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Dreitzler 1

Kylie Dreitzler

Practicum 2

Susan Hendricks

April 12, 2023


What’s working? What was challenging?

I think I studied a lot for this lesson, because I Since I allowed students to discuss a lot and
felt like I wasn’t familiar with the content at move around the classroom, it was sometimes
all and wanted to prepare. Therefore, the day I hard to get their attention back on me. Some
taught it, I felt really confident, and I think students would continue to talk to another
students could see that. For this lesson, I had student, even after doing a class grabber.
to scaffold and ask deeper questions for the
students to grasp the main goal.

For mentor: suggestions What are the next actions/goals?

“Always narrate”- While students are working From me: Continue to become familiar with
independently or in a group, I should be CCSD curriculum and unwrapping standards
calling them out for the great example they to better understanding the goal of teacher
are being
“Make class grabber clear” - I shouldn’t have From mentor: Continue to do the 1 to 5 ratio
to count down if I say ‘Give me 5’ and call out students who are setting

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