetric charge distribution
Connecting two dis-similar conductors
Conductors + Earthing
4 Conductors and Storing Charges
5 Capacitors
Spherical/ Parallel Plate Capacitors
Dilectrics and Polarisation
Parallel plate capacitor with fully/partially filling metal/dielectric slab between it's plates
Combination of Capacitors
Calculating Net dielectric constant of a multiple slab parallel plate capacitor
Energy stored in a capacitor
Common potential when two different capacitors are connected
Energy changes when two capacitors are connected

Current Electricity
1 Charges and Current
Instantaneous Current
Average Current
2 Types of Material
Types of Material
Thermal Coefficient of Resistance
Carbon Resistors and Color Coding
3 Drift Current, Relaxation time and vector form of Ohm's Law
4 Ohm's Law
Distribution of I in parallel circuit
Distribution of V across series combination
Combination of Resistors
5 Kirchhoff's Laws and Applications
Loop Law
Junction Law
Nodal Analysis
6 Cells, EMF and their internal resistance
7 Combination of Cells
8 Electrical Power
9 Electrical Instruments
Voltmeter and Ammeter
Meter Bridge

Moving Charges and Magntism

1 Lorentz Force
Electric and Magnetic Lorentz Force
Motion of Charge in B (radius, vtime period, KE)
time spend by a charge in B
Velocity vector
Helical Motion of charge in B
2 Biot Savart's Law and Ampere's Circuital Law
Scalar and Vectorical equation of Biot Savart's Law
Significance of enclosed current being +/- for an amperian loop
Direction of an amperian loop
3 Magnetic Fields due to Current Elements
Due to a circular current carring wire (at it's centre)
Due to a circular current carring wire (on it's axial line)
Due to a segment of circular current carring wire
Due to an infinitely long current carring wire
Due to a finitely long current carring wire
Due to combination of circular and straight current carrying wires
Due to a solenoid (finite and infinite)
Due to a toroid
Due to a hollow current carrying wire
Due to a solid current carrying wire
Effect of iron rod on B due to a solenoid or toroid
4 Force on a Current Carrying Conductor in B (external)
5 Force between two current elements
6 Magnetic Moment of current carrying coil (s)
7 Torque and PE of a current carrying coil in External B
8 Moving Coil Galvanometer
Working, Apparatus
Current and Voltage Sensitivity

Magnetism and Matter

1 Magnets, Monopoles and Magnetic Moments
2 B due to a magnet
3 Force between two monopoles
4 Magnet in External B
Cutting of magnets
Combination of magnets
5 Magnetic Field Lines
6 Oscillation Magnetometer
7 Tangent Law
8 Deflection Magnetometer
9 Tangent Galvanometer
10 Earth's Magnetism
Angle of declination and inclination
Plane at an angle with magnetic plane
Real and apparent angle of dip
Oscillation of a magnet in horizontal/vertical/magnetic plane
Oscillation of a magnet in a plane making an angle with the magnetic plane
11 Magnetic Properties of Material
Types of Magnetic Material
Magnetic Intensity and Intensity of Magnetisation
Magnetic Susceptibility
Magnetic permeability
Dependence of Xm on Temperature for di/para/ferro magnetic materials
Hysterisis loop
Soft and Hard Magnets
Electromagnets and Strong Magnets

Electromagnetic Induction
1 Magnetic Flux and Lenz's Law
Faraday's experiments
Magnetic Flux and ways of changing it
EMF (induced) , Current (induced) , Charge (induced)
Graphs ( Magnetic Flux - time / EMF - time )
2 Line Integral of E
3 Self and Mutual Inductance
Coefficients of Inductance
Value of L for a current carrying circulat coil
Value of L for a solenoid (air/iron core)
Value of M for two current carring cocentric coils
Value of M for two current carring coaxial, non-centric coils
Value of M for a current carrying coil in a solenoid
Change in Mutual and Self Flux
4 Combination of Inductors
Leffective - Series Combination- No linkage
Leffective - Parallel Combination- No linkage
Leffective - Series Combination- Linkage
Maximum M b/w two inductors and Coupling factor
5 Motional EMF
8 AC Generator

Alternating Current
1 Mean/ RMS Current/ EMF for various circuits
Graphs and Values
DC + AC circuit combined at a junction
2 AC Circuits with One Device ( L, C and R)
C connected to a bulb (Effect of Dielectric slab on brigtness of the bulb)
L connected to a bulb ( Effect of Iron rod on the brighness of the bulb)
3 AC Circuits with Double Device ( LR and RC)
4 LCR Circuit

Relationship between Vrms and I rms
Power Factor
Impedence Triangle
5 LCR in Resonance
Quality Factor
Sharpness of Resonance
6 LC Oscillations and Time Constants

Electromagnetic Waves
1 Four Laws of Electromagnetic Induction
2 Displacement Current
3 Electromagnetic Waves and their properties
4 Electromagnetic Spectrum

Ray Optics
1 Reflection and Mirrors
Real/Virtual Object/Image - Concept
Laws of Reflection
Types of mirrors and mirror-ray diagrams for a real object
Mirror equation and Magnification (in terms of v-u, u-f and v-f )
Nature of image formed of a VO due to different mirrors
Length of the image formed on Principle axis
2 HOTs (Reflection and Mirror)
Newton's Formula
Graph b/w (v vs u ) , ( 1/u vs 1/v )
Velocity of a object and image (mirros)
Reflection of a ray by two mirrors inclined at an angle
Rotation of a plane mirror
No of images formed when two mirrors are inclined with each other
Hmin of mirror ( for a man to see his full image)
Hmin of mirror ( for a man to see the full image of wall behind him)
3 Refraction by a single/double plane surface
Basics of Refraction and Snell's Law
Refractive index and it's effect on v and wavelength of light
Bending of a ray (away/ towards) the normal
Refraction at a glass slab
Multiple Glass slab problems
4 Total Internal Reflection
Requirement and equation of critical angle
NCERT Based theoretical phenomenons explained by TIR
Optical Fibres
Bulb in a lake
Shift in the image of an object when viewed from other medium
5 Refraction by a single curved surface
Sign Conventions and Numericals
6 Refraction due to lenses
Types of lenses
Ray Diagrams for Concave and Convex lens forming image for RO
Thin lens formula
Lens Maker's Formula
Silvered Lens
Combination of lens (in contact and at a distance )
Cutting of Lens
Covering a lens
Final Image when ray falls on a lens- mirror combination

7 Prism and Snell's Law
Basics and equation of snell's law applied
Minimum deviation (thick and thin prism)
Dispersion due to thin prism at minimum deviation
Angle of dispersion and Dispersive Power
Thin prisms in contact ( Dispersion without Deviation)
Thin prisms in contact ( Deviation without Dispersion)
8 Extra Topics
Primary and Secondary Rainbow
Theory of Colors
Image formation by eyes
Chromatic and Achromatic abberations in eye
Defects in Eyes ( Myopia/Hypermetropia ) - Numericals
9 Optical Instruments
Simple Microscope
Compound Microscope
Reflecting Telescope

Wave Optics
1 Wave Theory of Light
Time period, phase angle, wavelength, frequency, velocity
Relationship between phase angle and path difference
Huygen's Principle and Wavefronts
Wavefronts: Point and Line Source of Light
Wavefronts: Incident and Reflected rays (mirrors and plane surface)
Wavefronts: Incident and Refracted rays ( lens, prisms)
2 Superposition
Constructive/ Desctructive
Amplitute and intensity (resultant)
Superposition when a certain phase angle is ppresent between two waves
Maximum and Minimum Intensity
3 YDSE and Interference
Difference between coherent and non-coherent sources of light
Path difference created b/w two waves at difference positions on the screen
Intensity at difference positions on the screen
Dark and Bright bands ( their intensity and position)
Central fringe with, fringe width and width of fringe
Distance between random fringes
Constant Screen length for different fringes (having different fringe width)
Ways of changing fringe width
Introducing a glass sab infront of one slits
4 Diffraction
Conecpt and types
Dmin for diffraction pattern to be seen
Optical Fibres
Single Slit diffraction pattern on the screen
Linear/ angular position of fringes
Width of central fringe and fringe width
Combination questions of Diffraction and Interference
5 Polarisation (by polarisers/reflection) and Malus Law
6 Diffraction pattern by lenses
7 Angular Resolution (Telescope)
8 Magnification (Mocroscope)
9 Resolving Power of an electron microscope

Dual Nature of Radiation & Matter

1 Photoelectric effect
Different types of electronic emmisions

Various scientists
Photoelectric Effect and equation
All Important Graphs
2 De Broglie Waves

1 Rutherford's Model of Atoms
2 Bohr's Model of Atom
Properties of electron in different shells of an atom
3 Electron transitions
Photons involved and Energy Changes
Spectral Series
Spectral Lines

1 Properties of a Nucleus
Atomic and Mass Number
Radius, Volume, Mass and Density : Their dependence on A
Isotopes, Isobars and Isotones
2 Formation of a nucleus
Binding Energy and mass defect
Energy chanes in a nuclear reaction
3 Alpha, Beta and Gamma Decay
4 Radioactivity
5 Nuclear Reactior and Nuclear Reactions in Sun

Semiconductors and it's devices

1 Types of Materials
Conductor, Insulator and Semiconductor
Energy Band theory
2 Semiconductors in General
Dopant and Semiconductor atoms
Majority and Minority CC and their mobility
3 Diode
Depletion Region and Barrier Field
Conduction and Diffusion Current
Reverse and Forward Biasing
Zener and Avalanche: Diode and Breakdown
Uses of Diode: Photodiode, LED and Solar Cells
Zener Diode as a voltage Regulator
4 Rectifiers
5 Transistors
Transistor as an amplifier
6 Logic Gates

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