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Week 13, Session 3

December 7, 2022

Chapter 7 Final Review

1. What are the three encoding levels?
2. What are three ways to enrich encoding?
3. Information processing theory suggests that we divide out memory in 3 different stores. What are
4. Draw the Atkinson and Shiffrin model of memory storage.
5. In our short term memory, what is thought to be the most items we can store?
6. In our short term memory, how long can we store something without rehearsal?
7. Describe the idea of looking at short term memory as working memory.
8. What is the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon?
9. Compare context-dependent and state-dependent memory.
10. What are retrieval cues?
11. Describe Bartlett’s (1932) study regarding reconstructive memory. What does the study suggest?
12. What is a schema?
13. Describe Loftus and Palmer’s (1974) study regarding reconstructive memory. What does this
study suggest? Identify the independent and dependent variable.
14. Why shouldn’t we use leading questions?
15. What is confabulation?
16. What is Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve? What does it tell us?
17. What are three ways/tasks researchers use to study retention of memory?
18. What are three hypotheses for why we forget things?
19. Compare retroactive interference and proactive interference.
20. What is the repressed memory controversy?
21. List the seven sins of memory. Describe each in seven words or less.
22. Regarding biochemistry, neural circuitry, and anatomy, describe the physiology of memory.
23. What is retrograde amnesia? What is anterograde amnesia?
24. Compare and contrast explicit and implicit memory.
25. What are procedural memories? What are declarative memories? What are the two categories
found under declarative memories? Draw a flow chart depicting procedural and declarative memory.
26. What are some ways to improve memory?

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