The Line Graph Gives Information About Juveniles Whose Choose To Eat Junk Food Whithin 25 Years

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The line graph gives information regarding juveniles who choose to eat junk foods consumed

by young adults within 25 years since 1975.

Overall it is clear that teenagers whose was eaten pizza and hamburgers presented an
upward trend whereas fish and chips showed the reverse and makingwith its figure being the
lowest at the end of the period was the lowest. The data is Measured measured in an
approximately of number of timesjuveniles eaten per year.
In 1975, fish and chips stood at 100, which was the highest biggest/largest/greatest number
compared to other foods. In second place saw was hamburgers at with 10, also while a very
small proportion was seen in pizza at 8. 10 years later, fish and chips had a fluctuating trend
meanwhile the other fast foods experienced a dramatic climb, reaching a level ranging from
40 to 85. In 1884, Hamburgers finally overtook fish and chips at 85 followed bywhile Pizza
did the same thing in 1989 at 61.
By 2000, hamburgers and pizza went up by 90 and 70 respectively. Even though within the
last four years, hamburgers remained at the same number at 100, it was maintained its
position as the popular food chosen by juvenilesamong teenagers. Pizza showed almost the
same trend compared to Hamburgers and it rose significantly in 1995 to just 17 points below
the former and remained stagnant until the period ended. Rarely do the juvenilesyoung
adults eat fish and chips in 2000, it showedwith the number being at slightly below 40, which
was the lowest smallest in at the last period end.

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