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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student: Kylie Dreitzler PSMT Name:

Lesson Plan Creating a Freshwater Lesson Plan Topic: Designing Freshwater
Title: Collection System Collection Systems
Date: 4/12/2023 Estimated Time: 50 minutes -1 hour
Grade Level: 5th School Site: Griffith Elementary

1. State Standard(s): 3-5-ETS1-1. Define a simple design problem reflecting a need or a want
that includes specified criteria for success and constraints on materials, time, or cost.
SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on other’s ideas and
expressing their own clearly.
W.5.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information

2. Teaching Model(s): Direct and indirect instruction

3. Objective(s): Students will be able to collaborate with peers and sketch a design to create a
freshwater collection system.
I can use prior knowledge to help assess how I can get freshwater from saltwater.
So I can come up with a plan to create a system in which freshwater can come from saltwater.
I am successful when I can sketch and build a freshwater collection system.
Language objective(s): I can draw or sketch a design on how I can get freshwater from saltwater.

4. Materials and Technology Resources:

● Plastic cups, ½ oz
● Plastic cups, 9 oz
● Plastic cups, 16 oz
● Plastic containers, 16 oz
● Blue food coloring
● Aluminum foil
● Plastic wrap
● Plastic trays
● Small rocks
● Ice cubes
● Hot water
● Masking tape
● The Earth System Powerpoint
● Student Science Investigation workbook - pgs.36-37

5. Instructional Procedures:
a. Motivation/Engagement:
First, I will have a student read outloud the “Project Designing a Solution to Our
Water Shortage” message. The message will bring up the activities topic: building a
system. As a class, we will revisit the vocabulary word system and its meaning and I will
explain to students how we will make a system that will collect freshwater from salt water.
Next, I will ask students to stand up and conduct a red robin. Students will walk around the
classroom and when I say “Red Robin”, the students will find a partner closest to them and
discuss the question: Based on what you’ve learned about water in this unit, how do you
think freshwater could come from salt water?
Next, I will ask students to return to their seats and I will access prior knowledge by asking
them what did they notice after water evaporated from their Freshwater and Saltwater
Drops Investigation? Students should look back to their Freshwater and Saltwater Drops
Investigation worksheet and be reminded that they compared two small bodies of water,
one with salt water and the other with freshwater. Both sides had water evaporate and the
salt water left behind salt. The students should be able to explain how when ocean water
evaporates, the salt is left behind and only the water molecules go into the atmosphere as
water vapor. Also, when water vapor condenses then it rains down as liquid water, is
Finally, I will have students turn to pg.36 in their science investigation workbook and have
a volunteer read out loud the Design Goal: Get freshwater from a sample of salt water. I
will explain to students that their freshwater collection system must collect the freshwater
in some kind of container that I will be providing for them. I will have students discuss
with their table group on what ideas can help them get freshwater from salt water, I will
have the student with the shortest hair go first in the discussion. Students will be filling out
pg.36 when finished discussing. As a class, we will go over some groups' ideas and

b .Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:

First, I will go over how engineers have to deal with constraints while creating their
systems. I will introduce the term universal constraints and ask students to discuss with
their group on what exactly could be considered an universal constraint when creating
something and what could be a constraint when building their freshwater system based on
the slide that shows what their materials will be. I will ask the student who is the tallest in
the group to begin the discussion.
Next, I will have students turn to pg.37 in their science investigation worksheet and see
exactly what their restraints will be based on their materials. I will show and explain the
materials that each group will be receiving. I will explain how students will receive water
that is blue-colored to represent the ocean water and how the blue coloring will be left
behind just as salt water is left behind if their system works. I will explain how we will be
using hot water to speed up the process of evaporation. I will explain how after building
their system, they will allow their system to collect water for several days and how it will
be measured by a dropper.
Finally, students will begin to plan and draw a diagram of their system idea on pg.37 in
their science investigation worksheet. They will collaborate with their table group and
decide on which materials they should use to create a system that will make the blue
colored water into freshwater. I will explain to students that each material they choose to
use needs a purpose.

c. Closure:
First, I will distribute trays of materials for each group. Students should be
referencing their diagrams and begin to build their system working together in a group.

d. Extension:
Students will work on building their freshwater collection system, test it and make
modifications if needed.

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

I will provide/demonstrate physical materials while students are discussing to help
English learners brainstorm. I will have students work in groups to help students who are lower. I
will write on the board answers to questions to help visual learners. I will use the Lemov
strategy - Stretch It to help higher students think more critically on what the materials they use
and their purpose.

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative: Students will be observed during group discussions and draw a diagram on
what their freshwater collection system will look like.
b. Summative: Students will build their freshwater collection system and measure how
much water they develop while working with their group.

8. Homework Assignment:
Students will research the topic of water shortage and how to prevent it to get more
information for their “One Well” unit project.

9. Reflection: When I first spoke to my science mentor teacher about teaching a science lesson
plan, he had given me two options that could be a potential lesson plan. He overall encouraged
me to teach this topic. I was very worried about the short time I was going to have to prepare for
this lesson, since my science mentor teacher assigned it to me very shortly. I had to study prior
lessons in the science curriculum book so I could become familiar with the terms. I think the
strengths of this lesson was my content knowledge. I don’t think I would change anything about
this lesson.

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