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Volume: 13
Pages: 159-164
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1147
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8316788
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-2-9
Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 159-164, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1147, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8316788, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

From Teacher to School Founder: A Practicum Journal on

Dr. Francisca T. Uy's Educational Journey
John Michael V. Sasan*, Osias Kit T. Kilag
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study focuses on the leadership skills and achievements of Dr. Francisca T. Uy. The aim of the
study is to highlight Doc Franz’s unique leadership skills, particularly during the COVID-19
pandemic, and his commitment to supporting needy education, community outreach, and service to
others. Using a qualitative approach, the study examined the initiatives and programs that Doc Franz
established to promote higher education, community development, and social responsibility. Findings
indicate that Doc Franz’s leadership skills played a role especially in establishing and sustaining his
organization in spite of the difficult times brought about by the pandemic. The research also
highlights Doc Franz’s commitment to the education of the poor and his vision to leave a legacy of
service to others. The programs have helped thousands of underprivileged students receive a quality
education, and her community outreach programs have contributed to the growth of the city and its
residents. Her unwavering selflessness and devotion to service have touched the lives of many and
inspired others to follow in her footsteps. Overall, this study is a tribute to Dr. Francisca T. Uy,
providing valuable insight into Uy's leadership skills and accomplishments and emphasizes the
importance of strong leadership in promoting education, community development and social

Keywords: leadership during a crisis, pro-poor education, community extension, service to others

Introduction Bulacao Campus for 8 years. In 2020, she founded the

PAU Excellencia Global Academy Foundation, Inc.,
which has become the leading senior high school
The educational landscape is constantly changing, and provider in Toledo City. Following this success, she
teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of founded her second school, the ECT Excellencia
teaching and learning (Dahlberg, et al., 2020). Many Global Academy Foundation, Inc., in 2022.
teachers begin their careers as classroom teachers, but
some choose to take a different path and become Doc Franz is a visionary leader who is committed to
school founders. Schools were founded by individuals improving her community. She is recognized for her
who started their own schools, often with a specific work on projects such as BakasPuso, Community
vision or educational philosophy in mind. These PAUntry, and Housing. She actively participates in
individuals often have a passion for education and various organizations for educators and researchers,
want to create a unique learning environment for presenting research at numerous conferences. Doc
students. Franz's outstanding leadership has been recognized
with several awards, including being named the
One such person was Dr. Francesca T. Uy, a former Philippines Outstanding School Head of the Year at
classroom teacher who became the founder of the the Fourth Instabright National Awards for Educators,
school. Dr. Uy is the founder and president of PAU the international Luminary Award in Leadership
Excellencia Global Academy Foundation, Inc. and Grand Champion and on January 7, 2023, Dr.
ECT Excellencia Global Academy Foundation, Inc. a Francisca T. Uy was awarded and given the title
school well known for its innovative approach to "GARBO SA TOLEDO" (Outstanding Toledonhon) in
education. In this process, the researchers, explores Dr. the field of education for her contributions to the city
Uy’s educational journey, from her early years as a of Toledo and its people. Dr. Franz has received
teacher to her current role as the school’s founder. recognition locally, nationally, and internationally.

Dr. Francisca T. Uy, also known as "Doc Franz," is an Research Questions

accomplished education professional with a diverse
range of experience. She has served in the Department 1. What are the key leadership skills and strategies that
of Education for 22 years, worked as a college Dr. Francisca T. Uy demonstrated in establishing a
instructor for 19 years, a graduate school program new school during the COVID-19 pandemic?
professor for 5 years, and the principal of the ACT 2. How does Dr. Uy's pro-poor education approach,

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 159-164, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1147, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8316788, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

which includes a multiple intelligence model and essential for its success. This is particularly important
community involvement, contribute to improving for new schools, where the leader is responsible for
education outcomes for underprivileged students? developing and implementing the school's vision,
3. What is the impact of Dr. Uy's community extension mission, and values. Effective leadership and
program on the local community, and what are the management also contribute to the creation of a
factors that contribute to its success? positive school culture, where staff and students feel
valued and supported.

Literature Review Another important factor that contributes to a school

founder's success is their ability to build strong
relationships with parents, the community, and other
The educational journey of school founders is a topic
stakeholders. A study by Day, et al. (2020) found that
that has been widely researched in the field of
effective communication and collaboration with
education. According to Ray, (2020), the success of
parents and the community are essential for the
school founders depends on their ability to establish a
success of a new school. Parents and the community
clear vision and mission for their schools. The vision
play a significant role in shaping the school's culture
and mission should be aligned with the school's
and supporting its development. Therefore, building
culture, values, and beliefs. School founders who are
positive relationships with these groups is crucial for
able to articulate their vision and mission clearly are
ensuring their support and involvement in the school.
more likely to gain the support of their stakeholders,
including parents, students, and teachers. Finally, the ability to innovate and adapt is essential
for school founders. As educational systems and
In addition, successful school founders are those who
technologies evolve, schools must adapt to ensure they
are able to build strong relationships with their
continue to provide relevant and effective education to
stakeholders. Frei and Morriss (2020) argue that
their students. A study by Karakose, et al. (2021)
school founders should develop trust and respect with
found that innovative school leaders are better able to
their stakeholders, as this can help them build a strong
adapt to change and implement new ideas that improve
support system for their schools. This is particularly
the school's effectiveness.
important in the early stages of the school's
development when school founders need to establish a School founders face many challenges as they
strong foundation for their schools. establish and develop a new school. However, by
focusing on key factors such as vision, mission,
Another factor that contributes to the success of school
leadership, management, relationship-building, and
founders is their ability to identify and hire competent
innovation, they can overcome these challenges and
teachers. According to Bubb and Jones (2020),
create a successful educational institution. The
successful school founders are those who are able to
following section will discuss the methodology used to
identify teachers who share their vision and mission
examine Dr. Francisca T. Uy's educational journey
for the school. These teachers are also committed to
from teacher to school founder.
the school's values and beliefs. Al-Thani, et al. (2021)
argues that hiring teachers who are passionate about
teaching and are willing to go the extra mile can help Methodology
school founders achieve their goals.

Moreover, school founders who are able to establish a This practicum journal is a descriptive study that seeks
positive school culture are more likely to succeed. to document the leadership style and competencies of
According to Mousena and Raptis (2020), a positive Dr. Francisca T. Uy, the founder and president of PAU
school culture is characterized by trust, respect, and Excellencia Global Academy Foundation, Inc. and
collaboration among stakeholders. School founders ECT Excellencia Global Academy Foundation, Inc.
who are able to create a positive school culture can The study was conducted from March 6-11, 2023, and
improve student achievement and promote teacher employed purposive sampling to select Dr. Uy as the
retention. subject.

In addition to the factors mentioned above, leadership Data was collected through a combination of
and management skills are also crucial for school observation, interviews, and document analysis. The
founders. A study conducted by Juanda, et al. (2021) researcher observed Dr. Uy's daily activities and
found that the ability to lead and manage a school is interactions with staff and students. Interviews were

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 159-164, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1147, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8316788, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

conducted with Dr. Uy and key informants, such as Global Academy Foundation, Inc. in the midst of the
school administrators and faculty members. pandemic. Despite the numerous challenges posed by
Documents such as school policies and procedures, the crisis, Dr. Uy was able to mobilize resources, rally
student academic records, and other relevant materials support, and create a new institution that is poised to
were also reviewed. make a positive impact in the community.

Data collected was analyzed using thematic analysis. Dr. Uy's leadership during the pandemic can be
The researcher identified key themes related to Dr. compared to previous studies on crisis management
Uy's leader ship style, comp etencies, and and leadership. In general, these studies emphasize the
achievements. These themes were categorized and importance of adaptability, communication, and
coded to provide a comprehensive understanding of collaboration in navigating uncertain and complex
Dr. Uy's leadership. situations. Effective crisis leaders must be able to
quickly assess the situation, identify priorities, and
Ethical considerations were taken into account in make decisions based on the best available
conducting this study. The researcher sought informed information. They must also be able to communicate
consent from Dr. Uy and key informants before their vision and strategy clearly and inspire others to
conducting interviews and observations. The follow their lead. Finally, they must be able to
researcher ensured that confidentiality and anonymity collaborate with diverse stakeholders and build a
were maintained throughout the study. coalition of support to implement their plans.

Limitations of the study include the short duration of Dr. Uy exemplifies these qualities in her leadership
the data collection period and the limited scope of the style. She was able to quickly assess the need for a
study. As the study was conducted over a short period new school in the Toledo City area and the
of time, the researcher may not have been able to neighboring municipalities, where many families were
capture all aspects of Dr. Uy's leadership style and struggling to find quality education for their children.
competencies. Additionally, the study only focused on She then mobilized a team of educators and
one school leader and may not be generalizable to administrators to create a detailed plan for the new
other school leaders or contexts. school, taking into account the challenges posed by the
pandemic. This plan included the utilization of the
PEGAFI Learning Management System (PLMS), as
Results and Discussion
well as extensive safety protocols to protect students
and staff from COVID-19.
Theme 1: Leadership during a crisis: The study
focuses on Dr. Francisca T. Uy's leadership skills Dr. Uy also communicated her vision and strategy
during the pandemic, which enabled her to establish a clearly to stakeholders, including parents, teachers,
school despite the challenges posed by the crisis. and local officials. She was able to inspire others to
believe in the mission of the new school and contribute
The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented their time, resources, and expertise to its success. Her
challenges for individuals, communities, and collaborative approach also helped to build a strong
organizations around the world. In the field of network of supporters and partners.
education, schools and universities have had to
navigate complex and constantly changing guidelines Dr. Uy's leadership during the pandemic provides a
to ensure the safety of students and staff while compelling case study for educators and leaders in
continuing to provide quality education. Many schools other fields. Her success demonstrates that it is
have struggled to adapt to the new realities of remote possible to create new institutions and initiatives even
learning, reduced enrollment, and financial constraints. in the most challenging of circumstances, as long as
However, there are also examples of schools that have there is a clear vision, a collaborative approach, and a
managed to thrive despite the crisis, thanks to effective willingness to adapt to changing circumstances. By
leadership and innovative approaches. learning from Dr. Uy's example, leaders can build
resilience, inspire others, and make a positive impact
One such example is the story of Dr. Francisca T. Uy, in their communities.
a visionary educator who demonstrated exceptional
leadership skills during the pandemic. Dr. Uy's story is Theme 2: Pro-poor education: The study highlights
particularly remarkable because it involves the Doc Franz's mission to provide high-quality education
establishment of a new school, the PAU Excellencia to students who have never had the opportunity to

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 159-164, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1147, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8316788, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

attend a private institution. She aims to leave a legacy policymakers.

of service to others by founding a pro-poor multiple
intelligence school. Theme 3: Community Extension: Dr. Francisca T.
Uy has institutionalized and propagated the three core
The theme of pro-poor education is one that has gained practices for the institution, which are Instruction,
significant traction in recent times, especially in Community Extension, and Research. The study
developing countries where access to quality education highlights her community extension program, where
is limited. Dr. Francisca T. Uy's mission to provide she went above and beyond to help the city promote its
high-quality education to underprivileged students is beauty and donated a community park, the St. John of
indeed commendable, and her efforts to establish a Sahagun Community Park.
pro-poor multiple intelligence school are a testament
to her commitment to this cause. Dr. Francisca T. Uy's leadership and commitment to
community extension have played a crucial role in
On the topic of pro-poor education, Doc Franz's promoting the welfare and development of the city.
approach stands out for its holistic nature. Rather than The study on her community extension program
merely focusing on providing education to students, highlights her dedication to serving the community by
she recognizes that other factors such as poverty, identifying and addressing its needs, even beyond the
malnutrition, and inadequate housing can impact a
scope of formal education.
child's ability to learn. As such, she has incorporated
measures such as a Bakas Puso program and PEGAFI In the face of the pandemic, Dr. Uy demonstrated
PAUntry into her school's curriculum to ensure that exceptional leadership by leveraging the resources and
her students are healthy and well-fed, thus better expertise of her institution to contribute to the city's
equipped to learn. response efforts. Her community extension program
took on an even more significant role as the city
Moreover, Doc Franz's approach to education is one
struggled to combat the effects of the crisis.
that recognizes the individual differences between
students. Her multiple intelligence approach
Dr. Uy recognized that the pandemic had severe
acknowledges that students have different strengths
economic implications for the city, particularly for
and weaknesses, and as such, learning should be
those in vulnerable communities. She mobilized her
tailored to meet their individual needs. This approach
institution's resources to provide relief aid and support
is in contrast to traditional education models that tend
to those affected by the pandemic. Her community
to adopt a one-size-fits-all approach.
park, the St. John of Sahagun Community Park, served
One significant difference between Doc Franz's pro- as a vital resource for the city, providing a safe space
poor school and previous studies on the topic is the for people to exercise and engage in socially distant
level of community involvement. Rather than viewing activities during the pandemic. By doing so, she
education as a one-way street, where knowledge is demonstrated her commitment to preserving the city's
imparted from teacher to student, Doc Franz's school cultural identity while promoting its economic growth
operates on a more collaborative approach. Parents are and development.
encouraged to participate in school activities, and their
feedback is taken into consideration when making Dr. Uy's community extension program is a shining
decisions regarding the school's operations. This level example of how academic institutions can serve as
of involvement fosters a sense of ownership and catalysts for positive change in their communities. Her
accountability among parents, and they are more program's focus on serving the needs of the
invested in their children's education as a result. community and promoting social responsibility and
civic engagement among students is a testament to her
Doc Franz's pro-poor multiple intelligence school vision of education as a tool for social change.
stands out for its holistic and collaborative approach to
education. Her efforts to provide high-quality Dr. Uy's pro-poor education mission aligns perfectly
education to underprivileged students, while also with her community extension program, as it seeks to
addressing their other needs, are a testament to her provide high-quality education to students who would
leadership and commitment to service. By adopting an not have the opportunity to attend private institutions.
approach that recognizes the individual differences Her emphasis on multiple intelligences and student-
between students and involves the community, she has centered teaching methods helps ensure that students
laid the foundation for a successful educational model receive a well-rounded education that caters to their
that can serve as an inspiration to other educators and individual strengths and interests.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 159-164, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1147, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8316788, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Dr. Francisca T. Uy's leadership during the pandemic, powerful example of how leaders can use their
her pro-poor education mission, and her community position to contribute to the well-being of others and
extension program are excellent examples of her make a positive impact on their communities.
unwavering commitment to serving the community.
Her vision of education as a tool for social change and
her dedication to promoting social responsibility and Conclusion
civic engagement among students make her a role
model for future generations of educators and leaders. This study provides an in-depth analysis of the
leadership skills and philanthropic efforts of Dr.
Theme 4: Service to others: The study highlights Doc
Francisca T. Uy, also known as Doc Franz. The study
Franz's commitment to helping the less fortunate. She
aimed to investigate how Doc Franz was able to
has helped build houses for senior citizens, people establish a successful school despite the challenges
with disabilities, those who are sick, and families who posed by the pandemic, her mission to provide high-
can barely afford three meals a day. She has also quality education to underprivileged students, her
continued to build homes for the less fortunate even community extension program, and her commitment to
after a year has passed. service to others.
Dr. Francisca T. Uy's leadership is grounded in her The findings of this study indicate that Doc Franz is a
commitment to service to others. Her actions during visionary leader who possesses exceptional skills in
the pandemic and in building her school are informed problem-solving, innovation, and adaptability. She was
by her desire to provide education to those who have able to navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic
been historically excluded from it. This commitment to by leveraging her expertise in online learning and by
pro-poor education has been a driving force behind the implementing strict health protocols. This allowed her
establishment of her school, as well as her community to establish a school that provides high-quality
extension program, which seeks to uplift the most education to students even during the pandemic.
vulnerable members of her community.
Moreover, the study also revealed that Doc Franz has a
One of the most striking aspects of Dr. Uy's strong commitment to pro-poor education. Her vision
commitment to service is the extent to which she goes of providing high-quality education to students who
beyond her role as an educator to contribute to the have never had the opportunity to attend a private
community. Her efforts to build homes for the less institution has been realized through her founding of a
fortunate are a testament to her compassion and her pro-poor multiple intelligence school. Her school has
belief that everyone deserves a safe and comfortable not only provided students with access to quality
place to live. By doing so, she is not only providing education but also equipped them with the necessary
tangible support to those in need, but also setting an skills to succeed in life.
example for others to follow.
Additionally, the study highlighted Doc Franz's
Dr. Uy's service-oriented leadership is also reflected in community extension program, which showcased her
her approach to community extension. Her emphasis commitment to serving others. Her donation of the St.
on community engagement and outreach is a powerful John of Sahagun Community Park to the city has been
example of how leaders can contribute to the well- a testament to her love for the community. Her
being of their communities. By working closely with community extension program has also provided
the city to promote its beauty and by donating the St. opportunities for the less fortunate to have access to
John of Sahagun Community Park, she has basic necessities such as food and housing.
demonstrated her belief in the importance of
community spaces and her willingness to contribute to The study revealed Doc Franz's commitment to service
their creation. to others. Her passion for helping the less fortunate has
inspired her to build homes for senior citizens, people
Overall, Dr. Francisca T. Uy's commitment to service with disabilities, those who are sick, and families who
to others is a defining aspect of her leadership. Her can barely afford three meals a day. Her commitment
efforts to provide pro-poor education, build homes for to service to others has been unwavering even after a
the less fortunate, and engage with her community are year has passed.
a testament to her compassion, dedication, and
commitment to making a positive difference in the This study has shed light on the remarkable leadership
lives of those around her. Her leadership provides a skills and philanthropic efforts of Dr. Francisca T. Uy.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 159-164, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1147, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8316788, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

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Affiliations and Corresponding Information
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Technology-mediated learning in VET-Perspectives on changing PAU Excellencia Global Academy Foundation, Inc. - Philippines
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