Ch. 8,9,10 Practice Mid Term

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Psychology 112 - Ch.

8, 9,10 Practice Exam

1. Second language is harder to acquire early in life. T/F?

2. Telegraphic speech is the only content words that are necessary for getting
meaning across. T/F?

3. According to the two factor theory, the two basic components of emotions
are _____ and _____

A) Physical arousal; cognitve label

B) Emotion-arousel; overt behvaiour
C) Facial expression; emotional expression
D) Attributions; psychological responses

4. The universally understandable aspect of human emotion consists of:

A) Body posture
B) Facial expressions
C) Spital distancing while speaking

5. Which of the following statements best depicts the concept of incentive


A) Despite low grades, Fred continues to study because he is interested in

the material
B) Chelsea was extremely thirsty and drank two bottles of water after
running two miles
C) Kim has not eaten all day; therefore she dreams about pizza all day
D) Tara studies hard because her parents rewards her by giving her $20
everytime she gets a good grade
6. Which of the following concepts provide the best explanation for why
people seek to put on warmer clothing when they start to feel cold?

A) Set-point theory
B) Homeostasis
C) Assimilation
D) Accomidation

7. In attempt to find and purchase high-quality makeup products, Carly belivies

that the most expensive brands are the best quality. Carlys belief illustrates the use

A) Algorithm
B) The framing effect
C) A heuristic
D) Function fixedness

8. Which of the following is an example of a 2-year old, Sophias overextension

in language?

A) Misspelling words
B) Saying “doggie” for every animal with 4 legs and a tail
C) Saying “feed you” when meaning “feed me”
D) Saying “I seed” for past tense instead of “I saw”

9. What is the highest need on Maslows hierarchy?

A) Belongingness need
B) Saftey and security
C) Self-actualization

10. Who developed the linguistic-relativity hypothesis?

A) Sigmund Freud
B) Howard Gardner
C) Robert Sternberg
D) Steven Pickner
E) Benjamin Whorf

11. THe correlation between scores obtained on two halves of a single test yields
info about the tests:

A) Central tendency scores

B) Reliability
C) Percentile ranking
D) Validity

12. In order to determine if someone said “bark” or “park”, you have to

discriminate the initial sound or:

A) Morpheme
B) Syllabl
C) Phoneme

13. Bill uses of a “rule of thumb” when solving a maze quickly on an ipad app. He
is using:

A) An algorithm
B) A mental set
C) Functional fixedness
D) A heuristic

14. To find tabasco sauce in a very large grocery store, you could systematically
search every shelf in every single aisle. This best illustrates problem solving by
means of:

A) The availability heuristic

B) The representativeness heuristic
C) An algorithm
15. The word “chimps” contains ___ phoneme(s) and ___ morpheme(s)

A) 5;2
B) 2;5
C) 6;1
D) 1;6

16. Native German speakers who pronounce “this” as “dis” are demonstrating their
difficulty with an english:

A) Prototype
B) Morpheme
C) Phoneme

17. According to Cannon-Bard theory:

A) The thalamus play a central role in producing emotions

B) The cerebellum must give the “go ahead” for emotion
C) Activity in the occipital and parietal lobe happen simultaneously to
produce emotion
D) The sympathetic and parasympethetic nervous systems work together

18. If the ventomedial hypothalamus is destroyed, a rat will ________

A) Drink excessively
B) Refuse to eat until forced
C) Refuse to drink until forced
D) Eat until it becomes fat/obese

19. The hypothalamus has _____ hunger center(s)

A) No control over
B) Total control over
C) The most direct control over
D) One
20. Push is to pull as _____ is to ______

A) Incentive; drive
B) Response; need
C) Drive; incentive

21. Unlearned biological motives necessary for survival are called:

A) Drives
B) Secondary motives
C) Primary motives

22. What is the correct order of Maslows hierarchy? (bottom to top)

A) Physiological - esteem - self actualization - love & belonging

B) Self actualization - physiological - safety - love & belonging - esteem
C) Physiological - safety - love & belonging - esteem - self actualization
D) Self actualization - safety - love & belonging - esteem - physiological

23. According to psychological tests, reliability maintains that tests:

A) Have uniformed procedures used in administration and scoring

B) Have consistency, repeated measures should yield similar results
C) Have content that is representative of the domain

24. According to Gardners eight intelligences, a person who is sensitive to sounds,

rhythms, meanings of words and sensitivity to the different functions of language,
has what kind of intelligence?

A) Existential
B) Logical - mathematical
C) Linguistic

25. Which emotion is not considered a primary emotion?

A) Fear
B) Sadness
C) Joy
D) Shame

26. Which metal test uses forms of subsets that measure verbal comprehension,
working memory, perceptual reasoning, and processing speed?

A) Intelligence Quotient
B) Spearmans G factor analysis
C) Weschlers adult intelligence scale

27. While on my paddle board a dark shadow moves under me, my hearts racing, i
notice a shark and i am scared. What process of emotional experience just occured
according to Schachter and Singer?

A) Stimulus - autonomic arousal - cognitive apraisal - consious feeling

B) Stimulus - Conscious feeling - autonomic arousal
C) Stimulus - subcortial brain activity - conscious feeling and autonomic

28. Siblings that were reared together had an IQ correlation of .74 and fraternal
twins that were reared apart has a correlation of .49. What theory best matches this

A) Intelligence is hereditary
B) Both nature and nurture influence intelligence
C) Intelligence is a product of nature

29. Jilly and Milly are twins. They are in grade 10. Milly is taking chem. biology .
math and english, she has entered a creative writing contest and she has a goal to
make it to semi finals. Jilly is considered to be the “smart twin”, she is taking PE,
cooking, and base level math and english. Who is more likely to be motivated to
A) Jilly because she has mastery-oriented qualities
B) Milly because she is challenged and has a goal
C) Jilly because she has a fear of failing her parentes expectations

30. When little Mary tells her father “I maked cookies with mommy” Mary is
displaying an

A) Overregualization
B) Overextension
C) Underextension
D) Assimilation

31. Anna and Liam are cousins who are the same age. Annas parents speak 2
different languages at home, while liam only speaks 1. How is Annas language
development likely to compare to liams?

A) Anna will develop both languages slower then liam

B) Anna will develop one language at the same rate and one more slowly than
C) Anna will develop both languages more quickly than Liam
D) Anna and Liam will reach langauge milestones at the same time

32. Bilingual indiviualds have been found to develop ____ later than other people
who only speak 1 language

A) Dementia
B) Heart Diease
C) Diabtes
D) Stroke

33. Dr. Daniels is checking the correlation between his scores on his clinics
depression screener, and Becks depression inventory in order to determine the
A) Content validity
B) Criterion validity
C) Construct validity
D) Test-retest reliability

34. Maya is 8 years old and has an IQ of 120. This means maya has a mental age
A) 6
B) 8
C) 10
D) 12

35. What has been proposed by researchers to explain the interaction between
hereditary and environment in the determination of intelligence?

A) The flynn effect

B) The g factor
C) Reification
D) Reaction range

36. Which of the following plays the MOST important role in the regulation of

A) Hippocampus
B) Hypothalamus
C) Thalamus
D) Amygdala

37. Emily has not eaten since last night, and her stomach is starting to growl. An
increase in which hormone is likely responsible for emilys feeling of hunger?

A) Leptin
B) Grhelin
D) Estrogen

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