B2B Cheat Sheet HD

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B2B selling types

Type of selling Description When to use it Number of deals Velocity ACV

For products with a clear

A complete end-to-end web value proposition and
experience where clients simple purchasing process
Self-service educate themselves and that can be handled without
Varies High Varies
complete the purchase online. sales intervention.

Helping customers buy the

solution they picked themselves,
High volume, high velocity,
often through online research.
Transactional These customers often are in a
inbound, low-cost sales. >20 deals/month High <$1,000


Customers already understand

their problem and want sales to Medium volume, high
Solution address specific issues with velocity, inbound sales. 5-10 deals/month High ≈$5000
products and services.

The customer does not fully

understand the problem. Sales Selling platform-like
Low to
Consultative has to diagnose the customer’s solutions involving multiple 1-3 deals/quarter Medium
situation to determine the right decision makers.

Sales can identify clients who

will face a problem before the Selling innovative solutions
Provocative client knows. They provoke a that address a CEO's top 1-2 deals/month Low High
client into action. Often applied issue.
to innovative solutions.
Sales Playbook


Discovery questions
Sales process Customer stories
Competitive battlecards
Target market Buyer personas
Resistance (Objections)

Sales Development Account Executives Additional Elements

Product & Pricing

Structuring meetings
Building a prospect list Create momentum Upsell & Cross-sell
Outbound prospecting Manage timelines Social plays
Qualifying inbound leads Demos & Presentations Trade shows
Referrals Glossary
Content & Resources
Negotiation levers
First 19 months of failing VP of Sales

Sales Force Drivers Urgency (1-6 months) Chaos (7-12 months) Panic (13-19 months)

No action taken due to VP direct reports CSO reacts to pressure by pushing

Sales Performance Management Sales quotas are missed
pleading incorrect measures team for more results

Best customers are not being given Best accounts receive more Growth rate not improved; inordinate
Key Account Management enough attention resources but at high costs pressure on team to drive cross sell

Pressure mounts to make Changes made but out of alignment Recognition over payment; Pay for top
Sales Compensation compensation changes reps isn't on track; complaints heard
with rest of company strategy

Invest in a variety of short term Marketing budget cut due to lack of ROI
Lead Generation Sales force is not finding enough leads
marketing tactics without tangible ROI while sales force still complains

Pressure builds from organizational Outside training launched; event based Training budget cut due to no ROI on
Sales Training development and HR with no knowledge transfer to team first spend & lack of adoption/results

Operations/Product questioning why CEO senses trouble and feels

Sales Strategy Not linked to corporate strategy
certain decisions made in 1-6 months CSO is panicking

Low hanging revenue fruit is CFO looks for evidence of sales leader’s
Sales Goals Undefined and unmanaged
already picked success as skepticism grows

Clear direction but wrong priorities Higher reporting and quota Multiple initiatives without clear
Sales Management due to misdiagnosis standards put in place direction

Initially adding headcount without Some C players are replaced by Cutting headcount due to
Resource Planning understanding market potential potential A players overspending from 12 months ago

Anxious about new leadership; willing Realizing broken promises of Lost confidence in the leader and the
Sales Force to see if positive change comes first 6 months are a reality company for zero follow through

Realizing analysis was too short or Sales leader becomes more dictatorial
Go-to Market Strategy Fail to understand market position
incorrect and less collaborative in recovery effort
B2B Sales methodologies

Sales Methodology Name Description Best Used When Common Mistakes

Empowers salespeople to control Misunderstanding clients, appearing

The Challenger Sale Ideal for high-value B2B products
and educate in conversations confrontational

Builds credibility and involves the Best for complex trust-centric Excluding the customer, feeling
Command of the Sale customer in the solution environments manipulative

Sells the idea behind a product, Ideal for innovative Poor concept communication, customer
Conceptual Selling addressing unique concerns confusion

Prioritizes customer needs, acting as a Best with sophisticated buyers valuing Insufficient questioning,
Consultative Selling trusted advisor expertise misunderstanding needs

Focuses on customer’s problems, Best in competitive markets for Over-emphasizing product features, not
Customer-Centric Selling tailoring the product accordingly differentiation problems

Attracts customers via content, Ideal for businesses with strong online Inadequate content
Inbound Selling personalizing the sales experience strategies personalization, slow responses

Identifies gaps between a prospect's Misunderstanding customer's situation,

GAP Selling Best for transformational solutions
current and desired situation misalignment

A complex B2B sales methodology Ideal for high-stakes sales with Failure to identify/engage the
MEDDIC for qualifying opportunities multiple decision-makers economic buyer

Focuses on pain, impact, authority, Ideal for a quick yet comprehensive Skipping stages, misunderstanding
NEAT Selling and timeline qualification economic impact

Simplifies sales processes for Best in high-velocity sales Over-simplification, missed value
SNAP Selling decision-overloaded buyers environments selling opportunities

Sells tailored solutions, not specific Ideal for complex services designed Poor understanding of customer's
Solution Selling to solve specific problems problem

Best for complex sales requiring a Lack of empathy, insufficient focus on

SPICED Tailored, empathetic approach
personal connection emotional factors
Sales Force assessment framework

Account segmentation Lead management
Segment accounts by ideal Customer Profile Generate MQLs/SQLs/SALs
1 Sales
Sales process
Map customer/prospect buying process to custom built sales process

Channels Develop
Determine optimal route to market 2 Go-to-Market Plan

Sales Force Structure Sales Force Size Design Sales

Organizational model effectiveness vs efficiency Match selling capacity to market demand 3 Force

Sales Infrastructure Build

Create performance conditions for optimal results 4 Infrastructure
Value Framework

Corporate Business Initiatives Critical Your Solution

objectives strategies capabilities set

Local experience
Increase levels of
governance and control
Clear roles and
Increase/protect Manage/Mitigate risk
shareholder value
Improve planning
Ensure accountability
Level of aggressiveness
Increase net income in planning Technology

Expert team
set up
Drive revenue
Entrepreneurial Process efficiency
Manage time and cost of

Executives focused on and accountable for objectives/business strategies.

The VPs and directors are concerned with initiatives and critical capabilities.
Individual contributors are focused on solution set.

Looking at these levels, we can understand them better through the lens of a corporate entity as a
whole and link them all together.
The SaaS Sales career ladder

12 months in sales
+ Add
selling skills, negotiation,
Team Lead FAE competitive positioning, self-
motivated, travel, and ability to
do it all solo with limited
+ Add
Marketing people performance
management, motivation, and
leadership skills
+ Add
pitching, objection handling
and closing (on a meeting)

(senior) AM
Outbound (senior)
SDR + Add
organisational selling, ROI
+ Add + Add modelling
group reach-out use of video product demonstration,
pitching manage meetings with multiple

+ Add Outbound + Add

reach out to events (phone SDR partnership contracts, training
+ Add
calls), have a conversation, ask and enablement CSM
questions (junior) customer integration, manage
implementation meetings with (junior)
cross-functional team

Inbound Business
manage inbound leads, primary
through email, provide what
customers ask for
Buyer roles

Buyer role How to identify this person Actions

This is your ally who's all geared up to back you through the sales journey. They Identify a real champion

CHAMPION might be someone you're already familiar with, or simply a zealous individual
pushing for project progression. No matter the scenario, this guiding light is a
Enable them to sell on your behalf
Continually empower and develop relationship
formidable force aiding you in charting your course within the organization. Value add assignments (access to power)

Peers and top executives request their advice, and they demonstrate a knack for Prioritise benefit for the company
INFLUENCER swaying and persuading others, aiding in preparing crucial stakeholders for
innovative or groundbreaking concepts. Their involvement in the decision could be
Give them a vision and ensure that they convey
the entirety of that vision to the organisation
direct or subtle.

They can supply vital insights and data typically inaccessible to suppliers,
Collect information
COACH although they may disseminate this information impartially to several vendors.
Employ their knowledge to comprehend the politics underlying the formal Validate information
procedure and to verify your strategy.

Easily reachable, freely offers their time and appreciates discussions, but their
CHEERLEADER knowledge, influence, and possibly reputation are limited in usefulness. Avoid
mistaking them for a champion or coach.
Limit time you spend with this person

Opponents or "stoppers" are typically best sidestepped. An antagonist with Understand motivation and potential influence
ADVERSARY adequate clout could threaten the entire agreement. Strive to comprehend their
position's essence and sway it. If unsuccessful, steer clear.
Engage with caution or avoid

Unwilling to facilitate introductions to other stakeholders, doesn't impart precise

DOUBLE AGENT or beneficial data, yet remains open to interaction, consuming your time. "No need
to involve anyone else, I am the ultimate decision maker, you can solely coordinate
Engage with caution or avoid

with me."
Credits to

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Anton Dobrzhanskiy
Co-founder of Epicbrief

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